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Analysis Outline template

I. Thesis:
In his letter from Birmingham jail, he use several types of figurative language, such
as metaphors or personifications in their paragraphs, to make the letter more
powerful, since with these he can make the reader feel that impulse or adrenaline
to help and support the movement against racial injustice

II. Topic sentence:

He wants a radical change to be made. He wants equality between blacks and
whites, so that there is justice

A. Example, quote, detail, or fact from the text:

"Birmingham is probably the most thoroughly segregated city in the United States.
Its ugly record of police brutality is known in every section of this country . Its
unjust treatment of Negroes in the courts is a notorious (well-known) reality..."

B. Explanation:
In this sentence we can see how he shows that there is injustice with black people,
since they are mistreated by the same police authority and by the law.

C. Example, quote, detail, or fact from the text:

"But when you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and
drown your sisters and brothers at whim; when you have seen hate filled
policemen curse, kick, brutalize, and even kill your black brothers and sisters with

D. Explanation:
He refers to how blacks or his brothers have been mistreated, humiliated and
treated with injustice
III. Topic sentence:
He wants people go and fight for their rights, to end racial injustice

A. Example, quote, detail, or fact from the text:

Now is the time to make the promise of democracy a reality and modify our
pending national elegy in a pleasant life of brotherhood.

B. Explanation:
In this example we can see that King wants to make that nation, a united nation so
that there is no racial inequality

C. Example, quote, detail, or fact from the text:

"Let us all hope that the dark clouds of racial prejudice will soon pass away and the
deep fog of misunderstanding will be lifted from our fear-drenched communities
and in some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood
will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty"

D. Explanation:
In this phrase he wants to give people peace of mind and that the nation be reborn
to create justice, since blacks are frightened by this injustice

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