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nursing process consist of

all of the above

:the following techniques are using for general physical examination

all of the above

:the most accurate temperature is


: the normal temperature is


:normal adult pulse is

b/m 60-80
b/m 70-80
b/m 50-70
the sistolic pressure in lower extremities is usually ___________ than upper
10mm of hg higher
5mm of hg higher
15mm of hg higher
:an informed consent is a ______ for any operative procedures
medicolegal requirement
operative permit

:the best position for post_op patient maintain a patient airway is

lateral position with neck extended
supine position
semi fowlers position

when apatient admitted in dr with full term pregnancy & her membranes
rupture spontaneously all of the following actions are appropriate ; first you
check the FHR
check the color of fluid
assess the quantity of fluid
notify the physican

u r the nurse assigned to care a patient after gastric resection in the recovery
room in stable codition . during yuor assessment for hypovolemic shock, the
sign that yuo would expect to note if this comlication occurs is

paralytic ileus is a frequent - complication of post-op abdominal surgery .

according to the physician,s orders & your own assessment data base , a
planned intervetion wold be to
administer p.o fluids only
insert a N.G.T
insert a rectal tube
listen for bowel sounds

assessing a patient diagnosed as a schizophremic , the nurse keeps in minde

that a diagnosis of schizophrenia involves
inability to concentrate
loss of contact with reality
guilt feelings
feelings of worthlessness

the doctor applies a leg cast of a patient with leg fracture . following casting ,
the nurse should fiest check patient,s toes for
increase in temperature
change in color

from your knowledge of the casting procedure , you undrestand that a wet
cast should be
placed on a firm surface for the first few hours
handed only with the plams of the hands
left alon to set for at least 3 hours
.petaled to lessen chance of irritation to the patient
immadiate assessment of the premature infant in the nursery would not
hunger status
cardiac status
respiratory status
cobgenital abnormalities
which of the following best explain why premature infant are more likely to
? develop hyperbilirubinemia
liver enzymes are immature
antibody formation is immature
. premature infants receive few antibodies from the mother
WBC live immature
nursing responsibilities for the pre operative period would include notifying the
physician if the
erythrocyte count is 6 million 1 cc mm
temperature is 99 C F orally
hemoglobin is 14 gm/100ml
urine report-indicates ketonuria

a test used in the dianosis of cystic fibrosis called

sweat chloride
blood glucose
sputum culture
stool specimen for fat content

following a radical mastrctomy patient to be positioned

on her operativ side
on her un operrative side
in simi - fowler,s with her affected arm flat on bed
in semi-fowler,s with her affected arm elevated
) ‫االجابه االخيره ( في وضعية سيمي فاولر مع رفع الذراع بجوار العمليه‬

the major operative complication following a cholecystectomy is

paralytic ileus
‫اكثر المضاعفات بعد استئصال المراره االلتهاب الرئوي‬

a30 years old male patient has burns on the front & back of both his legs &
arms. the appropriate percentage of his body that has been involved is
‫الفقره االخيره‬

during a retention catheter or bladder irrigation the nurse must usr

stirile equipment & wear sterile gloves
clean equipment & maintain surgical asepsis
stirile equipment &maintain medical asepsis
clean equipment & technique

the millimiters of drug that should be used to give 0.5 gm if tha label on the
bottle reads 5 gm in 10 ml is

doctor order / stock * quantity

1ml = 10 * 5 /0.5

following total hip replacement , immadiately post operative you would expect
orders to include
head of bed eleveted to 45 C angle
operative leg maintain in abduction
buck,s traction unit 1 hip can be put through range of motion
turn on operative side only immadiately post operatively
‫الفقره الثانيه ( الساق اللتي اجريت لها العمليه في وضع التباعد‬

when you are administering hepain the substance you will keep at the bedside
as the antidote is
magnesium sulfate
vitamin K
protamin sulfate
calcium gloconate
) ‫االجابه الفقره الثالثه ( سلفات البروتامين‬

what you will observe for a patient is on anti coagulant therapy

bleeding from any site of the body
weight reduction
) ‫الفقره االولى ( النزف من اي منطقه في الجسم‬

robert reinholdt , a construction worker , is seen in the ER with low blood

pressure , normal pulse , cool skin teperature and weakness . these are
clinical signs of
heat exhaustion
heat stroke
heat cramp
) ‫االجابه االخيره ( انخفاض درجة حرارة الجسم عن المعدل الطبيعي‬hypothermia

which of the following would be an appropriate site for taking a pulse on 2-

year -old estelle
) ‫الفقره االولى ( الكعبري‬

if measuring BP were necessary in the leg . the nurse would expect the
diastolic pressure to be
mm hg higher than in the branchial artery 10-40
mm hg lower than in the branchial artery 30_20
50mmhg higher than in the branchial artery
essentially the same as that in the branchial artery
) 40_10‫الفقره االولى ( اعلى من الضغط في الشريان الذراعي بـ‬

the nurse cuold best auscultate the point of maximum impulse PMI in
8_year_old gina at the
fourth intercostal space , left of midclavicular line
fifth intercostal space , left of midclavicular line
second intercostal space , right of midclavicular line
third intercostal space , left of midclavicular line
) ‫الفقره الثانيه (المسافه الضلعيه الخامسه اليسرى‬

a 21_year _old , female patient asking when sould she do the self
examination for the breast during the month . the nurse should answer
any time you think of it
at the same time each month
on the first day of your menestrual period
on the last day of your menstrual period
) ‫الفقره االخيره ( في اليوم االخير من الدوره‬

mrs. jarett has abdominal pain of unkown origin . durin the abdominal
? examination , which of the following is most accurate
.the palpitation sould be performed first
auscultation is best don with mrs.jarrett in the sitting position
bowel sounds shuold be heard by examining each quadrant for 3 _ 5 minutes
a paralytic ileus would result in low , growling sounds

wich of the following could contribute to caosing a nosocomial infiction

. washing hands before applying a dressing
taping a plastic bag to the bed rail for tissue disponsal
placing a foley bag on the bed when transferring a client
using betadine to cleans the skin before starting an IV line
) ‫الفقره الثانيه ( ربط كيس بالستيكي على جوانب السرير لرمي المناديل‬

the nurse employs surgical aseptic technique when

placing soilde linen in moisture_resistant bags
inserting an intravennous catheter
disposing of syringes in punture_proof containers
washing hands before changing a dressing
) ‫الفقره الثانيه ( عند ادخال الكانيوال او القسطره الوريديهـ‬
‫بصراحه عمري ماشفت ممرضه تتبع هالطريقه‬

mr. wallshas alarg abdominal incision that requires a dressing . the incision is
paked with half_inch iodoform packing (soaked in betadine( and covered with
a dry steril 4 by 4 inch gauze. when changing the dressing , the nurse
accidentally drops the packing onto the client,s abdomin. the nurse should
add more betadine to the packing and insert it to incision
throw the paking away and preoare a new one
pick up the packing with steril forceps & gently place it into the incision
rinse the packing with sterile water & put the packing into the incision with
sterile gloves
) ‫االجابه الفقره الثانيه ( تتخلص من الضماد وتجهز واحد جديد‬

the overall rule for avoiding accidents with equipment in the hospital is for the
nurse to
always lock wheels
never operate equipment without prior instruction
always unplug equipment when moving the client
never use equipment without a person to assist you
) ‫الفقره الثانيه ( عدم تشغيل االجهزه بدون معلومات سابقه‬

jessica , age 4 years , is scheduale ti recive an IV line the most appropriate

type of restraint to use on jessica to prevent her from trying to remave the IV
line would be a
wrist restraint
jacket restraint
elbow restraint
) ‫الفقره االولى ( التقييد بالرسغ‬mummy restraint

the workmen cause an electrical fire when installing a new piec of equipment
in the intensive care unit . mr. ritchey is on a ventilator on the next room . the
first action the nurse should take is to
attempt to eztinguish the fire
pull the alarm
call the pysician to optain orders to take mr.richey off the ventilator
use an ambu bag & remove mr.richey from the area
‫الفقره االخيره هي االجابه الصحيحه‬

two nurses are standing on opposite side of the bed to move mr.chtrowx up in
bed with a draw sheet . where should the nurses be standing in relation with
? mr. chatrowx,s body as thy prepare to move him
even with his thorax
even with his soulders
even with his hips
even with his knees
) ‫الفقره الثانيه ( سحبه من مستوى الكتف‬

mr. harlan has right _ sided hemiparesis . the nurs helps him to walk by
standing at his left side and holding his arm
standing at his left side and holding one arm around his waist
standing at his right sid and holding his arm
‫الفقره الرابعه ( تقف‬standing at his right sid and holding one arm around his waist
) ‫عند جانبه االيمن ( المصاب ) وتلف احدى يديها حول وسطه‬

pressure ulcer form primarily as a result of

prolonged illness or diseases
restricted mobility
nitrogen buildup in the underlying tissues
poor nutrition
) ‫الفقره الثانيه ( نتيجة قلة الحركه‬

the nurs notes a client,s skin is redden with a small abrasion and serous fluid
present . the nurse would classify this stage of ulcer formation as
stage 1
stage 2
stage 3
stage 4
‫يمكن األجابه الثانيه‬

mr. gibbs has rheumatoid arthritis

and is prone to skin breakdown . he is also somwhat immobile becaus of his
arthritic pain . which of the following is the best intervention for his skin
he should be allowed to sit up on chair 4 hour intervals
the care providers suold keep the head of his bed in a high fowler,s position to
.increase his circulation
a written schedual of turning & positioning mr.gibbs sould be kept
he sould perform pelvic muscle training exercises several times a day
) ‫الفقره الثالثه ( االحتفاظ بجدول مكتوب لتغيير وضعية المريض‬

the nurse prepares to irrigate mrs.notz,s wound . the primarry reason for this
procedure is to
remove debris from the wound
decreas scar formation
improve circulation to the wound
decreas irritation from wound drainge
)‫الفقره االولى ( الزالة النسيج الميت من الجرح‬

when turning a client , the nurse notices a reddened area on the cooccyx.
what skin care interventions should the nurs use on this area
clean & dry the area & add a protective moisturizer
hydrogen peroxide
normal saline solution
) ‫الفقره االولى ( تنظيف المنطقة وتجفيفها واضافة مرطب للحمايه‬povidon_iodine
mr. milani has alarg abdominal wound that requires a dressing chang every 4
hours . he will be discharged to his home setting where he will continue the
dressing care which of the foliowing is true concerning his healing process
. an antiseptic agent is best followed with a rinse of sterile saline solution
a heat lamp should be used every 2 hours to rid the wound area of
.sterile technique should be emphasized to mr. milani & his family
.adressing covering should allow the wound area to remine moist
) ‫الفقره الثالثه ( تقنيه معقمه جدا يجب ان يتبعها سيد ميالني وعائلته‬

with advancing age , which of the following normal physiological changes in

sensory function occurs
decreased sensitivity to glare
increased number of taste buds
difficulty discriminating vowels sounds
decreased sensitivity to pain

parations coated to dissolve in the intestines & not in the stomach are referred
-: to as
Sustained – action
Enteric coated
A tablet within a tablet
Choice number 2

