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Name……………………………………………………. Date …………………….. Group A

Ex.1. Read the text and do the tasks that follow:

Ann Smith has been the manager at Conto’s restaurant since 2002. Conto’s is a popular restaurant and often has as many as 400 customers in
one evening. It is a big business to run but Smith says she can’t imagine doing anything else. Restaurant work was not what she intended to
do. She started studying music at university but then left to work in a restaurant. “My family didn’t agree with my choice but it was very
clear to me that that was what I wanted to do.” She did a bit of everything and learnt quickly. She started training as a chef but soon realized
she was better at restaurant management. Smith now divides her time between the restaurant floor and the office. She sometimes regrets
spending so much time in the office and misses being with customers. “I have to arrive at the office very early. There are always a lot of
kitchen supplies to order and bills to pay before meeting staff. If I have a really busy day in the office, I leave around 6, just before people
arrive in the restaurant.” Smith manages about 120 staff and knows how important they are to the business. “I don’t have happy customers
without good staff.” She sometimes employs the wrong people but believes that making mistakes is the only way to learn. “I’ve succeeded in
building up a good team. “However, staff sometimes leave Conto’s to work in other restaurants or travel abroad. Smith accepts that she
cannot always keep staff. “If they’ve already made their decision, there’s no point saying anything. But if they come back at a later date, I’m
happy to reemploy them.”
Choose the best answer (A, B or C). (6 points)
1.How does Ann Smith feel about her job?
A It gives her a lot of satisfaction. B The business is too big to run. C It’s time to do something else.
2.Smith’s choice of a restaurant career
A involved a change of plans. B was approved of by her parents. C required her to do a management course.
3.What does Smith think of her working day?
A She likes to meet her staff early in the morning. B She prefers doing office jobs to working in the kitchen.
C She would like to spend more time with customers.
4.What does she think of quality of staff?
A it doesn’t really matter so much. B good staff is important to please the customers.
C she believes she always employs the right people.
5.What does Smith say about staff who decide to leave Conto’s?
A She would not give them their jobs back. B She doesn’t try to make them stay.
C They are a bad influence on the rest of the team.
6.What would Smith say about restaurant work?
A “I have to check there are no problems in the restaurant so I always make sure I’m there in the evenings.”
B “I’ve wanted to do restaurant work since I was very young. It’s a great career and I would recommend it to anyone.”
C “I don’t always get things right and the work can be hard but I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else. I enjoy it too much.”
Answer the questions. (4 points)
1.What are Ann’s responsibilities as a restaurant manager? Mention three of the activities she performs in the restaurant.
2.Why is managing Conto’s a big business to run? ___________________________________
Ex.2 Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verbs.
1.Your brother (not like) …………………… chocolate, does he?
2. I (be) …………….. a doctor when I grow up.
3.The party (start) …………………… by the time we arrived.
4. Where’s John? – He (play) ………………… football in the park.
5. They (drive) …………………. home when the accident happened.

Ex.3 Complete the sentences with personality words.

1.She doesn’t like meeting new people. She’s quite s……… .

2.He’s got lots of friends and everyone likes him. He’s very p ……………. .
3.She can’t stand queuing in shops or waiting for buses. She’s very i………………..
Ex.4 Put the words in the brackets into the correct form.

The twins have very (1 difference) ………………….. strengths at school. Mike is (2 practice) ………………………. and always thinks (3
logic) ………………… and (4 careful) ……………………. . He’s quite (5ambition) ……………………… and wants to be a top (6
science) ………………….. . His brother, Pete, is more (7 art) …………………… and (8 imagine) ……………………….. . He is very (9
ideal) …………………….. and some people think he often behaves (10 patient) ……………………. .
Ex.5 The second conditional. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

a If everyone _____________ (be) rich, nobody _________________ (want) to do any work!

b If you_______________ (tidy) your room, it __________ (look) much better!
c You (not make) __________________ so many mistakes if you ________________ (concentrate) a bit harder!
Ex.6 Rewrite these sentences in the passive.

