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Социалистическая Республика), LSRR - a political creation created in July 1940 as a

result of the annexation of the First Republic of Lithuania by the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics, finally dissolved in September 1991, when the Western countries
recognized the independence of the Republic of Lithuania and was admitted to the
United Nations as a member of the United Nations.

The Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic was first proclaimed in December 1918. In
February 1919 it was incorporated into the Lithuanian-Belarusian Socialist Republic of
Soviets (LitBieła) and was finally liquidated by the Polish offensive in August 1919. The
plans of the Bolsheviks to invade Lithuania in the summer of 1920 and to proclaim the
Lithuanian SSR were thwarted by the defeat of the Red Army in the Battle of Warsaw
and then in the Battle of the Nemunas, when the offensive of the Polish Army severed
the Red Army's contact with Lithuanian territory.

On August 23, 1939, the Third Reich and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
concluded a secret treaty (the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact), in which Lithuania was placed
in the German sphere of influence. On September 28, 1939, in the pact on borders and
friendship between the Third Reich and the USSR, Lithuania was moved to the sphere
of influence of the USSR, in exchange for the Lublin region, which was transferred to
the German zone. On the basis of the Soviet-Lithuanian treaty of October 10, 1939, the
Red Army bases were established on the territory of Lithuania, and the USSR handed
over to Lithuania, occupied after the aggression on Poland, Vilnius and its district.

In June 1940, after a series of provocations related to the Red Army stationed in
Lithuania, on June 14, 1940, the USSR presented Lithuania with an ultimatum,
demanding that the Red Army be allowed to occupy the country, which on June 15,
1940, with a force of 150,000 soldiers, began the occupation of Lithuania and manned
the Lithuanian border. -German. The President of Lithuania, Antanas Smetona, fled to
Germany, and power was taken over by the government led by the cryptocommunist
Justas Paleckis, who held the power of both the President and Prime Minister of
Lithuania. On July 21, 1940, the Lithuanian communists proclaimed the Lithuanian
Soviet Socialist Republic, which on August 3 of the same year formally became part of
the USSR. A dozen or so days before the outbreak of the German-Soviet war, the NKVD
began mass deportations of Lithuanians to Siberia, which until the outbreak of the war
involved about 35,000 people.

In July 1944, the Red Army re-occupied Lithuanian territory, restoring the Lithuanian
SSR. Many Russians settled in this country then, and most of their descendants have
remained there to this day.

Separate articles: Republican Agreements (1944) and Border Agreement between

Poland and the USSR of August 16, 1945.
Initially, the authorities of the Lithuanian SSR conducted an action of lithanization of
national minorities, but in 1950 the central authorities in Moscow ordered to ease the
language policy. At that time, Polish education (primary and secondary schools,
teachers' seminars) began to be organized in Lithuania [2].

The Movement for Fighting for Freedom of Lithuania was established. The Lithuanian
guerrilla active in the years 1944–1953 (the so-called Forest Brothers) was an
independence movement combining military and civil character, aiming to oppose

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