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Candidate Name: Shaquan Johnson

Centre: 100112
Candidate #:
Name of School: Mona High
Name of Teacher: Mrs. Patterson Smith
Year of Examination: 2023
Theme: Drug Abuse
Topic: some of the negative implications of person consuming molly.
Table of Content
Plan of Investigation………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 3
Artifacts…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 3-5
Reflection 1……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 6
Reflection 2………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……..Page 7
Reflection 3……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 8
Group Report…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 9
Plan of Oral Presentation…………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 10
References…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 11
Plan of Investigation
The researcher choose to do an investigation on this topic because I has seen how persons
in my peer group Abuse them self with Drug. As a student of English, I will benefit from the
investigation by learning how to make healthier personal choices and creating strategies
how to avoid peer groups that associate them self with drugs.

Artifacts 1: Showing image of a report entitled “A TVJ Report about the Dangers of the Party
Drug Molly”.
Below is a link to the report

Artifacts 2: showing image a posted image entitled “The Neurobiology of Ecstasy”.

Below is a link to the song.
Post link here.......
Artifact 2: Showing a image of the video entitled “What’s the Danger with molly”.
Below is a link to the video.
In the article entitled, ‘A TVJ Report about the Dangers of the Party Drug Molly’ explained
by: Dr. Winston De La Haye . The report show that how highly addictive the drug is, and how
the drug is very commonly known. The report also talks about the use of molly grows and
how taking molly it can be very expensive. The Reporter also explained his pass that when
he was attending school he also took the drug and how he felt very good after a dose of the
drug. He also mentioned some of the dangers of the drug. Initially I thought that there was
no Danger to the drug and that it was not possible to become addictive after taking a few

In the Picture entitled, ‘The Neurobiology of Ecstasy’ posted by: The National Institute on
Drug Abuse the publisher of the image shows the different ways in which the drug can affect
persons. The image also show that these ways that the drug affect persons it can be life
threatening to he/she which makes the information given in the image vital. Before seeing
the picture ,I thought the drug could not be life threatening to any consuming it.

In the video entitled, ‘What’s the Danger with Molly’ I was introduced to important data
telling me the other name for molly ‘ Ecstasy ’ I also got relevant information out of the
video on the dangers of molly which are kidney, liver failure and high blood pressure. Before
watching this video I thought that it was not possible to be affected by the drugs.
In the article ‘A TVJ Report about the Party Drug Molly’ by : TVJ. The most influential
techniques that was used is Informative Language. This technique was used throughout the
whole report, giving information on the dangers of the drug an example of this technique is
‘molly was around since the 80s’.

In the article ‘The Neurobiology of Ecstasy’ the dominant technique that was used is
Imagery and Informative Language. These techniques was effective because the image
allows viewers to think and vision the different parts of the body in which the drug can be
dangers to. The image also provides valuable data about the Life Threatening ways which
the drug can affect persons which can also be vital to person consuming the drug.

In the video ‘What’s the Danger with Molly’ by : The Seeker. The dominant technique that
was used is Informative Language for example, Molly has several types of names such as
MDMA, Ecstasy and Methodlendioxymethaphetamine. This technique was effective because
it give understanding to viewers of the different names for the drugs.
Reflection 3
This School Based Assessment (SBA) made me not only a better English student but also a
better person by working in groups trying to complete the SBA together. This SBA also help
me on how to manage my time it also help me by improving my vocabulary. Working in
groups to complete this SBA was not easy, it took a lot of brainstorming and research to
accurately put everything together to complete the assessment.
By completing this SBA in groups taught me the importance of teamwork and how everyone
had a part to play in completing the assessment. By working in group I find it very easier to
co-operate and be more patient with people because I had to listen to my group member on
how to complete different part of the SBA and help and be patient with each other if one
didn’t understand. This SBA has made a significant change in my life by improving the way I
talk my vocabulary and my English skills.

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