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4 Step System to Earn $1000

from 1000 subscribers on YouTube

Before we start.

You won’t learn here how to grow your

audience. If you’re here, I’ll assume you
already have an audience of at least
1000 followers on YouTube.

In this book, however, you’ll learn how

to monetize the audience you already
have by selling digital products.

You’ll learn exactly:

01 Why coming up with a great product isn’t that difficult and

how to do it right

02 The most effective ways of driving free traffic to your store

03 Why if you’re not using discounts you’re losing money and 10 dis-
count types that work like magic.

04 Effective upselling techniques, that will make you more money

in the long run.

2| 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

At this point you might have 2 questions on your mind…

01. Is 1000 followers enough?

02. Why digital products?

To answer the first - here on Sellfy we have more than 300,000 creators
and form what we’ve seen 1000 subscribers seem to be the magic number.
If you combine the techniques described below, you could really start
making money with only 1000 subscribers.

Ok, but why digital products?

I mean, everyone and their grandmother is talking about dropshipping,

print-on-demand and all those trendy things.

The short answer is - because

digital products are better.

Let me explain:

Digital products are infinitely

scalable, they don’t require
significant upfront costs and
exclude logistical problems
like keeping stock, packag-
ing and shipping. And be-
sides that, there are BIGGER
profit margins.

3| 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

Digital products allow you to make more money.

It’ll cost you at least $14 to print and ship a poster, while you can keep that mon-
ey to yourself by selling poster print files.

It may cost you hundreds and thousands of dollars to release a book, while the
cost of an ebook is none to minimal.

On Top of all that, the digital product market today is also bigger than ever.

Don’t believe me?

Just check Google Trends. For example, here are the constantly increasing
search volumes of a very specific digital product - “Lightroom presets” that are
pre-made photo settings for Lightroom:

The best part?

There are literally tons of digital products in almost any niche that are trending
right now. Your job is to pick a niche.

If deciding what digital products to sell seems too obscure for you at the mo-
ment, you’ll love the first chapter.

4| 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

Decide what you’re going to sell
(+ digital product examples, ideas, and tips)

Many people spend months trying to figure out what they’re going to sell.

They do market research, analyze their competitors inside out, and create buy-
er personas for their products.

You don’t need to go that route. In fact, some sellers have launched their busi-
nesses in one hour, and you can do that, too.

How come?

Because you might already have products

ready to be sold (you just have to realize
that.) And if not, your followers are already
telling you what you should create - you
just have to pay attention.

In this chapter, I’ll show you how to find

ideas for digital products to sell - from re-
alizing what you already have to stealing
profitable ideas from your competitors.

Ready? Let’s get started:

5| 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube


When people think of launch-

ing an online shop, they au-
tomatically assume they have
to create something new and

They’re wrong

You don’t necessarily have to

spend hours of your time to
create something from scratch.
Instead, take a look at what you
already have - something that
you’ve created for your own
use or that has developed as
a by-product of something you
do, and that others could find
useful as well.

Here’s a great example:

Christian Maté Grab is a filmmaker, photographer and traveller who sells Light-
room Presets and LUTs via his beautiful, customized Sellfy site and making 6-fig-
ure income.

He didn’t create his presets with the intention to sell and make money. He made
them to use for his own visual content, and turned them into a sellable product
when people started asking about the special look on his YouTube videos.

6| 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

Besides different types of presets, here are a few more ideas to get you think in
the right direction:

zz Wedding invitation templates you made for your big day

zz Sewing patterns of clothing you’ve made
zz Icons and other web elements you’ve designed but clients haven’t ac-

7| 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

If you couldn’t think of a digital product that you already have and that’s ready-
for-selling, there’s another way to monetize your content:

Repurpose it. Then, sell it.

That is, turn your existing content into a nicely-looking, profitable product:

zz YouTube tutorials into ebooks

zz Product photos into mockups
zz Song covers into tutorials that teach how to play them

You got the point.

Magician Chris Ramsay is one of

Sellfy users who’s done it suc-

Chris had created various magic

tricks that he performed at private
and corporate parties, as well as
in the front of the camera for his
YouTube channel.

People were so amazed and im-

pressed by his magic that Chris
decided to create a download-
able tutorial that explains and
reveals the secret behind one of
his tricks - the famous VOODOO
card trick.

8| 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

Just like Chris who turned his magic tricks into tutorials, you can turn something
you’ve already created into someting sellable.


