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The Perceptual Representation of

24 Mental Categories

Diane Pecher

Many studies have shown that mental categories share processing mechanisms with perception and
action. According to a strong view of grounded cognition, these sensory-motor mechanisms are suf-
ficient for mental representations, while more moderate views might say that other, more abstract
mechanisms also play a role. Several lines of research support the idea that mental categories are
grounded in sensory-motor processes. Behavioral studies show interactions between cognition and
perception or action, suggesting that they share mechanisms. Neuroscientific studies have collected
evidence that sensory-motor brain areas are involved in cognition. Several connectionist models
show how sensory-motor experiences can be combined and result in categorical representations.
These findings suggest a highly flexible and interactive system in which the strict distinction between
sensory-motor processing and other types of processing may no longer be relevant.
Key Words: grounded cognition, concepts, sensory-motor simulation

Many categories in the world have perceptual for mental categories is Barsalou’s (1999) Perceptual
qualities that allow us to recognize and interact with Symbols theory. Perceptual symbols are the neu-
them. We recognize apples by their shape and color, ral states that underlie perception and action. The
and when we eat an apple we recognize the feel in perceptual symbols that represent categories are
our hand, the texture of skin and flesh when we learned through recurrent experiences of perceiving
bite, and the taste and smell of the fruit. But what and interacting with exemplars. These experiences
about the categories in our minds? Do they also have are captured by modality-specific sensory-motor
perceptual qualities, and if they do, to what extent systems and integrated via hierarchical associa-
do we use these perceptual qualities to categorize, tion areas (Barsalou, 2008; Barsalou, Simmons,
make inferences and predictions, and, in short, to Barbey, & Wilson, 2003). At the perceptual level
think? This chapter discusses some recent theories are the modality-specific activations that represent
that have proposed that the mental representation the states of sensory-motor systems. At this level,
of categories shares processing mechanisms with association areas connect the neuronal patterns that
perception and action. resulted from a specific experience in order to cap-
ture such states. Higher level cross-modal association
Perceptual Theories of Concepts areas then integrate these modality-specific patterns
The starting point for this chapter is the assump- into multimodal experiences. These association
tion that most of our mental categories are relevant networks represent categorical knowledge that can
to us because they allow us to perceive our environ- be recruited for cognitive processing. Mental rep-
ment and perform actions (Glenberg, 1997). The resentation of a category is achieved by simulators
most influential theory on the role of perception that reactivate aspects of experience in a top-down

fashion from higher level association areas back to simulations. Rather, sensory-motor simulations
the modality-specific sensory-motor systems. may be only part of a representation, or even a mere
Such mechanism might be achieved by connec- by-product of representation. Providing conclusive
tionist networks, in which simple processing units evidence might be extremely difficult, similar to the
are highly interconnected. In such connectionist difficulties associated with distinguishing exemplar
networks, experiences or categories are represented and prototype models of categorization. In exem-
by activation patterns across the units. Learning plar models, each experience with a category is
takes place by adjustments of the strength of con- stored, and abstractions are computed at the time
nections between units. Through repeated activa- of retrieval by combining a whole set of exemplars
tion of a pattern the connections between units that (Hintzman, 1986; Nosofsky, 1988). In contrast,
are activated simultaneously become stronger and prototype models assume that category abstractions
the whole pattern becomes an attractor. An attrac- (prototypes) are stored in memory. These mod-
tor is a stable state of the network in which energy els make almost identical predictions because it is
is low. An important characteristic of such attractors impossible to distinguish between stored and com-
is that when the pattern is only partially activated, puted abstractions (Barsalou, 1990; Murphy, 2002).
the network can complete the pattern by a process For the sake of parsimony one might therefore favor
of iterative spreading activation. Because strength the exemplar model approach. A similar situation
of the connection between units determines how exists for the distinction between fully grounded
much they activate (or inhibit) each other, and units and partially grounded theories of cognition. Thus,
that were part of the same pattern have strong con- one should be careful to interpret evidence for
nections, the previously learned pattern is recovered sensory-motor simulations as support for the fully
in a number of updating cycles in which the activa- grounded view. On the other hand, in the absence
tion level of each unit is adjusted according to the of decisive evidence, a fully grounded view might be
activation levels of the other units and the strength more parsimonious and therefore preferable.
of the connections between the units (e.g., Masson,
1995; McRae, Cree, Westmacott, & de Sa, 1999; Evidence for Perceptual Simulation
McRae, de Sa, & Seidenberg, 1997; Plaut, 2002; Representation and Perception of Categories
Pulvermüller, 1999). A simulator might work the Interact
same way by completing patterns of activation in Grounded theories argue that sensory-motor
sensory-motor systems in order to represent experi- simulations underlie representations of categories.
ential knowledge. In this view, a category, for example, apple, is rep-
Several other theories have also proposed that resented by simulation of an experience with an
concepts are grounded in sensory-motor processing apple, such as seeing a round, red object, which can
(Glenberg, 1997; Prinz, 2002; Pulvermüller, 1999). be grasped by one hand and feels firm, is sweet,
It is important to note that the actual representation tart, and juicy when bitten, and so on. Because
is achieved by the sensory-motor systems and not the simulation is supported by sensory-motor sys-
by the higher level association areas, and that this tems, there should be interactions between repre-
aspect of the theory is essentially different from a sentational processes and perceptual processes. An
symbolic account of cognition, which would assume important line of evidence comes from studies that
that abstract representations suffice for categories. show effects of mental representation on process-
A middle position was proposed by Mahon and ing of visual stimuli. The idea is that representa-
Caramazza (2008), who argue that sensory-motor tion of a category and perception of a category used
systems enrich representations, but that categories (partly) overlapping perceptual features, which are
are at least partially abstract. Before looking at spe- then processed more easily when they are activated
cific models I will first review the studies that have by two sources. For example, in a series of studies
contributed to the idea that sensory-motor simula- Zwaan and colleagues (Stanfield & Zwaan, 2001;
tions and mental categories are strongly associated. Zwaan, Madden, Yaxley, & Aveyard, 2004; Zwaan,
Researchers should always be hesitant to claim Stanfield, & Yaxley, 2002) showed that sentences
that particular results provide conclusive evidence in which an object’s orientation, shape, or motion
for a theory. As various authors (e.g., Dove, 2009; was implied (e.g., He hammered the nail into the
Mahon & Caramazza, 2008) have noted, showing floor vs. He hammered the nail into the wall) affected
sensory-motor effects does not necessarily entail that the speed of picture processing in which the rel-
all representations consist purely of sensory-motor evant dimension either matched or mismatched the