When the appearance , odor , or color of a medication changes , the nurse

-: sould
Disregard this & give the medication as ordered
Have the registered nurse give the medication
. Withhold the medication & consult the pharmacist
Understand this is a normal occurrence when dealing with chemicals
Choice number 3

The route of drug administration that provides the most rapid & dependable
-: absorption is
The last one

-: For accurate drug administration the nurse should read the drug label
times 2
times 3
times 4
times 5
the second one

when a medication is being administered , the most accurate way to verify a

-: patient’s identification is to
call the patient by the name in the drug card or kardex
ask the patient to state his or her name
ask another nurse to identify the patient
check the patient’s identification bracelet
the last choice

when the nurse is administering medications , the patient informs the nurse
-: that the tablet usually received is a different color . the nurse should
insist that the patient take the tablet she poured
have the patient take the tablet & then recheck the order
leave the medication at the bedside & recheck the order
recheck the order before giving the drug
. verify the medication with the physician
Choice number 4

the physician’s order to administer 3 L of IV fluid 5% D \ 0.45 % normal saline

: over 24 hours . the drop factor is 60 gtt / ml . the nurse regulates the IV at
gtt / min 25
gtt / min 100
gtt / min 125
gtt / min 150
125 = 60 * )60*24 ( / ) 100*3(

all of the following are examples of mild allergy symptoms that may occur in
response to antibiotic therapy exept
urticaria ( redness )
pruritus ( itching )
choice number 3

? for which client is the oral rouy of administration appropriate

. client D who has vomited twice in the last hour
client E who is complaining of a sever headache
.client F whose assessment reveals an absence of bowel sounds
.Client G who is only responsive to painful stimuli
choice number 2

ORDERED : 500 cc D5RL to be infused in 6 hours . the drop factor is 15 .

? how many gtt per minute should you give
gtt / min 28
gtt / min 32
gtt / min 21
gtt / min 30
20.83 = 15 * 360 / 500
choice 3
of the following , which is the main reason the nurse should stay with the
? patient until the oral medication is swallowed
.all liquid that is ingested is considered part of the fluid intake
An unopened unit dose drug can be saved if the patient refuses it
the nurse is responsible for documenting that the drug was taken
.the nurse is only one that can give the patient medications

. listed below are statements related to pharmacokinetics

drug taken to its site of action . 1
drug & their metabolites excreted in renal system . 2
drug undergoes metabolism or biotransformation . 3
drug pass into from site of entry to the body fluid . 4
-: the correct order of occurrence of these processes is
‫االجابه الثالثه يعني الترتيب الصحيح هو الفقره الرابعه ( بداية دخول الدواء في‬
‫سوائل الجسم )يعني االمتصاص وبعدين الفقره االولى ( وصول الدواء للموقع المطلوب ) يعني التوزيع وبعدين‬
‫الفقره الثالثه ( يمون الدواء تحت عمليات االيض والتحويل الحيوي ) واخيرا الفقره اثانيه ( الدواء ومنتجات‬
) ‫ايضه تخرج عن طريق الجهاز البولي‬

? Which of the following organs is a primary site for the metabolism of drugs

Mr .Jonnes has the following order : ASA ( Aspirin ) 5 gr p.o bid pc . which of
? the following is the best interpretation & correct scheduling of this order
. Give him ASA 5 gr at 9 : 00 am ( after breakfast ) & 6 : 00 pm ( after supper )
. Give him ASA 5 gr at 10 :00 , 2 :00 & 6 :00 round the clock
. Give him ASA 5 gr per interamuscular injection at 9 : 00 am & 3 :00 pm
Question the order as it is too high a dose then schedule it for 7 : 30 am & 5 :
. 00 pm

. note : bid == twice

Mrs. Higgins has refused to take her ASA ordered by the physician . the first
-: action of the nurse should be
Notify the physician of the refusal
.Chart the refusal on the medication administration record
Find out why she doesn’t want to take the ASA
. Tell her she must take the ASA because the physician has ordered it
- : a medication order should never be implemented if
. the nurse doesn’t know the physician
. the nurse doesn’t know the patient’s history
the nurse Questions any part of the order
. the nurse did not know witness the writing of the order

ORDERD : penicillin 400.000 u IM now

AVAILABLE : penicillin 800.000 u per 2 cc
? How many ml should you give
ml 2
ml 1
ml 0.2
ml 0.4
doctor order / stock * quantity
ml 1 = 2 * 800.000 / 400.000

. ORDERD : deltasone 7.5 mg now

. AVAILABLE : deltasone 2.5 mg scored tablets
? How many should you give
tablets 3
tablets 1
tablets ½ 2
tablets ½ 1
3 = 1 * 2.5 / 7.5

Mr. Johnson has liver failure . using your understanding of pharmacokinetics ,

? decide which of the following is a most likely occurrence for this client
He will require larger doses than normal
He will not be able to tolerate p.o drugs
He may respond better to drugs excreted by the kidneys
. He may build up toxic levels of drugs

Mr. Mulligan , LPN , IS Mrs. Rooney’s primary nurse & is working the 8:00 AM
. to 4:00 PM shift . the next four questions refer to this situation

. At 10:10 AM nurse Mulligan brings Mrs. Rooney her 10:00 AM medication

Mrs. Rooney says , [ oh, I’ve already had those little red pills once this
morning ; do I really need more ? ] . what would be most appropriate
? response by nurse Mulligan
I checked your medication very carefully , Mrs. Rooney , but to make sure “.1
these are right , I’ll check the chart one more time
I checked & double checked your medication orders and I’m sure I’m right , ”.2
”pleas take them
“ let me check with the doctor . I’ll be right back .3
I think these are correct , but to make sure , I’ll discuss this with the head “ .4
“ nurse
first one
minutes after receiving her noon dose of oral medication , Mrs. Rooney 20
vomits . to assure accuracy in medication administration the first thing nurse
-: Mulligan should do is to
report the situation to the head nurse .1
contact the physician .2
administer another dose of medication .3
examine the vomits for signs of medication .4

at 9:45 PM nurse sheener , Mrs. Rooney evening nurse arrives with sleeping
medication . nurse sheener is a summer nursing student & doesn’t know any
of the individuals on the unit . how should nurse sheener determine that she is
? giving the right medication to the right individual
. examine the individual’s name posted outside the door .1
”. say : “Mrs. Rooney , I’ve your medication .2
”? ask : are you Mrs. Rooney .3
“ say : “ I’m nurse sheener . what is your name .4

nurse sheener explain to Mrs. Rooney that she has sleeping medication. Mrs.
Rooney says “ I don’t want to take that now . I want to finish watching this TV
: show .” nurse sheener should
. ask Mrs. Rooney to put on her call light when she is ready fore the pill .1
leave the pill at the bedside so Mrs. Rooney can take it when the TV .2
. program is over
insist Mrs. Rooney take the sleeping pill at ,once .3
discard the medication .4


which of the following routs for drug administration is the most common , least
? expensive , safest , and best tolerated by patient
intramuscular .1
topical .2
oral .3
intravenous .4

you arrives in Mr. Rich’s room with the ASA [ aspirin ] he requested for the
headache . you find him in the bathroom . you are very busy & don’t have time
: to wait . you should
tell him you will return and take the medication with you .1
ask him to com out of the bathroom immediately .2
ask his roommate to give him the ASA .3
leave the medication on the over-the-bed table since ASA is a .4
. nonpre******ion drug

the medication order is for indomethacin . p.o 50mg , bid , this drug is irritating
: to the stomach mucosa . for this reason the nurse should
. give the medication one hour before meals .1
. give the medication 2 hour after meals .2
ask the physician for an IV preparation .3
have food available when administering the medication .4

you are preparing to administer Mrs. Carter’s eye drops . the correct position
: for her to assume would be
.head titled forward , placing the drops in the conjunctival sac .1
.head titled backward , placing the drops in the lower conjunctival sac .2
. head titled forward , placing the drops directly on the eyeball .3
.head titled backward , placing the drops directly on the eyeball .4

-: to instill drops in the adult patient , the ear canal is opened by pulling the ear
up and back .1
down and back .2
up and forward .3
back and forward .4

the physician orders heparin 7500 u subq . q12hr . for your post-operative
.…………… patient . heparin 5000 u per ml is available . give
Dose / dose on hand * quantity per ml
ml 1.5 = 1 * 500 / 7500

the nurse is giving heparin subcutaneously . which needle should the nurse
? use
gauge , 1 ½ inch 19 .1
gauge , 1 inch 21 .2
gauge , 1 ½ inch 22 .3
guage , 5/8 inch 25 .4
‫كل اللي اعرفه انه كل ما زاد الرقم قل اتساع سن االبره ويمكن مطلوب مننا استخدام ابره صغيره عشان يقل‬

The nurse correctly administer an IM injection a ……………… degree angle

15 .1
30 .2
45 .3
90 .4
-: which of the following is true concerning a SC injection
a bleb indicates that the medication has been properly injected .1
. drug absorption is slower than with the IM route .2
cc of air should be drawn in the syringe before administration 0.2 .3
. up to 2 cc of water-soluble medication can be given by the SC route .4

when giving medication , the label should be checked 3 times . which of the
? following is not one of these times
when the nurse reaches for the container .1
immediately prior to pouring medication .2
when the nurse located the drug on the shell .3
. when replacing the container to the drawer or shelf .4

?what body function is essential for adequate drug absorption

adequate blood supply .1
adequate receptor sites .2
. adequate liver function .3
adequate kidney function .4

Mr. Baker is to receive penicillin IM . nurse hill locates the site of the injection
by planning the posterior superior iliac spine & the greater trochanter . an
imaginary line is drawn the posterior superior iliac spine & the greater
trochanter . the injection side is lateral & slightly superior to the midpoint of the
? line . which of the following is correct name of the site
.dorsogluteal site .1
.rectus femoral site .2
ventrogluteal site .3
vastus lateralis .4

which of the following is the reason for using the Z tract technique for
? injections
for medication of over 5cc in quantity .1
for medication that is highly irritating to subcutaneous tissue .2
for medication that stains the tissue .3
for medication that cannot be given orally .4

-: which of the following orders is complete

ampicillin 250mg IM q12hrs x 10 days .1
Maalox 30 cc po .2
humulin R insulin SQ in AM & noon .3
OPV ( oral polio vaccine ) 0.5 cc .4
Mrs. Kelly tells the nurse that her arm is sore from an injection she received
early in the day . she states “ the nurse gave me a shot , and I heard her say
that the needle was a 25 gauge . isn’t that too big for a local injection ?” . your
: best response would be
a 25 gauge needle is a small needle , but it can cause som discomfort . let “ .1
”. me see your arm
really, Mrs. Kelly, no once gets hurts with a 25 gauge needle . you are over .2
“ –reacting to the shot
”.a 25 gauge needle is very small . you are just nervous about the injection .3
a 25 gauge needle is very small. So you are wrong about the pain from the .4

: just prior to pouring a dosage of Mylanta Liquid , you will

pour without shaking the bottle .1
rotate the bottle gently , side to side .2
. turn the bottle end – over – end , top to bottom .3
vigorously shake the bottle .4