While other new entrepreneurs do market researchers to figure out who will
buy their products, you already have the answer to that question - they’re your
followers and fans.

The question is:

How to figure out what your subscribers would be willing to buy?

9| 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

Ask them

Ask your fans what they would

like to learn from you, then cre-
ate an online course based on
the most common answer.

Or, if you already have some-

thing in mind, create a poll and
find out (theoretically) how many
of your fans would be interest-
ed in such a product. Simple as

Read comments under

your posts

Read the comments people are leaving under your videos, and if there are
many asking how you’re doing something, then give (or rather - sell) it to them

10 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

Think why people are subscribed to your channel you

Take a step back and look at your Youtube channel, and ask yourself - what is
that you do that attracts new fans and make existing followers stick around?

Why do people follow you? Do you inspire them? Do you teach them something

By answering these questions you’ll definitely come with a product that has the
value people already appreciate in your content.

Let me explain,

If people are inspired by your travels, sell an

ebook that teaches people how to travel on a
budget to show that anyone can do it.

Share your useful tips and little-known hacks

you’ve learned while on the way.

Way. Analyze your most successful posts (and

what they all have in common)

Analyze your best-performing posts and videos, and find what they all have in

For example, as a musician on YouTube your best-performing videos might be

song covers. So what you can do is sell tutorials, sheet music or guitar tabs that
teach your subscribers how to play this song themselves.

11 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube


See what others already successfully sell, then create a product that’s better
than the original. Because, look:

You don’t have to be first, you only have to be better.

Take a look at creators whose subscriber count on

YouTube is similar to yours. See what they sell and try
to figure out which is their best-selling product. 1 2
Then, create your own, better version of that product.
There are three ways you can make your product bet-
ter than your competitor’s:

One: you can make it look better.

For example, create sell diet plans that include Pinter-
est-worthy food photos. Make sure your meal photos look more appetizing than
your competitor’s.

Two: you can make it more user-friendly.

A competitor has written a book on how to repair a car when it would be much
user-friendly to explain the process in a video course? Then do it.

Three: you can fill the gaps.

Is your competitor’s work obviously missing something? Fill the gaps when you
create your product. If your competitor is selling a workout guide for a specific
body part. Sell a workout guide for the whole body.

If you need more inspiration for your own product idea, check out this post on
our blog. It has many examples from different creators already selling digital
products on YouTube.

When you’ve decided what to sell, the next step is to do it. We’ll show you how.

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Drive traffic to your store and
get your first purchases

Once you’ve decided what is that you’re selling and have set up your Sellfy
store, the next step is to drive traffic to it.

YouTube is among the leading social

media platforms in driving traffic to
Sellfy stores. Just look at the statis-

Marketers who use videos boost

their revenue 49% faster than non-
video users.

The only questions are:

How to get that traffic to your on-

line store?

And what kind of content should

you focus on to promote your prod-

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Start by creating a unique name for your product. Not only can it help you to
stand out among other digital sellers, it can add to your content strategy.

Here’s why:

zz It’s a great topic to post about. Sorelle Amore is a traveller and photogra-
pher who named her collection of Lightroom presets Hipster AF, includ-
ing presets such as Fixie, Beard Oil, 35mm, Wes Anderson etc. To launch
the pack, she posted a YouTube video explaining the origins of the quirky
names. It’s an entertaining piece of content that directly draws the viewer’s
attention to the product.
zz It attracts the right people. Model and designer Flicka Elisa posts fash-
ion-related content on her YouTube profile. Her presets are named after
style icons like Jane Birkin, Jackie Kennedy, Liv Tyler, and Vivienne West-
wood - personalities that will appeal to any fashion lovers out there.
zz It boosts sales. Literally.
The name of your product
can be the direct cause
why people shop at your

Just like in the case of Sorelle


14 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube


How-to and tutorial videos are among the most effective types of video market-

Here’s the thing:

When you teach your audience the skills related to your services or products,
they notice that you know the subject really well. This, in return, builds trust and
brand affinity, persuading more fans to click on that storefront of yours and pur-
chase the goods you’re selling.

Have a look at Chris Hau, a video creator and YouTuber. Tutorials about pho-
tography and social media are his most popular videos - some reaching nearly
400 000 views. The more useful the tutorials are, the more people will share the
content, ergo follow the link to your Sellfy storefront, listed in the description box.

