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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

24 November 2019 Solemnity of Christ the King Year C


Jesus, the King of Merciful Love

oday is the last Sunday of the liturgical year. It is appropriate that, on
this day, we proclaim Jesus Christ not only as our personal Lord and
King, but also as “King of the Universe.” He is King by birth because
he is the Son of the Eternal Father from whom all kingly power derives. He
is also King by conquest, for he triumphed over sin and death through his
glorious resurrection. He should also be King by acclamation as we proclaim
with our voices and our lives that he is, indeed, our Savior and our King.
On this Solemnity of Christ the King, which is the last Sunday of the
liturgical year, which marks the end of the Year of the Youth, we also thank
the Lord for all the blessings he has granted us in the course of these two-
year-long observances now about to end. In particular, we thank him for
the innumerable spiritual graces he has given us. Let our Eucharist today,
then, be a hymn of gratitude to Jesus, the only King of our hearts, and a
renewal of our allegiance to him.

mere words, Lord, have gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of

mercy! God, Son of the Father, you take
All – Lord, have mercy! away the sins of the world, have
P –For the times we have de- mercy on us; you take away the
Entrance Antiphon sins of the world, receive our
(To be recited only when no Entrance serted you and walked the
road of self-indulgence, prayer; you are seated at the right
Hymn is sung.) hand of the Father, have mercy
Christ, have mercy!
How worthy is the Lamb All –Christ, have mercy! on us. For you alone are the Holy
who was slain, to receive power One, you alone are the Lord, you
and divinity, and wisdom and P –For the times we have failed alone are the Most High, Jesus
strength and honor. to love, respect, and help Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
To him belong glory and you in our neighbor, Lord, in the glory of God the Father.
power for ever and ever. have mercy! Amen!
All – Lord, have mercy!
Greeting P – May almighty God have Collect (Opening Prayer)
P –Love, glory, and praise to mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
Jesus Christ, the King of the Uni- and bring us to everlasting life. P –Almighty ever-living God,
verse! May his grace and peace All – Amen! whose will is to restore all things
be with you all! in your beloved Son, the King of
All – And with your spirit! the universe, grant, we pray, that
Gloria the whole creation, set free from
Penitential Act All – Glory to God in the high- slavery, may render your majesty
est, and on earth peace to people service and ceaselessly proclaim
P – As we are about to offer this of good will. We praise you, your praise.
Eucharist in honor of Christ our we bless you, we adore you, we Through our Lord Jesus
King, let us pause for a moment glorify you, we give you thanks Christ, your Son, who lives and
and see if we have always been for your great glory, Lord God, reigns with you in the unity of
his loyal subjects. (Pause) heavenly King, O God, almighty the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
P –For the times we have re- Father. and ever.
duced our love for you to Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be- All – Amen!
name of the Lord. In it are set Gospel Lk 23:35-43
up judgment seats, seats for the While agonizing on the
house of David. R. cross, Jesus shows that he is in-
deed the “King of Heaven and
1st Reading 2 Sm 5:1-3 2nd Reading Col 1:12-20 Earth.” He exercises his kingly
The proclamation of David In his Letter to the Colos- power by opening wide the gates
as “King of Israel” foreshadows sians, St. Paul immortalized for of heaven to sinful humankind,
the enthronement of Jesus Christ, all Christian generations the represented by the repentant
the descendant of David, as the absolute preeminence of God’s thief.
eternal “King of the Universe.” incarnate Son, the King of the P –The Lord be with you!
Universe. All –And with your spirit!
R – A proclamation from the
Second Book of Samuel R – A proclamation from the
Letter of Paul to the Colos- P – A proclamation from the
In those days, all the tribes sians holy Gospel according to
of Israel came to David in He- Luke
bron and said: “Here we are, Brothers and sisters: All – Glory to you, O Lord!
your bone and your flesh. In Let us give thanks to the
Father, who has made you fit The rulers sneered at Jesus
days past, when Saul was our and said, “He saved others; let
king, it was you who led the Is- to share in the inheritance of
the holy ones in light. He de- him save himself if he is the
raelites out and brought them chosen one, the Christ of God!”
back. And the Lord said to you, livered us from the power of
darkness and transferred us Even the soldiers jeered at him.
‘You shall shepherd my people As they approached to offer
Israel and shall be commander to the kingdom of his beloved
Son, in whom we have redemp- him wine they called out, “If
of Israel.’ ” you are King of the Jews, save
When all the elders of Is- tion, the forgiveness of sins.
He is the image of the in- yourself!” Above him there
rael came to David in Hebron, was an inscription that read,
King David made an agree- visible God, the firstborn of all
creation. For in him were cre- “THIS IS THE KING OF
ment with them there before THE JEWS.”
the Lord, and they anointed ated all things in heaven and
on earth, the visible and the Now one of the criminals
him king of Israel. hanging there reviled Je-
invisible, whether thrones or
The Word of the Lord! dominions or principalities or sus, saying, “Are you not the
All – Thanks be to God! powers; all things were created Christ? Save yourself and us.”
through him and for him. The other, however, rebuk-
Responsorial Psalm Ps 122 He is before all things, and ing him, said in reply, “Have
R –Let us go rejoicing to the in him all things hold together. you no fear of God, for you are
house of the Lord! He is the head of the body, the subject to the same condemna-
Church. tion? And indeed, we have been
He is the beginning, the condemned justly, for the sen-
firstborn from the dead, that tence we received corresponds
in all things he himself might to our crimes, but this man has
be preeminent. done nothing criminal.”
For in him all the full- Then he said, “Jesus, re-
ness was pleased to dwell, member me when you come
and through him to reconcile into your kingdom.” He replied
all things for him, making to him, “Amen, I say to you,
peace by the blood of his cross today you will be with me in
through him, whether those on Paradise.”
earth or those in heaven. The Gospel of the Lord!
* I rejoiced because they said The Word of the Lord! All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
to me, “We will go up to the All – Thanks be to God! Christ!
house of the Lord.” And now
we have set foot within your Gospel Acclamation Mk 11:9.10 Homily
gates, O Jerusalem. R.
All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
* Jerusalem, built as a city Blessed is he who comes in Profession of Faith
with compact unity. To it the the name of the Lord! (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
tribes go up, the tribes of the Blessed is the kingdom of All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
Lord. R. our father David that is to ther almighty, maker of heaven
* According to the decree come! and earth, of all things visible
for Israel, to give thanks to the Alleluia! Alleluia! and invisible.
GLOSSARY: • Hebron: A city about 30 kms south of Jerusalem. David reigned in Hebron for 7 years before making Jerusalem
the capital of Israel. • Saul: The first king of Israel. He was reluctantly anointed by the prophet Samuel, and was eventually
rejected by God because of his unfaithfulness.

