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Sermon Notes

Practical Lessons for Understanding the Word of God

When Opportunities Appear

KEY PASSAGE: Ephesians 5:15-17 | SUPPORTING SCRIPTURE: Psalm 37:4 | Matthew 4:18-20 | Mark 10:17-22
Luke 5:17-26; 10:38-42; 19:1-10 | John 6:1-14 | Acts 16:30-31; 17:22-34

will rarely anticipate how God wants to use us, so

be alert to opportunities to experience the joy of
Do you sometimes feel bored by the Christian giving.
life? n Serve the Lord: When we are offered the chance to
serve our heavenly Father, we may feel unprepared
That isn’t what our heavenly Father intends for His
and afraid. Surely, Peter must have felt similar
children. Our lives, from the moment of salvation until
emotions when Jesus called him to become His
we see Jesus face to face, should be characterized
disciple (Matt. 4:18-20).
by excitement and adventure. How? Through the
invitations the Lord provides to draw closer to Him The Son of God was not asking for a small act of
and to participate with Him in touching the lives of obedience; Peter would be leaving his successful
others. fishing business and embarking on a risky new
venture. But because he stepped out in faith, God
God commands us to be careful in how we live. He
used him in powerful ways to help establish the
instructs us to be wise in our decisions and alert to
early church. You and I can also be confident that
the opportunities He provides (Eph. 5:15-17). Let’s look
no matter how unqualified we feel, the Lord will
at seven biblical passages in which men and women
had the choice whether or not to respond to the Lord. always enable us to walk through the doors He
Through their examples—good and bad—we can learn opens.
more about how our lives can be characterized by n Grow in intimacy with Christ: Most of us can
adventure and promise. relate to the story found in Luke 10:38-42. Martha
felt slighted when her sister Mary stopped helping
her prepare a meal and instead sat at Jesus’ feet.
SERMON POINTS When Martha complained about this, the Lord
replied, “Martha, you are worried and bothered
God provides every believer with the
opportunity to . . . about so many things; but only one thing is
necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part,
n Share: When the disciples and Jesus encountered which shall not be taken away from her” (Luke
a crowd of hungry citizens, a young boy nearby 10:41-42). He affirmed that Mary had done the right
got the request of a lifetime (John 6:1-14). Was thing to drop everything and spend time with Him.
he willing to offer his lunch—five loaves and two We also have a choice to draw near to Jesus. In
fish—in order to meet a need? Yes. The boy gave fact, we are more equipped than Mary to deepen
sacrificially and witnessed a miracle when Jesus our walks with the Lord. We have the Holy Spirit,
multiplied his offering. the Word of God, and prayer lives in which Jesus
When the young boy left home that morning, he speaks to us personally as we listen for His voice.
could not have imagined how his generosity would We should never let busyness rob us of our chance
bless him and others. In a similar way, you and I to know the Savior better.


n Help others: When friends of a paralyzed man heard n Follow Jesus: In Mark 10:17-22, a rich young
Jesus was in town, they recognized that his chance ruler asked Jesus what he needed to do in order
for healing had come (Luke 5:17-26). Yet when they to inherit eternal life. Jesus knew that the man’s
arrived at the house where Jesus was teaching, it wealth was a stumbling block to his faith, so He
was too crowded to enter. Rather than giving up, answered that he should sell his possessions, give
they ripped a hole in the roof. Driven by love, they to the poor, and follow Him. Unfortunately, the
were determined to make a way for their friend to ruler chose not to heed Jesus’ instruction and
see Jesus. As a result, they had the joy of seeing their missed his chance at salvation.
friend not only healed but also saved from his sins. The wisest choice a person can make is to
At some point, every believer is called to help receive eternal life through Jesus Christ. If you
someone else. Sometimes that involves facing a have never accepted the Lord as your personal
challenge or pressing through a hardship, but we Savior, I pray you will. There is no greater thrill in
should be willing to do whatever God asks of us to life than to have a vibrant, personal relationship
help others. with the Maker of the universe.
n Choose to witness for Jesus: In Acts 16, Paul had
the opportunity to tell his jailer how to be saved
(vv. 30-31). The apostle’s willingness to witness
What opportunities has the Lord set before you
brought not only that man but also his entire
today? Did He convict you to draw near to Him
household to salvation.
through time alone in His presence? Did He bring to
Paul didn’t always enjoy such success when mind someone who needs to hear the gospel, despite
sharing the gospel. In another city, he tried to tell your fears of what he or she might think? Or maybe
the people about “an unknown god”—the Creator— your compassionate Father is asking you to endure
but many of them rejected his message. Only a a circumstance He knows will bring about good, but
few of them wanted to hear more (Acts 17:22-34). one that brings with it a measure of difficulty.
However, he realized that his responsibility was to
Regardless of what God is prompting you to
preach the gospel and leave all the consequences to
do, my prayer is that you will realize the promise
God. We, too, must share our faith without worrying and excitement of the Christian life as you walk
about how people will respond. carefully, make wise decisions, and lay hold of the
n Understand who Jesus is: Luke 19:1-10 tells the opportunities before you.
story of Zacchaeus, a tax collector for the Roman n Zacchaeus, Peter, Paul, and the boy in today’s
government. He exacted more than was required story made great sacrifices to the glory of God.
from his fellow Jews and was therefore viewed as a What other biblical characters have shown such
traitor. When Jesus came through town, it was no sacrifice?
surprise that no one in the crowd moved aside so
n When have you had a recent opportunity to give
that the short-statured Zacchaeus could see Him.
sacrificially? How did you respond to your own
But Zacchaeus didn’t let that stop him: he challenge?
climbed a tree, and his tenacity was rewarded
when Jesus reached out to him. The tax collector’s
life was transformed, and his story is recorded in
Scripture because he was determined to catch a
glimpse of Jesus, no matter what it cost. Don’t let
other people or difficult circumstances discourage To purchase this message on CD or DVD,
you from responding to the opportunities God please visit or call 800-789-1473.
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sends your way.

Copyright © 2014 by In Touch Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. In Touch grants permission to print for personal use only.


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