Mrs. Davis has a written order from her physician for Demerol 100 mg stat .
? which of the following best explain this order
give it needed .1
. give once when needed .2
give once immediately .3
give once when specified .4

while checking Mr. Appendectomy’s vital signs , he requests his “ medication

: for the pain in my incision “ the vital signs were
BP 100/60 , T – 98.4 F , P – 66 , RR – 10 .you decide he may not have the
? Morphine sulfate injection at this time due to witch vital signs reading
blood pressure .1
pulse .2
respiration .3
temperature .4
Prior to administering a Lanoxin preparation , you take an apical pulse rat on
Mr. M . infarction and fined the rate to be 52 .the most appropriate nursing
-: action would be to
administer one- half the dosage order .1
give the drug as ordered .2
give one- half of the tablet now and the other one- half tablet in two hours .3
. withhold the drug and report the team leader .4

while preparing a dosage of FIORINAL#3 , you accidentally drop a tablet on

: the floor . you would most appropriately
blow it off and go ahead and administer it .1
have another medication nurse witness destruction and sign the control .2
. book
“ return the tablet to the pharmacy for “ decontamination .3
. throw the tablet in the trash can and prepare another dose .4
wash it off under running water , dry it with a paper towel and administer it .5

Mr. Construction worker has been given a pre******ion which contains “

Phenobarbital “ to be taken as an out patient . when doing patient teaching
: about this drug’s action . you will be sure to tell him that
drowsiness is common while taken this drug , so don’t drive or operate “ .1
“ machinery
dryness of throat and mouth is frequent , so be sure to drink extra fluids “ .2
”. during every waking hour
frequent voiding is an action of this drug , so be sure to take it in the .3
”. morning so you won’t be up all night going to the bathroom
your stool may begin to appear black and tar-like a few days after you .4
“ . begin on the drug

after withdrawing the needle from the tissue when administering an ID

-: injection you
. apply firm pressure to the site with your thumb .1
do not rewipe the site .2
gently wipe the site .3
massage the site vigorously .4

Mr. Harvey , age 54 , is admitted with a diagnosis of congestive heart failure

secondary to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD] . the physician
orders sublingual nitroglycerin , 0.4 mg p.r.n , for chest pain , whine
-: administering the nitroglycerin , the nurse should
. tell Mr. Harvey to hold the tablet under his tongue and let it dissolve .1
. tell Mr. Harvey to swallow the tablet with water .2
. apply nitroglycerin ointment to Mr. Harvey’s chest .3
mix the nitroglycerin with applesauce for Mr. Harvey to eat .4

…………… asking the patient if he is allergic to any medication is a part of the

? phase of the nursing process
A. assessment
B. planning
C. implementation
D. evaluation

…………… teaching the patient about the medication is a part of the

? phase of the nursing process

A. assessment
B. planning
C. implementation
D. evaluation

a nurse is unable to read the label on a bottle of liquid medication because the
label is stained from spillage . the nurse knows that the correct procedure is to
A. ask the charge nurse to verify the medication in the bottle and apply a new
. label
B. smell and test the medication and apply a new label if certain of the
. contents
C. empty the contents down the drain and notify the charge and the
. D. Send the bottle back to the pharmacy to be relabeled

you are teaching Mrs. Keller to give own insulin . her orders read NPH insulin
30 u , and regular insulin 10 u daily . which of the following would be correct
-: twchnique for mixing insulin
A. Inject 10 units of air into the regular insulin . remove the needle without
touching the insulin . inject 30 units of air into the NPH insulin . withdraw 30
units of NPH . inject the needle into the regular insulin and remove 10 units .
. rotate the syringe to mix and give to client
B. inject 30 units of air into the NPH insulin . remove the needle, not allowing
the needle to touch the insulin . Inject 10 units of air into the regular insulin
bottle and remove 10 units . insert the needle into the NPH bottle and remove
.30 units rotate the syringe to mix and give
C. Inject 10 units of air into the NPH bottle and remove 10 units of NPH .
.inject 30 units of air into regular insulin rotate the needle to mix and give
D. Inject 30 units of air into the bottle of NPH insulin and remove 30 units of
insulin. inject the needle into the regular insulin bottle and remove 10 units of
. regular insulin . rotate the syringe to mix and carefully give

You are giving an injection of Morphine 3 mg & Tigan 199 mg IM to an elderly

debilitated client . he has sacral edema with extensive bruising of the buttocks
& the ventral gluteal areas which of the following sites is the best choice for
? injection
.A. Deltoid site using the Z-tract method
. B. Dorsal gluteal , since the volume is over 2 ml
. C. Vastus lateralis using a 22 gauge 1 inch needle
. D. Abdomen using a 5/8 inch needle

-: Medications which are labeled [ otic ] are specific for use in \ on the
A. Eyes
B. Ears
C. Nose
D. Throat

Mr. Walker will receive regular insulin . the nurse monitors for the onist of
------------ action in approximately
. A. 5 to 10 minutes
B. 150to 20 minutes
C. 30 to 60 minutes
. D. 1 to 2 hours

is it necessary for the nurse to wear gloves during administration of an

? intermittent feeding through a G-tube
. A. yes , because it is a sterile procedure
. B. yes , because universal precautions must be maintained
. C. no , because it is not a sterile procedure
D. no , because there is no danger of contact with body fluid if the procedure
. is performed correctly

: to prepare the skin for injection the nurse would use

. A. friction with back and forth motions at the site with alcohol swab
. B. friction and alcohol swab moving from outer edge to center of site
C. friction and alcohol swab with circular motions and palpate site gently with
. finger pad before injection
.D. friction and circular motions with alcohol swab from center of site outward
-: IM injection into the deltoid muscle should be limited to
A. 2.5 ml of solution
B. 2 ml of solution
C. 1 ml of solution
D. 0.5 ml of solution

: a primary concern when giving heparin SC is to prevent

. A. pain and bruising
B. pain and bleeding
C. bleeding and bruising
. D. injecting a vein

the type of needle selected for the ( dorsogluteal ) intramscular ( IM )

-: injections would be based on
the size of the patient [ e.g., obese versus debilitated ] )1
. the viscosity of the antibiotic )2
. the position of the patient )3
. the volume of medication )4
A. 1,2,3,4
B. 1,2,3
C. 2,3,4
D. 1,2

-: the largest gauge needle of the following is

A. 19 gauge
B. 20 gauge
C. 21 gauge
D. 22 gauge

the nurse needs to give an injection to 5-year-old Shawn . which of the

? following approaches by the nurse is appropriate
A. “Shawn I need to give you a shot . wiche one of your arms should I give it
“ ? in
”? B. “Shawn , is it ok if I give you a shot now
“ C. “Shawn , I have a hypodermic injection to administer to you now
“ D. “Shawn, I have a shot to give you . be a big boy and don’t cry

Mr. Bell is an 80 year old , man , admitted to the hospital with a urinary tract
infection UTI . which of the following should the nurse understand when giving
? medications to this client
A. larger doses of most medications will be require by Mr. Bell because of
. absorption problems
B. increased plasma binding decreases the possibility of drug toxicity in Mr.
. Bell
C. drugs are excreted more slowly from the body as a result of changes in Mr.
. Bell kidney function
. D. urinary antiseptics are of little value to Mr. Bell because of his age

: Optimum normal urin out put hourly to an adult

A. 10cc
B. 25cc
C. 50cc
D. 100cc

: scurvy is a deficiency of
A. Vit a
B. Vit b
C. Vit c
D. Vit d

Specific gravity of urine to have a normal fluid balance

A. 1.005
B. 1.015
C. 1.030
D. 1.020
all what I know that its between 1.010 & 1.035

normal intra-ocular pressure

A. 15-20mmhg
B. 20-25 mmhg
C. 30-35mmhg
D. 10-15mmhg
all what I know that its between18-24

hours after delivery the fundus is at the level of 12

. A. one fingerbreadth below the umbilicus
. B. one fingerbreadth above the umbilicus
.C. at the level of umbilicus
D. Below symphysis pubis

-: In dystocia the ,mother should be watched for

. A. Post partum haemorrhage
. B. Hypertension
. C. Cord proplase
. D. fetal death

-: in the first trimester of pregnancy the vaccination to avoid

A. polio
. B. rubella
. C. measles
. D. small pox

-: in fetal circulation , the oxygenated blood placenta travels via

A. umbilical artery
. B. umbilical vein
. C. doctus arteriosus
. D. ductus venosus

-: normal PH for blood

A. 7.0
B. 7.4
C. 8.0
D. 8.4

-: first stage of labor ends with

. A. pain occurs
B. dilation of cervix 10 cm
C. delivery of the baby
D. delivery of the placenta

-: an electrolyte deficiency that affect the heart muscular activity

A. k
B. cal
C. Na
D. mg

Patient with hemopneumothorax had a ICD ( inter costal drainage ) in the right
? side what position the patient should be to promote drainage
A. left side [ unaffected ]
B. right side [ affected ]
C. semi sitting
D. leg raised

-: coagulation of blood
A. Vit E
B. Vit K
C. Vit A
. D. Vit C

-: Patient receiving an anticoagulant must be watched for

A. Bleeding of the nose

-: To detect what organism causes tonsillitis in children

A. Throat culture
B. Nasopharynges culture
. C. Blood culture
. D. Sensitivity test

-: The most vital immediate observation to a new born baby is

A. Cardiac rate
. B. Respiration rate
C. Color
D. Tone

-: Signs of dehydration
. A. Loss of skin turgor
B. Low body temperature
C. High body temperature
D. Sweating

-: Most of the metabolic changes of drugs occur in

A. Liver
B. Lungs
C. Stomach
D. Circulation

-: Common cause of death in burns

A. Hemorrhage
B. Neurogenic shock
C. Sepsis
D. Hypovolemic shock

The difference in close & open fracture is that , in open fracture you have to
-: watch for
A. Infection
B. Hemorrhage
C. Inflammation
D. Pain

-: A wound is inflamed if there is

A. Redness
B. Pain & swelling
C. Pus
D. Tenderness

-: Epinephrine is not given via

B. Orally
C. Parentally
D. Intracardiac

-: Immuno-deficiency
A. Protective isolation
B. Enteric and body fluid isolation
. C. Respiratory isolation

-: To detect the effectiveness of a resuscitation [CPR]

A. Constricted pupils
B. Dilated pupils
C. Non-reacting pupils
D. A symmetrical pupils
-: Ultra sound
A. To detect fetal position
B. To detect diameter of fetal head
C. To detect placenta abnormalities
. D. All of the above

-: To prevent oral mucosa infection q4h , instruct patient to use

A. Warm saline gargle
B. Glycerin oil
C. Antibiotic
D. Warm gargle with mineral oil

-: Glomerula nephritis
A. Urea
B. Creatinine
C. Uric aid
D. Cholesterol
-: One of the vital care after cholecystectomy
A. Bed rest
B. Low fat diet
C. Low Cholesterol diet
D. Low protein diet

-: Pulmonary tuberculosis
A. To start anti TB drugs as prescribed
B. Detection of possible contacts
. C. Scrupulous screening
D. All of the above

-: X-ray of upper GI tract , the nurse should instruct the patient to take
A. Laxative previous day
B. NPO 8-12 hours
C. High fat diet
D. Normal diet