Like so:

15 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

Take it a step further - incorporate your product in the videos like Christian Mate
Grab, another Sellfy top seller, does.

Christian explains that while he enjoys creating cinematic travel vlogs the most,
tutorials about filmmaking and gear are still the best performing format on his

Showing how to use your presets, LUTs, soundscapes etc. will make the product
more accessible.

It’s really simple - when people see how easy it is to use the product, it’s more
likely they’ll buy it.

16 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube


9 out of 10 people would rather watch a video online if it meant more behind-the-
scenes content. So why not use that?

The talented photographer and filmmaker Peter McKinnon launched his sound
effects pack by releasing a behind the scenes video to his 2.2 million YouTube
subscribers. Since Peter makes the sounds himself, in the video he can be seen
spitting, whooshing, whipping, and even punching the microphone.

Going behind-the-scenes allows loyal fans to see your personality and product
from a unique perspective.

Also, creating “a story about the product” can help you reach a new audience
that wouldn’t normally find your content.

17 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube


Use trailers to gain product awareness and anticipation.

Look: almost a third of all consumers who see a trailer are likely to watch the
movie. Now imagine what a good trailer can do to your sales strategy.

Dom West, aka Vine Street Cinema, sells blading videos and launches them by
releasing a trailer on his YouTube channel. His trailers are short, visually appeal-
ing excerpts from his videos, leaving the viewer to want to see “a bit more”.

And that’s the important part. The viewers need to take action after seeing
your trailer. It must motivate people to buy or at least take a further look at your
product after they’ve seen the trailer.

Otherwise - the video hasn’t done its job right

18 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube


zz Add links in the description. Shorten the link to your online store and add it in
the first three lines of the description.

zz Add links in the comments. Then, pin the respective comment to the top - you
can do it if you are the owner of the channel.

zz Add a custom link to your profile banner. Your cover art is the first thing visitors
of your YouTube channel will see. Make the most of it - YouTube allows for up to 5
links to be displayed on top of the profile banner, like your online store, website,
social media platforms, etc. When adding a Sellfy link to your YouTube profile, a
clickable Sellfy icon will appear.

zz End screens (available for YouTube Partner Program participants only). It’s a
powerful tool to engage your viewers after they’ve watched your content. The
end screen will be visible during the last 20 seconds of a YouTube video. There,
you can add an invitation to subscribe to the channel or link to your website.

zz YouTube cards (available for YouTube Partner Program participants only). The
YouTube cards appear as a small letter “i” at the top right corner of the video.
When clicked, the card containing an image, title, and call-to-action with link to
your website slides out.

Find out more about selling on youtube with these detailed instructions on how to do it.

Another great way to increase sales is to create a promotion. We’ll be covering that in
the next section, so keep on reading.

19 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

Do discounts and promotions to
keep orders coming

Today, nearly all retailers offer discounts and other types of promotions to their
customers, and there’s a good reason for that - people LOVE deals.
Below are 10 you can start implementing now.


Whenever you add a new product to your collection,
encourage customers to try it out by offering a limit-
ed-time discount.


Because, most people are cautious when it comes

to trying new things, discounts are a great way to
deal with this.

The sale doesn’t have to last for a long time. Three

days or 24 hours is enough to get the first purchases. And if
your store is built on Sellfy, don’t forget to use the countdown
timer feature to play on the FOMO feeling and speed up the
decision making process!

20 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

Besides boosting sales, discounts do another thing very well - they increase cus-
tomer loyalty.

Flash sale - a short promotion that lasts from a few hours to a few days - is a great
way to please your existing customers and shop followers.

You’ll not only benefit from spontaneous purchases but will also attract long-term
fans to your shop.

You can do a flash sale at any time, for example, when it’s your store’s anniversa-
ry or some brand-related holiday (find plenty on Days Of The Year!)


If you sell seasonal products, like
summer workout guides or Light-
room presets in fall hues, discount
them either in the beginning or at the
end of the relevant season.

Offering a discount when the prod-

uct is highly topical is an easy way
to maximize your sales: people are
more motivated to shop for season-
related products and often need just
a little push to convert.

On the other hand, you can go the other way and save the deal for when the sea-
son is coming to an end. That way, you’ll ensure that orders keep coming in more
steadily, even when the product has become less season-relevant.

