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Code • EN2LC-IIa-b-2.2

Domain GRADE 9
Cluster ENGLISH 9
Lesson Elements of a Short Story
Standard "This lesson aligns with the [specific standard code]
from the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Guide for
References Elements of a Short Story
K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Guide
Selected Short Stories Anthology
Chart paper, markers, projector, laptop

I. Objectives 1.
A. Content a. "The content standard for this lesson is to identify and understand the
Standard elements of a short story, analyze a short story, and create a short story
with a clear plot structure, as outlined in [specific content standard]."
B. Performance 
C. Most Essential "By the end of the lesson, students should be able to identify and
learning explain the key elements of a short story, analyze a short story, and
competencies create their own short story with a clear plot structure, as per the K to
(MELC) 12 Basic Education Curriculum Guide."
II. Subject The lesson focuses on introducing, discussing, and applying the key
Matter elements of a short story, including characters, setting, plot, conflict,
resolution, and other related elements.
A. Materials • Chart paper, markers, projector, laptop

III Procedure
A. introduction Motivational Activity
The brainstorming activity
Give me a elements of a short story?

Lecture and Group Activity: The lecture provides essential information

B. DEVELOPMENT on the elements of a short story. The subsequent group activity
involving the analysis of short stories enhances understanding through
collaborative learning.

Characters: Well-developed characters with distinct personalities,

motivations, and conflicts are essential. Readers should be able to relate
to or empathize with the characters.

Setting: The setting establishes the time and place of the story. It helps
create atmosphere and can influence the mood and tone of the

Plot: A short story should have a clear and engaging plot. It often
follows a structure that includes an introduction, rising action, climax,
falling action, and resolution.

Conflict: Conflict is the driving force behind the plot. It can be internal
(within a character's mind) or external (character vs. character,
character vs. nature, etc.).

Theme: The theme is the central idea or message that the story conveys.
It adds depth and meaning to the narrative.

Point of View: The choice of the narrator's perspective (first person,

third person limited, omniscient, etc.) can significantly impact the
reader's experience and understanding of the story.

Dialogue: Dialogue is a powerful tool for character development and

advancing the plot. It should be natural and contribute to the overall
flow of the story.

Tone and Mood: The tone reflects the author's attitude toward the
subject, while the mood evokes certain emotions in the reader. Both
elements contribute to the overall atmosphere of the story.

Foreshadowing: Providing hints or clues about future events can add

suspense and intrigue to a short story.

Resolution: A satisfying resolution ties up loose ends and provides a

sense of closure for the reader. It may offer insight into the characters'
growth or the overall meaning of the story.

Symbolism: The use of symbols can add layers of meaning to a short

story, allowing readers to interpret the narrative on a deeper level.

Pacing: Effective pacing ensures that the story unfolds at a suitable

speed, keeping the reader engaged without feeling rushed or dragged.
Write a short story allows you to apply the knowledge gained during
C. Engagement the lesson. The peer review promotes interaction and constructive
feedback, fostering a deeper understanding of the elements.
Group Analysis: group activity fosters engagement by promoting
collaboration and discussion with your classmates. Analyzing short
stories in groups allows for diverse perspectives.
D. Assimilation Write the correct answer in the blank .choices is in the box.
1.With distinct personalities, motivations, and conflicts are essential.
Readers should be able to relate to or empathize with the______?
2.The ________ establishes the time and place of the story. It helps
create atmosphere and can influence the mood and tone of the
3.A short story should have a clear and engaging _____. It often
follows a structure that includes an introduction, rising action, climax,
falling action, and resolution?
4._______ is the driving force behind the plot. It can be internal (within
a character's mind) or external (character vs. character, character vs.
nature, etc.).
5.The ______ is the central idea or message that the story conveys. It
adds depth and meaning to the narrative.
6.The choice of the narrator's perspective (first person, third person
limited, omniscient, etc.) can significantly impact the reader's
experience and understanding of the story.
7.The _______ reflects the author's attitude toward the subject, while
the ______evokes certain emotions in the reader. Both elements
contribute to the overall atmosphere of the story.
8.Providing hints or clues about future events can add suspense and
intrigue to a short story.
9._______ is a powerful tool for character development and advancing
the plot. It should be natural and contribute to the overall flow of the
1O.A satisfying ______ties up loose ends and provides a sense of
closure for the reader. It may offer insight into the characters' growth or
the overall meaning of the story.
11.The use of _______can add layers of meaning to a short story,
allowing readers to interpret the narrative on a deeper level.
12. Effective ______ ensures that the story unfolds at a suitable speed,
keeping the reader engaged without feeling rushed or dragged.
Character Setting Plot

Point of View
Tone and Mood



E. Reflection Summarize the key points of the lesson, emphasizing the importance
of understanding the elements of a short story.
Write a reflection on what you've learned and how you can apply it in
you’re future reading and writing.


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