A. ½ tsp
B. 1 tsp
C. ½ table spoon
D. 1 table spoon
”B“ tsp == tea spoon

-: In case of penetrating abdominal injury

A. hemorrhage
B. peritonitis
C. infection
D. hypovolemic shock

-: A very serious complication of hysterectomy

A. vaginal pain
B. vaginal discharge
C. abdominal distention
D. no urine out put
-: Deep breathing and coughing exercise done
A. at angle of 90 degree
B. angel 45 degree
C. lie laterally
D. semi-fowler’s position

-: Patient with spinal cord injury must be

A. not to move at all
B. log rolled
C. turn the back with support in the head

-: After spinal anesthesia , watch fore

A. hypotention / headache
B. fowler’s position to the optimum
C. numbness of extremities
D. analgesic

-: The cure for chronic renal failure is

A. dialysis
B. kidney transplant
C. diuretics
D. force fluids

-: Hypoglycemia
A. dizzy
B. headache
C. filthy odor
D. vomiting

-: days menstrual cycle . ovulation takes place 28

A. 16-18 days
B. 12-16 days
C. 10-13 days
D. 15-20 days

-: Acetyl salycilate [ aspirin ] immediate side effect

A. tinnitis
B. nausea & vomiting
C. abdominal pain
D. vomiting & diarrhea
-: digoxin can be with held to a patient with an apical pulse rate of below
A. 45
B. 60
C. 70
D. 80

-: the best time to collect urine for culture

. A. early morning awaking sample
B. 30 minutes after voiding
C. 30 minutes after fluid
D. double voided

-: organism inter blood stream

B. Urinary tract
C. Peritoneal cavity
D. Respiratory tract

-: Prothrombin – fibrin activator

A. Vit k
B. Ca
C. Vit c
D. Vit d

-: Hepatitis infects via

A. Oral
B. Sharing needles
C. Contaminated food

The postpartal patient should be watched closely during the first hours after
-: delivery for
A. Uterine contraction
B. Vaginal bleeding
C. Hypotention
D. All of the above

Evaluation of the skin of a neonate for adequate hydration is best don by

-: observing the skin
a. Color
b. Elasticity
c. Ton
d. Moisture
-: The child with cerebral palsy usually diagnosed
A. In the early months
B. When the child begins to walk
C. When the child begins to play
D. When the child enter school

-: The child with rubella should stay at home until

A. The rash appears
B. The rash disappears
C. One week after The rash disappears
. D. The temperature is normal

When caring for the elderly,s skin, special care must be taken because the
-: skin becomes
A. More dry
B. Less elastic
C. More vascular
D. All of the above

The major goals for the burn patient in the first 48 hours after burn , is that the
A. Has fluid and electrolyte balance maintained
B. Develops no contractures
C. Dose not develop hyperthermia
D. Develops minimal scarring

After a mastectomy , a patient returns from surgery with a portable suction

unit in place & a dry sterile dressing covering the site of incision . when
-: observing this patient for signs of bleeding , the nurse should
. A. inspect the bed clothes under the axillary area for signs of drainage
B. turn the client on the affected side to inspect for blood that may flow
C. empty the measure output in the portable suction unit hourly
D. reinforce the operative site with a pressure dressing and observe if any
. drainage appears on the dressing

The normal fasting blood glucose rang mg per 100 ml . of venous blood is
60-80 .1
80-120 .2
100-150 .3
100-200 .4

-: before irrigating a client’s NGT the nurse must first

assess breath sounds .1
instill 15 ml. Of normal saline .2
ausculate for bowel sounds .3
check the tube for placement .4

-: the best method of preventing the spread of infection is

isolating all patients suspected of having an infection .1
wearing rubber gloves when performing all nursing procedures .2
washing the hands thoroughly before & after each contact with a patient .3
sterilizing the hands with strong germicide at least once a day .4

? which of the following is not an abnormal finding in a routine urine analysis

ph 60 .1
pus .2
RBCs .3
protein .4

when caring for a client who has an open reduction and internal fixation of
hip , the nurse encourages active leg and foot exercise of the unaffected leg
-: every 2 hours to help to
. reduce leg discomfort .1
. maintain muscle strength .2
. prevent formation of clots .3
. limit venous inflammation .4

when administering an antibiotic or a vaccine , the nurse must be ***** for the
-: possibility of
overdoses and CNS depression .1
hypersensitivity and possible anaphylaxis .2
sings of increasing infection .3
orthostatic hypotension .4

immediately after a child is admitted with acute bacterial meningitis , the nurse
-: should plan to
assess the child’s vital signs every 3 hours .1
administer oral antibiotic medication as ordered .2
check the child’s level of consciousness every hour .3
restrict parental visiting until isolation is discontinued .4
when assessing the unconscious victim for pulselessness , which of the
-: following is the best artery to chick
radial .1
femoral .2
brachial .3
carotid .4

-:common signs and symptoms of jaundice include

ascites .1
dermatitis .2
icteric sclera .3
dark-colored stools .4

-: patient with head injuries are not given sedative because these drugs may
produce coma .1
depress the patient’s respiration .2
mask the patient’s symptoms .3
lead to cerebral hemorrhage .4

-: in treating puncture wounds , the first priority is to

stop the bleeding .1
cleans the wound .2
give prophylactic treatment aginst tetanus .3
remove the ************************ from the wound .4

ones the bleeding site has been determined , the first emergency measure to
-: institute during hemorrhage would be to
apply a firm – pressure dressing .1
apply direct , firm – pressure over the bleeding area or the artery involved .2
apply a tourniquet just proximal to the wound .3
elevate the extremity .4

-: nursing measures that can be used to lower core body temperature include
immersing the patient in cold water .1
placing the patient on a hypothermic blanket .2
administering chilled saline enemas .3
all of the above measures .4

the female hormone that induces changes in endometrium to prepare uterus

for implantation of a fertilized ovum and maintenance of a pregnancy is
-: called
aldosterone .1
testoterone .2
progesterone .3
estrogen .4

-: for a hearing – impaired client to hear a conversation , a nurse should

use a louder tone of voice than normal .1
use visual aids such as the hands and eyes when speaking .2
approach a client quietly from behind before speaking .3
select a public area to have a conversation .4

-: when dealing with a client with aphasia , the nurse should remember to
wait for him to communicate .1
speak loudly to ensure that the massage is received .2
speak from the client’s side to avoid overload .3
encourage writing of massages .4

-: Immunization should be started when child is

A. 6 months
B. 2 months
C. 1 months
D. 1 week

the most reliable method used for sterilizing hospital equipment to be free of
-: spores and bacteria is
A. soaking in strong chemical
B. washing and drying it thoroughly after use
C. applying steam under pressure in an autoclave
D. boiling the equipment

nursing care of a child admitted with acute glomerulonephritis , should be

-: directed toward
A. forcing fluids
B. promoting diuresis
C. enforcing strict bed rest
D. eliminating sodium from diet

the nurse empties a portable wound suction device when it is only half full
-: because
A. it is easier and faster to empty the unit when it is only half full
. B. this facilitates a more accurate measurement of drainage output
C. their negative pressure in the unit lessens as fluid accumulates in it ,
interfering with further drainage
D. as fluid collects in the unit it exerts positive pressure , forcing drainage
. back up the tubing and into the wound

a patient develops a small decubitus ulcer on the sacral area . the nurse
-: should plan to deal with this problem by
A. keeping the area dry
B. applying moist dressing
C. providing a low caloric diet
D. keep the patient on the right side

when administering heparin , the substance the nurse would keep available
-: as the antidote is
A. magnesium sulphate
B. protamine sulphate
C. calcium gloconate
D. vitamin k

-: the main effect of excess calcium on the myocardium is

A. spastic contraction
B. cardiac flaccidity
C. tetany
D. bradycardia

which of the following vitamin increase the retention of calcium and

-: phosphorous ions in the blood
A. Vit A
B. Vit B12
C. Vit. D
D. Vit C

-: If a SC injection is in to which level of tissue must the solution be released

A. Epidermis
B. Dermis
C. Subcutaneous
D. Any of the above

A critical nursing measure to employ with a patient on any sulphonamide drug

-: is to
A. Monitor blood pressure every 30 minutes
B. Force fluids
.C. Watch for tinnitus
D. Monitor electrolytes

-: The primary cause of decubitus ulcer is

A. Excessive perspiration
B. Pressure on bony area
C. Poor nutrition and inadequate fluid intake
D. Inability to control voiding

-: Contra indications to the use of anticoagulant include

a. Blood dyscrasias
b. Liver or kidney disease
c. Peptic ulcer
d. All of the above conditions

-: Progesterone is primarily used for the treatment of

A. Hypertension of pregnancy
B. Abnormal uterine bleeding
C. Unovulation
D. Hypermenorrhagia
-: The average daily amount if water eliminated from the kidneys as urine is
A. 500 cc
B. 1500 cc
C. 2000 cc
D. 1200 cc
the normal average is between 1200 – 1500 cc

surgical patients should be taught to perform leg exercises for the main
-: purpose of
A. preventing muscle atrophy
B. preventing joint degeneration
C. improving circulation
D. preventing boredom

When a patient is vomiting post-operatively , the most important nursing

-: ************************ive is to prevent
A. dehydration
B. aspiration
C. rupture of suture line
D. metabolic acidosis

which of the following is an appropriate diet for a patient with congestive heart
-: failure
A. low-calorie , high-residue diet with no caffeine
B. low-calorie , low- residue diet with low Na
C. high-calorie , low-fat , low-protein diet
D. high –protein , no fat , no carbohydrate diet
‫اللي اعرفه انه يكون قليل الملح والدهون مع تجنب شرب الكحول والقهوة‬

To obtain a truly estimation of the patient’s average blood pressure , your

-: nursing assessment should include
A. only one blood pressure reading
B. serial reading , which should be taken at the same time each day for 7
C. serial reading , which should be taken every 2 hours over an 8 hour period
for 2 days
D. blood pressure reading on both arms should be taken sitting and standing
once a day for 2 days

-: dietary control of patients with ulcers should include

A. taking antacids every hour
B. increase roughage in the diet
C. eliminate highly seasoned food
D. increasing amount of carbohydrate

During physical examination , the part of the kidney may be felt on deep
-: palpation is
. A. lower pole of the right kidney
. B. lower pole of the left kidney
. C. entire right kidney
D. right and left kidney
I am not sure but I think a or b

-: The major nursing goals post-operative care of the cataract patient is to

A. prevent hemorrhage and stress on the sutures
. B. prevent hemorrhage and eye stress
C. prevent increased intro-ocular pressure and to promote better visual acuity
. D. promote decreased intro-ocular pressure and to maintain a visible lens

which of the following lab. test must be done on a patient with major burns ,
-: prior to administration of antibiotics
A. complete blood account
B. wound culture
C. type and cross match
D. sensitivity studies

? for how many days after a facial wound are sutures usually left in place
A. 3 days
B. 10 days
C. 14 days
D. 7 days

To control bleeding from the radial artery , pressure to be applied directly

-: above the
. A. Thumb on the flexor surface of the arm
. B. Thumb on the extensor surface of the arm
. C. Little finger on the flexor surface of the arm
. D. Little finger on the extensor surface of the arm