24 November 2019
I believe in one Lord Jesus and the weak with the humility All – We lift them up to the Lord!
Christ, the Only Begotten Son and sincerity of Christ. Let us P –Let us give thanks to the
of God, born of the Father be- pray! R. Lord our God!
fore all ages. God from God, C –For all those who are work- All –It is right and just!
Light from Light, true God from ing to make the Kingship of P –It is truly right and just,
true God, begotten, not made, Christ a living reality: May their our duty and our salvation, al-
consubstantial with the Father; commitment to bring the love of ways and everywhere to give
through him all things were Jesus to all cultures and homes you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
made. For us men and for our be crowned with success. Let us almighty and eternal God.
salvation he came down from pray! R. For you anointed your Only
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy C –For all those who live in Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- ways that are opposed to the Christ, with the oil of gladness
gin Mary, and became man.* teachings of Christ: May they, as eternal Priest and King of
For our sake he was crucified like the good thief, realize their all creation, so that, by offering
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- mistake, and give their full al- himself on the altar of the Cross
fered death and was buried, and legiance to the King of Heaven. as a spotless sacrifice to bring us
rose again on the third day in Let us pray! R. peace, he might accomplish the
accordance with the Scriptures. mysteries of human redemption
He ascended into heaven and is C –For all of us: May our faith and, making all created things
seated at the right hand of the in Christ the King propel us to subject to his rule, he might
Father. He will come again in act with urgency in building his present to the immensity of your
glory to judge the living and the Kingdom of peace, love, and jus- majesty an eternal and universal
dead and his kingdom will have tice here on earth. Let us pray!R. kingdom, a kingdom of truth and
no end. C – Let us pray in silence for our life, a kingdom of holiness and
I believe in the Holy Spirit, personal intentions. (Pause) grace, a kingdom of justice, love
the Lord, the giver of life, who Let us pray! R. and peace.
proceeds from the Father and P –God, our Father, You gave And so, with Angels and
the Son, who with the Father us Jesus as our King of mercy Archangels, with Thrones and
and the Son is adored and glori- and love. Make us worthy sub- Dominions, and with all the
fied, who has spoken through jects of so glorious a King and hosts and Powers of heaven, we
the prophets. heralds of his love to all. sing the hymn of your glory, as
I believe in one, holy, cath- We ask this through the same without end we acclaim:
olic and apostolic Church. I Jesus, Your Son, who lives and All –Holy, holy, holy . . .
confess one Baptism for the reigns for ever and ever.
forgiveness of sins and I look All – Amen! Memorial Acclamation
forward to the resurrection of
P –The mystery of faith!
the dead and the life of the world
to come. Amen! All –We proclaim your Death,
O Lord, and profess your
Prayer of the Faithful Resurrection until you
Preparation of the Gifts come again!
P –Gathered together as God’s P – Pray, brethren . . .
family on this Solemnity of All – May the Lord accept the
Christ the King of the universe, sacrifice at your hands, for the
let us present our petitions to our praise and glory of his name,
Heavenly Father, for the needs for our good and the good of all
of all mankind and our own. Let his holy Church. All – Our Father . . .
our response be: P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
All – Heavenly Father, hear our Prayer over the Offerings All –For the kingdom, the
prayer! power, and the glory are
P –As we offer you, O Lord, yours, now and for ever.
C –For the Church, the Body the sacrifice by which the hu-
of Christ: May she be ever more man race is reconciled to you,
the generous instrument of Sign of Peace
we humbly pray that your Son
Christ’s kingly service to all himself may bestow on all na-
human beings by promoting tions the gifts of unity and peace. Breaking of the Bread
peace, cooperation, and justice. Through Christ our Lord. All – Lamb of God . . .
Let us pray! R. All – Amen!
C –For the Holy Father, our Preface of Christ the King
bishops, and the clergy: May P –Behold the Lamb of God, be-
they remain faithful to their P –The Lord be with you! hold him who takes away the sins
commitment to use their God- All –And with your spirit! of the world. Blessed are those
given authority to serve the poor P –Lift up your hearts! called to the Supper of the Lamb.
Solemnity of Christ the King (C)
All –Lord, I am not worthy
that you should enter under
my roof, but only say the word
Jesus, the King of Heaven and Earth
and my soul shall be healed. by Jess P. Balon

