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Sebastian Triana A00155248


Culture is what characterizes a given society over time. These characteristics are
understood as; beliefs, common practices, rules, norms, codes, clothing, religion, rituals and
ways of being that predominate in the common people that integrate it. Every community
has a different culture since. They are born with different customs among many other
things that make them special. Let's take China as an example: in China they usually do not
greet with a kiss on the cheek since it is a bad gesture, we can see how something so small
describes their culture. In conclusion, each community has its culture and customs, which
makes them unique, different and it is important to learn from each one of them.

Colombians are very cultural people who are reflected in custom, art, music and
many other things that characterize us. It is said that we are a multicultural country because
we have different regions such as Antioquia (Paisas), Bogota (cachacos), Cali (Caleños),
among many other cities where you have different types of way of speaking, for example in
Cali they say chuspa and in Bogota bag. They also have different types of food in Medellin
their typical dish is the paisa tray and in Cartagena it is coconut rice, we can see the great
diversity of culture that exists in Colombia. Colombia is a very religious country, it believes
a lot in God and the saints, there are several religions but the most practiced are; Christian
and Catholic.

Let's talk a little about Colombian customs, for example; kites are raised in August
because it is the month when it is windiest and it is normal for people to go to the park to
fly their kites. Another custom is the day of the candles that is celebrated on December 7
and is a day where everyone from seven o'clock lights their candles in the street. Apart
from the customs we have things that characterize us as Colombian, they can be from
simple things to funny, for example; We ask for a discount to ride the bus, we ask for ñapa
which is something more than what was bought. We have as a national sport the yew and
the frog that are officially our own.

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