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sentence (e.g., a picture of a nail oriented horizon- perceptual features facilitates processing. This effect
tally or vertically). Connell (2007) showed similar of shape similarity indicates that participants have
effects for color. Thus, processing is affected by the visual representations of categories.
overlap in perceptual features between representa- Other studies have shown effects of visual per-
tion and perception. spective. Solomon and Barsalou (2004) showed
The effect of such overlap might be due to task- that verification times for object-property word
induced strategies. When linguistic stimuli and per- pairs were affected by perceptual variables such as
ceptual stimuli are alternated and the task involves the relative size and location of the property on the
comparison of two consecutive stimuli, participants object. Wu and Barsalou (2009) asked participants
may be induced to consciously generate images of to generate properties for objects that were pre-
the objects described by the sentences. Therefore, sented in isolation (watermelon) or with a modifier
the effects may reflect strategic rather than automatic that changed which properties would be visible if
activation of perceptual information. To circum- the object were actually present (half watermelon).
vent this problem, Pecher, van Dantzig, Zwaan, and Visible properties were more likely to be generated
Zeelenberg (2009) presented all sentences blocked, than occluded properties. For example, the property
and after a delay, all pictures were presented. Thus, seeds was generated more often for half watermelon
during sentence processing participants did not than for watermelon without modifier. Borghi,
know yet that they would see pictures of the objects Glenberg, and Kaschak (2004) presented sentences
that were mentioned in the sentences. Recognition that invoked a particular perspective (You are driv-
performance was still better for matching than mis- ing a car vs. You are washing a car) and subsequently
matching pictures even 45 minutes after reading asked participants to verify properties. Performance
the sentences. Thus, implied orientation and shape in the property verification task was affected by
are not only represented during online language whether the property was visible from the particular
processing but also affect representations at longer perspective invoked by the sentence (e.g., tires, steer-
delays. Both short- and long-term effects indicate ing wheel).
that the mental representations of categories not Of course, categories are not only represented
only contain perceptual features but also that the visually. Action and other sensory modalities also
particular features that are represented (e.g., orien- contribute to representation. Pecher, Zeelenberg,
tation) are context dependent. and Barsalou (2003) demonstrated that, just as in
perceptual tasks (Spence, Nicholls, & Driver, 2001),
Representation Has Perceptual Qualities switching between sensory modalities in conceptual
The representation of categories by sensory-mo- judgments incurred a processing cost. Category
tor systems implies that these representations retain names were presented with a property name from
perceptual qualities. Several studies have shown that a specific modality in a property verification task.
the representation of categories itself is influenced Responses were faster and more accurate if a target
by variables that are perceptual in nature, even if the trial (e.g., apple-red) was preceded by a context trial
stimuli themselves are words and do not contain any from the same modality (e.g., diamond-sparkling)
perceptual information of their referents. Solomon than if it was preceded by a context trial from a dif-
and Barsalou (2001) asked participants to verify, for ferent modality (e.g., airplane-noisy). The explana-
example, whether a horse has mane. Earlier in the tion for this effect is that when participants perform
experiment the same property had been presented the property verification task, they simulate expe-
with a different category. The critical manipulation riencing an exemplar from the category in such a
was whether the property has a similar perceptual way that they can observe whether the exemplar has
form on the context trial (e.g., pony-mane) or a the property. In that way, they focus their attention
different perceptual form (e.g., lion-mane). They on the relevant modality. A switching cost occurs
showed that performance was better if the con- because when the next pair is presented, atten-
text and target property had a similar form than tion is still focused on the modality that was rel-
if they did not. Priming for shape similarity (e.g., evant for the previous trial. The modality-switch
banjo-tennis racket) has also been observed in tasks effect has been replicated (Marques, 2006) and
that require less semantic processing such as word extended to switching between affective and per-
naming and lexical decision (Pecher, Zeelenberg, ceptual representations (Vermeulen, Niedenthal, &
& Raaijmakers, 1998), although the effect tends Luminet, 2007). In addition to the modality-switch
to be quite fragile in such tasks. Thus, overlap in effect, Marques showed that performance was

