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Tomato Sauce

Home made tomato sauce Ingredients -Tomato wokuphya bwino. Asakhale wamadzi pali mavariety
amakhala ndi mnofu. Makamaka wosongoka uja. Ngati palibe mukhoza kugwiritsa tomato wina aliyense
- pafunikanso sugar - Mchere -Vinegar - ma spice awa malinga ndi kukonda- garlic powder; black pepper;
ginger powder ndi coriander powder. Method -Tengani teaspoon yaspice ililyonse ndikumanga
pakansalu (muslin) - kuponya kansalu mli ma spice aja mu 2 liters ya madzi ndi kuwiritsa for 10 minutes
-Thirani madziwo m'mbotolo ndi kusunga padera - Kenako Tsukani tomato 10kg ndi kudula ma half
-ikani tomato wanu mwadula uja mupoto Wamkulu bwino koma oathira madzi -Khazikani pamoto
ndikumaphwanya tomato ndi mthiko. -Musiyeni a wire mpaka aphye - Ataphya musefe uku mukukanya
kuti nnofu udutse musefa koma nthanga ndi khungu zisadutse - Tsopano tengani phala la tomato Lija
ndikulibwezera pamoto. -Thirani pafupi 1/4-1/2 cup yasugar ndi Table spoon yamchere - Takasani ndipo
pitilizani kuphika mpaka ataphya - Kuyesa Kwake kuti mudziwe kuti wapsya ikani madzi ozizira pasosala
ndipo muzidonthetsera sauce wanu pamenepo -Sauce akapanda kusungunuka Ndiye ku wapsya -
Tsopano sungunulani 1/4 cup ya starch madzi ochepa ndi kuthira mu sauce - Zisiyeni zibwate pang'ono
kenako thirani 1/4 cup ya Vinegar ndikusakaniza - Phulani - Mumusiye azizire pamg'ono - Mukhoza
kuthira m'mbotolo -pamenepa sauce wanu watheka

Sunday: Bf: chips +eggs ; Luncg: white rice +fried chicken Dinner: nsima +grilled chicken

Mon- BF : boiled potato Lunch: Nsima + beef stew Dinner : Nsima + beef stew

Tue : Bf: phala; L : nsina+ beans ; Dinner: Yellow rice + beans

Wed: BF: mbatata/chinangwa; Lunch: Spaghetti +mince; Dinner: boiled/baked Irish + mince

Thur -BF : toast bread +Egg; Lunch : Nsima + dried fish ; Dinner : Nsima + dried fish

Frid- Bf: Corn flakes/Phala; Lunch: rice + chicken ; Dinner Nsima + roasted chicken

Sat- BF: Mbatata/ chinangwa; Lunch : Nsima + Beans/Nthumbwana ; Dinner: Nsima+ beans + soya mince

Veges -use what ever is in season.

Cooking method of relish should be varied.

Rice: you can cook it plain (the normal way)

Cook the rice, mixed veges like peas zitheba carrots, the cut your onion & green pepper, chopp garlic or
kusinja mu kamtondo, then in another pot thethesani mafuta, start with adding the onion & garlic, then
raja then tumeric the when onion is almost brown add tbe veges make sure powirisa zisapysese, then
add your rice kazingani ndithu for not less than 5 minutes, then serve
You may sometime add the veges to the rice when cooking the rice without spices..
You can also cook it, then kukazinga tomato wanu ndikusakaniziratu mpunga uja & serve

Beef: stew plain, stew adding spices & veges (cut in a normal way)
Grill or roast pa makala
Fried but dry braised in tomato catch up garlic green pepper & onions mzuzi padera
Fried with onions

Chicken: stew,
stew with veges in it,
just fried,
roasted or grill
In bread crumbs i use normal bread toast bread then grated, add your spices & ka ufa pang'ono, boil the
chicken. Iswani dzira or mazira awiri malinga ndikuchuluka kwa nkhuku, deep the chicken in eggs then
bread you may repeat then kukazinga
You may do the same by just using flour.

Potatoes: just boil

Boiled then fried
Boil with tomatoes
Mashed potatoes

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