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Maria Cecilia Castillo Alvarino

English VII – G15

May 17, 2020


In the article, the age women have babies by Quoctrung Bui and Claire Cain Miller

the different factors that have influenced the moment when a woman becomes a mother.

The main factor is the age of women; this has become a key consideration when deciding to

have children. Other common factors are geography and the financial welfare of families.

This article also includes different investigations that depict many points of view regarding

the topic of child birth. In addition, an important element is the perspective of the

researchers when carrying out their collective research.

In my opinion, age is the most important aspect of child birth because it has shown

us the relevance regarding the decision of women to be mothers or not. I consider this

observation to be relevant; as women in 1972 had children at an average age of 21 years

old, compared to the current average age of 26 years old. June Carbone and Naomi Cahn,

authors of, a recognized book, studied that the differentiating factor of a woman’s age;

since mothers in the past were more likely to be conservative and religious women as

opposed to younger mothers who tend to be more liberal and divide responsibilities with

their partner.

According to the age women have babies, a woman’s place of residence has

influenced on their preference when it comes to child birth. The article shows us that in the

big cities of the United States, first-time mothers are older in comparison to the more rural

areas that tend to be much younger. I personally think that this point is very fundamental
because the larger and more developed the residence of the woman, the broader her

perspective on life is, as she takes into account factors such as education, finances and


After reading the article, another important point used to study the gap in women's

ages to have children is money or the acquisitive level of families. The cost of housing,

child support, education and healthcare are also important factors for future mothers. I

consider that if you decide to have children you must have the security of being able to

support them and I also believe that it is more important to have a good lifestyle and to

grow personally and professionally than to have a child at a young age.

Finally, the level of education plays an important role since if the mother has a high

educational level, the age to have children will be higher since her priorities would be to

study, work and fulfill her work goals. Therefore, the study shows that the age chosen by

women with higher education is within the age of 30 years old, so that they can invest in

their children.

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