4 the perceptual representation of mental categories

not affected by switching between superordinate Sensory-Motor Systems Are Directly
categories. He presented animals and artifacts Involved in Representation
with modality-specific features. Whereas perfor- The studies discussed so far investigated the
mance was affected by switching modalities (e.g., role of sensory-motor systems for categories in
mirror-reflect, telephone-ring), there was no effect paradigms in which the perceptual and conceptual
of superordinate switching (e.g., donkey-heehaw, information was meaningfully related. For example,
telephone-ring). These results strongly suggest that in Klatzky et al.’s (1989) experiments, the grasp that
categories are represented by perceptual modalities was primed was related to the grasp that would be
rather than by hierarchical domains. needed for the object mentioned in the sentence. In
Finally, there is an important role of action Stanfield and Zwaan’s (2001) experiment, the object
for representing categories. Since the main func- in the picture was the same as the object in the sen-
tion of categories is to support our interactions tence. It could be argued that these results show
with the environment, action should be central to that sensory-motor information plays a role, but the
representations. That this is very likely the case locus of the effect might still be at some higher, more
is demonstrated by the interaction between rep- abstract semantic level rather than at the level of the
resentation and action. When interacting with sensory-motor systems. Therefore, we need to look
objects, the first action is often to touch the at studies that have used paradigms in which a per-
object. Therefore, grasping and pushing actions ceptual task and a conceptual task without a mean-
might be strongly activated. Having the hand ingful relation were used. McCloskey, Klatzky, and
in the appropriate shape to grasp a particular Pellegrino (1992) showed that concurrent motor
object facilitates subsequent processing of the planning of an unrelated action interfered with the
object name (Klatzky, Pellegrino, McKloskey, & hand shape priming effect on sentence processing.
Doherty, 1989). In Klatzky et al.’s study, partici- Investigating the role of perception, Van Dantzig,
pants learned to make specific hand shapes such as Pecher, Zeelenberg, and Barsalou (2008) adjusted
a pinch in response to icons. These icons were then the modality-switch paradigm. Rather than concep-
presented as primes, followed by target sentences tual trials, they used a perceptual task (detection of
(e.g., Insert a coin) to which participants made meaningless visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli) as
sensibility judgments. Performance was affected the context for conceptual property verification tri-
positively when the primed hand shape matched als. They observed a modality-switch effect between
the shape that would be needed to interact with the perceptual and conceptual trials. In particular,
the object in the sentence. The reverse was shown they observed a cost when the modality of the per-
by Masson, Bub, and Warren (2008; see also Van ceptual trial was different from that of the feature
Elk, van Schie, & Bekkering, 2008), who found in the conceptual trial, paralleling the findings in
that processing of object and action names primed the conceptual-only studies (Marques, 2006; Pecher
subsequent actions for which the matching hand et al., 2003). In contrast, Vermeulen, Corneille, and
shape was needed. Similar findings have shown Niedenthal (2008) found that a concurrent per-
facilitation due to a match between the direction ceptual memory load (meaningless visual shapes or
of a movement implied by a sentence and the auditory signals) interfered more with conceptual
actual movement needed to make a response, the property verification trials if the property was from
action-compatibility effect (Borghi et al., 2004; the same than from a different modality. Other
Glenberg & Kaschak, 2002; studies have also shown that concurrent percep-
Scorolli, Borghi, & Glenberg, 2009; Taylor, tual processing can interfere rather than facilitate
Lev-Ari, & Zwaan, 2008). Glenberg and Kaschak conceptual processing. For example, Kaschak and
showed that when participants made sensibility colleagues (Kaschak et al., 2005, Kaschak, Zwaan,
judgments to sentences describing actions toward Aveyard, & Yaxley, 2006) showed that perceiving
the body (e.g., Open the drawer), they were faster visual or auditory stimuli that depicted motion in
if the response required them to move their hand a particular direction interfered with concurrent
toward themselves than if it required them to move sentence comprehension if the sentence described
their hand away from their body. The opposite was an object moving in the same rather than different
found when the sentence described an action away direction.
from the body (e.g., Close the drawer). These and These studies suggest that whether overlap in
similar findings strongly suggest that the motor sys- perceptual and conceptual processing facilitates
tem is involved in representing categories. or harms performance depends on whether the

pecher 5
tasks are performed at the same time or alternat- was the most relevant feature, but when they sorted
ing. When the tasks are performed at the same objects into categories, type of grip was the most rel-
time, they compete for resources, so greater overlap evant feature. Thus, various types of contexts affect
increases competition. When they alternate, there categorical representations in different ways.
is no competition, and overlap may cause priming, Further evidence for the flexibility of represen-
for example, by focusing attention on the relevant tations is provided by studies that show effects of
modality. This picture is complicated, however, by prior context. Pecher et al. (1998) found priming
studies that showed interference in an alternating for words that referred to objects with similar shapes
paradigm. When participants processed linguistic (e.g., banjo-tennis racket), even though such infor-
stimuli in which a verb (e.g., climb; Richardson, mation was irrelevant for the current task (lexical
Spivey, Barsalou, & McRae, 2003) or noun (e.g., decision and word naming) as long as shape infor-
hat; Estes, Verges, & Barsalou, 2008; Pecher, Van mation had been activated in an earlier task. They
Dantzig, Boot, Zanolie, & Huber, 2010) pointed to argued that activation of the visual features in the
a particular spatial location (e.g., up or down), their prior task had made those features still more avail-
identification of a subsequently presented visual able later in the experiment (Barsalou, 1993), possi-
target (e.g., X or O) was harmed if the location of bly due to altered representations (Goldstone, Lippa,
the visual target matched the implied location of the & Shiffrin, 2001). Also using only words as stimuli,
verb or noun. A possible explanation for these dif- Pecher, Zeelenberg, and Barsalou (2004) extended
ferent findings is that in the studies by Richardson these findings to other modalities in a property veri-
et al. and Estes et al. the perceptual representation fication task. Even though initial processing was on
of the conceptual stimulus was much richer than the word stimuli, further studies showed that the percep-
simple perceptual stimuli used by Van Dantzig et al. tual features that were made more available affected
The richer representation may have caused interfer- picture recognition (Pecher et al., 2009; Pecher,
ence and may explain the differences in results. Zanolie, & Zeelenberg, 2007). For example, Pecher
et al. (2007) presented object names (e.g., chocolate)
Flexibility of Representations with visual (e.g., brown) or nonvisual (e.g., sweet)
An important issue is whether category repre- property names in a property verification task. Later
sentations should be considered in isolation or in in the experiment, recognition of object pictures
context. In daily life, people seldom encounter cat- (e.g., a black-and-white drawing of a chocolate bar)
egories in isolation. We never interact with just an was better for objects that had been presented with
apple in some empty space. Categories are usually visual properties than with nonvisual properties,
embedded in a context; for example, we have an even though the particular visual property itself was
apple with our lunch in the cafeteria, or we pick not present in the picture. These findings suggest
an apple from a crate at the supermarket. Several that during property verification participants simu-
studies have shown that context affects which fea- lated a visual representation of the object in order
tures of categories are activated. In the previous sec- to verify the property. During this simulation, not
tions I already discussed some studies that showed only the relevant feature was activated but also other
such an effect. For example, the studies on modality visual features such as shape. During the later rec-
switching (Pecher et al., 2003) suggest that the acti- ognition test the previously activated features were
vation of features from certain modalities is deter- still more available. If the property was nonvisual,
mined by the modality of a previous trial. Zwaan the simulation included no or fewer visual features.
and colleagues showed that linguistic context affects This flexibility of representations along modalities
the visual features of categories (e.g., whether a bird suggests that category representations are organized
is represented with its wings stretched or folded). by sensory-motor modalities and that features can
Another interesting finding is that goals (e.g., such be strengthened selectively.
as defined by the experimental task) affect which
sensory-motor features are used for performance. Perceptual Simulation in the Brain
Bub, Masson, and Bukach (2003; see also Bub, Activation of Sensory-Motor Systems
Masson, & Cree, 2008) showed that action-related The similarity between sensory-motor pro-
information is activated only when the task required cessing and category representation implies that
participants to perform those actions (e.g., grasp). they are supported by the same brain structures.
Iachini, Borghi, and Senese (2008) showed that Several studies have used functional neuroimaging
when participants made similarity judgments, shape techniques to identify activity in the brain while

