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V o l u m e X V I I , I s s u e 3



Fitly Joined Together

In John’s gospel, chapter 17, the Lord Jesus prayed to the Father for all who were to believe
in Him. He prayed that we would be one as He and the Father were one, so that all the world
might believe and know that the Father had sent Him. In recent years, God has begun to
open my eyes to the way in which we can effectively and practically become one—not in
some distant future age, but in our generation. I believe it is a practical possibility now. In
fact, I believe that’s what God is working towards through the Holy Spirit.

et’s look at some basic scriptural and practical is easy and it doesn’t cost much. Often, however, that
thoughts on “the way into unity” taken from two is as far as we come. But God is talking about brethren
passages in the book of Psalms. dwelling together in unity.
The other two verses of Psalm 133 describe the re-
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren
sults that will follow: “It is like the precious oil.” The
to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil
anointing oil was placed upon the head of Aaron, the
upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard
High Priest; oil always flows downward, never upward.
of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments.
This also applies to unity: it comes from the top down-
It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the
ward, not from the bottom upward.
mountains of Zion; for there the LORD commanded the
For a number of years I tried to bring God’s people
blessing—life forevermore. Psalm 133:1–3
together by holding conferences. Most of these had two
The word dwell in verse 1 does not necessarily refer things in common: about 75 percent of those who attended
to living in a commune with everyone under one roof or were women, and most were church members but very few
where several families live in the same home. What I’m were church leaders. This did two things: it made wives
referring to here is brothers and sisters in Christ sharing more spiritual than their husbands, and it made sheep
their lives together on a permanent, continuing basis. more spiritual than their shepherds. In a certain sense, we
This is the purpose of God; it is what He longs to see. were not solving problems, we were increasing them!
Scripture says it is good and pleasant, but it does not I came to see how vain it was to talk about uniting
tell us how very hard it is. We can come to church on sheep. Sheep are not disunited in the first place. The
Sunday morning, enjoy the worship and the preaching, only persons who are disunited are shepherds.
feel warm and brotherly, shake a few hands and say, Unity goes with authority. To illustrate: If a father
“God bless you, brother; see you next week.” That part and mother are united, there is unity in the home and
V o l u m e X V I I , I s s u e 3

they have authority. But if father and LORD.” Our feet have been stand- I was glad when they said to me,
mother are disunited, there is no unity, ing within your gates, O Jerusalem! “Let us go into the house of the
no harmony and no authority because Jerusalem is built as a city that is LORD.” Our feet have been standing
the children will always play one par- compact together, where the tribes within your gates, O Jerusalem!
ent against the other. Many times that go up, the tribes of the LORD, to the
In other words, we are going to come
is also true in the Body of Christ. If the Testimony of Israel, to give thanks
into the place where God’s people are
leaders are not united, there can be no to the name of the LORD. For thrones
gathered as His Church.
unity or authority in the Body, and the are set there for judgment, the
It is a remarkable fact that when Is-
members of the Body will play leaders thrones of the house of David. Pray
rael dwelt in their land under the old
one against another. for the peace of Jerusalem: “May
covenant, God required every male
Continuing to verse 3 of Psalm 133, they prosper who love you. Peace
Israelite to leave his home three times
we find unity compared to the dew. be within your walls, prosperity
every year and make the journey up to
There are many pictures in Scripture within your palaces.” For the sake
Jerusalem. It was required. Psalm 122
of the Holy Spirit. Many of them are of my brethren and companions, I
is one of the psalms that refers to the
dramatic, such as fire, wind and rain. will now say, “Peace be within you.”
going up of the male Israelites to the
But dew is different. It is usually invis- Because of the house of the LORD our
city of the Lord.
ible; silent and very gentle; yet it is sin- God I will seek your good.
“Jerusalem is built as a city that is
gularly refreshing. As God brings His
You will notice that the psalm begins compact together” (verse 3). Compact
people together, an atmosphere will be
and ends with the focus on the house means basically that you bring a lot
created that is not based on dramatic
of the Lord (verses 1, 9). In my under- of different components together and
manifestations of the Holy Spirit. In-
standing of Scripture, everything that is unite them very strongly. This is what
stead there will be gentleness and soft-
promised to Jerusalem, to Zion, and to God is seeking to do—to bring many
ness and tenderness over God’s people
Israel will be given to Jerusalem, Zion, different groups together and compact
that will be very refreshing.
and Israel. God has not withdrawn any them—fasten them together so that
At the end of Psalm 133 it says, “For
of His covenant commitments to the they cannot be shaken and cannot be
there the LORD commanded the blessing.”
land of Israel or to the Jewish people loosed one from another.
Often we struggle and strive for the
or to the city of Jerusalem. But at the There is a beautiful parallel in Ephe-
blessing; we pray and fast for it. And
same time, this Scripture also applies sians 4:15–16 which speaks of Christ
well we should. But how nice to be in the
to God’s new covenant people—the as the head and the Church as the
place where the Lord has commanded
Church of Jesus Christ. Body of Christ. Speaking about Him as
the blessing. That place is where God’s
I will give you just one Scripture the Head, it says:
people come together; where brethren
from the New Testament to justify this
dwell together in unity. From whom the whole body fitly
and then apply these words to us in
Getting there will involve many dis- joined together and compacted by
the Church of Jesus Christ today. In
couragements and many sacrifices. It that which every joint supplieth, ac-
1 Timothy 3:15 Paul writes:
will require us to give up some of our cording to the effectual working in
prejudices, swallow our pride, and lay I write so that you may know how the measure of every part, maketh
down our lives one for another. But if you ought to conduct yourself in the increase of the body unto the edify-
we get a vision of where we are headed, house of God, which is the church of ing of itself in love. verse 16, KJV
we ll be willing to make the sacrifice. the living God, the pillar and ground
What I like in the King James Ver-
of the truth.
sion is the use of the word compacted.
The House of the Lord On the basis of Paul’s authority as Again, the thought is of a lot of differ-
an apostle and what the New Testa- ent members with different functions
The second passage is from Psalm
ment says, we are justified in saying and different abilities. All are brought
that “the house of God” is “the church together, joined and united in such a
I was glad when they said to me, of the living God.” With that in mind, powerful and effective way that they
“Let us go into the house of the let’s go back to Psalm 122. become fully one. Again, this is the