-: All patients taking tranquilizers must be warned that they may feel
A. Anxious
B. Nauseated
C. Clumsy
D. Drowsy
-: Witch of the following indicates placental separation after delivery
A. A globular – shaped uterus
B. A sudden rise of the funds
C. A sudden gush of blood
D. All of the above signs

If a patient whose membranes ruptures during labor and prior to descent of

-: the head , the nurse must assess the patient fore
A. Hemorrhage
B. Pain
C. Cord prolapsed
D. Uterine inertia

A must important nursing measure in the prevention of thrombophebitis for the

-: post-partum patient is
A. Elastic stocking
B. Early ambulation
C. Anticoagulant
D. Isometric exercise

-: As a child increases age , cardiac and respiratory rate should

A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remain unchanged
D. Stabilize at the adult level

-: An excellent diet suggest for an elderly patient is

A. High-calorie , low-fat , high carbohydrate diet
B. low-calorie , low-fat , lot of fruits and vegetables
C. High-calorie , high-fat , high protein diet
D. low-calorie , high-fat , high protein diet

in opened and close fracture , the nurse should be aware of which of the
? following when open fracture is presented
A. mal-alignment
B. infection
C. bleeding
D. pain

-: nursing consideration for a child with osteomyelitis should include

A. relieving of pain
B. maintaining antibiotic therapy
C. maintaining adequate nutrition
D. all of the above

how long should the affected extremity be kept elevated after the application
? of cast
A. until the cast is dry
B. when the leg is no longer painful
C. for 24 hours after casting
D. for 72 hours after casting

when the skin , whole epidermis , dermis and the underlying structures are
-: affected in a burn , it is called
A. first degree burn
B. second degree burn
C. third degree burn

the most common and serious complication of burns that often lead to death
-: is
A. hypovolemic shock
B. hypothermia
. C. sepsis
D. infection

before giving antibiotic to a burn patient which of the following should be done
A. wound culture
B. blood tests
C. wound dressing
. D. sensitivity testing

when the patient is diaphoretic , there is tachycardia and decrease blood

-: pressure , he is experiencing
.A. neurogenic shock
B. Hypovolemic shock
C. Hypothermia
D. Septicemia

? What type of isolation precaution is indicated for a burn patient

A. Standard precaution
B. Reverse isolation
C. Proper isolation
D. Disposal of sharps

? Which is the best aid to prevent breast cancer

A. Teaching women how to perform self breast exam
B. Public knowledge about chemotherapy
C. To eat fruits and vegetable only
D. Encourage women to perform self breast examination monthly

-: In cute stage of osteomyelities , the child should be

. A. Confined to bed
. B. Up with crutches
C. Up in a wheelchair
D. Up and about

? Which one should the nurse monitor first in an infant

A. Respiratory rate
B. Cardiac rate
C. Pulse rate
D. Motor functioning

-: When assessing neonates hydration , the nurse should check for the skin’s
A. Elasticity
B. Tone
C. Moisture
D. Color

? Cerebral palsy can be detected in which of the following stage of child’s life
a. During the early months
b. When the child is walking
c. When the child is playing
? What is the normal weight of the new born according to statistics
A. 3700 gms
.B. 3200 gms
C. 2500 gms
D. 4500 gms

when the head of the baby is already out in a cervix , the nurse should do
? which of the following first
A. ask the mother to push more
B. check if the baby is breathing
C. wait for the baby to come out

-: FHR is heard clearly on fetal

A. head
B. back
C. abdomen

-: soon after the delivery of head of the baby the nurse should
A. suction mouth and oral cavity
B. wait for the delivery of the baby
C. ask her to push

: normal birth weight of newborn according to statistics

A. 2.500 gm
B. 3.200 gm
C. 3.500 gm
D. 3.700 gm

-: the fetus will get immunity from

A. lymph system
B. placenta
-: diet and nutritional status of pregnancy should be encouraged
A. first trimester
B. second trimester
C. third trimester

? precaution of infection diseases in early childhood

A. immunization
B. isolation technique
C. parental education
when the bag of water ruptures , the nurse should watch for which of the
-: following
A. cord prolapse
B. bleeding
C. fetal death
D. fetal distress
E. respiratory distress
during labor a mother experienced dystocia , which of the following should the
? nurse watch out for
A. fetal death
B. hemorrhage
C. cord prolapse

? which are the signs of placenta separation

A. rising of the fundus
B. sudden gush of blood
C. globular shape of the uterus
D. all of the above

during hyperthermia which of the following should be done as measure to

? lower the temp. of the baby
A. immerse baby in cold water
B. give cold enema
C. external cooling measures
D. all of the above

? when is health teaching concerning nutrition be given to a pregnant woman

A. first trimester
B. second trimester
C. third trimester

-: premature labor occurs during

A. between 20-36 weeks
B. between 36-42 weeks

which of the following hormones prepares the uterus for the arrival of a
? fertilized ovum for implantation
A. progesterone
B. estrogen

? What is the most common complication after hysterectomy

A. Abdominal distention
B. Hemorrhage
C. Vaginal pain
D. Vaginal discharge

?When dose ovulation occur

A. Between 10-12 days
B. Between 12-16 days
C. Between 18-21 days
-: Diphtheria vaccine is being given during infancy and repeated
A. Booster dose at age 6
B. Every after 5 years
. C. Every after 10 years
D. No booster is recommended

-: There is no vaccination for

A. Small pox
B. Measles
D. Polio

-: The end of the first stage of labor is

A. When the cervix starts to dilate
B. Full dilatation of cervix up to 10 cm
C. Birth of baby
D. Separation of placenta

-: One sign of vaginal infection is

A. Pain
B. Itchiness
C. Foul smelling discharges

-: One post-partum nursing responsibility for preventing vaginal bleeding is

. A. Put patient on trendelenburg position
B. Regulate IV fluid with oxytosis
C. do fundal massage frequently

-: Fetal heart tone is best heard at

A. anterior part of the fetus
B. posterior back of the fetus

-: During pregnancy iron supplement starts on

A. first trimester
B. second trimester
C. third trimester
-: hours post placental delivery , fundic height will be 72
A. 1-2 finger above the umbilical
B. 1-2 finger below the umbilical
C. on the level of umbilical

-: in the hospital , isolation is indicated if the patient

A. staphylococcal pneumonia
B. local staphylococcal infection
C. puerperal fever
D. all are indicated
-: at which age is administration of the measles vaccine the most effective
A. 2 months
B. 6 months
C. 12 months
D. 15 months

the postpartal patient should be watched closely during the first hours after
-:delivery for
A. uterine contraction
B. vaginal bleeding
C. hypotension
D. all of the above

-: premature labor is the labor that occurs between

A. 20-36 week gestation
B. 28-37 week gestation
C. 30-38 week gestation
D. any of the above

which of the following complication is life threatening after a penetrating

-: abdominal injury
. A. Hemorrhage
B. Peritonitis
C. Abdominal distention


A. CLEANS the wound
B. Stop the bleeding
C. Remove the ************************ from the wound
D. Give prophylactic anti-tetanus

-:When there is malfunction of the glomerular filter there is high secretion of

A. Urea
B. Creatinine
C. Potassium
D. Protein
In a nephritic syndrome , aside from clinical manifestation , what else can the
? patient complain upon consultation
A. Protienurea
B. Oliguria
C. albuminuria
D. polyuria

: ECT is indicated to treat

A. psychotic depression
B. obsessive compulsive disorder
C. neurosis

After taking tranquilizer ,a nurse must warn the patient that he may
-: experience
A. nausea
B. hallucination
C. drowsiness

-:One of the signs and symptoms of paralytic ileus is

A. increased peristalsis
B. increased gas formation
C. absence of bowel sounds

-: The most important nursing responsibility following head injury is

A. monitor vital signs and record
B. monitor GCS –Glasgow coma scale
C. observe for restlessness

-: Post –operative prevention of thrombophebitis

A. leg exercise in bed
B. passive exercise by nurse to patient
C. early ambulation

-: nursing management which is contraindicated for thrombophelbitis

A. encourage early ambulation
B. deep breathing and coughing exercise
C. massage the operative site i.e. leg calf muscle

? what will you observe following spinal anesthesia

a. nausea and vomiting
b. restlessness
c. hypotension and headache

-:second degree burns involve

A. skin , dermis
B. dermis , subcutaneous , muscle
C. epidermis , dermis , subcutaneous

-: within 48 hours of burns , management is focused on

A. prevention of infection
B. hydration

-:best diagnostic test for suspected leukemia is

B. Blood chemistry
C. Bone marrow aspiration

-: Nursing responsibility on leukemia

A. Ensure safety
B. Prevent infection
C. Obtain blood samples regular

-: Immediate management for reaction during blood transfusion

A. Slow down the rate
B. Stop blood transfusion
C. Change blood transfusion with a new pack

? How many liters of oxygen can be given with nasal canula

A. 1-2 liters
B. 1-10 liters
. C. 1-6 liters

-: destruction of bacterial is called

A. medical asepsis
B. surgical asepsis
. C. disinfections

-: first management of unconscious victim is

A. administer shock
B. determine unresponsiveness
. C. administer oxygen

-:Nursing responsibility before giving Digoxin

A. Check BP
B. Check apical rate
C. Instruct patient to do deep breathing

-: Explain briefly the following

A. Comminuted fracture
B. Simple fracture
. ‫اترك لكم حرية التعبير‬

-: Treatment of scurvy
Vit.b supplement .1
Vit.c supplement .2
Iron supplement .3
-: Atropine so4 is given pre-operative to
relax the patient .1
decrease the secretion .2
prevent intra-operative bleeding .3

-: when the patient is diagnosed with wilm,s tumor , the nurse should
always keep bed rails up .1
avoid palpation of abdomen .2
observe foe nausea and vomiting .3

a patient with asthma is receiving intravenous aminophylline .the adverse

-: reaction for which the nurse should observe is
oliguria .1
braducardia .2
hypotension .3
hypertension .4
‫اللي اعرفه انه ممكن يسبب تسارع النبض وصداع كأثر جانبي‬

The force with which the blood is pushing against the arterial walls when the
-:ventricles are contracting is called
pulse pressure .1
pressure gradient .2
systolic pressure .3
diastolic pressure .4

-:acide-base balance refers to the regulation of the concentration of

hydrogen ions .1
sodium .2
bicarbonates ions .3
plasma protein .4

-: carbohydrates are stored in the body in the form of

glucose .1
glucagons .2
glycogen .3
glucose 6 phosphate .4

-: the period in which communicable is most contagious is the

incubation period .1
period of illness .2
convalescent period .3
all are equally contagious .4

-: spinal fluid for culture

can be stored in the refrigerator for 48 hours .1
can survive refrigeration for only 4-6 hours .2
must be examined immediately .3
will survive in a holding medium for 72 hours .4
-: an enjection the gluteal site must be given in which quadrant of the buttocks
upper – inner quadrant .1
upper-outer quadrant .2
lower – inner quadrant .3
lower – outer quadrant .4

-:the most important rout of drug excretion for nonvolatile substances is

lungs .1
kidneys .2
feces .3
liver .4

-: atropine is capable of producing which of the following effects

dilated pupils .1
decreased bronchial secretion .2
blocked stimulation of the vagus nerve .3
all of the above .4

