The Basic Tenant Eviction Law

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The basic tenant eviction law

January 12, 2018

There are times that relationships between tenant and landlord become so rocky that it
turns into eviction. Fortunately, the Philippines has a tenant eviction laws that protect both
the rights of the landlords and tenants in case such incident occur. Landlords and tenants,
familiarize yourself with the basic premises of the eviction law.

Three-day notice   

Landlords cannot change locks or evict a tenant without giving the latter a notice three days
before the eviction. If the tenant refuses to pay rent and still adamant in leaving the property
then the landlord has the right to sue him or her. Payment for the rent can resolve the whole

Eviction takes time

Landlords should know that eviction doesn’t happen in an instant. The landlord must wait for
the tenant’s response to the writ provided by court in line with the abandonment. It’s the
police not the landlord who can evict the tenant under the rule of the court.


The landlord has the right to evict the tenant if the latter is actually subleasing the property
without the former’s notice. So tenants, remember to notify your landlord if you’re planning
on subleasing the property.

Repair and accidents

If the property needs to undergo repair, then the landlord has the right to evict the tenant.
But the landlord must remember to give a three month notice before doing so. After the
repair, the tenant has the right to rent the property again. If the property needs a repair as
soon as possible, the landlord can give a fifteen day notice to the tenant.

Call for help

Even though it’s frustrating to deal with a non paying tenant, landlords must keep in  mind
that it’s the police’s job to settle things down when it gets rough. Both landlords and tenants
must seek legal help whenever they are dealing with something tricky.

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