t h e t e a c h i n g l e g a c y o f d e r e k p r i n c e | d p m a r c h i v e
V o l u m e X V I I , I s s u e 3

purpose of God in our day—to com- cession. When Ezekiel prophesied to the outstretched rod of prayer that goes
pact together the various members to bones, God moved the bones supernat- out of Zion (see Psalm 110), but first
make one single functioning Body— urally and they came together in com- we must meet the conditions.
all united with the Head. plete bodies. But when Ezekiel spoke to If we go through the whole Bible,
the breath (the wind or the Spirit), God we will find that judging is always a
Going Up by Tribes didn’t move individual bones, but He function of ruling. At one point in
only moved completed bodies. Those Israel’s history, the judges were the
Going back to Psalm 122:4: “Where completed bodies stood up on their feet, rulers. Then God raised up kings and
the tribes go up, the tribes of the LORD, to an exceeding great army. the kings became the judges. We have
the Testimony of Israel, to give thanks to That is God’s objective: an exceed- to understand that under the monar-
the name of the LORD.” This speaks of Je- ing great army! If you are just a bone chy there was no Supreme Court. The
rusalem as the gathering point of God’s on your own, and you don’t find your Supreme Court was the king, and the
people. God spoke to me once and place in a body, there is going to come king was the judge. In other words,
said, “That’s the testimony—that all My a time when God will move and you ruling and judging always go together;
people come together to one place to won’t know it, because His final move they cannot be separated.
give Me thanks. That’s what reveals Me will be on bodies, not on bones. If we see that, we can understand
to the nations around about. The sight Turning back to Psalm 122, we have where we are expected to judge and
of all My people leaving their homes the same truth stated another way. Is- where we are not expected to judge.
and coming together in that one place rael went up to Jerusalem to worship Wherever one is required to rule, one
I have appointed, to give thanks to My the Lord not as individuals, but as is required to judge. As the head of his
name—that is the testimony of Israel. members of tribes, each tribe under its house, a father must rule his house for
That is how Israel as a nation testifies headship. I believe God is really work- God. Therefore, he is also the judge of
that the Lord is their God.” ing today to bring that about. his house. He settles disputes between
Notice, the Israelites did not go up as his children. He determines what kind
individuals. They went up as tribes— The
h Place
l off Ruling
l of television programs the family will
each one in his particular tribal group and Judging and will not watch. He determines the
under his tribal leader. This, I believe, kind of entertainment they have. He
is the real key to effective unity of God’s The fifth verse of Psalm 122 says, chooses the reading materials. He is
people. We will not be united as indi- “For thrones are set there for judgment, responsible to judge his house because
viduals, but we can be united as tribes. the thrones of the house of David.” That he is responsible to rule his house. But
If our leaders will go up together, each verse speaks of two things: ruling and if he starts to judge his brother’s house,
tribe will follow: the Baptist tribe, the judging. It speaks of God’s people com- then that father is no longer a judge
Lutheran tribe, the Mennonite tribe, ing back into their divine authority. but a busybody. It is his brother’s re-
the non-denominational tribe. We are God’s appointed agents to sponsibility to judge his own family.
I believe the final move of God is rule the world for God now, and the If someone is given authority in the
not going to be a move upon individu- Bible says that in the future we shall church as an elder, one of the primary
als, but a move upon bodies. I take judge angels. But I do not believe a functions is to rule. So an elder must
that from Ezekiel 37 where we find divided Church at variance with itself judge the congregation of the Lord: to
the vision of the valley of dry bones. is ever going to be entrusted by God settle disputes, to determine what is right
In that vision there are two sovereign with the authority to rule or to judge. or appropriate, to determine the general
moves of God through two acts of the God says, “When you come together course and policy of God’s people in that
prophet Ezekiel. The first time, Ezekiel —under authority—then you will find congregation. But if that elder starts to
prophesies to the bones. The second the place of the throne—the place of judge another congregation, then he is
time, he prophesies to the breath (the judgment and the place of ruling.” no longer a judge but a busybody.
wind or the Spirit). God is longing to see His people exer- You know the great problem with
Prophesying to the bones is preach- cise sovereign authority in the affairs of God’s people? Many of us have been
ing; prophesying to the breath is inter- this world, to rule the nations with the busybodies. We have been busy judg-

