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Project de ingles number four

Hello good night, dear friend Imelda Contreras

Hoping that you're super well and the rest of your family.

I would like to make a great invitation to come to know my dear municipality of the san
cayetano already that this municipality is less hot than Ureña , as it is very beautiful
place to lived and walking, and has changed a lot now there are more tourist sites like :

 * Valley of the Rio Zulia Call the hamaca is a place for family..

 We can go to the river to make sancocho

as this
 This is a site turistico so-called the trap

 Church of san cayetano

 Park of san cayetano

 The rancho of Viejo lalo

 BLUE PIT TOURISTIC SITE IS ONE OF THE CITY streets away you will to
THREE HOURS OF way but it is a place MAGICO OF NATURE


Friend also i invite you to the fairs in tribute to san Cayetano patron of this
beautiful village of Norte of Santander and are held between the days fourth, five,
six, seven of august and There will be sporting events, cock, festival of orchestras,
comparsas and murgas peasant, fireworks and pyrotechnics between other things do
you hope.


 These are some food "tipicas"of my city of san cayetano and their prices are
economic and the most important friend is that delicious.

AND come to enjoyed the delicious

*fried cachama 7000 pesos per kilo

* Rampuchada 35000 pesos for 4 people for drinks as

*The cabro service 20000 pesos

* The guarapo 4000 pesos liter

Nena look also i want to tell you what i municipio se producen In this city of Norte de
Santander in agriculture rice, maiz, yuca, caco, sugar cane.and in the
mining:clay,limestone,carbono,and sand.

San Cayetano is located in east sub of the Norte de Santander department and its
geographical coordinates are: Length 0or Greenwich 72 º 38' North Latitude:7 º 53 '
.Extension: Its area is 168 km2, which represents 0.81 % of the total of the
Department. Limits: North: Municipality The Zulia. South: Municipality Bochalema
Durania and. Middle: Municipality Cúcuta. West: Municipality of Santiago and Durania.

. It is very safe and quiet can come with your family, I hope that you come soon to this
invitation that

When you receive the letter you do the potential for you with good will soon to me vas
accept my invitation I LOVE AND I WANT TO SEE IT SOON.

I love you friend

Of Her friend


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