-: the sulfonamide drugs remin the treatmint of the control of

respiratory infections .1
skin infections .2
urinary tract infections .3
gastrointestinal infections .4

-: The drug of choice for treatment of an angina pectoris

nitroglycerin .1
quinidine .2
epinephrine .3
dopamine .4

any one using antihistamine should be cautioned that antihistamine may

drowsiness .1
hypertinsion .2
tachycardia .3
anaphylaxis .4
-:the most frequent causes of death in pneumonia patients are shock and
pulmonary embolism .1
pulmonary edema .2
pulmonary consolidation .3
atelectasis .4

the most important factor in the promotion and maintenance of wound healing
-: both during surgery and the postoperative period is
adequate fluid intake .1
proper administration of antibiotics .2
strict asepsis .3
frequent cleansing of the wound .4
the major complications of inhalation anesthesia which the nurse should be
-: constantly aware of
circulatory depression only .1
circulatory and respiratory depression .2
respiratory and renal depression .3
renal and circulatory depression .4

if the skin must be shaven prior to surgery . ideally the preoperative shave be
the night before .1
early in the morning of the surgery .2
no more than one hour before surgery .3
by the patient before entering .4

which of the following amounts of water per day should be ingested by the
-: average person to maintain hydration
500cc .1
1000cc .2
1200cc .3
2500cc .4

-: in the internal environment , fluids make up what percent of body weight

10% .1
20% .2
40% .3
70% .4

? in which of the following ways can ascorbic acid be administer

orally .1
IM .2
Diluted intravenous fluids .3
all of the above .4

the type of burn in which all the dermis and epidermis , is destroyed and there
-: is involvement of underlying structures is called
superficial or first degree burn .1
partial thickness or second degree burn .2
full-thickness or third degree burn .3
fourth degree burn .4

while teaching diabetic patient to give himself insulin , you should stress that
-:injections should not be given in any one spot more often than every
hours 36 .1
one week .2
two weeks .3
month .4

which of the following dietary restrictions are usually indicated to decrease

-: edema in nephritic
high – protein , low – calorie , on sodium restrictive diet .1
high – protein , high – calorie , low on sodium diet .2
low– protein , low – calorie, high vitamin diet .3
low– protein, high – calorie , on sodium diet .4

following a sigmoidoscope , the patient should be observed for signs of

-: hemorrhage and
fluid loss .1
performation .2
flatus .3
nausea .4

to avoid the possible development of heart diseases following rheumatic fever

-: the patient must guard himself against infection
until the fever is gone .1
for one year .2
until sedimentation rat is normal .3
for the rest of his life .4

hypertension is a persistent elevation of systolic and diastolic pressure

mmhg 140/90 .1
mmhg 150/190 .2
mmhg 160/100 .3
mmhg 160/110 .4

-: After below knee amputation

keep the patient in semi fowler’s .1
stump to be evaluated .2
watch the site for bleeding .3

-: before giving Digoxin

. check; apical pulse .1
check BP .2
check respiration .3

-:to collect urine c/s specimen , the most accurate method

catheterize the patient .1
mid stream urine .2
provide sterile bedpan and collect urine .3

-:the nurse should observe the patient receiving decradon

urinary stasis .1
hypotension .2
infection .3
weight loss .4
-: active immunity is acquired by
having had the disease .1
exposure to .2
taking the vaccine .3
-: signs of septic shock
cool & clammy skin .1
bradicardia .2
warm & dry skin .3

-: oral contraceptive used for

once daily for 21 days .1
once daily for 18 days .2
once daily for 28 days .3

-: normal arterial O2 saturation

85% .1
92% .2
97% .3
100% .4

-: atropine is given prior to surgery

to relax the muscle .1
to control the secretion .2

-: valve which control the blood flow from right atrium to right ventricle
bicuspid valve .1
tricuspid valve .2
mitral valve .3
pulmonary artery .4

-: the common complication after operation

fever .1
pulmonary edema .2
pulmonary embolism .3

-: digitalis is given
with meals .1
before meals .2
hours after meals 2 .3
bedtime .4

-: diet in cirrhosis of liver without ascitis and swelling

low protein with multivitamins .1
high protein with vitamins B supplement .2
high protein with sodium restriction .3
. high protein with diet .4
persistent sweating , hypotension , tachycardia with loss of fluid on blood .
-: nurse would suspect
hypovolemic shock .1
cardiogenic shock .2
septic shock .3
neurogenic shock .4

-:before the collection of blood culture , the site should be cleansed

isopropyl alcohol 70% .1
isopropyl alcohol 100% .2
povidone iodine .3

-: blood transfusion reaction occurs , the nurse should

slow down the rate .1
notify the physician .2
shut off the transfusion .3

-: signs of hyperglacemia
polyuria , polydepsia , loss of appetite .1
acetone breath , flushed face , polyuria .2

? if O2 is ordered as midication , which method the nurse would choose

nasal canula .1
nasal catheter .2
O2 mask .3
O2 tent .4

-: pre-op medication is given

hours before operation 2 .1
min. before operation 45 .2
previous night of operation .3
as physician ordered .4

-: temp. 98.6 f , is equal to

37C .1
37.5C .2
36.8C .3
C 37.3 .4

-: A+ve tuberculin test means the person has

active TB .1
inactive TB .2

-: complication of chemotherapy
bon marrow depression .1
liver damage .2

-: ECT is given for

psychotic depression .1
obsessive compulsive neurosis .2
hysteria .3

-: Age group more prone to get rheumatic fever

A. 5-15 years
B. 5 years
C. above 65 years

-: iron is mostly absorbed in

A. large intestine
B. small intestine
C. liver

-:early signs of respiratory arrest

A. thready pulse
B. cyanosis
. C. orthopnea

-: one fluid ounce equal to

A. 30cc
B. 15cc
C. 60cc
D. 5cc

-: most effective , easy and un-expensive method of sterlization is

A. heat
B. pressure
C. drying
D. antiseptic

in nephritic syndrome , apart from clinical manifestation the patient would

-:complain of
A. proteinuria
B. oliguria
C. hematuria

-:in active stage of osteomelitis the child should be

A. continue in bed
B. allowed to sit in a wheel chair
C. walk up and down
-:an enlarged movable lymphnode is a sign of
A. inflammation
B. malignant
C. normal lymph node
D. any of the above

-:to prevent irreversible brain hypoxia CPR should be commenced within

A. 2-3min
B. 4-6 min
C. 6-8 min
D. 8-10 min

-:post-operative patient to do deep breathing & change of position every

A. 2 hourly
B. 4 hourly
C. in each shift
D. hourly

-: cystitis patient should be encourage to pass urine

A. 2-3hourly
B. 2-3 hourly & 2 times in the night
C. 2-3 times round the clock
D. any one of the above according to the patient’s schedule

-: mode of transmission of hepatitis A

A. oral
B. parental
C. blood transfusion

-: reacting of penicillin
A. anaphylactic shock
B. vomiting
.C. nausea

-: Disease without vaccination

A. small pox
B. measles
C. polio
D. chicken pox

-: health teaching to a diabetic patient will be on

A. diet , oral hypoglycemic , weight loss , feeding
B. diet , insulin , exercise , feeding
C. diet , hypoglycemic , exercise , feeding
D. about complications

-: surgical asepsis means

. A. destroying bacteria from articles
B. removing the bacteria which is in contact with the patient
C. destroying the bacteria before entering in to the body
D. hand washing

-:ECG done for a patient with chest to assess

A. stress of heart rate
B. change the rhythm
C. the decreased blood supply to the particular part of the heart

-:the nurse is expecting fracture of bone for patient , the sign would be
A. absence of normal activity
B. tenderness
C. loss of sensation
D. all of the above

-:the medicine which will pass through placenta to the fetus

A. antibiotic
B. narcotics
C. sedatives
D. all of the above
NCLEX Practice Questions 1-10

a1. A nurse is reviewing a patient’s medication during shift change. Which of

the following medication would be contraindicated if the patient were
pregnant? Note: More than one answer may be correct
A: Coumadin
B: Finasteride
C: Celebrex
D: Catapress
E: Habitrol
F: Clofazimine

a2. A nurse is reviewing a patient’s PMH. The history indicates photosensitive

reactions to medications. Which of the following drugs has not been
associated with photosensitive reactions? Note: More than one answer may
be correct
A: Cipro
B: Sulfonamide
C: Noroxin
D: Bactrim
E: Accutane
F: Nitrodur

a3. A patient tells you that her urine is starting to look discolored. If you
believe this change is due to medication, which of the following patient’s
medication does not cause urine discoloration?l
A: Sulfasalazine
B: Levodopa
C: Phenolphthalein
D: Aspirin

a4. You are responsible for reviewing the nursing unit’s refrigerator. If you
found the following drug in the refrigerator it should be removed from the
refrigerator’s contents?l
A: Corgard
B: Humulin (injection)l
C: Urokinase
D: Epogen (injection)l

a5. A 34 year old female has recently been diagnosed with an autoimmune
disease. She has also recently discovered that she is pregnant. Which of the
following is the only immunoglobulin that will provide protection to the fetus in
the womb?l
A: IgA
B: IgD
C: IgE
D: IgG

a6. A second year nursing student has just suffered a needlestick while
working with a patient that is positive for AIDS. Which of the following is the
most important action that nursing student should take?l
A: Immediately see a social worker
B: Start prophylactic AZT treatment
C: Start prophylactic Pentamide treatment
D: Seek counseling

a7. A thirty five year old male has been an insulin-dependent diabetic for five
years and now is unable to urinate. Which of the following would you most
likely suspect?l
A: Atherosclerosis
B: Diabetic nephropathy
C: Autonomic neuropathy
D: Somatic neuropathy

a8. You are taking the history of a 14 year old girl who has a (BMI) of 18. The
girl reports inability to eat, induced vomiting and severe constipation. Which of
the following would you most likely suspect?l
A: Multiple sclerosis
B: Anorexia nervosa
C: Bulimia
D: Systemic sclerosis

a9. A 24 year old female is admitted to the ER for confusion. This patient has
a history of a myeloma diagnosis, constipation, intense abdominal pain, and
polyuria. Which of the following would you most likely suspect?l
A: Diverticulosis
B: Hypercalcaemia
C: Hypocalcaemia
D: Irritable bowel syndrome

a10. Rho gam is most often used to treat____ mothers that have a ____
A: RH positive, RH positive
B: RH positive, RH negative
C: RH negative, RH positive
D: RH negative, RH negative

Answer Key
a1. (A) and (B) are both contraindicated with pregnancy
a2. (F) All of the others have can cause photosensitivity reactions
a3. (D) All of the others can cause urine discoloration
a4. (A) Corgard could be removed from the refigerator
a5. (D) IgG is the only immunoglobulin that can cross the placental barrier
.a6. (B) AZT treatment is the most critical innervention
a7. (C) Autonomic neuropathy can cause inability to urinate
a8. (B) All of the clinical signs and systems point to a condition of anorexia
a9. (B) Hypercalcaemia can cause polyuria, severe abdominal pain, and
a10. (C) Rho gam prevents the production of anti-RH antibodies in the mother
that has a Rh positive fetus

