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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

28 November 2021 1st Sunday of Advent Year C


oday we begin a new liturgical year. This Advent, while professing
our faith in the glorious coming of the Lord at the end of time, and
while preparing our hearts to celebrate the wonder of Christmas,
we are also reminded of Christ’s constant coming into our lives through
the sacraments and our neighbor.
Today, the last Sunday of November, is also the beginning of liturgi-
cal “Year C.”
This is going to be the year during which, under the guidance of the
Gospel of St. Luke, we will participate with gratitude in the conclusion
of the celebration of 500 years of fruitful proclamation of the Gospel in
our country.
It will also be a year in which we will solemnly renew our com-
mitment to be a country of “MISSIONARY DISCIPLES” in name and in
deeds. Let this be the main intention for which we offer this Eucharist.

family, with confidence let us ask All – Lord, have mercy!

the Lord’s forgiveness, for he is
P –May almighty God have
full of gentleness and compas-
sion. (Pause) mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
Entrance Antiphon and bring us to everlasting life.
(To be recited only when no P –Lord Jesus, you invite us to All –Amen!
Entrance Hymn is sung.) be vigilant, but we often be-
To you, I lift up my soul, O have as if you should never
my God. In you, I have trusted; come. Lord, have mercy! Collect (Opening Prayer)
let me not be put to shame. Nor All – Lord, have mercy! P –Grant your faithful, we pray,
let my enemies exult over me; almighty God, the resolve to run
and let none who hope in you P –Lord Jesus, you knock at the
door of our hearts, asking to forth to meet your Christ with
be put to shame. righteous deeds at his coming, so
be admitted, but we often
Greeting turn a deaf ear. Christ, have that, gathered at his right hand,
mercy! they may be worthy to possess
P –The grace of our Lord Jesus All –Christ, have mercy! the heavenly Kingdom.
Christ, the love of God, and the
communion of the Holy Spirit be Through our Lord Jesus
P –Lord Jesus, you invite us to
with you all! be attentive to the needs of Christ, your Son, who lives and
All – And with your spirit! our neighbor, but we pre- reigns with you in the unity of
tend not to see their needs the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
Penitential Act and hear their please for and ever.
P –Coming together as God’s help. Lord, have mercy! All – Amen!

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2nd Reading 1 Thes 3:12-4:2 sun, the moon, and the stars,
Belief in the imminent Sec- and on earth nations will be in
ond Coming of Jesus was very dismay, perplexed by the roar-
deeply felt, especially by the ing of the sea and the waves.
1st Reading Jer 33:14-16 faithful of Thessalonica. Such People will die of fright in an-
For centuries, since the time belief had also moral implica- ticipation of what is coming
of David, the people of Israel had tions, as St. Paul brings out in upon the world, for the powers
been waiting for the Messiah – a this beautiful prayer which is of the heavens will be shaken.
descendant of David, accord- particularly relevant at the be- And then they will see the Son
ing to God’s promise. In today’s ginning of Advent. of Man coming in a cloud with
short passage we have a restate- power and great glory.
ment of that promise. R –A proclamation from the
First Letter of Paul to the But when these signs be-
R –A proclamation from the gin to happen, stand erect and
Book of the Prophet Jer- Thessalonians
raise your heads because your
emiah Brothers and sisters: redemption is at hand.
The days are coming, says May the Lord make you Beware that your hearts
the Lord, when I will fulfill the increase and abound in love do not become drowsy from
promise I made to the house for one another and for all, carousing and drunkenness
of Israel and Judah. In those just as we have for you, so as and the anxieties of daily
days, at that time, I will raise to strengthen your hearts, life, and that day catch you
up for David a just shoot; he to be blameless in holiness by surprise like a trap. For
shall do what is right and just before our God and Father at that day will assault everyone
in the land. In those days Ju- the coming of our Lord Jesus who lives on the face of the
dah shall be safe and Jerusa- with all his holy ones. Amen! earth. Be vigilant at all times
lem shall dwell secure; this is Finally, brothers and sis- and pray that you have the
what they shall call her: “The ters, we earnestly ask and ex- strength to escape the trib-
Lord our justice.” hort you in the Lord Jesus that, ulations that are imminent
as you received from us how and to stand before the Son of
– The Word of the Lord! you should conduct yourselves Man.”
All – Thanks be to God! to please God – and as you are
conducting yourselves – you The Gospel of the Lord!
Responsorial Psalm Ps 25 do so even more. For you know All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
what instructions we gave you Christ!
R –To you, O Lord, I lift my
soul! through the Lord Jesus.
R. M. Velez The Word of the Lord!
F Dm All – Thanks be to God! Profession of Faith
   
