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1st Quarter Examination

Earth & Life Science SHS Gr. 11

Test II. MULTIPLE CHOICE .Direction: Read the statements carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on your test
1. It is composed of the Sun, planets & their satellites, comets & asteroid.
a. Nebula b.Meteorites c. Planetisimal d. Solar System
2. It leads to the formation of chemicals such as hydrogen & helium.
a. Nucleosynthesis b. Nebula c. Singularity d. Planetisimal
3. Which of the following theories proposed by Richard Tolman?
a. Big Bang Theory b. Encounter Theory c. Pulsating Theory d. Protoplanet theory
4. It states that the universe started as a singularity that exploded. This explosion resulted to the formation of all the matter in
a. Big Bang Theory b. Encounter Theory c. Pulsating Theory d. Protoplanet theory
5. Which of the following theories suggests that the universe has always been there and will always be present?
a. Big Bang Theory b. Encounter Theory c. Steady State Theory d. Nebular Theory
6. The Belgian priest to whom the big bang theory is attributed:
a. Edwin Hubble b. George Lemaitre c. Albert Einstein d. Nicolas Copernicus
7. Which of the following is not a proponent of Steady state theory?
a. Hermann Bondi b. Arno Penzias c. Thomas Gold d. Fred Hoyle
8. How many years were the solar system was formed?
a. 13.8 billion years ago c. 10 billion years ago
b. 4.6 billion years ago d. 8 billion years ago
9. The planet Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are mostly made up of?
a. rocks c. soil
b. gas d. ice
10. Which of the following is not a member of our solar system.
a. Sun c. Big Crunch
b. Planets d. Asteroids
11. Which of the following is true about the Nebular theory?
a. This explained that the Solar System originated from a nebula that was disrupted by a nearby supernova.
b. It suggests that the Solar System formed as a result of a near collision between a passing star and the Sun.
c. Both A & B are correct
d. None of the Above
12. As proposed by the Encounter theory, which of the following events led to the formation of the solar
a. The universe expands and eventually reverses, then collapses causing a singularity.
b. It suggests that the Solar System formed as a result of a near collision between a passing star and the Sun.
c. This explained that the Solar System originated from a nebula that was disrupted by a nearby supernova.
d. All of the Above
13. Which of the following statements explains the placement of the Jovian planets in the outer Solar System?
a. Jovian planets have higher densities and melting points.
b. Jovian planets have lower densities and higher melting points.
c. Jovian planets have lower densities and melting points.
d. None of the Above
14. Which of the following planets permits growth & life?
a. Saturn c. Venus
b. Earth d. Mars
15. Which of the following gases is the most abundant in Earth’s atmosphere?
a. Oxygen b. Hydrogen c. Helium d. Nitrogen
16. ________is a living medium for growth of all kinds of vegetation.
a. Air b. Organic Matter c. Soil d. Water
17. A gas produced by the plants through a process of photosynthesis.
a. Nitrogen c. oxygen
b. carbon dioxide d. ozone
18. Which of the following is not true about the hydrosphere?
a. Contains all the water on our planet including ice and vapor.
b. Promotes growth for plants by providing nutrients, water, and as a substrate for anchorage of
c. The ocean houses many species of marine life and diverse mineral resources.
d. None of the Above
19. Which of the following is not true about the earth's atmosphere?
a. The presence of oxygen and carbon dioxide permits life on Earth.
b. Protects us from the sun’s radiation.
c. Thirty percent of the radiation is reflected away by the atmosphere, clouds, and the earth's surface.
d. The ocean houses many species of marine life and diverse mineral resources.
20. Which of the following is not true about the soil?
a. Promotes growth for plants by providing nutrients, water, and as a substrate for anchorage of roots.
b. A medium for growth of all kinds of vegetation.
c. Mixture of minerals, water, air, organic matter, and organisms.
d. None of the above
21. It is the lowest layer where the weather forms?
a. exosphere b. mesosphere c. stratosphere d. Troposphere
22. It includes all the soil,rocks, and minerals present in the crust to the core of the Earth.
a. Biosphere b. Exosphere c. Hydrosphere d. Geosphere