NCLEX Practice Questions 11-20

b11. A new mother has some questions about (PKU). Which of the following
statements made by a nurse is not correct regarding PKU?l
.A: A Guthrie test can check the necessary lab values
B: The urine has a high concentration of phenylpyruvic acid
.C: Mental deficits are often present with PKU
D: The effects of PKU are reversible
b12. A patient has taken an overdose of aspirin. Which of the following should
a nurse most closely monitor for during acute management of this patient?l
A: Onset of pulmonary edema
B: Metabolic alkalosis
C: Respiratory alkalosis
D: Parkinson’s disease type symptoms

b13. A fifty-year-old blind and deaf patient has been admitted to your floor. As
the charge nurse your primary responsibility for this patient is?l
A: Let others know about the patient’s deficits
B: Communicate with your supervisor your patient safety concerns
C: Continuously update the patient on the social environment
D: Provide a secure environment for the patient

b14. A patient is getting discharged from a SNF facility. The patient has a
history of severe COPD and PVD. The patient is primarily concerned about
their ability to breath easily. Which of the following would be the best
instruction for this patient?l
.A: Deep breathing techniques to increase O2 levels
.B: Cough regularly and deeply to clear airway passages
C: Cough following bronchodilator utilization
.D: Decrease CO2 levels by increase oxygen take output during meals

b15. A nurse is caring for an infant that has recently been diagnosed with a
congenital heart defect. Which of the following clinical signs would most likely
be present?l
A: Slow pulse rate
B: Weight gain
C: Decreased systolic pressure
D: Irregular WBC lab values

b16. A mother has recently been informed that her child has Down’s
syndrome. You will be assigned to care for the child at shift change. Which of
the following characteristics is not associated with Down’s syndrome?l
A: Simian crease
B: Brachycephaly
C: Oily skin
D: Hypotonicity

b17. A patient has recently experienced a (MI) within the last 4 hours. Which
of the following medications would most like be administered?l
A: Streptokinase
B: Atropine
C: Acetaminophen
D: Coumadin

b18. A patient asks a nurse, “My doctor recommended I increase my intake of

folic acid. What type of foods contain the highest concentration of folic
A: Green vegetables and liver
B: Yellow vegetables and red meat
C: Carrots
D: Milk

b19. A nurse is putting together a presentation on meningitis. Which of the

following microorganisms has noted been linked to meningitis in humans?l
A: S. pneumonia
B: H. influenza
C: N. meningitis
D: Cl. difficile

b20. A nurse is administering blood to a patient who has a low hemoglobin

count. The patient asks how long to RBC’s last in my body? The correct
response is
A: The life span of RBC is 45 days
B: The life span of RBC is 60 days
C: The life span of RBC is 90 days
D: The life span of RBC is 120 days

Answer Key 11-20

b11. (D) The effects of PKU stay with the infant throughout their life
b12. (D) Aspirin overdose can lead to metabolic acidosis and cause
pulmonary edema development
b13. (D) This patient’s safety is your primary concern
b14. (C) The bronchodilator will allow a more productive cough
b15. (B) Weight gain is associated with CHF and congenital heart deficits
b16. (C) The skin would be dry and not oily
b17. (A) Streptokinase is a clot busting drug and the best choice in this
b18. (A) Green vegetables and liver are a great source of folic acid
b19. (D) Cl. difficile has not been linked to meningitis
b20. (D) RBC’s last for 120 days in the body
NCLEX Practice Questions 31-40

d31. A nurse if reviewing a patient’s chart and notices that the patient suffers
from conjunctivitis. Which of the following microorganisms is related to this
A: Yersinia pestis
B: Helicobacter pyroli
C: Vibrio cholera
D: Hemophilus aegyptius

d32. A nurse if reviewing a patient’s chart and notices that the patient suffers
from Lyme disease. Which of the following microorganisms is related to this
A: Borrelia burgdorferi
B: Streptococcus pyrogens
C: Bacilus anthracis
D: Enterococcus faecalis

d33. A fragile 87 year-old female has recently been admitted to the hospital
with increased confusion and falls over last 2 weeks. She is also noted to
have a mild left hemiparesis. Which of the following tests is most likely to be
A: FBC (full blood count)l
B: ECG (electrocardiogram)l
C: Thyroid function tests
D: CT scan

d34. A 84 year-old male has been loosing mobility and gaining weight over
the last 2 months. The patient also has the heater running in his house 24
hours a day, even on warm days. Which of the following tests is most likely to
be performed?l
A: FBC (full blood count)l
B: ECG (electrocardiogram)l
C: Thyroid function tests
D: CT scan

d35. A 20 year-old female attending college is found unconscious in her dorm

room. She has a fever and a noticeable rash. She has just been admitted to
the hospital. Which of the following tests is most likely to be performed first?l
A: Blood sugar check
B: CT scan
C: Blood cultures
D: Arterial blood gases
d36. A 28 year old male has been found wandering around in a confused
pattern. The male is sweaty and pale. Which of the following tests is most
likely to be performed first?l
A: Blood sugar check
B: CT scan
C: Blood cultures
D: Arterial blood gases

d37. A mother is inquiring about her child’s ability to potty train. Which of the
following factors is the most important aspect of toilet training?l
A: The age of the child
.B: The child ability to understand instruction
.C: The overall mental and physical abilities of the child
D: Frequent attempts with positive reinforcement

d38. A parent calls the pediatric clinic and is frantic about the bottle of
cleaning fluid her child drank 20 minutes. Which of the following is the most
important instruction the nurse can give the parent?l
.A: This too shall pass
B: Take the child immediately to the ER
C: Contact the Poison Control Center quickly
D: Give the child syrup of ipecac

d39. A nurse is administering a shot of Vitamin K to a 30 day-old infant. Which

of the following target areas is the most appropriate?l
A: Gluteus maximus
B: Gluteus minimus
C: Vastus lateralis
D: Vastus medialis

d40. A nurse has just started her rounds delivering medication. A new patient
on her rounds is a 4 year-old boy who is non-verbal. This child does not have
on any identification. What should the nurse do?l
A: Contact the provider
.B: Ask the child to write their name on paper
.C: Ask a co-worker about the identification of the child
D: Ask the father who is in the room the child’s name

Answer Key 31-40

d31. (D) Choice A is linked to Plague, Choice B is linked to peptic ulcers,
Choice C is linked to Cholera
d32. (A) Choice B is linked to Rheumatic fever, Choice C is linked to Anthrax,
Choice D is linked to Endocarditis
d33. (D) A CT scan would be performed for further investigation of the
d34. (C) Weight gain and poor temperature tolerance indicate something may
be wrong with the thyroid function
d35. (C) Blood cultures would be performed to investigate the fever and rash
d36. (A) With a history of diabetes, the first response should be to check
.blood sugar levels
d37. (C) Age is not the greatest factor in potty training. The overall mental and
physical abilities of the child is the most important factor
d38. (C) The poison control center will have an exact plan of action for this
d39. (C) Vastus lateralis is the most appropriate location
d40. (D) In this case you are able to determine the name of the child by the
father’s statement. You should not withhold the medication from the child

‫ يتبع‬....‫الجزء األول من أسئلة امتحانات للتمريض‬

Adult Nursing II

:I. Circle the most correct answer

The client is placed on seizure precautions. Which of the following .1

?measures would be contraindicated
.a) Encourage him to perform his own personal hygiene
.b) Allow him to wear his own clothing
.c) Assess oral temperature with a glass thermometer
.d) Encourage him to be out of bed

The nurse plans to teach the client about the computed tomography(CT) .2
scan that will be done at noon the next day. Which of the following statements
?by the nurse would be most accurate
”.a) “You must shampoo your hair tonight to remove all oil and dirt
b) “You may drink fluids until about 8 AM. Then we will give you a cleansing
c) We will partially shave your head tonight so that electrodes can be securely
”.attached to your scalp
d) “There is no special preparation necessary. You will need to hold your head
”.very still during the examination

An electroencephalogram (EEG) is ordered for the client. What action .3

should the nurse take when the client is served a breakfast consisting of a
soft-boiled egg, toast with butter and marmalade, orange juice, and coffee on
?the morning of the EEG
.a) Remove all the food
.b) Remove the coffee
.c) Remove the toast, butter, and marmalade only
.d) Substitute vegetable juice for the orange juice

The nurse enters the client’s room as the client, who is sitting in a chair, .4
begins to have a seizure. Which of the following actions should the nurse take
.a) Lift the client onto his bed
.b) Ease the client to the floor
.c) Restrain the client’s body movements
.d) Insert any airway into the client’s mouth

:A priority goal for the client after the seizure has subsided is to .5
.a) Monitor for an aura
.b) Determine what the client was doing when the seizure began
.c) Maintain a patent airway
.d) Place the client in a position of comfort

Which of the following observations would the nurse expect in the client .6
after a tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizure? The client
.a) May be drowsy after the seizure
.b) May be unable to move after the seizure
.c) Will remember what triggered the seizure
.d) Will be hypotensive

The nurse plans to teach the client about prescribed phenytoin sodium .7
therapy. It is important that the client understand that the medication must not
:be stopped suddenly because
.a) A physical dependency on the drug develops over time
.b) This can precipitate the development of status epilepticus
.c) This would lead to a hypoglycemic reaction
.d) Phenytoin is the only effective drug for tonic-clonic seizures

The client tells the nurse that he is unclear about what an aura is. The .8
:nurse would correctly define an aura as
.a) A postseizure state of amnesia
.b) Hallucinations occurring during a seizure
.c) A symptom that occurs just before a seizure
.d) A feeling of relaxation as the seizure begins to subside

Which of the following findings should suggest to the nurse that a client is .9
having a typical reaction to long-term phenytoin sodium therapy? The client
.a) Has gained considerable weight
.b) Reports insomnia
.c) Exhibits an excessive growth of his gum tissue
.d) Says that he now needs to wear eyeglasses

A 72 year old retired man experiences a thrombotic cerebrovascular accident

(CVA) and is admitted to the hospital the diagnosis is a left CVA with flaccid
.hemiplegia of his right side

Regular oral hygiene is an essential intervention for the client. Which of .10
the following nursing measures would be inappropriate when providing oral
.a) Placing the client on his back with a small pillow under his head
.b) Keeping portable suctioning equipment at the bedside
.c) Opening the client’s mouth with a padded tongue blade
.d) Cleansing the client’s mouth and teeth with a toothbrush

A priority assessment in the first 24 hours of admission for this client is .11
:assessment of
.a) Risk factors for vascular disease
.b) Pupil size and papillary response
.c) Urinary elimination patterns
.d) Health behaviors before the CVA

The nurse is concerned about the possible development of plantar flexion. .12
Which of the following measures has been found to be the most effective
?means of preventing plantar flexion in a stroke client
.a) Placing the client’s feet against a firm footboard
.b) Repositioning the client every 2 hours
c) Having the client wear ankle-high tennis shoes at intervals throughout the
.d) Massaging the client’s feet and ankles regularly

For the client experiencing expressive aphasia, which of the following .13
?nursing actions would be most helpful in promoting communication
.a) Speaking loudly
.b) Using short sentences
.c) Writing all directions so the client can read them
.d) Correcting all of the client’s speech errors

