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CORPUZ AAA underwent two neuropsychiatric examinations

in which the result came that she was suffering
FACTS mental retardation which amounts to intellectual
incapacity. In People v. Quintos, the stated that a
Respondent Edgar Allan Corpuz was convicted of 4 person’s capacity to decide whether to give
counts of Simple rape of AAA. Upon presentation consent or to express resistance to an adult
of the Medico Legal Certificate, it was stated that activity is determined not by his chronological
AAA was pregnant. In addition, AAA underwent 2 age, but by his mental age.
neuropsychiatric examinations where it was found
out that she was suffering from Mild Mental The court also states that AAA is capable of being a
Retardation, and an IQ of 42 and 70 respectively. witness. A person who has mental disabilities, may
During the testimony in the trial, AAA pointed as still perceive and is capable of making known his or
Corpuz as the one who raped her as well as the her perception to others. One of the doctors who
father of XXX. The trial court ordered a DNA Test conducted the neuropsychiatric examination on
where it concluded that Corpuz was indeed the AAA concluded that AAA’s degree of honesty is
father of AAA’s child. Thus the trial court great as she was able to completely respond to the
convicted Corpuz of 4 counts of rape. Upon appeal questions pertaining to the incident. The trial court
by Corpuz, the CA likewise sided with the decision also took notice of AAA’s testimony as categorical
of the trial court. Thus, the appeal to the Supreme straightforward and credible
Lastly, as regards to the DNA testing, the Court
Corpuz argued that That AAA’s testimony is finds that the accusation made by Corpuz against
inconsistent when she was interviewed. She testified the credibility of the DNA test result lack of merit.
that she was rapes at 13 years old, but her first It was the defense that moved for the DNA Testing.
menstrual period was when she was 14 years old. He failed to assail the dependability of the
procedure before the trial court. Thus, the SC finds
Also, Corpuz stated that The DNA paternity test the respondent ESTOPPED from questioning much
result is insufficient for his conviction; placing less objecting the reliability of the DNA Testing
doubt the accuracy of the doubt methodology conducted.
ISSUE In order to qualify as a witness, the basic test, is
WON Corpuz’ guilt is proven beyond reasonable whether or not he or she can perceive, and
doubt perceiving, can make known his or her perception
to others (LOOK FOR RULE 130 FROM THE
RULING SECTIONS 7-8 of the Rule on DNA Evidence
YES. The guild of Edgar Allan Corpuz was proven provides for the PROBATIVE VALUE of DNA
beyond reasonable doubt. The gravamen of rape Evidence.
under Article 266-A of the RPC is carnal
knowledge of a woman against her will or without
her consent. Moreover, sexual intercourse with an
intellectually disabled person is rape since proof of
force or intimidation is needless when the victim is
incapable of giving her consent. In the case at bar,

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