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Company Policies

Safeguarding Policy

Saf eguarding Policy

Interski is committed to promoting the w elfare and protection of young people. A child is def ined as
a person under the age of 1 8 (Children Act 1 989). However, note that throughout this document the
terms ‘ child, ‘ children’ or ‘ young person’ also includes vulnerable adults w here appropriate. Further,
any young people travelling as a student member of an organised group are expected to be treated
in the manner def ined w ithin this policy, irrespective of w hether or not they have reached the age of
consent or are over 1 8.

Statement of Principles
The f ollow ing principles have been adopted by all responsible adults in w orking together for the
saf ety of children. The prime concern at all stages must be the interests and safety of the child. All
children should have the opportunity to achieve their f ull potential, be allowed to gain the maximum
benefit f rom good quality educational opportunities, to l ive in a safe environment and be protected
f rom harm.

All Interski staf f and responsible adults must strive to w ork in partnership w ith children and apply
the f ollow ing principles:

Treat all children as an adult w ould w ish to be treated, w ith dignity and respect.
Responsible adults w ill ensure that a child’ s safety and w elfare is given priority.
Care is taken not to inf ringe privacy any more than is necessary to safeguard the welf are of
the child.
Commitment to understanding the effects of racial harassment, racial discrimination and
institutional racism as w ell as cultural misunderstanding or misinterpretation.
Use of plain, j argon free language, appropriate to the age and culture of each person.
Explain unavoidable technical and professional terms.

These procedures provide a framework to ensure that responsible adults w ork together for the
protection of children. They are not, and cannot be, a substitute for professional j udgement and

Throughout all phases of a residential snowsports course, Interski is committed to, and expects all
adults to comply, w ith the followi ng:

Respect the rights, w ishes and feelings of all young people in their care
Take all reasonable steps to protect young people from neglect and from physical, sexual
and emotional abuse

Created: 27th October 2016 Revision 1.1

Last Revised: 22nd May 2017 Document CP004
Page 1 of 4
Company Policies
Safeguarding Policy

Neglect is def ined as a failure to safeguard health, safety and w el l being, and includes nutritional
neglect, f ailure to provide medical care, and failure to protect from physical and social danger,
including in outdoor pursuits exposing the young person to undue cold or risk of i nj ury w ithout proper
care and protection.
Physical abuse is def ined as hurting or inj uring a young person by, for example, hitting or shaking
them, or through any form of bullying, or by plying them w ith alcohol or inappropriate drugs, or in
outdoor pursuits by forcing the child to participate in an activity w hen the nature or intensity of that
activity exceeds the capacity of the young person’ s physical capabilities.
Sexual abuse is def ined as an adult using his/her power, authority, or position to use a child sexually
to satisf y his/her own needs, and ranges from sexually suggestive comments to full intercourse, and
includes involving the child in any form of pornography.
Emotional abuse is def i ned as depriving a child of help and encouragement and replacing it with
derision, ridicule or ostracisi ng. This includes racially and sexually abusive remarks.

All Interski staf f and contracted suppliers are to ensure:

Their behaviour and language is appropriate at all times

They observe the rules established for the safety and security of young people
That any suspicion, disclosure or allegation of neglect or abuse is reported immediately to
the Resort Director or UK office emergency contact
They recognise the position of trust in w hich they have been placed
The relationships they form w ith young people under their care are appropriate in every
No f urther contact, w hether by social media, telephone or any other means, is to be made
w ith a child once an employee’ s contract is concluded

Interski w ill report any accusations of abuse made by young people to the relevant authority.

Interski key Operating Procedures Relating to Safeguarding

1 . Interski makes provision for f ree supervisory adult places w here appropriate, in line w ith
nationally recognised travel ratios for schools and colleges.

2. Interski staf f , i nstructors and contracted suppliers (e. g. coach drivers) w ill be aware of the
saf eguarding procedure and follow guidelines for best practice at all times.

3. School staff and supervisory adults act in loco parentis throughout the duration of the trip
and are ultimately responsible for the safeguarding and w elfare of the child.

Created: 27th October 2016 Revision 1.1

Last Revised: 22nd May 2017 Document CP004
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Company Policies
Safeguarding Policy

4 . All Interski staff, i nstructors and contracted suppliers w ho w ork closely w ith children during
the delivery of their role must be subj ect to an appropriate level of Criminal Records Bureau
or DBS check and may not perform their duties w ithout this. Any refusal in this respect w ill
amount to gross misconduct and may be grounds for dismissal or breach of contract.

Code of Behaviour For Adults

Do not:
Allow a child to use inappropriate or sexually explicit language w ithout challenge
Permit abusive activities such as bullying
Play physical contact games
Have inappropriate physical or verbal contact w ith children
J ump to conclusions w ithout checking facts
Be draw n into inappropriate attention seeking behaviour such as crushes
Exaggerate or trivialise child abuse issues
Demonstrate favouritism to an individual
Make suggestive remarks or gestures
Allow yourself to be put in a compromising situation

Physical Contact
If a teaching technique w ould benefit from physical contact or support then the instructor should ask
the young person’ s permission. It may be useful to take time to explain w hy and how this is technique
is being used.

It should be a last resort and explained fully before contact

Avoid hugs, cuddles, etc. , as this can viewed as an indicator

Physical contact may be appropriate under circumstances w here it is j ustified and neither intrusive
nor excessive.

Indications of Child Abuse

There are physical and behavioural signs that might alert an adult regarding the w elfare or saf ety of
a young person. They are only indicators – not confirmation. Some examples are:

Where the young person/people

Say that they are being abused, or another person says they believe (or actually know ) that
abuse is occurring
Has an inj ury for w hich the explanation seems inconsi stent
Behaviour changes, either over time or suddenly, becoming aggressive, w ithdraw n or unhappy
Appears not to trust adults
Show s inappropriate sexual awareness for their age and/or behaves in a sexually explicit
w ay

Created: 27th October 2016 Revision 1.1

Last Revised: 22nd May 2017 Document CP004
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Company Policies
Safeguarding Policy

Please bear in mind that children w ho have physical disabilities or learning difficulties can be
particularly vulnerable and may have problems communicating their feelings or explain w hat is
happening to them.

Disclosure of Inf ormation

If a child discloses information about abuse, whether concerning themselves or a third party then the
child should be informed that the information w ill be shared w ith the relevant authorities (Interski
senior staf f , school staff, local agencies or Social Services if appropriate). This should be done
w ith the agreement of the child.

Inf ormation should only be shared w ith people directly involved w ith the child or people w ithin the
reporting procedure.

Interski staf f should remember that it is not their responsibility to decide w hether a child is being
abused but are asked to fulfil their legal requirements and act on any concerns. Detailed notes of
w hat has been heard or seen should be passed to the Resort Director at the earliest opportunity.
Should any such allegation directly involve the Resort Director, an appropriate member of Interski
senior management should be informed instead.

If a child inf orms a member of staff that they are being abused, it is important to follow this
Stay calm
Don’ t promise to keep i t secret. Explain that they are being taken seriously but that the
inf ormation w ill need to be shared.
Listen to w hat he or she says.
Only ask questions if you need to clarify w hat the child is telling you, do not ask about
explicit details and avoid leading questions
Make a detailed note of w hat the child has told you and don’ t delay in passing on the
inf ormation


I hereby declare that I have read, understood and w ill abide by the Interski Safeguarding Policy,
related operational procedures and code of behaviour:

Name (print): Hasnain Lakha


Date: 20-09-19

Created: 27th October 2016 Revision 1.1

Last Revised: 22nd May 2017 Document CP004
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