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Dear Rodrigo, mainly, I hope you are very happy. I also

hope that you have achieved many of your dreams. I
really hope you are a great engineer and that you have
a nice house in Barcelona. I expect you to be able to
travel around the world and meet a lot of new people
and places. I also hope you will still playing soccer
and hanging out with your friends and family.
To achieve your dreams, you have to be brave and face
your fears. There are always going to be difficult
moments, but you have to know how to face them and move
on with your life. Another tip that I can give you is
if you want something, never give up, always keep
fighting for whatever you want. Never let anyone tell
you that you cannot do it because you can do it. Make
your friends and family proud of you for all that you
have already achieved. I also want to tell you to keep
fighting to improve in all the aspects that are
difficult for you, use all your skills to achieve it.
But the most important of all, please be happy and make
the people around you happy.

September 2020

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