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The generation gap problem is a social problem that has remained unsolvable

throughout the ages. The “generation gap” can be described as a total

misunderstanding between the younger and the older generations. It should be
noted, that not only younger and older people can be the cause of generation gap
problems. In some cases, even countries, employers and employees, politicians
and common people can be the reason of generation gap.
Famous American writer George Orwell once said that each generation imagines
itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it and wiser than the
one that comes after it. Undoubtedly, these words accurately explain the reason
why parents and their children face to the generation gap a lot. Parents usually
believe to raise their kids the way they were brought up themselves. They create
the image of how and due to what rules their child should be raised. Mostly,
parents do not pay attention that we live in a fast-paced world where everything
changes with years. That obviously causes a bunch of confusing moments
between two generations.
Talking about my family, we do not face to such problem a lot. Nevertheless, we
have a big difference in our interests with my family and it is not an easy problem
to deal with. Even so, we respect each other’s passions and try to cope with some
However, nobody said that the generation gap issue is impossible to avoid in
families. The simple family vacation, tour or a walk to the nearest park can be a
great step for building close parent-child relationship. Watching movies, reading
books and discussing it is also an essential piece of advice to develop closeness
with your children. Family dinners can be an effective way to have a time to talk
about something that bothers any member of the family and find a solution for it.
In conclusion, I would like to say that even though generation gap can give a
raise to some conflicts in families, we should respect each other’s points of view
and respect them. Anyways, it is always important to share something that makes
you uncomfortable so you can solve it together with your closest ones.

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