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6/14/2019 Acquired hypopigmentation disorders other than vitiligo - UpToDate

Authors: Mi Ryung Roh, MD, PhD, Sang Ho Oh, MD, PhD

Section Editor: Hensin Tsao, MD, PhD
Deputy Editor: Rosamaria Corona, MD, DSc

Contributor Disclosures

All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is complete.

Literature review current through: May 2019. | This topic last updated: Jan 17, 2018.


The color of human skin is mainly determined by the two types of melanin, the black-brown eumelanin and the yellow-red
pheomelanin. Other significant contributors include the capillary blood flow, chromophores such as carotene or lycopene, and the
collagen content of the dermis. Altered skin pigmentation can result from increased or decreased melanin, abnormal melanin
distribution, decreased hemoglobin, or deposition of exogenous substances [1].

While hypopigmentation is a general term that refers to any form of decreased or absent skin pigmentation, hypomelanosis more
specifically refers to a reduction of epidermal melanin. Hypopigmentation disorders may be congenital or acquired, diffuse
(generalized) or localized, and may occur in isolation or be associated with a wide range of congenital or acquired disorders [2,3].

This topic will review the acquired hypopigmentation disorders other than vitiligo. Vitiligo is discussed separately.
Hyperpigmentation disorders are also discussed separately. (See "Vitiligo: Pathogenesis, clinical features, and diagnosis" and
"Vitiligo: Management and prognosis" and "Acquired hyperpigmentation disorders".)


The diagnosis of hypopigmentation disorders is in many cases made on clinical grounds, based upon a detailed medical history
and physical examination. The lesion morphology, color (hypopigmented or depigmented), distribution, and pattern are important 1/23
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clues to the diagnosis. However, examination with a Wood's light, a skin biopsy, and additional laboratory tests may be required if
the clinical diagnosis is uncertain. The differential diagnosis of hypopigmentation disorders is illustrated in the algorithm (algorithm

Patient evaluation — The initial patient evaluation involves a detailed family and personal history and a complete physical
examination, which should include a careful search for additional cutaneous and extracutaneous signs and symptoms.

The following questions may be useful for the evaluation of patients presenting with hypopigmentation disorders [1]:

● Is the disorder congenital or acquired?

● Is the hypopigmentation localized or diffuse?
● Are lesions well circumscribed or ill defined?
● Does the hypopigmentation have a pattern (eg, linear, reticular)?
● Is the hypopigmentation associated with prior inflammation or cutaneous injury?
● Are the lesions stable, progressing, or regressing?
● Does the patient have concomitant systemic diseases?
● Does the patient have a history of exposure to medications or chemicals?

History — A detailed medical history should be obtained from the patient to determine if the hypopigmentation is related to an
underlying disease. Patients should also be questioned about occupational and/or hobby-related exposure to chemicals that may
cause hypopigmentation. The course of the disorder can help distinguish acquired hypopigmentations (which often show
progression or regression) from inherited disorders (which are usually stable).

Skin examination — In all patients with hypopigmentation disorders, a complete skin examination should be performed under
visible light and Wood's light (algorithm 1). Important clinical parameters include:

● Extent of the pigmentary abnormality (localized versus diffuse)

● Morphology of individual lesions
● Distribution (eg, sun-exposed areas, areas previously involved by inflammatory processes)
● Pattern (eg, linear, reticular, nonfigurate) 2/23
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Wood's light examination — A Wood's lamp emits ultraviolet A light with a peak emission at 365 nm ("black light") that allows
a better visualization of variations in skin pigmentation [4]. Patients should be examined in a darkened room with the light source
held at 4 to 5 inches from the skin. (See "Office-based dermatologic diagnostic procedures", section on 'Wood's lamp examination
(black light)'.)

Under Wood's light, depigmented lesions due to complete absence of melanin, such as vitiligo lesions, appear bright white and
sharply delineated, as a result of the autofluorescence of dermal collagen. Hypopigmented lesions due to decreased melanin in the
epidermis are also markedly enhanced. In contrast, hypopigmentations due to vascular causes (eg, nevus anemicus), in which the
epidermal melanin content is normal, are not accentuated.

Examination under a Wood's lamp is especially helpful in fair-skinned individuals to identify hypopigmented or depigmented lesions
that may not be visible to the naked eye (algorithm 1).

