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Managers are very focused on planning to make the best of their business unit. They use
human resource planning to ensure there are enough employees to operate the company.
Some of these staff are now being cross-trained to ensure coverage in other divisions.
Managers will operate according to plans effectively so as not to hire too many workers.

Managers must make sure they have ample inventory on hand to keep sales going. This
involves using data from computer-driven sales and their own experience in the industry. We
are researching long-term patterns to ensure that the commodity is appropriate for sale but not
enough to become a burden later. This is especially important when dealing with perishable
goods with shorter shelf-life.

Through handling the company's human side, managers ensure that everyone performs as
effectively as possible on any job they need. They can place a company in a position to increase
profits by looking at demand projections and long-term trends, and still do not have too much
inventory until the sale is done. At the corporate level, this type of management is more
nuanced as businesses seek stock buybacks

“Part B”
Programmed Decisions/ routine situations
Decisions about organized situations where the problem is more or less normal and of a
repetitive nature are called programmed decisions. For example, leave-related issues are solved
through the leave rules policy. Employees who take leave according to leave rules should not be
given leave provided by Eire and those who do not obey the leave rules.


Sales department implements a process that inventory managers order as it reaches the stage
of reorder. When the demand for the commodity unexpectedly rises, managers can not wait
until the inventory hits the point of reordering to make fresh orders. Orders are put before
attaining this stage. Inventory ordering is, therefore, a routine question

Non-Programmed Decisions/unique situations

In unstructured contexts, these decisions are made which represent novel, unresolved and
complex problems. By fact the problems are non-recurring or exceptional. They need thorough
brainstorming, as they have not existed before. Managers use knowledge and individual
judgment through objective study and rational thinking to solve the problems.


For example, revenue and profits are expected to increase in advertisement spending, efficient
market management, improved technology, quality controls, brand identity and fair prices.
When earnings are falling given all of this, it needs urgent decision-making and these decisions
are non-programmed decisions.

Work routine management involves a set of actions and continuous checks so employees can
carry out their work well.

For example , teachers evaluate the situation in terms of the mood of the class, the
environment and individual requests at the beginning of each school day. We consider these in
relation to curriculum constraints and choose one of many possible procedures for managing
the day in a manner that simultaneously ensures consistency of the schooling cycle and
adaptation to the day's contingencies

A Statement of mission defines yours Core Intent. This directs how the dream is designed and
executed. It's a description that contains your own personal goals, long-term goals, and guiding
philosophy — all of which can impact your professional life. A mission statement is a definition
of what an company wants to do in practice in a corporate setting.


Here’s an example of a possible mission statement that supports the vision statement on the
previous page: “During the next four years in college I want to achieve excellent grades (B+ or
higher) in all my coursework. I will also seek experience in a leadership role in a club, team, or
activity, and I will actively seek internships, networking opportunities, and other hands-on
experience. In addition, I will volunteer in at least one community service organization on a
regular basis. I will keep in close touch with my family as often as possible and help my parents
with my younger siblings.” Notice anything? The mission statement takes the aims of the vision
statement and makes them more concrete. The tone of the mission statement is confident and
determined. Do any of the aims expressed in this mission statement seem unreasonable or

A spice business may have a goal, for example, to offer spice blends to restaurants that are as
indispensable as salt and pepper. The mission will direct everything the organization does, as
the aim of the organization. Individuals may use the task to determine goals at any level of the
organization. If a suggested course of action will not carry the task forward, it should not be

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