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34- Write about radar and then satellites have helped to improve navigation for ships, airplanes, and

for ordinary people.

Radar was one of the first huge inventions that helped ships, airplanes and people who was interested in
knowing how far an object is from them.

Especially, ships and airplanes use radar in they control system to be sure about directions they chose as
a way of the destination because it helps to know is something is in from of the road and how far it is. In
this way is less likely to collide with another thing, especially at night.

We can mention a lot of satellites contributions to the world but I think GPS and meteorological
forecasting systems were the biggest. Nowadays, I can’t imagine how would be a trip without google
maps, how we can know earth parameters like pressure, temperature and altitude in each point of the
earth and how to study our galaxy and others with the planets that they contains without satellites, it
maybe will be just impossible.

41- Choose the inventor in this book that you are most interest in. Use facts from this and other
books, and from the Internet, and write the story about of his or her life.

Imagine that you are in Paraguay in the early 19 th century, in a month it will be your birthday and you
want to invite your relatives who’s live in the UK. These situation couldn’t even be a possibility because
there isn’t way to invite them before the party. There wasn’t fast communications system.

Samuel Finley Breese Morse was born in Boston, Massachusetts, US in April 27 th of 1791. He studied
Religious Philosophy, Math, Veterinary and Electricity and he remained economically with painting

At the age of 27 he met Lucrecia Walker whom he would marry later and would have 4 kids. Seven years
after their last kids had been born, Lucrecia died. Morse decided to live in Europa for a while and there
he learned a lot about electricity. After his formation he return to US and started to think how electricity
can help to develop a communication system. These possibility of applying electricity to the practice
communication obsessed him.

It was in 1832 when he designed his first telegraph system but was in 1837 when he discovered how to
create electrical pulse and turn it into a communication language, so, this way born the famous MORSE

He became millionaire with his invention and he made several philanthropic works with people in need,
hospitals and universities. He died at the age of 80 because of a pneumonia leaving a very useful tool to
the world.

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