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4,345-358 (1990)




Laboratoire d’Aufomalique, Dynamique et Anafyse des Systemes, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Briliment
Maxwell, Place du Levant 3, 8-1348 Louvain la Neuve, Belgium

Two indirect adaptive linearizing controllers are proposed, in continuous time, for the class of non-linear
systems which are linearly parametrized and which can be linearized by state feedback through a
parametrized diffeomorphism. In each case the stability of the closed loop is analysed in detail. It is also
shown how these control laws can be extended to related situations, i.e. input-output feedback
linearization and non-linear parametrizations.

KEY WORDS Adaptive control Non-linear systems.

The issue of extending adaptive techniques to non-linear systems has recently stimulated a
number of research studies and has given rise, among others, to a new investigation field which
could be called ‘adaptive feedback linearization of non-linear plants’. The main motivation
arises from the fact that ‘exact’ feedback linearization of non-linear systems suffers from the
drawback that it relies on a perfect cancellation (and consequently a perfect knowledge) of the
plant non-linearities. Hence parameter adaptation obviously appears as an attractive way to
robustify feedback-linearizing control in the case of parameter uncertainty.
To our knowledge, the earlier works which can be considered as belonging to this field were
devoted to chemical and biochemical applications: adaptive pH control and adaptive control
of microbial growth, the latter having led to a successful experimental validation. Later on,
adaptive linearization was studied for rigid link mechanical systems both in continuous time4-’
and discrete time. In each of these applications a crucial assumption was that the plant model
must be linear with respect to some appropriate parametrization. From these specific
applications it became apparent that the problem of adaptive feedback linearization of linearly
parametrized non-linear systems was a relevant (and non-trivial) problem.
As in the Iinear case, both direct and indirect adaptive control schemes can be formulated.
The difference lies in the way of desigining the parameter adaptation. In a direct scheme the
parameter adaptation is driven by the control error itself, while in an indirect scheme it is
driven by an auxiliary observation (or prediction) error. In contrast with the linear case, one
specific difficulty arises from the fact that input state linearization requires a non-linear
parametrized state transformation through an appropriate diffeomorphism (see Assumption 3
in Section 3).
This paper was recommended f o r publication by editor R . Bitrnead

0890-6327/90/050345- 14$07.00 Received 22 June 1989

0 1990 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised 15 May 1990

Direct adaptive state-space linearization has been studied by Taylor9 and Taylor et al." in
the case where the linearizing diffeomorphism is restricted not to depend on the unknown
parameters. In Reference 11 such a restriction is relaxed by requiring a structural condition
called 'extended matching' which is a priori verifiable. Adaptive input-output linearization
has been studied by Nam and Arapostathis l 2 for systems with relative degree n and Lipschitz
non-linearities. This was extended by Sastry and Isidori l 3 to systems with stable zero dynamics
and Lipschitz non-linearities. An important drawback of the scheme of Sastry and Isidori is
that it requires model overparametrization. The same difficulty appears for direct adaptive
state-space linearization with a parametrized diffeomorphism when the extended matching
condition is not satisfied. This will be illustrated by an example in Section 3.
On the other hand, the indirect approach has been analysed in specific applications:
robotics and biotechnology. l4 It has also been studied by Pomet and Praly l5 under particular
conditions on the 'growth at infinity' of the involved non-linearities.
Our contribution in this paper will be to present and discuss the main features of two indirect
adaptive linearizing control schemes for a general class of linearly parametrized non-linear
systems which can be fully state-linearized without restriction on the allowable
diffeomorphism. An important advantage of the indirect approach is that there is no need for
any 'over-reparametrization': it is the basic physical parametrization of the process model
which is estimated on-line and used by the adaptive control algorithm. This feature is valid for
state-space linearization as well as for input-output linearization.
The class of non-linear systems under consideration is described in Section 2. In Section 3,
a weak and a strong condition for state feedback linearizability of the plant model are
introduced and the related parametrized control laws are defined. The strong linearizability
condition is implicitly equivalent to the extended matching condition of Kanellakopoulos
et al. I ' In each case the adaptive control problem is to find a parameter adaptation law which
guarantees the closed-loop stability. An observer-based parameter estimator is presented and
analysed in Section 4. Then the global stability of the indirect adaptive control arising from
the strong linearizability condition is shown in Section 5 , while local closed-loop stability under
the weak linearizability condition is analysed in Section 6 . Finally, in Section 7 we briefly
discuss how the approach can be extended to related situations, namely input-output adaptive
linearization and the handling of some categories of non-linear parametrizations.