Skin biopsy — A skin biopsy for histopathologic evaluation is not routinely performed for the diagnosis of hypopigmentation
disorders. However, a skin biopsy may be warranted if the clinical diagnosis is uncertain or there is a suspicion for hypopigmented
mycosis fungoides.

Standard stains (eg, hematoxylin and eosin, Fontana-Masson silver stain) and histochemical techniques (eg, Mart-1, Melan-A) can
be used to evaluate the number and location of melanocytes and melanin granules in the epidermis and dermis.


Chemical leukoderma — Chemical leukoderma, also known as contact leukoderma, contact vitiligo, or chemical vitiligo, may
result from occupational exposure to chemicals that have a specific melanocytotoxic effect [5,6]. The majority of these chemicals
are derivatives of phenols and catechols such as para-tertiary butylphenol, para-tertiary butyl catechol, monobenzyl ether of
hydroquinone (MBEH; monobenzone), and hydroquinone [7,8]. They may be found in rubber gloves and other rubber products,
germicides, insecticides, adhesives, hair dyes, and clothing treated with azo dyes.

Many other substances have also been reported to cause chemical leukoderma, including sulfhydryls, mercurials (eg, thimerosal,
used as a preservative in cosmetics or topical medications), and cinnamic aldehyde (a fragrance used in personal care products). 3/23
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Household exposure to these chemicals may be more common than occupational exposure in some countries [8] However, not all
exposed individuals develop leukoderma, suggesting a variability in the individual susceptibility [9].

The depigmentation starts on the hands and forearms (which are the presumptive sites of contact) as small, confetti-like white
macules that tend to spread and coalesce (picture 1). However, depigmentation can also occur in areas distant from the sites of
exposure (chemical leukoderma syndrome). (See 'Diffuse depigmentation' below.)

Histopathologically, chemical leukoderma is indistinguishable from vitiligo. In patients presenting with multiple pea-like or confetti-
like depigmented macules, a history of repeated exposure to melanocytotoxic chemicals is an important clue to the diagnosis.

Strict avoidance of the offending substance may lead to spontaneous repigmentation in some patients. Topical corticosteroids and
narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy have been reported as effective in some but not all patients. Depigmentation may be

Drug-induced leukoderma — Potent topical or intralesional corticosteroids may induce hypopigmentation at the site of
application, particularly in darkly pigmented individuals [10,11]. Depigmentation mimicking vitiligo has been reported in patients
treated with the epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor gefitinib [12], the tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib mesylate [13,14],
interferon pegylated [15], topical imiquimod [16,17], and transdermal methylphenidate [18].

Halo nevus — Halo nevus, also called "leukoderma acquisitum centrifugum," refers to the development of a halo of
depigmentation around a melanocytic nevus (picture 2A-B) [19]. This pigment loss often heralds the spontaneous regression of the
central nevus, which is thought to be a T cell-mediated immune response to nevus antigens [20]. (See "Acquired melanocytic nevi
(moles)" and "Acquired melanocytic nevi (moles)", section on 'Halo nevi'.)

Melanoma-associated leukoderma — Melanoma-associated leukoderma has been reported in 2 to 16 percent of melanoma

patients, often following treatment or the development of metastatic disease. Leukoderma has been reported in patients with
advanced disease treated with high-dose interleukin (IL)-2 [21], interferon-alpha [22], anti-programmed cell death 1, ipilimumab,
and IL-2 plus granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor [23-25]. However, in some patients the hypopigmentation may
precede by years the diagnosis of melanoma, while in others it may appear concurrently with the diagnosis of metastatic disease. 4/23
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The pathogenesis of melanoma-associated leukoderma is incompletely understood. Evidence suggests that it represents the host
immune response against the tumor. Melanoma is a highly immunogenic tumor that commonly overexpresses several melanocytic
lineage antigens such as tyrosinase, tyrosinase-related protein (TRP)-1, TRP-2, gp100, and melanoma antigen recognized by T
cells [26]. A cytotoxic T cell response against these "self" antigens can cause destruction of normal melanocytes expressing
normal levels of these proteins.