21 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

As a rule of thumb, holiday sales are a to-do
for all retailers. Here’s why: people expect
deals and promotions around national hol-
idays, whether it’s Christmas, Mother’s day,
or 4th of July.

Now, answering your question - yes, you can

survive holidays without discounts. Howev-
er, if you’re a new brand just starting out,
boycotting discounts when people are more
eager to shop and are specifically looking
for deals, may give you a hard time, as you’ll
have to compete with millions of other retail-
ers that do offer special deals to their cus-


You know who your best customers are?

Those who consume the content you create - from start to the end. It’s true that
people who’re interested in your content are also more likely to buy and use your

It’s nice to reward the loyalty and give your best fans a special discount, hidden
in your content - either that’s a YouTube video, an YouTube story, or a blog post.
For example, at the end of your cooking tutorial, you can mention a special dis-
count code people can use to order your cookbook

For example, at the end of your cooking tutorial, you can mention a special dis-
count code people can use to order your cookbook.

22 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

Word of mouth is still the most trust-
ed resource when it comes to online
shopping. And it won’t change any-
time soon.

As an online seller, you can use this

to your advantage by giving your
customers a discount code they can
share with people they know. Custom-
ers who find your product useful and
helpful will be happy to recommend it
(with a discount!) to people they care


Besides trusting their friends and family members, 92% of online shoppers admit
trusting product recommendations from social media influencers they follow.
If you collaborate with influencers, offer them a unique discount code they can
share with their followers.

By doing that, you not only have a chance to receive more orders, but it’ll also let
you see which influencers are your most profitable ones -just check how many
times each discount code has been used.

You can easily do this in Sellfy.

23 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

It’s easier and cheaper to get your ex-
isting customers to make a repeat pur-
chase than it is to attract new buyers.
Besides, it’s a well-know ecommerce
benchmark that as much as 40% of a
store’s revenue comes from repeat pur-

By giving your recent buyers a discount

that they can use on their next order,
you can increase your chances to get
that repeat purchase. The best part?
Once they’ve made their second order,
there’s a 54% probability they’ll come
back again.


Cross-selling is a tactic of offering you a different, complementary product to
a customer who’s in the process of making a purchase or has already done it.
Upselling, on the other hand, means offering an extra product or an upgraded
version of the one the person is about to purchase.

These tactics have been working for years - back in 2006 Amazon discovered
that 35% of its revenue comes from such efforts. The rest is history.

So, here’s the tip: if you sell training plans, offer your customers a discount code
on your complimentary meal-prep plan - just place the coupon code in your prod-
uct description. Or if you sell wallpapers, give a discount on a pack of your five
best-sellers. You got the point!

24 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

There will be people who’ll take a look at your product - maybe they’ll even add
it to their cart - but won’t make an order. The average ecommerce conversion
rate is 3.3%, which means that 96.7% abandon a site without a purchase.

The goal of retargeting, either through Facebook Ads or Google Adwords, is to

remind these people about your products and bring them back to your shop.

Now, by displaying a discount code in your ads, you have a better chance to
lure these customers in, as well as convince them to finish their purchase.

On the next chapter we’ll be talking more about upselling and other tactics to
keep your customers buy repeatedly and spend more. Stay with us!

25 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

Product launch and upselling
techniques to keep buyers

Here’s the thing.

No matter how great of a product you have, it will eventually and inevitably fiz-
zle out.

And this has nothing to do with you or even the product itself, it’s just an inevita-
ble slump in the product life cycle:

26 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

So if you want to keep sales high, you have two options:

01 Try to extend the length of the cycle.

02 Introduce new products every once in a while to keep sales

high while the cycle of older products declines. Then your sales will look like

Launching new products is a more sustainable way to ensure the livelihood of

your online sales. We’ll be focusing on how to make use of it.

27 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

How to use the product lifecycle to your advantage

At the beginning of launching a product, the market is not quite sure if they need
it. Enough time hasn’t passed to get the ball rolling, be that in the form of being
indexed on Google to develop organic traffic, word of mouth marketing, or social
media development.

Sales are slow.

Then sales begin to creep up, as the market is eager to get a hold of the latest
product. Eventually the initial hype fizzles out, and sales begin to flatline at a cer-
tain point. To build on that flatline, and develop another peak, we need to launch
a new product.

28 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

“ Adding new products is the safest and
most reliable way to ensure consistent

profit growth.