t h e t e a c h i n g l e g a c y o f d e r e k p r i n c e | d p m a r c h i v e
V o l u m e X V I I , I s s u e 3

ing those who are not under our au- God.” The three evil kinds of love that God said to the returning exiles in
thority. The result is we fail to judge in corrupt human nature are: love of self, Haggai 1:4, “Is it time for you yourselves
the areas where we should be judging. love of money, and love of pleasure. to dwell in your paneled houses, and this
The man or the woman who is always In contemporary times, we find a temple to lie in ruins?” What was their
busy criticizing the neighbor’s children culture that is perhaps without parallel problem? Self-love. They were putting
usually does not do much of a job in its unbridled yielding to love of self, themselves, their interests and their
bringing up his or her own. love of money and love of pleasure. The concerns before God’s house, God’s
Every one of us is given a definite source of our problem is self-love. people and God’s glory.
area of authority, and in that area we Notice the Scripture goes on to say, We could change society if we would
judge. Outside that area, we have no “Having a form of godliness but denying learn to love something other than
right to judge. As we come together its power.” In other words, these people ourselves. For instance, if we would
in order under our leader, we come to are not pagans. They are churchgoers, learn to enjoy caring for the weak and
the place of judging and ruling. Each but they have denied the power of God sacrificing for those who cannot help
group leader is responsible for his own by refusing Him the right to change themselves. In the days of the birth of
tribe not for the other tribes. their lifestyle. They go to church, they Christianity it was said, “The Jews love
are religious, they sing hymns, but the and help one another; but the Chris-
h AAttitude
d off object of their affection is themselves. tians help those that aren’t Christians.”
Self-Centeredness That is what amazed the ancient, pa-
God’s Remedy gan world, and I believe that is what
Let’s look at 2 Timothy 3:1–5: God is asking of us today.
Turning back to Psalm 122 we see When the Body of Christ comes
But know this, that in the last days
God’s remedy for this self-centeredness together in unity, with the unselfish
perilous times will come: For men
and self-love. “For the sake of my breth- motive of putting God’s house and His
will be lovers of themselves, lovers
ren and companions, I will now say, ‘Peace glory above our own interests and con-
of money, boasters, proud, blas-
be within you.’ Because of the house of the cerns, then the world will truly know
phemers, disobedient to parents,
LORD our God I will seek your good” (verses and believe in Jesus, the One whom
unthankful, unholy, unloving, un-
8–9). In other words, there is something God has sent.
forgiving, slanderers, without self-
in life more important than “me.” It is Taken from a New Wine article
control, brutal, despisers of good,
God’s people; God’s house. The issue November 1977.
traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers
is: Am I going to live my life to please
of pleasure rather than lovers of For further study, we recom-
myself, seek my own good and pursue mend Derek Prince’s CD:
God, having a form of godliness but
my own ambition? Or am I going to live Covenant Ligaments
denying its power. And from such
my life for the glory of God, the house We are making this material available to you
people turn away! at no charge. Just use the enclosed reply slip
of God, and the people of God? I want to request your copy.
In those verses is a list of eighteen to suggest to you that the latter is the Reproduction of articles from
moral blemishes or defects which are to pathway to true happiness. the DPM archive for free
distribution is permitted. To
characterize the last days. The Word of In Matthew 3:10, John the Baptist, in receive regular teaching and
God places the responsibility right where introducing Christ and the gospel, said, encouragement by e-mail, sub-
scribe at
it belongs. What is the cause when, as “And even now the ax is laid to the root of
Scripture says, “Perilous times shall come”? the trees. Therefore every tree which does
It is the deterioration of human charac- not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown
ter—that is the source of the danger. into the fire.” If we want unity, the root
Looking at that list, we see that it we must lay the ax to is self-love.
begins and ends with the things peo- I pray that God will give us the
ple love. “Men will be lovers of them- grace to take the ax and cut the root Derek Prince Ministries
P.O. Box 19501
selves,” “lovers of money,” and finally, of self-love, and that He will give us Charlotte, NC 28219
“lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of a vision of His people and His house. 704.357.3556

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