Melanoma-associated leukoderma can occur around the primary tumor or cutaneous metastases or at distant sites, mimicking
vitiligo. However, in contrast with vitiligo, lesions can be either hypopigmented or depigmented and tend to be extensive, patchy,
and asymmetric. Whether the occurrence of leukoderma in melanoma patients is associated with a more favorable prognosis or
response to therapy is still uncertain.


Diffuse depigmented lesions are usually seen in patients with generalized vitiligo. However, in some patients with chemical
leukoderma, the depigmentation can spread from the site of contact with the offending chemical or even develop at distant sites,
sometimes when patients are no longer exposed to the offending chemical [5,27,28]. It is difficult or impossible to determine
whether these patients have a true diffuse chemical leukoderma or generalized vitiligo that was triggered by the contact with a toxic
chemical [5]. (See "Vitiligo: Pathogenesis, clinical features, and diagnosis".)


Postinflammatory hypopigmentation

General features — Postinflammatory hypopigmentation is an acquired partial or total loss of skin pigmentation that may occur
following the resolution of a wide range of inflammatory or infectious dermatoses (algorithm 1) [29]. Contact with irritants and
dermatologic or cosmetic procedures such as cryosurgery, laser therapy, or laser resurfacing may also induce postinflammatory
hypopigmentation or depigmentation. 5/23
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The pathogenesis of postinflammatory hypopigmentation is incompletely understood. Cutaneous inflammation can affect all steps
of melanogenesis, particularly the transfer of melanosomes to keratinocytes [30]. Severe inflammation may lead to a loss of
functional melanocytes or melanocyte death [29].

Postinflammatory hypopigmentation typically presents with hypomelanotic macules or patches that match the shape and
distribution of previous inflammatory lesions (picture 3). In most cases, inflammatory lesions may be seen along with
hypopigmented lesions. Complete pigment loss can be seen in scleroderma or lupus erythematosus lesions.

The diagnosis is in most cases clinical. Examination under Wood's light accentuates lesions. However, a skin biopsy of an
inflammatory lesion, if present, may be helpful in identifying the underlying condition if the diagnosis is unclear or if there is a
clinical suspicion of mycosis fungoides.

Postinflammatory hypopigmentation is usually reversible and resolves spontaneously over weeks to months. Depigmented lesions
resulting from complete loss of melanocytes do not improve with time. In these cases, epidermal grafting may be a therapeutic

Pityriasis alba — Pityriasis alba is a common, benign dermatosis that occurs predominantly in children and adolescents and is
more noticeable in those with darker skin types [31,32]. Although considered in many cases a minor manifestation of atopic
dermatitis, pityriasis alba may also occur in nonatopic individuals [33].

Pityriasis alba typically presents with multiple asymptomatic hypopigmented macules and patches, round or oval in shape,
involving predominantly the face, upper trunk, and upper limbs (picture 4). Mild erythema and scaling may precede the
development of hypopigmentation.

On histopathologic examination, changes are mild and nonspecific and consist of mild spongiosis, acanthosis, and hyperkeratosis.
There is markedly reduced pigment in the epidermis without significant reduction in melanocyte count [31]. On electron microscopy,
degenerative changes in melanocytes and a reduced number of melanosomes within keratinocytes have been seen [31].

The diagnosis is in most cases straightforward, based upon the clinical appearance and distribution of lesions in patients. On
examination with a Wood's lamp, lesions are accentuated but nonfluorescent. The differential diagnosis includes postinflammatory 6/23
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hypopigmentation following psoriasis or atopic eczema, pityriasis versicolor, nevus depigmentosus, nevus anemicus,
hypopigmented mycosis fungoides, and vitiligo.

Pityriasis alba is a self-limited disease, but the time to resolution varies from several months to a few years. Treatment with
emollients and low-potency topical corticosteroids may be beneficial in some patients. Topical calcineurin inhibitors may be an
alternative to topical corticosteroids for the treatment of facial lesions [34].

There is a single report on the use of targeted phototherapy for pityriasis alba [35]. In this small observational study, targeted
phototherapy with a 308 nm excimer laser induced complete remission in 10 of 12 children with moderate to severe facial pityriasis

Lichen striatus albus — Lichen striatus albus is a variant of lichen striatus presenting with hypopigmented macules and
patches arranged in a linear pattern along the lines of Blaschko (picture 5). The clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of lichen
striatus are discussed separately. (See "Lichen striatus".)

