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Nowadays everybody wants to become successful.

In my opinion success is
much more than feeling of fame and happiness. It’s definitely the feeling of
satisfaction you got by achieving your goals. As for me, I don’t have goals. I just
don’t like the idea of setting the goals. I mean I want to do a lot of things and I just
don’t want to concentrate on one of them. I want to achieve ALL of them. Really, I
want to make a movie, I want to make my own brand, I want to design my own
car. It’s hard to define the most important and the most cheerful and major
ambition, innit?
Success is individual. Somebody thinks that having an extended family is a
success. But others can think that being a top dog in their field is a huge
achievement. For my part, I think that my most wanted and unchangeable goal is
to make a bundle. Really, if you are immensely rich you can do whatever you
want. Some people can say staff like you can’t buy love, friends, happiness. I think
it’s a total lie. If you have a load of money you’re a loved, healthy, and what’s the
most important you’re just enjoying the life. Being honest, you don’t have to carry
about maintaining your happiness because you’re just enjoying things you do.
It is well said that if you believe in something, you can achieve it. In my humble
opinion it’s a very motivating and inspiring quotation. But what does it mean? You
can understand it however you want although I want to express my point of view.
So, I believe that successful people are people who believe in their inner strength,
they’re people who are very intelligent, talented and honest but besides they are
the most hard-working people in the whole world. They do step by step to
achieve things they wanted to achieve during their life. Even if this step is small, it
can bring great changes in your distant future.
A lot of people consider that fame is a success. I’ve watched Billie Eilish’s
interview recently. She’s the most successful and the most inspiring celebrity to
me. Just imagine being the woman of the year only when you’re 17 years old. Just
imagine having so much fans all over the world. Besides, she got 5 Grammys that
year. By the way, it was an interview where she told about her success and her
early career. She also described how she feels being so famous all over the world.
Billie takes things so deeply and I love how she describes it. I actually completely
believe that she's not doing what she's doing for fame or money. And she said
that fame is absolutely irrelevant to be a successful person. I agree with her.
Nowadays there’s a lot in fame, it’s gross and horrible and just miserable. Being
well-known is very dangerous as well.
Finally, I want to say that success is not just about winning and dominating, it’s
about getting enjoyment and satisfaction from things you do. Setting goals is
pretty good as well. Because if u don’t have any ambitions and you just don’t
know what to do, some people will say: “go there, do that, do it, don’t go that
way”. It’s kind of annoying and disrespectful. Of course, I strongly recommend
you to keep your goals in secret because nowadays there are a lot of jealous
people who can hurt you. To become successful, it’s necessary not to give up. If
you really want to achieve something, nothing can stop you. Your path to the
successful life won’t be easy. Work hard and just enjoy things you do!!!!!

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