23. Which of the following is not included in Earth’s subsystems?

a. Biosphere b. Exosphere c. Hydrosphere d. Geosphere
24. Hydrosphere includes all the __________on Earth.
a. Rocks & Minerals b. Water c. Land d. Living things
25. Which of the following are included in the geosphere?
a. Gases b. Water c. Land d. Living things
26. Which of the following is true about the geosphere?
a. It is divided into three layers namely crust, mantle, and core.
b. It includes all microbes, plants, and animals.
c. It includes all bodies of water such as oceans, lakes, rivers, and marshes.
d. Organisms interact with the other spheres to survive.
27. How many percent of oxygen is the Earth atmosphere composed?
a. 21% b. 25% c. 40% d. 50%
28. How many percent of salt water does hydrosphere comprised?
a. 50% c. 80%
b.75% d. 97.5%
29. It refers to the Earth distance from the sun that allows the Earth to hold water in a liquid form?.
a. Habitable Zone c. photosynthesis
b. Volcanism d. Icy meteors
30. Who among the following theorists suggested the Protoplanet?
a. Carl von Weizsä cker and Gerard Kuiper
b. Georges Leclerc and Comte de Buffon .
c. Emmanuel Swedenborg and Pierre – Simon Laplace
d. Hermann Bondi and Thomas Gold
Direction: Read each item carefully and name/identify what is asked in every item below.
1. A layer of the atmosphere where the ozone layer is found that extends 14.5 to 50 km above the Earth's surface.
2. Lowest layer where the weather forms that extends to about 14.5 km above the Earth's surface.
3. It makes up all gases on Earth.
4. A mission which aimed to collect data on Mars & how the planet formed its rocks and soil.
5. This comprised all living things such as microbes, plants & animals
6. Geo is a greek roots which means_______.
7. This program aims to land the first humans on Mars and establish a human colony on that planet by 2027.
8. An area after Neptune that contains asteroids, comets, and other celestial bodies.
9. Hydro is a Greek root which means _________.
10. These planets were formed farther from the Sun because the temperature away from the Sun was cool enough for
gases to condense, forming these less dense planets.
11. It extends from 50 to 85 km above the Earth's surface. It protects the Earth from the impact of space debris.
12. It is from the greek roots atmos which means gas and sphaira which means globe or ball.
13. The modified version of the nebular theory.
14. The innermost layer of the earth made up of iron and nickel.
15. The outermost layer of the earth made mostly of silicate rocks rich in magnesium & iron.
TEST III. True or False. Direction: Write FACT if the statement is correct and BLUFF if it is wrong.
1. Georges Lemaître, a Belgian priest, is considered as the first proponent of the Big Bang Theory.
2. Steady State theory was supported by other scientists such as Edwin Hubble, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson. 
3. The presence of the stars leads to the formation of larger matter such as planets, comets, and other celestial bodies.
4. Big Bang Theory proposed by Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold and Fred Hoyle.
5. Solar System is composed of the Sun, the planets and their satellites, the comets, and the asteroids.
6.Jovian Planets includes Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.
7.Terrestrial Planets composed of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune .
8. The Encounter Theory proposed by Georges Leclerc and Comte de Buffon.
9.The interaction from the gravity of the passing star and the Sun led to the formation of the planets in the solar system.
10. The atmosphere consists of 76% Nitrogen.
11.The four subsystems of the Earth are the Atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere and troposphere.
12. The thin oceanic crust that makes up the continents is about 15-70 km thick.
13. Vegetation produces trees and forests cover, ensures the water and nutrient cycle, and prevents soil and wind erosion.
14. NASA means National Aeronautics & Space Association
15. The crust and the upper part of the mantle make up the asthenosphere, zone of rigid, brittle rock.
1-4 Four subsystem/spheres of the Earth
5-9 five layers of atmosphere
10-12 three layers of geosphere
13-16 Terrestrial planets
17-20 Jovian planets

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