Scleroderma — Skin hyperpigmentation or depigmentation ("salt and pepper") is seen in patients with scleroderma, usually in
combination with other cutaneous manifestations of the disease (picture 6). (See "Overview of the clinical manifestations of
systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) in adults".)

Extragenital lichen sclerosus — Extragenital lichen sclerosus is a chronic inflammatory disorder affecting predominantly
women in the fifth or sixth decade of life. It is characterized by the presence of asymptomatic, porcelain-white, atrophic plaques
most commonly located on the back (picture 7), chest (picture 8), shoulder, neck, wrists (picture 9 and picture 10), thigh, and
inframammary areas. Early lesions appear as flat-topped and slightly scaly, hypopigmented, white, or mildly erythematous
polygonal papules that may coalesce to form larger plaques (picture 11).

The diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and treatment of extragenital lichen sclerosus is discussed separately. (See "Extragenital
lichen sclerosus".)

Discoid lupus erythematosus — The inflammatory lesions of discoid lupus erythematosus heal leaving depressed, atrophic
scars, telangiectasias, and hyperpigmentation and/or hypopigmentation (picture 12). Histologically, the depigmented lesions show 7/23
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degeneration of basal layer with epidermal atrophy, a variable number of melanocytes, and pigmentary incontinence in the
superficial dermis. (See "Overview of cutaneous lupus erythematosus".)

Sarcoidosis — Hypopigmented sarcoidosis is a rare subtype of cutaneous sarcoidosis seen predominantly in dark-skinned
individuals. It presents with thin, nonscaly papules or plaques, 1 to 10 mm in diameter, most often located on the trunk and face
(picture 13A-B) [36]. Erythematous or skin-colored papules are sometimes present in the center of the patch, giving the lesion a
"fried egg" appearance. Histopathologic examination of a skin biopsy reveals characteristic noncaseating sarcoidal granulomas,
consisting of aggregates of epithelioid histiocytes, giant cells, and mature macrophages (picture 14 and picture 15).

The clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and differential diagnosis of cutaneous sarcoidosis are presented in detail separately. (See
"Cutaneous manifestations of sarcoidosis".)

Hypopigmented mycosis fungoides — Hypopigmented mycosis fungoides (HMF) is an uncommon variant of mycosis
fungoides, mostly seen in children and in patients with darker skin types [37,38]. HMF presents with hypopigmented, scaly patches
mainly distributed on the trunk, pelvic girdle, buttocks, and proximal portions of the extremities. In some patients, scaling may be
minimal or absent, and lesions may mimic vitiligo [39,40]. HMF may also simulate pityriasis alba, pityriasis lichenoides, tinea
versicolor, or leprosy.

The diagnosis of HMF is difficult and often delayed. Repeated skin biopsies for histopathologic, immunophenotypic, and molecular
studies are often required for a correct diagnosis. (See "Clinical manifestations, pathologic features, and diagnosis of mycosis

Pityriasis lichenoides chronica — Pityriasis lichenoides chronica is an inflammatory skin disease characterized by the
development of multiple scaly, erythematous to brown papules on the trunk and extremities. Occasionally, patients present with
widespread hypopigmented macules as the predominant clinical manifestation of the disease (picture 16) [41]. A skin biopsy can
confirm the diagnosis. (See "Pityriasis lichenoides chronica".)

Infectious hypomelanoses

Pityriasis versicolor — Pityriasis versicolor (or tinea versicolor) is a common, recurrent, superficial fungal disease most
commonly occurring in adolescents and young adults that is caused by Malassezia yeasts, a component of normal skin flora 8/23
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[42,43]. Pityriasis versicolor can present with hypopigmented (picture 17), hyperpigmented (picture 18), or erythematous macules
(picture 19) and patches involving predominantly the upper trunk. Inhibitory or damaging effects on melanocytes by azelaic acid (a
dicarboxylic acid produced by Malassezia) may play a role in the development of hypopigmentation.