However simply launching a new product on your website is not enough to have
the cash start rolling in. There are many tactics that can be used to generate mar-
ket interest in your new product.

Methods to keep buyers engaged with your online products

Every seller’s dream is to increase the lifetime value of their shoppers.

Lifetime value = the amount of dollars spent on your website

To increase lifetime value you can either:

01 Increase the amount of times they make a purchase at your store.

02 Increase the value of each purchase at your store.

Ideally, you’ll do both.

To increase the amount of times people buy something from you:

zz Launch new products.

zz Additionally to promoting your product on social media (chapter 2), use
email marketing to promote your products and increase purchase amounts.

Then, to increase the order value:

zz Use the uspelling tactic to encourage people to spend more.

Let’s take a closer look at the email marketing and upselling tactics.

29 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

Email marketing is one of the most effective
ways to generate revenue, and has been known
for being the sales channel with the highest ROI
(return on investment).

Here’s why it works:

The recipients of the emails have opted in to

receive emails from you, and therefore this is
welcome communication. Those in your email
list are already familiar with your brand, and are
most likely on that list because they enjoy what
you create.

Remember, your email marketing for a new product launch doesn’t have to be
limited to only one campaign. For best results, create a combination of emails.
Tests show that a person has to be exposed to a product 7 times before taking
the plunge and buying it. So don’t be shy!

Here are some ideas for email campaigns that you can use to launch a new

1. Teaser email - let your subscribers know that something is on the way
that they should keep an eye out for.
2. Product launch announcement - send out an email that informs your sub-
scribers that the new product has been launched. Add a discount code as
a friendly introductory price to boost sales.
3. Re-engagement - resend an email to the part of the list that hasn’t
opened the product launch email.
4. About the product email - send out another email describing the product,
the situations it’s suited for, and ideally, any customer feedback you’ve

30 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

5. Reminder about the sale ending - remind your subscribers that the sale
is still on, and that the discount code will only be active for a limited time.
6. Missed the sale? - an email sent to those who haven’t made a purchase,
giving them a last-chance opportunity to make the purchase with the
same discount.

Make sure your email marketing campaigns are consistent with your communi-
cation on social media. That is, if you launch a new product and announce the
news to your followers, make sure you send an email campaign with the news
on the same day.


Upselling and cross selling are powerful tactics to
generate more sales. Though they slightly vary in
their meaning, their goal is the same - to sell more
to the customer.

Here’s the difference:

Cross selling - offering a complimentary product

to the purchase.

Example: When a customer is buying a workout

guide, offer to add a nutrition guide to compliment
the purchase.

Upselling - offering to upgrade a product for an

additional fee

Example: When a customer is buying a workout

guide, offer to upgrade the plan to include more

31 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

One study found that 70% of online sales were the result of upsales. That means
that if you’re not implementing upselling in your store, you could currently be
missing out on 70% of your revenue that you would otherwise have.

Upselling and cross selling can happen in a variety of locations during the pur-
chasing process, however it’s most commonly placed near the end of the pur-

When an individual has already decided to make a purchase, an upgrade (up-

sell) may seem like a small price to make.

The psychological element makes it perceived as less of a purchase, and

there’s less of a cognitive hurdle to get over when you’re already in the buying

Example: when you’ve already set

your mind to buying software, for
$100, an additional $15 for an added
effect doesn’t seem like that much by
comparison. However when consid-
ering that effect on its own, those $15
are likely to be perceived as a larger

32 | 4 Step System to Earn $1000 from 1000 Followers on YouTube

How to implement upselling and cross selling

Implementing upselling and cross selling on your sales space is entirely depen-
dent on the sales software you use. Some ecommerce platforms have tools or
applications that allow for upselling or cross selling.

In Sellfy it’s super easy. You can add an upselling feature - by, simply going to
the “Upsell” tab on the left hand side and entering the details for your upselling

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Are you an action taker?
So, here we are. If you’ve read this far you’re already ahead of 90% of the


All of the advice in the world will be useless if you don’t end up taking ac-
tion. While I can’t be there holding your hand through the whole process, I
can give you what might be the next best thing.

As you might already know Sellfy is a platform where you can create an
online store and sell your own products.

To inspire action I’ve added a gift.

Below is a unique discount code. It will only work for the first 50 people
who use it so hurry up ;)

Use it at the checkout when buying a Sellfy subscription and it will give you
45% off for any of the yearly plans on Sellfy.

Code: actiontaker

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