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Pudadera, Maika J.



Wherever we go, God always been with us. From waking up to the morning to having a
good night sleep. We may not see him but if we believe in Him, we could feel his presence and
overcome our fears, anxiety and problems. My parents were the one who introduced God to me.
They said he is my father that is why I should do good things and avoid hurting others. As a
child, I always obey my parents and never talk balk to them in a bad way. Be a good daughter
and sibling by helping doing the chores. I should be responsible in whatever I do. I may
sometimes not agree with what they are saying especially to my father but I always remind
myself that they are my parents and they know my by heart. I understand them and respect their
decisions because I know they do not want me to live full of regrets. I trust them because they
have seen my life from the moment I was born and they only want what is best for me. That is
why I show my love to them through small and big things. I also love my siblings even though I
am the youngest. I always make them feel loved every single day and show how blessed to have
them as my parents.

In school, there are many ways to be an agent of faith and a good disciple of God. I make
friends and socialize to others by playing and talking with them. Every time my friends have
problems, I am always there to help them. God said that it is not good for man to be alone. I
participate in many activities by attending to mass and visit orphanage. I never engaged myself
to any vices such as drinking alcohols and smoking cigarettes. As a college student, I
experienced anxiety with my studies. It is really hard up until now that we are experiencing
pandemic and doing online classes. I always pray that one day this world will heal and
everything will get back to normal. Trust God because there are no impossible to Him.

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