The diagnosis is in most cases clinical but may be confirmed with a potassium hydroxide preparation showing hyphae and yeast
cells in a pattern described as "spaghetti and meatballs" (picture 20). Examination with a Wood's lamp will reveal a yellow to
yellow-green fluorescence. (See "Tinea versicolor (Pityriasis versicolor)".)

Leprosy — Indeterminate (early) leprosy presents in most cases with ill-defined hypopigmented macules or patches with
diminished sensation (picture 21A-C) [44,45]. Hair loss, mild atrophy, and reduced or absent sweating may also be present in the
affected area.

The lack of sensory perception to a light touch or pinprick distinguishes leprosy lesions from vitiligo and other infectious and
noninfectious hypomelanoses. (See "Leprosy: Epidemiology, microbiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis".)

Endemic treponematoses — Endemic treponematoses, which include yaws, bejel, and pinta, are chronic bacterial infections
caused by organisms that are morphologically and serologically indistinguishable from Treponema pallidum, the causative agent of
syphilis [46,47]. (See "Yaws, bejel, and pinta".)

Pinta is confined to the skin and is the mildest of the treponematoses, affecting both children and adults. Secondary lesions of pinta
may remain active for several years and lead to extensive depigmentation resembling vitiligo (picture 22A-B). Yaws affects
predominantly children. Secondary lesions of yaws consist of papules, plaques, or papillomatous lesions that may ulcerate and
leave oval hypopigmented macules (picture 23).

Syphilis — Leukoderma syphiliticum may rarely occur following the resolution of classic papular lesions of secondary syphilis
[48]. The diagnosis is suspected in patients with a history of primary syphilis or in patients with additional cutaneous lesions
characteristic of secondary syphilis. On histopathologic examination, the presence of a band-like lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate in the
upper dermis may represent a clue to the diagnosis. Serologic testing for syphilis will confirm the diagnosis.

Onchocerciasis — Onchocerciasis, also known as "river blindness," is caused by the filarial nematode Onchocerca volvulus. It
affects rural communities and is a major cause of blindness and skin disease in endemic areas. Manifestations of onchocercal skin 9/23
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disease include generalized itching, acute or chronic papular onchodermatitis, lichenified onchodermatitis, skin atrophy, and

Depigmentation typically occurs on the anterior shins of older adults. Patches of complete pigment loss present perifollicular
"spots" or islands of normally pigmented skin, resulting in the so-called "leopard skin" appearance (picture 24). (See

Nevus depigmentosus — Nevus depigmentosus (picture 25A-C) is a circumscribed, segmental area of depigmentation or
hypopigmentation usually present at birth or detected in the first years of life [49,50]. The lesion is usually solitary and shows little
change over time, although it may enlarge as the patient grows. Nevus depigmentosus is a form of cutaneous mosaicism, caused
by an altered clone of melanocytes with a decreased ability to produce melanin, abnormal melanosomes, and inability to transfer
pigment to keratinocytes. When examined under a Wood's lamp, nevus depigmentosus shows an off-white accentuation, in
contrast with the bright-white fluorescence seen in vitiligo. Nevus depigmentosus may be confused with the ash-leaf spots of
tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) (picture 26). However, the ash-leaf spots are usually multiple and associated with other
cutaneous and extracutaneous features of TSC. (See "Tuberous sclerosis complex: Genetics, clinical features, and diagnosis".)

Localized hypopigmentations due to vascular causes

Nevus anemicus — Nevus anemicus is a congenital, localized, cutaneous vascular anomaly presenting as a pale, irregularly
shaped patch on otherwise normal skin (picture 27). It is thought to be caused by a localized increased vascular sensitivity to
endogenous catecholamines resulting in persistent vasoconstriction [51,52]. Nevus anemicus is in most cases an isolated finding
but may occur in association with several genetic syndromes, including phakomatosis pigmentovascularis, neurofibromatosis, and
TSC [53-55].

Nevus anemicus is not accentuated by Wood's light. On diascopy, which consists in applying pressure to the lesion and adjacent
normal skin with a glass slide, nevus anemicus is indistinguishable from the blanched adjacent skin.

There are no treatments for nevus anemicus. Camouflage makeup may be an effective treatment for those patients who feel
uncomfortable with its appearance. 10/23
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Bier spots — Bier spots, also called physiologic anemic macules, represent an uncommon, benign vascular mottling of the
skin. They are thought to be an exaggerated physiologic vasoconstrictive response of the small cutaneous vessels to hypoxia
induced by venous stasis or venous hypertension [56,57].

