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a. Unscramble the words.
1. ___Soundtrack________ the music of a movie oncsatkurd
2. ___Subtittles_________ the translation of the dialogue of a movie ubeslistt
3. ___Special _ Effects___ images often created by computer peaslci fftesec
4. ___Arts_______ the most important actor in a movie asrt
5. ___Western______ a movie about cowboys esrwnte
6. ___Scene_______ one part of a movie that happens in one place secne
7. ___Romantic Comedy____ a funny movie where people fall in love omirtnca cmyode
8. ___Science_ Fiction___ a movie about aliens in outer space cicseen icofnti
9. _____Extra_____ a person in a movie that has a small unimportant part exatr
10. _____Musical___ a movie with a lot of singing and dancing usamlic


b. Fill in the correct passive form of the verb.
1. Romeo and Juliet ___Was Written__________ by Shakespeare. (WRITE)
2. The books ______Haven´t been published____________ yet. (NOT PUBLISH)
3. As soon as I got home, I realized that my wallet ______was stoen/had been stolen___.
4. Dinner ___ is Served_________ between 5 and 10 p.m. every day. (SERVE)
5. No letters ____have been Delivered __________ since the start of the strike. (DELIVER)
6. The building _____Had been _______ torn down when we got there (BE).
7. Progress in many fields of science _____Have been made____ in the last decade.
8. Since last week 5 of the 7 terrorists ______Have been Caught__________. (CATCH)
9. Taxes ______Will be increased____ by the new government next month. (INCREASE)
10. The classroom ____Will be_____________________ next week. (REDECORATE)


c. Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1. Most people have 32 of them and use them to eat. __Teeth___________
2. The part of your body where food is digested after you’ve eaten it. __Stomach____
3. When you cry or peel onions, they turn red. _Eyes___
4. When you sit down in the dentist’s chair, the dentist asks you to open this. __Moth__
5. It can be straight, wavy, or curly. ____Hair______
6. They’re half way down your legs. __Knees_______
7. When you have a cold, it’s sometimes difficult to breathe through it and you can’t
smell anything. ___Nose_____
8. A cat uses it to drink milk. __Tounge______
9. There are five of these on each of your feet. __Toes______
10. At the end of a concert, the audience does this to show they like what they’ve heard.


d. Complete the blanks with must, can’t, or might:
1. Look at that guy's enormous muscles. He _____Must___________ work out a lot.
2. Michelle ________Might_____ want to participate in the festival - it seems like the
type of thing she'd be interested in. Why don’t you ask her?
3. She goes camping every weekend. She _____Must_________ really love the outdoors.
4. He worked hard on his report, then accidentally deleted the file from his computer. He
_____Must___________ be upset.
5. You ____Might____________ be right - but I'm going to check to make sure.
6. We're not sure if this painting is an original. It _____Might___________ be worth
thousands of dollars.
7. I _______might_________ not be able to go to the football game. It depends on
whether I can get the afternoon off from work.
8. He's working full-time and studying for his Ph.D. That ____Can´t____________ be easy.
9. You just ate a huge dinner! You _____Can´t________ be hungry again already!
10. Wow - look at that diamond necklace. It ____Must_____ cost a fortune.

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