 
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
Gospel Acclamation Ps 85:8
All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
To you, O Lord, I
All –Alleluia! Alleluia! ther almighty, maker of heaven
Bb C F Show us, Lord, your love, and earth, of all things visible
    
 
and grant us your salva-
and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus
lift my soul! Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ, the Only Begotten Son
of God, born of the Father be-
* Your ways, O Lord, make Gospel Lk 21:25-28.34-36 fore all ages. God from God,
known to me; teach me your Today’s Gospel passage Light from Light, true God from
paths, guide me in your truth refers to the coming in power true God, begotten, not made,
and teach me, for you are God of Christ as Judge of all. The consubstantial with the Father;
my savior, and for you I wait all second part describes the way through him all things were
the day. R. in which the believers should made. For us men and for our
* Good and upright is the prepare themselves for the salvation he came down from
Lord; thus he shows sinners the great event on which their heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy
way. He guides the humble to eternal destiny will depend. Spirit was incarnate of the Vir-
justice, and teaches the humble
his way. R. P –The Lord be with you! gin Mary, and became man.*
All – And with your spirit! For our sake he was crucified
* All the paths of the Lord under Pontius Pilate, he suf-
are kindness and constancy P – A proclamation from the
fered death and was buried, and
toward those who keep his holy Gospel according to
covenant and his decrees. The rose again on the third day in
friendship of the Lord is with All – Glory to you, O Lord! accordance with the Scriptures.
those who fear him, and his He ascended into heaven and is
covenant, for their instruc- Jesus said to his disciples: seated at the right hand of the
tion. R. “There will be signs in the Father. He will come again in

28 November 2021
glory to judge the living and the tion, ready to do His will and the great promise in which now
dead and his kingdom will have thereby contribute to the build- we dare to hope.
no end. ing up of His Kingdom. Let us And so, with Angels and
I believe in the Holy Spirit, pray! R. Archangels, with Thrones and
the Lord, the giver of life, who C –Let us pray in silence for Dominions, and with all the
proceeds from the Father and our personal intentions. (Pause) hosts and Powers of heaven, we
the Son, who with the Father Let us pray! R. sing the hymn of your glory, as
and the Son is adored and glori- without end we acclaim:
fied, who has spoken through P –Lord Jesus, we look to your
coming with faith and hope. Dis- All – Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, cath- pose our hearts to welcome you of hosts. Heaven and earth are
olic and apostolic Church. I whole-heartedly and so share in full of your glory. Hosanna in
confess one Baptism for the your happiness for ever and ever. the highest!
forgiveness of sins and I look All –Amen! Blessed is he who comes in
forward to the resurrection of the name of the Lord. Hosanna
the dead and the life of the world in the highest!
to come. Amen!
Memorial Acclamation
Prayer of the Faithful Preparation of the Gifts P –The mystery of faith!
P –Pray, brethren . . . All –When we eat this Bread
P –Today the Word of God has and drink this Cup, we pro-
All – May the Lord accept the
reminded us of the coming of claim your Death, O Lord,
sacrifice at your hands, for the
Christ as our Judge and how we until you come again!
praise and glory of his name,
should prepare to stand secure
for our good and the good of all
before him. In all humility, let
his holy Church.
us pray for the grace to welcome
him with a pure conscience and
humble trust. Let our response Prayer over the Offerings
be: P –Accept, we pray, O Lord, All – Our Father . . .
these offerings we make, gath- P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
All – Lord, graciously hear us!
ered from among your gifts to All – For the kingdom . . .
C –For the Church: May she us, and may what you grant us
be an effective reminder to the to celebrate devoutly here below
whole world that the Lord is con- gain for us the prize of eternal Sign of Peace
stantly coming to us in all those redemption.
who seek our help. Let us pray! Through Christ our Lord. Breaking of the Bread
R. All – Amen!
All – Lamb of God, you take
C –For the Holy Father, the away the sins of the world: have
bishops, and priests: Through Preface of Advent I mercy on us. (2x)
their example, may they be an Lamb of God, you take
P –The Lord be with you!
inspiration to the entire Church away the sins of the world:
All –And with your spirit!
of how to be always ready to wel- grant us peace.
P –Lift up your hearts!
come Jesus. Let us pray! R.
All –We lift them up to the
C –For all parents and educa- Lord! Communion
tors: May they teach their chil- P –Let us give thanks to the P –Behold the Lamb of God,
dren and students how to see Lord our God! behold him who takes away the
Jesus present in their neighbor All –It is right and just!
and welcome him in them. Let P –It is truly right and just, our sins of the world. Blessed are
us pray! R. duty and our salvation, always those called to the Supper of the
and everywhere to give you Lamb.
C –For our youth: May they be All – Lord, I am not worthy
aware of the preciousness of this thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
mighty and eternal God, through that you should enter under my
stage in their life, avoid damagi-
ng it through vices, and pursue, Christ our Lord. roof, but only say the word and
instead, authentic values, thereby For he assumed at his first my soul shall be healed.
preparing themselves to enrich coming the lowliness of human
flesh, and so fulfilled the design Communion Antiphon
our country with their enthusi-
you formed long ago, and opened
asm, generosity and integrity. (To be recited only when
for us the way to eternal salva- no Communion Hymn is sung.)
Let us pray! R.
tion, that, when he comes again
C –For all of us: May we live in glory and majesty and all is The Lord will bestow his
this new liturgical year with at last made manifest, we who bounty, and our earth shall
openness to the Lord’s inspira- watch for that day may inherit yield its increase.

