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Open a command prompt with administrative privilege:

Find Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt

Right click on the command prompt icon and select Run as Administrator.

Once at the command prompt, navigate to the GPUView directory and type the
following commands:


Repro the problem (no more than 30seconds to 1 minute). Then retype the same


Use GPUView to view the resulting Merged.ETL file.


GPUView commands
Ctrl+e bring up the event viewer
Ctrl+r bring up the profile viewer
Ctrl+t bring up the statistical options viewer
a Zoom in
z Zoom out
s Zoom in 10x
x Zoom out 10x
Mouse Select a region by click and dragging with the left button.
Right-click deselects the region.
Ctrl+z Sets the current view as the time frame selected by the current region.


Preemption buffers are shown in the hardware queue as white blocks

Paging buffers are shown in the hardware queue as red blocks
Packets with red cross-hatches contain present calls

In the event viewer, the Event List displays all events that match
the selected GUID's and are within "Start Time" and "End Time."
Cur View Time will set Start Time to the left side of the screen and
End Time to the right side. Selection Time will set Start Time and
End Time as the current selection.

Events highlighted in the Event List appear as vertical red bars in the time
view. VSync markings automatically put vertical blue bars on all VSync

For symbol loading, create SearchPath.txt and insert the symbol path;
multiple paths should be separated by semicolons. This will eventually
be modified to work consistently with symbol servers. Currently symbols
are used for interpreting instruction pointer sampling and thread start

Does not currently work on ETL files generated on 64-bit machines

or multi-proc machines.

The color scheme is the following:


Red = Paging Buffer
Black = Preemption request

Light Pink = Queued WaitForSynchronizationObject
Dark Pink = Queued SignalSynchronizationObject
Orange = Queued MmIoFlip

For Wait/Signal operation GPUView assigns a letter to each synchronization

object (ex: A,B,C...) and instance count for each wait/signal pair. The A42
signal will unwait the A42 wait. There is currently a known bug when logging is
started after the synchronization object is created in which case you'll always
see an instance of 0.

For MmIoFlip, GPUView displays the VidPnSource & the allocation handle for the
allocation being flipped to.

Packet that have red cross hash contain present operation (either to the
primary or redirect through the DWM).

Packet that have a red grid (no hash) represent messages sent to the worker
thread (internal dxgkrnl stuff).

Detailed documentation:

See the installed GPUView.docx for the latest documentation.

The GPUView.chm file should echo the GPUView.docx and it can
be found through the help menu option.

Known Issues:

- Currently, the GPUView.chm file is not current with the docx.

- The MemViewer Dialog is �alpha� code so don�t expect much.
- Symbols are touchy and GPUView does not support a symbol server, thus the
path must be explicit.

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