Communion Antiphon he title “King of the Jews” when Pilate questioned him about
(To be recited only when no written on the placard hang- his kingship, Jesus’ answer was so
Communion Hymn is sung.) ing on the head of the cru- evasive, that the Procurator him-
The Lord sits as King for cified Jesus was meant to be a self could not find in it any ground
ever. The Lord will bless his mockery of him and an insult to for the charge of conspiracy or in-
people with peace. the whole Jewish nation – Pilate’s surgency.
mean revenge against the reli- Though in his earthly life Je-
Prayer after Communion gious authorities whose demands sus refused to be called king and
he had been forced to grant! avoided appearing like one, he did
P –Having received the food Yet, despite the wrong inten- exercise his kingly power to sub-
of immortality, we ask, O Lord, tion and all appearances, the title due Satan, the great enemy of his
that, glorying in obedience to the “king” given to the man agonizing Kingdom. (See, for instance, Mk
commands of Christ, the King of on the cross was absolutely ap- 1:23-27 and 9:25-26.) And, just
a short while before he breathed
the universe, we may live with propriate and well-deserved, for his last, he granted entry into his
him eternally in his heavenly Christ, indeed, was and is king. heavenly kingdom to the repentant
Kingdom. He was born king before all ages, criminal, the only one on Calvary
Who lives and reigns for ever the only begotten Son of the eter- who made an explicit profession of
and ever. nal King of the universe. If anyone faith in his kingly role. (See today’s
All – Amen! on earth ever deserved the royal Gospel passage.)
title after God the Father, that Jesus’ kingship is not like the
was surely His eternal Son who dominions of this world, limited to
became a human being known by one nation . . . . His Kingdom is
the name “Jesus of Nazareth.” universal and eternal. Its power
Unlike most earthly rulers, shares in the omnipotence of God,
but allegiance to it depends totally
P –The Lord be with you. however, Jesus was not after the on the freedom of every individual.
All – And with your spirit! title “king.” He never claimed it, Membership in Christ’s kingdom
and actually he seemed bent on depends solely on faith and the
P –Bow your heads and pray concealing his royal dignity under keeping of the rule of love. Only
for God’s blessing. (Pause) the appearances of a life lived in those who love and trust him can
–May Christ, the King of the poverty and obedience to family belong to his reign. That is why the
Universe, protect you from and religious authorities. Indeed, seat of Christ’s kingship is the
all dangers and make you there were no signs of kingly pag- heart of any human being who
always aware of his saving eantry in the cave of Bethlehem; loves and obeys him.
love. in his flight to Egypt as a “child The reign of Christ will reach its
All – Amen! refugee”; in his life at Nazareth, full manifestation at the end of the
where everybody knew him as world, in the new age when “all will
P – May he strengthen your be subjected to the Son” and “he
faith so that you may be “the carpenter” (Mk 6:3) and “the
son of the carpenter” (Mt 13:55). will hand over the Kingdom to God
brave heralds of his King- the Father . . . so that God may be
During his apostolic life, when at
dom. all in all” (1 Cor 15:24.28). Blessed
the height of their enthusiasm, the
All – Amen! will be those who have acclaimed
crowds wanted to proclaim him
P – May he direct your steps king, Jesus simply made himself Christ as their king already in this
to himself, and show you irretrievable. (See Jn 6:15.) And life.
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