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Economic globalization is simply defined as the economy of the whole world,

wherein it is the totality of the value of goods and services in every country. In addition,

it is also defined as the global status such that the economies of the countries are

interdependent on one another. With the illustration that I made, I would simply define

economic globalization this way: The human outline, which is simply myself, is the

global economy. The accessories and apparel signify different countries’ economy.

Thus, every apparel and accessory show different global marketing of various country

or company. In dressing up the human outline, I incorporated harmony and unity which

the human outline standout. And if at least one of these accessories or apparel is

removed or did not go well with the outfit, the whole look will be affected. This

resembles the efficiency of global marketing of international and local, and big and small

companies. That is why I included both international and local brand in picking the

accessories and clothing. Thus, big and small companies that provide goods and

services contribute so much in the economic globalization since these are the ones who

offer jobs and opportunities to the people. Small companies are also critical since it

helps in the balancing of regional development of the economy as well as raising

people’s standard of living.

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