1. Someone visits most of the prisoners once a week. …………………………………………………………

2.They carried the children all the way home. …………………………………………………………………
3. Someone stole all my best jewellery. ………………………………………………………………………..
4. Someone watches the palace twenty-four hours a day. ………………………………………………………
Ex.7 Write a composition of about 100 words on one of the following topics.

1. Write a story beginning with the following sentence: Last summer, my family decided to spend our holiday at sea. The first couple of days
we had perfect weather but …
2. Describe your best friend, his/her personality, appearance, likes, dislikes….




Ex.1 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C



Ex.2 1.doesn’t like 2.’m going to be 3.had started 4. ‘s playing 5. were driving

Ex.3 1.shy 2.popular 3.impatient

Ex.4 1.different 2.practical 3.logically 4.carefully 5.ambitious 6.scientist 7.artistic 8.imaginative 9.idealistic 10. patiently

Ex.5 a was, would want b tidied, would look c wouldn’t make , concentrated


1.Most of the prisoners are visited once a week.

2. The children were carried all the way home.

3. All my best jewellery was stolen.

4. The palace is watched twenty-four hours a day.


Name……………………………………………………. Date …………………….. Group B

David Beckham

Beckham is used to winning, and failure is something that he is simply unaccustomed to. He is one of the most famous Englishmen in the
world today. Of course, it is impossible to have an impartial opinion of this young man or the team that he plays for. If you are a Real
Madrid fan, you love him. If you aren’t a fan of this team, then your opinion of Mr. Beckham may be quite different. In fact, in recent times,
his treatment by fans of other teams has been extremely unacceptable, especially when he has been playing for England. Some of the worst
comments have not even been aimed at Beckham but at his wife and young children, which is a bad thing. It has been hard for the football
authorities to control such unruly behaviour. How can you discipline people for their comments when so many people are guilty?
Beckham’s attitude when faced with such problems has been cool-headed though. Under the pressure of being shouted and sworn at by so
many people, he has always kept calm.

Of course, a lot of the bad things written and said about Beckham are due to his own actions. He is a very fashionable young man, but some
of the clothes he has worn have been simply amazing. Why a person in his position would choose to wear a skirt in public is truly
incomprehensible! Furthermore, to wear such things in unseasonable times as mid-winter seems even crazier!

His behaviour on the football pitch has also been unpredictable at times. Sometimes he is brilliant; sometimes he does crazy things. Some of
the most famous footballing incidents involving Beckham are not his spectacular goals but his ungainly tackles. The most famous occasion
was in France ’98, when a clumsy tackle led to him being sent off.

Choose the best answer (A, B or C). (6 points)

1. Beckham is used to: A losing. B being criticized. C winning.

2. Beckham’s family often get: A friendly congratulations. B serious warnings. C negative comments.

3. Football authorities try to: A control the fans’ behaviour towards Beckham.

B neglect the fans’ behaviour towards Beckham. C describe the fans’ behaviour towards Beckham.

4. When shouted at by fans of opposing football teams Beckham:

A gets angry. B remains undisturbed. C feels upset.

5. The clothes Beckham wears are usually: A funny B striking C plain

6. Beckham’s behaviour on the football pitch is A difficult to predict B easy to predict C important to predict.

Answer the questions. (4 points)

1. How can you describe Beckham’s style in clothing? ________________________________________________________

2. Thinking about football, what does the passage say Beckham is most famous for? _____________________________

Ex.2 Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verbs.

1. I promise I (not tell)……………..them.

2. They (work) ………………..for about three hours when the fire broke out.

3.She (not phone) ………………….. me yesterday.

4. He (be) ………………here soon, won’t he?

5. We (study) ……………………………… Romeo and Juliet at college at the moment.

Ex.3 Complete the sentences with personality words.

4. He never breaks a promise. He’s totally r………………..

5. She never considers anyone else. She only thinks of herself. She’s really s………………….

6. A person who is unhappy and thinks about problems all the time is w…………………

Ex.4 Put the words in the brackets into the correct form.