6 the perceptual representation of mental categories

participants process categories. Chao and Martin specific categories (Caramazza & Shelton, 1998;
(1999) presented colored and grayscale pictures and Warrington & Shallice, 1984). In the majority of
asked participants to passively view the pictures, cases these patients have lost knowledge of living
name the objects, or name the color of objects. By things compared to nonliving things, although the
contrasting passive viewing of colored and grayscale opposite has also been reported. This double dis-
pictures, the areas involved in perception of color sociation has led Caramazza and Shelton to argue
could be identified. By contrasting object naming for specialized mechanisms for living and nonliving
and color naming for grayscale pictures, the areas things. They argued that conceptual knowledge is
involved in retrieving color knowledge could be organized categorically in the brain. Such a categor-
identified. Retrieving color knowledge was associ- ical division would have evolved from evolutionary
ated with a wide network of activity. Of particular pressure to act with fast flight or feeding responses
interest were occipital areas that were activated dur- to certain animals and plants. As these specialized
ing color knowledge retrieval; these areas were adja- structures are selectively impaired, category-specific
cent rather than overlapping with color perception. knowledge loss results.
In contrast, Simmons et al. (2007) found overlap Farah and McClelland (1991; see also
in left fusiform gyrus between an active color per- Humphreys & Forde, 2001) demonstrated, how-
ception task and color name retrieval for objects. ever, that category-specific deficits can emerge from
They argued that it is important to compare brain an architecture that has no separate structures for
activation for perception and representation within different categories. In their model, illustrated in
subjects and in both domains use tasks that require Figure 24.1, categorical knowledge was distributed
active processing. over patterns of units that represent functional and
Brain regions associated with processing of other sensory features. These units were fully intercon-
modalities have also been shown to be more acti- nected and activation was updated in parallel. They
vated during processing of categories. Simmons, assumed that the proportions of sensory and func-
Martin, and Barsalou (2005) showed that while tional features differed between living and nonliving
participants performed a memory task with pictures things. Living things (e.g., zebra) are distinguished
of foods there was increased activation of circuits primarily by sensory features, whereas nonliving
associated with taste and reward processing. While things (e.g., hammer) are distinguished primarily
Simmons et al. used pictures of foods, Goldberg, by functional features. For example, knowledge of
Perfetti, and Schneider (2006) showed that even most animals consists of what they look like and
when words were presented brain regions associated what sounds they make. Knowledge of tools, on the
with visual, auditory, gustatory, and tactile process- other hand, consists more of what they are used for.
ing were activated. They asked participants to verify Farah and McClelland implemented this distinction
properties from these modalities for objects, and they in their model. They demonstrated that when the
showed increased activations in the corresponding visual units were damaged, the model was impaired
regions. Hauk, Johnsrude, and Pulvermüller (2004) more for living than nonliving things, and when
obtained evidence that the activation of motor and
premotor areas was organized somatotopically, such
that words referring to actions with specific body Semantic units
parts (e.g., kick) were associated with activations in
the corresponding region (e.g., the leg area). The Functional Visual
involvement of different sensory-motor systems
suggests that categories are supported by a widely
distributed network of activation (Barsalou, 2008;
Cree & McRae, 2003; Martin, 2007).
Verbal units Visual units
Domain-Specific Deficits
This view of categories as distributed patterns
of activation may seem to be in contradiction with Figure 24.1 Farah and McClelland’s (1991) model. The model
reports of patients who have category-specific defi- has 24 verbal units, 24 picture units, 60 visual semantic units,
and 20 functional semantic units. In the basic model, 20 living
cits. A number of cases have been reported in the things were represented with 16.1 visual units and 2.1 functional
literature of patients with temporal lobe damage units on average; 20 nonliving things were represented with 9.4
who show selective loss of knowledge for items from visual units and 6.7 functional units on average.

