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By Sarah Klein


NAME ___________________________

PE BLOCK ______________

1) What (from Track) are {splits}?

2) What is a “PB”?

3) In what city is the University of Pittsburgh located?

4) What is the medical expertise of a physiologist?

5) What is glucose?

6) Why is oxygen flow so important in exercise?

7) What is lactic acid and why is it a problem for muscle function?

8) What foods contain a lot of lactic acid?

9) How much more oxygen does your body need when exercising?

10) What is VO Max? How could you measure yours?

11) What (and where) is the diaphragm? Why do voice teachers often tell singers to “sing from the
12) Why does heart rate increase as one exercises (bases on time and intensity of exercise

13) How can exercise help with blood pressure?

14) What are the numbers of normal BP?

15) What numbers represent normal resting pulse? What is Ali Agha’s resting pulse?

16) What pulse rate should a healthy adult aim for during strenuous exercise?

17) Why is it wise t o avoid exercise directly after eating?

18) How does the brain react to regular exercise?

19) What are endomorphins, and how can athletes benefit from their activity?

20) What part of the brain is it that makes new brain cells (when it receives extra oxygen from

21) What is the function of the hypothalmus?

22) Why are body mass enthusiasts fond of HGH?

23) What important function is played by sweating?

24) Why does exertion often cause redness in the f ace?

25) What is cartilage and how important is it to sports?

26) What is the scientific logic (Physics) that supports the assertion (p.8/19) that “exercise puts extra
weight on the joints, sometimes up to five or six times more than bodyweight”?

27) What is osteoarthritis?

28) Linguistically (from Greek), why is aerobic exercise often called “cardio”?

29) What is the (related meaning of “catharsis: or “cathartic”?

30) What are some exercises or sports that are essentially aerobic?

31) What are some sports that contain both aerobic and anaerobic components?

32) What are “fast twitch” and “slow-twitch” muscles?

33) Explain “deep” (non-clavicular) breathing; why is that technique important to musicians and

34) What is the function of the alveoli?

35) What is the meaning of “sedentary”? What is the etymological derivation of the word?

36) How does a treadmill test reveal VO2 level (in ml/kg/minute)?

37) What VO2 levels should a healthy, athletic person work towards?

38) What is “athlete’s heart”?

39) How does “high stroke volume” contribute to a low resting heart rate and greater efficiency
during exercise?

40) How do muscles become increasingly efficient at moving oxygen?

41) Why are mitochondria important during aerobic training?

42) What are the differences between the Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health”
and the statements of the American College of Sports Medicine? (p 5/17)

43) What is a “caveat”?

44) Who was/is Lance Armstrong?

45) What is the (somewhat imaginary) “runner’s high”?

46) What are endocannabinoids, and what is their role in aerobic exercise?

47) What emotions have been reported by athletes as they increase their level of fitness?

48) Why is sleep which is long enough and deep enough important to health?

To find answers you’ll need to also reference “Aerobic Exercise Benefits” and “How to
Achieve the Ultimate Runner’s High”

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