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// closeorder.mq4
// The code should be used for educational purpose only.
1 --
int start() // Special function 'start'
string Symb=Symbol(); // Symbol
double Dist=1000000.0; // Presetting
int Real_Order=-1; // No market orders yet
double Win_Price=WindowPriceOnDropped(); // The script is dropped here
2 --
for(int i=1; i<=OrdersTotal(); i++) // Order searching cycle
if (OrderSelect(i-1,SELECT_BY_POS)==true) // If the next is available
{ // Order analysis:
3 --
if (OrderSymbol()!= Symb) continue; // Symbol is not ours
int Tip=OrderType(); // Order type
if (Tip>1) continue; // Pending order
4 --
double Price=OrderOpenPrice(); // Order price
if (NormalizeDouble(MathAbs(Price-Win_Price),Digits)< //Selection
NormalizeDouble(Dist,Digits)) // of the closest order
Dist=MathAbs(Price-Win_Price); // New value
Real_Order=Tip; // Market order available
int Ticket=OrderTicket(); // Order ticket
double Lot=OrderLots(); // Amount of lots
5 --
} //End of order analysis
} //End of order searching
6 --
while(true) // Order closing cycle
if (Real_Order==-1) // If no market orders available
Alert("For ",Symb," no market orders available");
break; // Exit closing cycle
7 --
switch(Real_Order) // By order type
case 0: double Price_Cls=Bid; // Order Buy
string Text="Buy "; // Text for Buy
break; // Из switch
case 1: Price_Cls=Ask; // Order Sell
Text="Sell "; // Text for Sell
Alert("Attempt to close ",Text," ",Ticket,". Awaiting response..");
bool Ans=OrderClose(Ticket,Lot,Price_Cls,2);// Order closing
8 --
if (Ans==true) // Got it! :)
Alert ("Closed order ",Text," ",Ticket);
break; // Exit closing cycle
9 --
int Error=GetLastError(); // Failed :(
switch(Error) // Overcomable errors
case 135:Alert("The price has changed. Retrying..");
RefreshRates(); // Update data
continue; // At the next iteration
case 136:Alert("No prices. Waiting for a new tick..");
while(RefreshRates()==false) // To the new tick
Sleep(1); // Cycle sleep
continue; // At the next iteration
case 146:Alert("Trading subsystem is busy. Retrying..");
Sleep(500); // Simple solution
RefreshRates(); // Update data
continue; // At the next iteration
switch(Error) // Critical errors
case 2 : Alert("Common error.");
break; // Exit 'switch'
case 5 : Alert("Old version of the client terminal.");
break; // Exit 'switch'
case 64: Alert("Account is blocked.");
break; // Exit 'switch'
case 133:Alert("Trading is prohibited");
break; // Exit 'switch'
default: Alert("Occurred error ",Error);//Other alternatives
break; // Exit closing cycle
10 --
Alert ("The script has finished operations -----------------------------");
return; // Exit start()

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