Bier spots present with multiple asymptomatic, small, and irregular white macules on a background of blanching erythema,
predominantly located on the arms and legs of young adults (picture 28) [58]. Bier spots are usually an isolated finding in patients
otherwise healthy. There are a few reports of association with deep vein thrombosis [59], lower extremity lymphedema [60],
cyanosis and urticarial eruption [61], and cryoglobulinemia [62].

The diagnosis is clinical, based upon the disappearance of the white lesions on diascopy or with limb elevation. The observation
that lesions are accentuated by placing a tourniquet around the affected limb and disappear after the tourniquet is removed is an
additional clue to the diagnosis.

No treatment is required for Bier spots. Patients should be reassured about the benign and self-limited nature of the condition.


Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis — Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis (IGH) is a very common hypopigmentation disorder
characterized by small, round or oval white macules that typically presents in middle-aged and older individuals (picture 29C). Its
prevalence increases with age and is estimated to be around 70 to more than 80 percent in individuals older than 40 [63,64]. IGH
affects predominantly individuals with light skin types, without sex predilection.

The exact cause of IGH is unknown. One hypothesis is that it results from chronic ultraviolet exposure in combination with the
normal aging process [65,66]. However, trauma is still regarded as a triggering factor.

Histopathologically, IGH lesions demonstrate reduced number of melanocytes, decreased melanin pigment, and hyperkeratosis
with flattened rete ridge [67-69]. An electron microscopy study suggests that IGH may be due to a functional defect in the transfer
of melanosomes to keratinocytes, in the absence of structural melanocyte abnormalities [70]. 11/23
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Patients present with multiple small, scattered, discrete, round- or oval-shaped macules 2 to 6 mm in size that are lighter than the
surrounding skin (picture 29A-B). The surface of lesions is usually smooth but may be occasionally scaly. IGH most commonly
appears on sun-exposed areas, such as the anterior area of lower extremities and outer surface of forearms. However, sun-
protected areas and, rarely, the face can also be affected.

IGH lesions usually do not increase in size, but their number increases with age. Spontaneous repigmentation has not been
observed. Although treatment is not typically required, a variety of therapies have been tried for cosmetic reasons with inconsistent
results, including topical calcineurin inhibitors [71-73], fractional carbon dioxide laser [73-76], phenol [77], and cryotherapy [78].

Progressive macular hypomelanosis — Progressive macular hypomelanosis (PMH) is a relatively common skin disorder
characterized by ill-defined, nonscaly hypopigmented macules typically located on the trunk around the midline (picture 30A-B)
[79]. Rarely, PMH may involve the upper extremities and the head and neck area. PMH typically occurs in adolescents and young
adults and is most frequent in females and in individuals with darker skin types.

The precise etiology and pathogenesis of PMH are unknown. Cutibacterium (formerly Propionibacterium) acnes or different
subtypes of Cutibacterium species (anaerobic saprophytes of the human skin residing within the hair follicles) have been proposed
as etiologic agents [79-82]. The electron microscopy finding of smaller and less melanized melanosomes in lesional skin,
compared with normal skin, suggests a decreased melanin synthesis as the cause of hypopigmentation [83,84]. However, the role
of C. acnes in the altered melanogenesis remains to be determined.

The diagnosis of PMH is usually clinical. Under Wood's light, the hypopigmented lesions demonstrate a characteristic punctiform
orange-red follicular fluorescence. The examination of a potassium hydroxide preparation is typically negative. If performed,
histologic examination of a skin biopsy shows decreased epidermal melanin content with a normal number of melanocytes [85].

Treatment for PMH is difficult. Therapies that have been used with inconsistent results include topical antibacterials (eg, 5%
benzoyl peroxide gel, 1% clindamycin lotion) and phototherapy with ultraviolet A (UVA) or narrowband ultraviolet B [86], alone or in
combination [86-89]. PMH may resolve spontaneously after the age of 40.