pecher 7
the functional units were damaged, the model was distinguishing features. Distinguishing features
impaired more for nonliving than living things. allow discrimination between concepts. For exam-
The distinction in impairments is not just between ple, has a trunk distinguishes elephants from other
living and nonliving, however, because some catego- animals, whereas has ears does not distinguish ani-
ries (animals, fruits, vegetables, human-made foods, mals from each other. If features are lost, categories
gems, and musical instruments) can be impaired with fewer distinguishing features are more likely to
separately or with the opposite domain (Cree & be damaged than categories with more distinguish-
McRae, 2003). Cree and McRae (see also McRae ing features because the information that allows
& Cree, 2002) used feature production norms discrimination from other categories is no longer
(McRae et al., 1997; McRae, Cree, Seidenberg, & available. This finding also shows that a distributed
McNorgan, 2005) to investigate the actual distri- explanation is more likely than a domain-specific
bution of features from different knowledge types. explanation.
The norms were collected by asking participants to The models discussed so far assumed that cat-
list features for a total of 541 concepts from about egories are represented by patterns of activation in
35 categories. For example, for the concept pump- different brain regions that correspond to sensory
kin, participants would produce properties such as modalities. A slightly different approach was taken
is round, is orange, has seeds, grows on vines, is eaten by Plaut (2002). He also developed a distributed
in pies, and so on. Cree and McRae used the Wu connectionist model of semantic knowledge, illus-
and Barsalou (2009) knowledge type taxonomy to trated in Figure 24.2. In addition to different sets
classify these responses into classes that correspond of units that represented visual, tactile, action, and
to sensory modalities, emotion, function, and more phonological information, a set of hidden units
abstract features such as taxonomic knowledge. formed the semantic knowledge representations.
They showed that the pattern of impairments found The architecture was such that the set of hidden
in patients was best explained by a combination of units formed a sort of hub between the specialized
differences in distribution over knowledge types units. The specialized units were connected only to
between categories, differences in the number of other units within the same set and to the hidden
distinguishing features, and concept familiarity. The semantic units. In this way the semantic units medi-
most important finding was that categories differed ated between different modalities.
greatly in the distribution of features over different The model was trained to perform in two ways.
modalities. For example, fruits and vegetables had a First, it was trained to generate a name when given
much higher number of color and taste features than visual or tactile object input. Second, it was trained
creatures and nonliving things, and a much lower
number of visual motion features than creatures.
On the other hand, fruits and vegetables are similar
to nonliving things because they are high on func- Action units
tional features and low on visual motion features.
The distribution of features over knowledge types
for different categories allowed Cree and McRae to
explain many of the patterns of impairment. They
hypothesized that knowledge types correspond to
Visual units Touch units
different brain regions, and that damage to a partic- Semantic (hidden) units
ular region would impair some categories more than
others. Support for this idea is provided by Gainotti
(2000), who reviewed a large number of case stud-
ies. Patients who show category-specific deficits dif-
fer widely in the locus of their lesions. According to Phonology
Gainotti, these different patterns of damage and the units
resulting deficits show that categorical knowledge is
supported by a network of brain areas that represent
sensory-motor information. Figure 24.2 Plaut’s (2002) model. The visual and touch units
are input units, and each has 20 units. The action and phonology
In addition, Cree and McRae also showed that units are output units and also have 20 units each. There are 225
categories with more distinguishing features are less semantic units. The model represented 100 concepts, 20 exem-
susceptible to damage than categories with fewer plars each from five categories.

8 the perceptual representation of mental categories

to generate both the name and an action when could cause deficits in a variety of tasks, including
given visual or tactile input. The result of training tasks in which no visual information is involved.
was that the semantic units showed both categorical An important question is to what extent such
and modality-specific organization. Representations hidden units truly represent semantic knowledge
generated within the same modality had higher sim- or whether they only mediate between different
ilarity than representations generated cross-modally. kinds of knowledge of objects. Rogers et al. (2004)
However, cross-modal representations of the same stated that their model captures the similarities
object were also highly similar. In fact, activa- between objects across domains in an abstract form.
tion levels in the semantic units were not affected However, their semantic units do not explicitly
by modality, but the connection weights between encode information but should be viewed as links
semantic units and specialized units showed topo- between visual and verbal representations. As such,
graphic organization. Semantic units near the they should be considered semantic in the func-
specialized units had larger weights on input con- tion they perform and not in their content. Given
nections from that modality. an input pattern at one of the sets of input units
Other models also have hidden units that act (visual, verbal, or name), the model settled into a
as a hub. Using verbal descriptions of objects and stable state that included patterns at the other input
visual features present in people’s drawings of the units. As an example, one of the tasks that the model
same objects as input, Rogers et al. (2004) trained a was made to perform was naming from visual input.
connectionist model to represent objects in a layer To simulate presenting a picture, a pattern of activa-
of hidden “semantic” units. Their model is illus- tion was presented at the visual input units. Because
trated in Figure 24.3. Damage to these semantic there were no direct connections between visual
units resulted in similar deficits as those observed in and name units, updating had to happen via the
patients with semantic dementia, including failures hidden semantic units. Once the name units were
to retrieve or use visual or verbal information. The in a stable state, the object name was produced.
deficits of the model across a wide variety of tasks Thus, the semantic units encoded neither visual
could be explained by the similarity structure in the nor verbal information but allowed updating of the
semantic units. As object representations were more name units by mediating between visual and ver-
similar, damage to the connection weights in the bal units. Thus, the semantic units form a conver-
model caused them to drift, resulting in increasing gence zone (Damasio, Grabowski, Tranel, Hichwa,
difficulty to distinguish between similar representa- & Damasio, 1996) or a semantic hub (Patterson,
tions. Thus, although the objects’ similarities were Nestor, & Rogers, 2007; see also Kellenbach, Brett,
expressed in the verbal or visual descriptions, the & Patterson, 2001).
semantic units were sensitive to these similarities as Another type of model does not assume a separa-
well. However, Rogers et al. argued that the stabil- tion between different types of input modalities but
ity of the model’s semantic representation still relied rather has one single layer of semantic units. McRae
on the connectivity between the hidden units and et al. (1997) used feature production norms to train
the perceptual and verbal input units. Damage to their model, which consisted of a layer of word-form
the connections between visual and semantic units units and a layer of semantic units, as illustrated in
Figure 24.4. This model was able to explain various
results from speeded semantic tasks with healthy
Semantic (hidden) units
subjects. An important finding was that variability
in the degree of feature intercorrelations can explain
differences between categories. Artifacts have fewer
intercorrelated features than natural kinds. McRae
et al. showed that priming effects for artifacts were
Verbal descriptor units Visual feature units predicted better by overlap in individual features,
whereas priming effects for natural kinds were pre-
dicted better by overlap in intercorrelated features.
Figure 24.3 Rogers et al.’s (2004) model. The verbal descriptor Devlin, Gonnerman, Andersen, and Seidenberg
units consisted of 40 name units, 64 perceptual units, 32 func- (1998; see also Tyler, Moss, Durrant-Peatfield, &
tional units, and 16 encyclopedic units. In addition, there were
64 visual feature units and 64 semantic units. Inputs were verbal
Levy, 2000) showed that a model in which such
features from production norms and descriptions of drawings for differences in intercorrelated features was preserved
62 objects. could account for the double dissociation observed