1st Sunday of Advent (C)

Prayer after Communion P –The Lord be with you! and serenity for all of you.
All – And with your spirit! All – Amen!
P –May these mysteries, O
Lord, in which we have partici- P –Bow your heads and pray P – May almighty God bless
pated, profit us, we pray, for even for God’s blessing. (Pause)
you: the Father, and the
now, as we walk amid passing May the Lord purify your
hearts and minds. Son, and the Holy Spirit.
things, you teach us by them to
love the things of heaven and All – Amen! All – Amen!
hold fast to what endures. P –May He make you instru- P –Go in peace, glorifying the
Through Christ our Lord. ments of renewal in the Lord by your life!
All – Amen! Church and society. All – Thanks be to God!
All – Amen!
P –May the holy season of Advent
be a bearer of improvement
Word & Life Publications

PREPARING TO WELCOME All this is far from easy. A very strong enemy has
infiltrated our lives, and we are weak and wound-
THE LORD WITH FAITH-FILLED ed. We desperately need a powerful ally on whose
help we can rely. His presence in us will be not only
EXPECTATION the most effective deterrent against the “enemy,” but
• Jess P. Balon also a factor of “internal stability.” God Himself is

G od does not wait till the end of the world to judge such an Ally, and prayer is the “supply line” through
us. We shall have to face Him as our Judge at which we come to share in His strength.
the end of our life, even if the sun keeps shedding its By opening our hearts in prayer to Him, we begin to
light as usual, and the rest of mankind may be enjoying enjoy that life-giving communion which is the essence
perfect tranquility. On that day (or night) we shall see of the afterlife for all those who say “Yes” to Him. If
the end of our world – of the relationships we have we place ourselves in such a disposition, nothing, not
established with things, places, and people. even death, will frighten us. And actually, we shall be
The question, then, is not “if” this world of ours able to raise our heads with trust-filled hope . . . “to
will end. It shall surely end, for us, when we die. It is stand secure before the Son of Man” (Lk 21:28.36).
not even “when” and “how” it will end, for that is not Let this be our disposition this Advent as we con-
for us to know. Rather, what matters is HOW we will tinue our participation in the “Era of the New Evange-
reach the end i.e., what will be the disposition of lization.”
our heart when we meet the Lord at our death.
That will be the most dramatic moment in our exis-
tence, since our eternal destiny will depend on that
encounter. Hence, the exhortation to “be vigilant
at all times and pray.”
To be vigilant, in this case, does not mean to be
like a sentry on the lookout for possible attacks from
external enemies, though we live in an unfriendly
world, and “the great day will close in on us like a
trap” (Lk 21:34). Rather, it means that we have to Tune in to Radio Veritas (AM 846 kHz)
guard ourselves against our sinful inclinations every Saturday from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
fanned by the devil, and the moral disorder which
and listen to BISPERAS SA VERITAS,
both original sin and our personal sins have introduced
into our lives. the interactive radio program that helps
We all have a continuous “insurgency problem.” you discover
But the situation of permanent “red alert” in which we ă the messages of each Sunday theme
have to live should not paralyze us. We are expected and Biblical readings, and
to take the initiative and “conduct ourselves in a way ă how they can empower your life, your
pleasing to God,” ever bent on making “still greater
family, and your community.
progress” (1 Thes 4:1).

Don Bosco Compound, A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati, Metro Manila
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1820, MCPO, 1258 Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, J. Domingo, M. Vibiesca, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Marketing: J. Feliciano • Circulation: R. Saldua

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