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Short Story Grading Rubric  

6th Grade
Focus Description Points
Organization The story is very well organized.  One idea 5
or scene follows another in a logical
sequence. * Avoid overusing “then” as your
transition between ideas or events. *

Characters Story contains thoroughly developed 10

characters.  The major character(s) face a
situation and are clearly described in the
text.  Most readers could describe your
characters accurately. Think about physical
description and personality. * Develop your
character through dialogue, thoughts, and
actions. *

Creativity The story contains many creative elements 10

—you have developed a way to make the
story come alive.  The piece is imaginative.
The piece is an original idea. * It must also
connect to the picture, title, and caption you
are provided. *

Setting It is clear to the reader the setting of the 5

story, it takes place in a certain time and
place. Think about the geographical
location, exact location, and time era
(past, present, future).
Plot There is tension is the story which moves 5
the story forward.  The end of the piece
resolves the problem.
* Be sure you have a clear beginning,
middle, and end.

Writing process Evidence of:  

Evaluating – BE DESCRIPTIVE and
DETAILED – you can add your details
during the evaluating stage
Revising 10 total
Final copy
Mechanics/formatti No spelling errors, few grammatical errors. 10
ng Story follows formatting guidelines
- I will be looking closely at capitalization,
word choice (elevate your vocabulary), and
transitions between ideas/events.

Total Points 55

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