Leukoderma punctata — Some patients develop multiple punctiform, hypopigmented or achromic spots 0.5 to 1.5 mm in diameter
after long-term topical or systemic psoralen plus UVA treatment [90-93]. Histologic examination shows a reduction in melanin 12/23
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content and melanocyte number. Leukoderma punctata is thought to be caused by phototoxic damage of keratinocytes and

Nutritional deficiencies — In children, severe protein malnutrition (kwashiorkor) may be associated with hypopigmentation of the
skin and scalp hair [94]. Alternating bands of light and dark hair may result from alternating periods of malnutrition and adequate
nutritional intake. (See "Malnutrition in children in resource-limited countries: Clinical assessment", section on 'Kwashiorkor
(edematous malnutrition)'.)

Although the precise mechanism leading to decreased melanin production is not known, a reduced availability of tyrosine is
thought to be a contributory factor. Vitamin B12, iron, and copper deficiency may also be associated with diffuse hypopigmentation
with involvement of the scalp hair [95].

Endocrine disorders — The association of vitiligo with autoimmune endocrine disorders is well recognized. However,
hypopigmentations other than vitiligo and pallor have been reported in patients with hypopituitarism, hypogonadism, and Cushing
syndrome [95]. In patients with hypopituitarism, the light pigmentation is thought to result from a decreased production of
melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) and adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). In patients with ACTH-independent Cushing
syndrome, depigmentation may result from suppressed pituitary production of MSH by high cortisol levels [96]. (See "Causes and
pathophysiology of Cushing's syndrome".)

Other — A diffusely pale skin is a normal finding in patients with fair skin complexions. However, a diffuse skin pallor, especially if
associated with pallor of the nail beds or conjunctivae, may be a sign of anemia. (See "Evaluation of pallor in children" and
"Approach to the adult with anemia".)


● Hypopigmentation is a general term that refers to any form of decreased or absent skin pigmentation, while hypomelanosis
more specifically refers to a reduction of epidermal melanin. Hypopigmentation disorders may be congenital or acquired,
diffuse or localized, and may occur in isolation or be associated with a wide range of congenital or acquired disorders. (See
'Introduction' above.) 13/23
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● In many cases, the diagnosis of hypopigmentation disorders is made on clinical grounds, based upon a detailed history and
physical examination. The lesion morphology, color (depigmented or hypopigmented), distribution, and pattern are important
clues to the diagnosis (algorithm 1). However, examination under Wood's light, a skin biopsy, and additional laboratory tests
may be required if the clinical diagnosis is uncertain. (See 'Diagnostic approach' above.)

● Localized and diffuse depigmentation are in most cases a manifestation of vitiligo (see "Vitiligo: Pathogenesis, clinical features,
and diagnosis"). Less common causes include chemical leukoderma (picture 1), drug-induced leukoderma, and melanoma-
associated leukoderma. (See 'Localized depigmentation' above and 'Diffuse depigmentation' above.)

● Localized hypopigmentation may occur following inflammatory dermatoses (picture 3) or dermatologic procedures (eg,
cryotherapy, laser therapy). Skin infections, including pityriasis versicolor (picture 17), leprosy (picture 21B), and
onchocerciasis (picture 24) are also frequent causes of localized hypopigmentation. (See 'Postinflammatory hypopigmentation'
above and 'Infectious hypomelanoses' above.)

● Relatively common causes of diffuse macular hypopigmentation include idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis (picture 29A-C) and
progressive macular hypomelanosis (picture 30A). Diffuse hypopigmentation often also involving the scalp hair may be seen in
patients with severe protein malnutrition or iron, copper, or vitamin B12 deficiency and in patients with hypopituitarism,
hypogonadism, or Cushing syndrome. (See 'Diffuse hypopigmentation' above.)

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1. Lapeere H, Boone B, De Schepper S, et al. Hypomelanoses and hypermelanoses. In: Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General M
edicine, 8th ed, Goldsmith L, Katz SI, Gilchrest BA, et al (Eds), McGraw-Hill Medical, New York 2012. p.804.

2. Tey HL. Approach to hypopigmentation disorders in adults. Clin Exp Dermatol 2010; 35:829.

3. Tey HL. A practical classification of childhood hypopigmentation disorders. Acta Derm Venereol 2010; 90:6. 14/23
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4. Gupta LK, Singhi MK. Wood's lamp. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2004; 70:131.

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