pecher 9
aimed at distributed patterns of activation across
large parts of the cortex. They presented pictures of
Semantic (hidden) units
different exemplars from seven categories and exam-
ined the patterns of voxel activation in the ventral
temporal cortex. For each category, correlations
between different runs of the same category were
higher than correlations between runs of different
categories. More important, even if the voxels that
responded maximally to that particular category
were removed, the remaining pattern was still more
Word form units
similar to other same category patterns than to dif-
ferent category patterns. Thus, these data indicate
that categories are represented by a distributed pat-
Figure 24.4 McRae et al.’s (1997) model. The model had 379 tern of activation rather than specialized areas.
word-form units and 646 semantic units and represented 84
words. The representations were based on feature production
The Role of Language
Language Binds Experiences
Building on earlier proposals (Glaser, 1992;
in Alzheimer’s patients. At low levels of damage, Pavio, 1986), Simmons, Hamann, Harenski, Hu,
categories that had lots of intercorrelated features and Barsalou (2008; see also Louwerse & Jeuniaux,
were less susceptible to nonfocal damage (as is typi- 2008) argued that conceptual processing is a mix-
cally found with Alzheimer’s patients), because the ture of superficial linguistic processing and deeper,
strong intercorrelations allowed pattern completion sensory-motor simulations. Using fMRI, Simmons
even for weaker features. However, as damage got et al. showed that a conceptual task (property gen-
more severe, entire sets of intercorrelated features eration) shared patterns of brain activation with
were lost, resulting in impairment of entire superor- both word association and situation generation.
dinate categories. Devlin et al.’s simulations showed Moreover, they argued that the activation associ-
that the pattern of deficits paralleled those found for ated with linguistic processing peaked earlier than
patients. When only small proportions of semantic the activations associated with sensory-motor
connections were damaged, there was, on average, a simulations. They proposed that conceptual pro-
small artifact deficit. With more damage, however, cessing is supported by two parallel streams of acti-
there was a larger deficit of natural kinds. The simu- vation. The faster stream is based on the linguistic
lations also showed large variability in patterns, con- system and reflects associations between words.
sistent with the variability found between patients. The slower stream is based on sensory-motor sys-
The distributed nature of these models seems to tems and reflects situated simulations of concepts.
be at odds with functional magnetic resonace imag- Differences in task requirements cause differences
ing (fMRI) data that show specialized areas for cer- in recruitment of these two streams. Tasks that can
tain categories of objects such as faces and houses be performed at a superficial level rely mostly on the
(Haxby et al., 2001). This may be due to the sort linguistic system, whereas tasks that require deeper
of subtraction techniques often used with fMRI conceptual processing rely more on sensory-motor
research. In typical studies, participants process two systems. Solomon and Barsalou (2004) demon-
types of stimuli (e.g., faces vs. tools), and the areas strated that the effect of perceptual variables in a
that show significantly more BOLD activation for property verification task was modulated by the
one category than the other are appointed the role extent to which the task could be performed by
of specialized processor of that category. Such tech- word association. In their task, participants had to
niques ignore the role of areas that are involved in verify whether the property was a part of the con-
more than one category because these get subtracted cept (e.g., cat-ear). Solomon and Barsalou manipu-
out. lated whether the false trials contained associated
Although most fMRI research thus focuses on concept-property pairs (e.g., owl-tree). When only
finding localized areas for categories, it is possible to the true trials were associated, participants could
investigate the kind of distributed representations as use superficial processing based on word associa-
are assumed by the models described earlier. Haxby tions. When both true and false trials were asso-
et al. (2001) used an analysis technique that was ciated, however, participants had to use deeper

