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eee Diocese of Kamloops BISHOP'S OFFICE September 4, 2020 Dear Clergy, Religious and Faithful of the Diocese of Kamloops, As the words of Saint Paul echo in my heart “If one member suffers, all suffer together” (1 Cor. 12:26), 1 am writing to you with regard to two recent instances where our diocese has dealt with allegations of past abuse and misconduct by clergy in our diocese. ‘The first allegation made against Fr. Herb Bourne occurred about 1980. ‘When this complaint of misconduct was received, the diocese relied on its advisors ‘toevaluate the claim and respond with utmost respect and eare. In my role as bishop, I chose to meet personally with the complainants and their family offering a formal and very heartfelt apology and a resolution was reached. The second instance is one you may have seen in the news. It involved an allegation against Fr. Lindo Moton in the mid 1970's. The matter was resolved by a lawsuit brought by the claimant and a decision of the Court. ‘There are times when those who have been harmed and the Church are not able to agree on how to assign responsibility for the alleged harm. These are times when the Courts become involved and this was the circumstance of the situation that took place in the mid 1970s. Asyour bishop, itis disheartening to hear of any circumstance where clergy or others in the Church are accused of causing any kind of harm to any person. Any action which harms another person is sinful and in direct contradiction to the loving ‘message of Christ and the mission of his Church. ‘The failure to act soon enough to prevent abuse is mistake of the past. At his meeting, with all the presidents of bishops” conference from around the world, Pope Francis said “the Church will restate her resolve to pursue unstintingly the path of purification”. ‘The Church always seeks to reconcile with anyone who brings forward an allegation ‘of misconduct. Transparency, openness and responsibility ate more than just words, they are a call to action. Ifyou become aware of any situation of abuse or misconduct please immediately contact law enforcement authorities. If the abuse involves a member of the clergy engaged in ministry in our diocese please make us aware. As a local Church, we have protocols for dealing with complaints of misconduct or abuse from the past or in the present. We are continually looking at better ways to protect minors and vulnerable people and also for healing, reconciliation and ‘transformation. With humility and trust, I call on the Clergy of the Diocese of Kamloops to join me in doing penance in reparation for the grave sins committed within our Church. against our brothers and sisters. In order to heal as a community of Faith, Hope and Charity, we must first acknowledge our brokenness before the Lord and ask for his grace to re-establish the trust for the healing and reconciliation of both those who have suffered harm and those who have caused harm. With this in mind, Task you, the faithful of the diocese to pray for us, the Clery and with us for the healing in our diocese. ask our Blessed Mother Mary, Most Holy to pray for us that we all will open our hearts to hear God’s call to be reconciled to himself and one another with sincere dialogue. In this way, we will see God’s love and with his love, we might be able to become what he expects us to be: “the salt of the earth and the light of the world” (Mt 5:13-14), With humility and prayer, 4% Joseph Phuong Nguyen Bishop of Kamloops

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