The twins have very (1 difference) ………………….. strengths at school. Mike is (2 practice) ………………………. and always thinks (3
logic) ………………… and (4 careful) ……………………. . He’s quite (5ambition) ……………………… and wants to be a top (6
science) ………………….. . His brother, Pete, is more (7 art) …………………… and (8 imagine) ……………………….. . He is very (9
ideal) …………………….. and some people think he often behaves (10 patient) ……………………. .

Ex.5 The third conditional. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the third conditional sentences.

a If I __________________ (not buy) that ring, I ______________ (have) enough money to go out to dinner last night.

b If we ______________ (slow) down, we _______________ (see) the turning for the motorway in time.

c My hair ______________ (not look) so terrible at the wedding if I ____________________ (not go to) that new hairdresser’s.

Ex.6 Rewrite these sentences in the passive.

1. Someone broke this mirror last night.

2. Someone washes the towels in the hotel every day.
3.They grow this fruit in very hot countries.
4.They leave the grapes to dry in the sun.
Ex.7 Write a composition of about 150 words on one of the following topics.

1. Write a story ending with the following sentence: It had been a difficult day for me, but it all turned out well in the end.
2. What would your ideal holiday camp be like? Think about location, accommodation, entertainment, activities, food and dining facilities.
Describe it.



Ex.1 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A

1. Extravagant. He likes wearing expensive, fashionable clothes and to be in the public eye.

2. He is famous rather for his unpredictable behaviour and failures than for his goals and success.

Ex.2 1.won’t tell 2.had been working 3.didn’t phone 4.’ll be 5. ‘re studying

Ex.3 1.reliable 2.selfish 3.worried

Ex.4 1.different 2.practical 3.logically 4.carefully 5.ambitious 6.scientist 7.artistic 8.imaginative 9.idealistic 10. patiently

Ex.5 a hadn’t bought / would have had b had slowed / would have seen c wouldn’t have looked /had not gone to

1.This mirror was broken last night.
2. The towels in the hotel are washed every day.
3. This fruit is grown in very hot countries.
4 The grapes are left to dry in the sun.

Ex.1 Read the story below, then answer the questions.

It was test day in Mr. Koch’s class. Everyone was busy reading and filling in answers on their test papers. Suddenly Richard gasped. He had
seen something move, no scurry, across the classroom floor from the corner of his eye. Or had he? He thought perhaps he just imagined it,
and went back to concentrating on his test. Then, a moment later, there it went again, this time in the other direction, toward the door. He still
wasn’t sure what he’d seen, but he was sure he had seen something. He considered telling Mr. Koch, but thought better than to disturb the
group during a test. He tried to keep his mind focused on identifying the parts of speech in the passage he was reading, but it kept returning
to the “thing” he saw. “What if it was rat?” he thought with distaste and concern. Unlikely he decided...but not impossible. He found himself
scanning the floor every few seconds in hopes of catching another glimpse of it and settling his imagination down into reality. It did not
reappear the rest of the period. At lunch he told his friends about the mystery sighting and his fears that it could have been a rat, or a mouse
at the very least. The school could be infested! At that suggestion, a few of them automatically raised their feet and looked down. Marj just
sat there with a wide grin. She let them speculate for a while, then told them how one of the hamsters kept in Miss Moore’s room had gotten
loose that morning, but came back to the room shortly after his adventure.

1. What caused Richard to gasp? ________________________________________________________

2. Why did Richard doubt that he really saw something? ___________________________________

3. What event caused Richard to be sure he had seen something ? ___________________________

4. What thought caused Richard concern? ________________________________________________

5. Why did Richard decide to not alert Mr. Koch? __________________________________________

6. What suggestion caused Richard’s friends to react by raising their feet? _____________________

7. Why did Marj react with a smile instead? _______________________________________________

8. What was the mystery? ____________________________________________________________

1. He’d seen something scurry across the room.
2. He only saw from the corner of his eye— not clearly.
3. He saw it again— twice.
4. It could be a rat.
5. Answers will vary.
6. The school could be infested with rats or mice.
7. She knew what it was.
8. A hamster that had escaped.

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