10 the perceptual representation of mental categories

processing, and in that case perceptual variables the model computes how often words occur in par-
affected their performance. ticular texts. Based on a large corpus of texts, words
Although some people may think of linguistic are represented as vectors of co-occurrence frequen-
processing and simulation as two separate routes, cies in the texts. Landauer and Dumais showed that
it is much more likely that these types of process- words that occur in similar sets of texts have simi-
ing interact and share processing mechanisms. A lar vectors and can be viewed as nearby points in a
possible mechanism for the interaction between multidimensional co-occurrence space. Distances in
linguistic processing and simulation is the idea of a this space tend to be highly correlated to semantic
convergence zone (Damasio et al., 1996) or seman- similarity. Andrews et al. argued that a probabilis-
tic hub (Patterson et al., 2007). Linguistic informa- tic model that was trained using the linguistic and
tion and sensory-motor information from different sensory-motor data concurrently was a better pre-
modalities are represented in modality-specific sys- dictor of human performance than models based on
tems, and they are linked through central areas either source of data alone or based on using the two
whose function is to link information from these sources independently.
different modalities together. With such a mecha- Thus, instead of language and sensory-motor
nism, object identities are formed and linked to representations as being separate, parallel processes,
names. For example, the word apple will be linked they are part of the same network. Language binds
to a shape representation on one occasion, while on different sensory-motor experiences to form coher-
another occasion the word apple will be linked to ent categories. During language processing, mean-
a taste representation. Models such as those devel- ing is represented by activation of a pattern across
oped by Plaut (2002) and Rogers et al. (2004) show sensory-motor systems. However, in tasks in which
that the resulting representations in semantic hubs performance can be based on word associations,
(the hidden layers in their models) are organized activation of other words via the semantic hub
according to semantic similarity. It is important to might be sufficient. The advantage of such short-
note that these representations do not contain any cuts is that the system does not need to wait for full
meaning. The hub does not represent the color or activation of representations in the sensory-motor
taste of an apple; it only allows this information to system. To represent meaning fully, however, these
be activated in the specialized sensory areas when, representations are necessary.
for example, the word apple is presented. However,
because the hub has a semantic organization, activa- Abstract Concepts
tion of a pattern in the hub could lead to activa- An interesting aspect of the Andrews et al. (2009)
tion of related words without the need to activate model is that it can infer features for concepts for
the word’s meaning. Therefore, it is possible that which no sensory-motor input was available. This
for superficial processing the links between the lan- might provide a solution to the problem of how
guage area and the hub are sufficient. abstract categories are represented (Barsalou, 1999;
The role of language might be to connect differ- Barsalou & Wiemer-Hastings, 2005; Dove, 2009;
ent sensory-motor experiences to the same category. Prinz, 2002). Since abstract categories (e.g., democ-
In this way, category identities may develop even racy, respect) have no perceptual features, explain-
when experiences do not share features. For exam- ing how they can be grounded in sensory-motor
ple, the experience of drinking apple juice and the representations provides a challenge. Andrews
experience of picking up an apple in a shop have et al. attempted to solve this problem by attrib-
little in common. By using the same category name uting features from words that have similar word
(apple) for both experiences, they become connected co-occurrence vectors. However, from the examples
and form rich representations. that they provided, it is not immediately obvious
Andrews, Vigliocco, and Vinson (2009) argue that the resulting features are perceptual. For exam-
that both types of input are important. In their ple, the features that are produced (by the model)
model, sensory-motor information and language for the abstract word obsession are women, scream,
information are treated as a single combined data set. crave, desire, relieve, love, discomfort, burn, explode,
They used feature production norms as a proxy for and attack. Rather than describing perceptual expe-
sensory-motor experiences, and word co-occurrences riences, some of these words are abstract themselves,
as linguistic input. The word co-occurrence data and of those that do describe perceivable features,
were based on an approach similar to LSA (Landauer some seem only indirect aspects of the experience of
& Dumais, 1997). In LSA, text is used as input, and obsession (e.g., burn, explode, attack). The question

pecher 11
is, of course, what sensory-motor experiences would modalities such as visual perception (Oosterwijk
represent such concepts. et al., 2009). Barsalou and Wiemer-Hastings found a
Several other ideas for how abstract concepts greater focus on introspective properties for abstract
might be grounded have been proposed (e.g., than for concrete concepts. The idea of introspec-
Barsalou, 1999, Barsalou & Wiemer-Hastings, tion needs further investigation, however. While it
2005; Prinz, 2002). At present, the most popular may be more or less clear how people perceive that
theory is that people use metaphors and image sche- they are hungry or aroused, it is less obvious how
mata to ground abstract concepts in bodily expe- people know that they have goals or beliefs, or that
riences. For example, people may understand the they are trying to retrieve something from memory,
process of solving a problem in terms of travelling without postulating a homunculus. Possibly, intro-
from a starting point (the problem situation) to a spective experiences can be part of a representation
destination (the solution) along a path (the method as grounded features, but they do not provide the
that is used to solve the problem), as is illustrated by full meaning of a concept.
expressions such as to get sidetracked or to have some- A third proposal is that abstract concepts are
thing get in one’s way (Gibbs, 1994, 2005; Lakoff, represented by concrete situations (Barsalou &
1987; Lakoff & Johnson, 1980; but see Barsalou Wiemer-Hastings, 2005). Likely, a collection of
& Wiemer-Hastings, 2005; Murphy, 1996). Thus, concrete situations that share the abstract concept
the concrete situation of travelling along a path is combine to form a rich representation. This pro-
used as a metaphor for an abstract situation such as posal has similarities to exemplar models of cat-
solving a problem. Because the metaphor refers to a egorization (Hintzman, 1986; Nosofsky, 1988). In
concrete physical experience, embodied theories can exemplar models, each encounter with an exemplar
explain how the abstract concept is grounded in the is stored. Abstraction across exemplars is achieved
perceptual and motor systems. when a cue activates several different exemplars.
Whereas most of the evidence given in sup- These are then combined as a response to the cue
port of this theory comes from cognitive linguis- (e.g., as a combined similarity measure or as a
tics, recent studies have provided some evidence summary representation) in order to be used for
that image schemata are activated by abstract con- processing. Representation by concrete situations
cepts (Boot & Pecher, 2010, 2011; Boroditsky & allows these representations to be grounded in sen-
Ramscar, 2002; Richardson et al., 2003; Spivey, sory-motor simulations. For example, the concept
Richardson, & Gonzalez-Marquez, 2005; Zanolie, democracy may be represented by a meeting of parlia-
Van Dantzig, Boot, Wijnen, Schubert, Giessner, ment, a succession of speeches, votes on proposals during
& Pecher, 2012; see Pecher, Boot, & Van Dantzig, meetings, election campaigns, a voter deciding on her
2011, for an extended discussion). The question is vote, going into a booth with a ballot, availability of
to what extent these results are proof of grounded multiple views in the media, and so on. Barsalou and
representations. Although image schemata refer Wiemer-Hastings found that situations were impor-
to basic bodily experiences, they do so in quite an tant aspects for all types of concepts, constituting
abstract way. For example, several concepts might about half of all produced properties, but even more
be represented with the verticality image schema, for abstract than concrete concepts. Thus, this idea
such as power, valence, status, and so on. However, has great promise. So far, however, it is still in its
the concept of power must be much richer than just early stages of development.
the verticality image schema. Image schemata may
represent some features of abstract concepts, but the General Discussion
full representation needs additional features. Is Sensory-Motor Simulation Necessary?
A second proposal for grounding abstract con- In this chapter I have set out to describe the role
cepts is by simulations of introspective experiences of sensory-motor simulations for mental categories.
(Barsalou, 1999; Barsalou & Wiemer-Hastings, The evidence from behavioral studies, brain imaging,
2005). For example, introspective experiences may patient studies, and models of category representation
be associated with being hungry, feeling happy, or are consistent with the idea that sensory-motor sys-
having a goal. People can perceive their internal tems support representation by a simulation mecha-
states and can simulate internal states to represent nism. An important question, however, is whether
concepts. Introspection could be considered another these sensory-motor simulations are necessary for
sensory modality. Just as for sensory modalities, peo- representation. Theories of grounded cognition
ple can switch attention from introspection to other propose that they are, because the core assumption