For the client with dysphasia, which of the following measures would be .14
?ineffective in decreasing the risk f aspiration while eating
.a) maintaining an upright position
.b) Restricting the diet to liquids until swallowing improves
.c) Introducing foods on the unaffected side of the mouth
.d) Keeping distractions to a minimum

the CVA has caused homonymous hemianopia (blind in half of the visual .15
field). Homonymous hemianopia would probably manifest itself in which of the
?following food-related behaviors
.a) Increased preference for foods high in salt
.b) Eating food on only half of the plate
.c) Forgetting the names of foods
.d) Inability to swallow liquids

The nurse is preparing the client for discharge to home. Which of the .16
following factors would most likely influence the client’s continuing progress in
?rehabilitation at home
.a) The family’s ability to provide support to the client
.b) The client’s ability to ambulate
.c) The availability of a home health aide to care for the client
.d) The frequency of follow-up visits with the physician

A 67-year-old man is admitted to the hospital for a diagnostic workup for

.probable Parkinson’s disease

When assessing the client, the nurse would anticipate which of the .17
?following signs and symptoms
.a) Dry mouth
.b) Aphasia
.c) An exaggerated sense of euphoria
.d) A stiff, mask-like facial expression

:A priority nursing diagnosis category for this client is .18

.a) Alteration in Nutrition
.b) Lack of knowledge
.c) Ineffective breathing pattern
.d) Potential for injury

The nurse observes that the client’s upper arm tremors disappear as he .19
unbuttons his shirt. Which of the following statements would best guide the
?nurse when analyzing these observations about the client’s tremors
.a) The tremors are probably psychological and can be controlled at will
b) The tremors sometimes disappear with purposeful and voluntary
c) The tremors often increase in severity when the client’s attention is diverted
.by some activity
d) There is no explanation for the observation, which is probably a chance

To minimize the effects of hypokinesia, the client should be taught to .20

.schedule his most demanding physical activities
.a) Early in the morning, when his energy level is high
.b) To coincide with the peak action of drug therapy
.c) Immediately after a rest period
.d) When family members will be available

The client is started on levodopa (L-dopa) therapy. The nurse would .21
evaluate that the drug is exerting its desired effect when the client
:experiences an improvement in
.a) Mood
.b) Muscle rigidity
.c) Appetite
.d) *****ness

A 38-year-old man is admitted to the emergency room after being found

.unconscious at the wheel of his car in the hospital parking lot

The client has been positioned on his side. The nurse would anticipate .22
?that which of the following areas would be a pressure point in this position
.a) Sacrum
.b) Occiput
.c) Ankles
.d) Heels

The nurse is assessing the client’s respiratory status. Which of the .23
following symptoms may be an early indicator of hypoxia in the unconscious
.a) Gyanosis
.b) Decreased respirations
.c) Restlessness
.d) Hypotension

The client is to receive 200 mL of tube feeding every 4 hours. The nurse .24
checks the client’s gastric residual before administering the feeding and
?obtains 40 mL of gastric residual. What should the nurse do next
.a) Withhold the tube feeding and notify the physician
.b) Dispose of the residual and continue with the feeding
.c) Delay feeding the client for 1 hour and then recheck the residual
.d) Readminister the residual to the client and continue with the feeding

Of the following actions the nurse could take when providing catheter .25
?care, which should have the highest priority
.a) Cleansing the area around the urethral meatus
.b) Clamping the catheter periodically to maintain muscle tone
.c) Irrigating the catheter with several ounces of normal saline solution
.d) Changing the location where the catheter is taped to the client’s leg

A client is admitted to outpatient surgery for a cataract extraction on the right


The client asks, “what does the lens of my eye do?” The nurse should .26
.explain that the lens of the eye
.a) Produces aqueous humor
.b) Holds the roods and cones
.c) Focuses light rays onto the retina
.d) Regulates the amount of light entering the eye

?A client with a cataract would most likely complain of which symptoms .27
.a) Halos and rainbows around lights
.b) Eye pain and irritation that worsens at night
.c) Blurred and hazy vision
.d) Eye strain and headache when doing close work

Which of the following statements indicates the client has understood the .28
?instructions to follow at home after cataract surgery
”.a) “I may not watch television for 3 weeks
”.b) “I should keep my protective eye shield in place at all times
”.c) “I should not bend over to pick up ************************s from the floor
”.d) “I can lift what I want

An essential aspect of the plan of care for the client after cataract removal .29
:surgery would be to
.a) Increase cardiac output
.b) Prevent fluid volume excess
.c) Maintain a darkened environment
.d) Promote safety at home
Which of the following activities would be appropriate for achieving the .30
goal of decreasing intraocular pressure after eye surgery? The client will
.a) Lying supine
.b) Coughing
.c) Deep breathing
.d) Ambulation

After cataract removal surgery, the nurse teaches the client about .31
activities that she can do at home. Which of the following activities would be
.a) Walking down the hall unassisted
.b) Lying in bed on the nonoperative side
.c) Performing isometric exercises
.d) Bending over the sink to wash her hair

A client is admitted through the emergency department with a diagnosis of

.detached retina in the right eye

The client does not understand what happened to his eye. Which of the .32
following explanations by the nurse would most accurately describe the
?pathology of retinal detachment
”.a) “A tear in the retina permits the escape of vitreous humor from the eye
”.b) “The optic nerve is damaged when it is exposed to vitreous humor
c) “The two layers of the retina separate, allowing fluid to enter between
d) “Retinal injury produces inflammation and edema, which increase
”.intraocular pressure

The client asks the nurse why his eyes have to be patched. The nurse’s .33
:reply should be based on the knowledge that eye patches serve to
.a) Reduce rapid eye movements
.b) Decrease the irritation of light entering the damaged eye
.c) Protect the injured eye from infection
.d) Rest the eyes to promote healing

Which of the following clinical manifestations commonly occur in retinal .34

.a) Sudden, severe eye pain and colored halos around lights
.b) Inability to move the eye and loss of light accommodation
.c) A tearing sensation and increased lacrimation
.d) Flashing lights and visual field loss

:Scleral buckling, a procedure used to treat retinal detachment, involves .35

a) Removing the torn segment of the retina and stitching down the remaining
.b) Replacing the torn segment of the retina with a strip of retina from a donor
.c) Stitching the retina firmly to the optic nerve to give it support
d) Creating a splint to hold the retina together until a scar can form and seal
.off the tear
A client has been treated for chronic open-angle glaucoma for 5 years

The client asks the clinic nurse, “How does glaucoma damage my .36
eyesight?” the nurse’s reply should be based on the knowledge that chronic
:open-angle glaucoma
.a) Results from chronic eye inflammation
.b) Causes increased intraocular pressure
.c) Leads to detachment of the retina
.d) Is caused by decreased blood flow to the retina

If the client experienced any symptom of glaucoma, it would most likely .37
.a) Eye pain
.b) Excessive lacrimation
.c) Colored light flashes
.d) Decreasing peripheral vision

The nurse reevaluates the client’s ability to instill eye drops correctly. The .38
:client correctly demonstrates the procedure when he
.a) Blows his nose immediately after administering the eye drops
.b) Positions himself on his right side to instill the eye drops
.c) Instills the eye drops into the conjunctival sac
.d) Wipes the tip of the eye drop applicator with a disposable tissue

Miotics are frequently used in the basic treatment of glaucoma. The nurse .39
:should understand that miotics work by
.a) Paralyzing ciliary muscles
.b) Constricting intraocular vessels
.c) Constricting the pupil
.d) Relaxing ciliary muscles

The most effective health-promotion measure related to glaucoma that the .40
:nurse can teach clients is
.a) Promote treatment of all eye infections
.b) Avoidance of extended-wear contact lenses by older people
.c) Annual intraocular pressure measurements for people older than 40 years
.d) Appropriate blood pressure control

Which of the following information should the nurse give the client when .41
?preparing him for tonometry
.a) Oral pain medication will be given before the procedure
.b) It is a painless procedure with no side effects
.c) Blurred or double vision may occur after the procedure
.d) Medication will be given to dilate the pupils before the procedure

The nurse learns that the client uses timololmaleate (Timoptic) eye drops. .42
The nurse would understand that this B-adrenergic blocker helps control
:glaucoma by
.a) Constricting the pupils
.b) Dilating the canals of Schlemm
.c) Reducing aqueous humor formation
.d) Improving the ability of the ciliary muscle to contract

The client with glaucoma is scheduled for a minor surgical procedure. .43
Which of the following orders would require clarification or correction before
:the nurse would carry it out
.a) Administer morphine sulfate
.b) Administer atropine sulfate
.c) Teach deep breathing exercises
.d) Teach leg exercises

The client asks when he can stop taking the eye medication for his chronic .44
:open-angle glaucoma. The nurse should tell the client that he
.a) Can stop using the eye drops only when his vision improves
.b) Needs to use the eye drops only when he has symptoms
.c) Can discontinue the eye drops after 2 months of normal eye examinations
.d) Must use the eye medication for the rest of his life

A client has been diagnosed with an acute episode of narrow-angle .45

glaucoma. The nurse plans the client’s nursing care with the understanding
:that acute narrow-angle glaucoma
.a) Frequently resolves without treatment
.b) Is typically treated with sustained bed rest
.c) Is a medical emergency that can rapidly led to blindness
.d) Is most commonly treated with steroid therapy
M.T. Health Assessment
:I. Circle the most correct answer

:You obtain subjective information by .1

.a. Observing the patient
.b. Performing a physical
.c. Checking laboratory reports
.d. Listening to the patient’s de******ions of his symptoms

Your patient is experiencing abdominal pain in the right upper quadrant. .2

?Which area of the abdomen should you palpate last
.a. Left upper quadrant
.b. Right upper quadrant
.c. Left lower quadrant
.d. Right lower quadrant

:The mnemonic device RQRST stands for .3

.a. Practices, quantity, region source, and tone
b. Provoking or palliative factors, quality or quantity, region or radiation,
.severity, and timing
.c. Provoking factors, quality or quantity, region or radiation, source and tone
.d. Practices, quantity, region, severity, and time

Which of the following should not be considered when assessing an elderly .4

.a. An elderly patient may have one or more chronic disease
b. Any new illness or physical problem is likely to cause a change in mental
c. Most elderly patients have trouble hearing, so you’ll need to speak loudly
.obtaining the health history
d. The elderly patient may have slowed intestinal motility and weakened
.bones and joints

?Resonant percussion sounds are typically heard over which area .5

.a. Over a solid area, as in pleural effusion
.b. Over a consolidation, as in a telectasis
.c. Over normal lung tissue
.d. Over an area of air collection, as in a gastric air bubble

:The normal adults normally breathe at a rate of .6

.a. 12 – 20 breaths / minute
.b. 15 – 25 breaths / minute
.c. 22 – 30 breaths / minute
.d. 25 – 32 breaths / minute

Which assessment technique allows you to assess structures as does as 3" .7

?(7.6 cm)
.a. Inspection
.b. Palpation
.c. Percussion
.d. Auscultation

:Wheezes .8
.a. Are high-pitched, musical, creaking breath sounds
.b. Can be cleared by coughing
.c. Can only be heard with a stethoscope
.d. Occur on inspiration only

:A barking cough in children is characteristic of .9

.a. Asthma
.b. Bronchitis
.c. Cystic fibrosis
d. Croup

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