12 the perceptual representation of mental categories

of such theories is that a simulation and a concept Is Simulation Task-Induced Imagery?
are the same thing. For example, Glenberg (1997) An important question is to what extent the
proposes that concepts are potential action patterns. evidence presented so far reflects automatic repre-
Thus, in this view, there are no amodal symbols that sentation. In laboratory experiments participants
represent a concept. Mahon and Caramazza (2008), may develop strategies in order to cope with a
on the other hand, have argued that much of the evi- task. In cases where sensory-motor variables affect
dence is also consistent with a system in which rep- conceptual processing, one may wonder whether
resentation is initially separate from sensory-motor conscious imagery rather than automatic represen-
systems, and in which activation cascades to those tational processing can explain such effects. Thus,
systems only after a category has been represented much of the work on the role of sensory-motor
by amodal symbols, or in which activation spreads systems for category representations may suggest
in parallel to amodal and sensory-motor systems, that representation is a form of imagery. As with
but the sensory-motor activation is not fundamen- categories, there is evidence that mental imagery
tal to the category representation. Thus, studies that shares modality-specific mechanisms at behavioral
show activation of sensory-motor systems in the (Rouw, Kosslyn, & Hamel, 1997) and neurologi-
brain while participants perform a representational cal levels (Borst & Kosslyn, 2008). On the other
task (e.g., read language) do not necessarily show hand, important differences exist between imagery
that such activation supports representation. The and categorical representations (Barsalou, 1999,
activation of sensory-motor systems might merely 2009). First, there is a difference in conscious con-
be a side effect of representing categories. The same trol. Imagery tasks require effortful processes such
explanation might be applied to behavioral studies as rotating or reorganizing mental images, whereas
that show activation of sensory-motor information the representation of a category may take place
during representation. without conscious awareness or control. Second,
It is more difficult (but perhaps not impossible) imagery ability varies widely between individuals
for such a coactivation account to explain data that (Blajenkova, Kozhevnikov, & Motes, 2006; Burton
show an effect of perceptual variables that precede & Fogarty, 2003; Kosslyn, Brunn, Cave, & Wallach,
representation. For example, studies show deficits in 1984), whereas representing conceptual knowledge
performance when sensory-motor systems are dam- is performed easily by anyone with normal cogni-
aged or occupied by other tasks. Although some tive abilities. Several studies have shown that per-
models have shown that domain-specific deficits are ceptual effects in representation do not vary with
predicted by models that assume a single semantic imagery ability or preference (Pecher, Van Dantzig,
system (Devlin et al., 1998; McRae et al., 1997), & Schifferstein, 2009; Stanfield & Zwaan, 2001),
more detailed studies showed that deficits are most suggesting that the involvement of sensory-motor
likely due to damage to processing areas for specific systems for representation is automatic.
sensory-motor information (Cree & McRae, 2003;
Gainotti, 2000). Healthy participants also showed Conclusion
deteriorated performance in a verbal property veri- Mental categories are (at least for a part) sup-
fication task when the property was from the same ported by sensory-motor simulations. There is a
modality as a concurrently performed perceptual wealth of evidence showing that mental categories
task (Vermeulen et al., 2008). The fact that repre- retain the sensory-motor qualities of their physi-
sentation is more difficult when the specific sen- cal counterparts, such as modality-specific features.
sory system has fewer resources strongly suggests These simulations are highly flexible, and just as
that these systems perform an essential role. Using in sensory-motor interactions, they can focus on
a slightly different paradigm, Van Dantzig et al. specific modalities, change according to context,
(2008) showed facilitation for verbal property veri- take perspective into account, and so on. Although
fication if a previous perceptual stimulus was from simulations are temporary processes that represent
the same modality. Again, this is hard to reconcile categories during online processing, they can have
with an explanation that assumes mere coactivation longer lasting impacts. Several studies have shown
of sensory information. Although it remains pos- that when concepts are repeated, later representa-
sible that some aspects of representation are more tions are affected by earlier ones as if they had been
symbolic, at least an important part has to be sup- interacted with physically. Several findings of inter-
ported by sensory-motor systems in order to explain actions between representation and perception and
these findings. the activation of similar brain areas for representation

pecher 13
and perception all point to the conclusion that they ways. For other modalities it is often even harder
are supported by the same processing mechanisms. to accurately describe sensory experiences. For
example, there are hardly any words that describe
Future Directions smells except for names of other things that have
Although the aforementioned conclusion is sup- that smell, hence the interesting vocabulary of
ported by a lot of research, there are some important wine tasters. Even if there are words to describe
remaining questions. First of all, as was already dis- an experience, one may wonder whether this is the
cussed earlier, more research is needed to show how right grain size for perceptual symbols.
fundamental the role of sensory-motor mechanisms Finally, as some research has shown, concepts are
is for representations. Are simulations essential for affected by context. As things in the world are not
representation, do they support representation only experienced in isolation, it seems likely that concepts
partly, or are they merely by-products of otherwise are also not represented in isolation. The framework
symbolic operations? As some connectionist frame- I have discussed in this chapter views representa-
works show, representations might be widely dis- tions as simulations of experiences. It seems likely,
tributed, which complicates the question of what is therefore, that such a framework is especially suited
essential and what is a by-product. In such models, to take context into account.
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