We consider non-linear parametrized plants, with parametric uncertainty, of the form
X = f(x, U , e*) (1)
where x E R" is the state vector, u E iR" is the control input vector and 8* E R p is the parameter
In this paper we shall be concerned with the design of controllers for the system (1) in order
to track a desired trajectory X d ( t ) . The tracking error will be denoted
i=xd-x (2)
By parametric uncertainty we mean that the value 8* of the parameter is unknown but that
an estimate 8 is available. When the true parameter 8* is replaced in (1) by the estimate 8 , we
obtain a family of non-linear state-space models indexed by 8 and denoted
i= f(x, u, e ) (3)

Throughout the paper we shall use the same notation 'x' for the actual state of the plant
(1) and the state of the plant model (3). This should, however, not lead to any confusion.
We now state two fundamental assumptions regarding the desired trajectory and the model
(3) which can be phrased as follows: the desired trajectory is bounded and smooth and the
model is linearly parametrized.

Assumption I . Desired trajectory

(a) Xd(t) is a C1-function of time.
(b) Xd(t) and x d ( f )are bounded V t .

Assumption 2. Linear parametrization

f ( x ,u, 0) is linearly parametrized as
f ( x , U, e) = 'pT(x,u)e + p ( ~U), (4)
where @ ( x ,u) and p ( x , u) are respectively a p x n matrix and an n-vector of known smooth
functions of x and u.


We are concerned with 'indirect adaptive state-feedback-linearizing control' of the plant (1) in
case of full state measurement and parameter uncertainty. The state feedback control law will
be parametrized by the parameter estimate 8. To guarantee the existence of this control law,
we state two alternative assumptions on the linearizability of the model (3), a weak one,
Assumption 3, and a strong one, Assumption 4.

A weak linearizability condition

Assumption 3
There exist
(a) a Hurwitz matrix A
(b) an open set D, C _ R" containing Xd(t) for all t
(c) an open set Do E R p containing 8*
(d) a family of parametrized diffeomorphisms indexed by 8 E Do,
w: D, mn: z = w ( x ,e)
such that the following implicit equation in the unknown u,

has a unique bounded solution u = u.(x, Xd, 0) for all x E D,.


1. We explain why Assumption 3 is a condition of state feedback linearizability for the
model (3). Suppose that the parameter estimate 8 is constant. Then the vector z = W ( x ,8) is
called the ‘canonical’ state of the model (3). The word ‘canonical’ refers to the fact that, under
Assumption 3, z can be shown to be the state of an equivalent Brunovski canonical form for
the model (3). We define the ‘desired’ canonical trajectory as
zd=w(xd,8) (7)
Now let us suppose that the control law U a ( X , x d , 8) defined by (6) is applied to the model
(3). Then straightforward calculations show that the closed loop is stable and that the
canonical tracking error ( Z d - z ) is governed by the stable and linear dynamics

To summarize, we see that if the parameter 8 is constant, the control law ua(x,x d , 8) dejined
in Assumption 3 linearizes the canonical model obtained from the plant model through the
diffeomorphism W ( x , 8 ) .
2 . It is important to notice that in many practical applications the eigenvalues of the matrix
A can be freely chosen by the user, which allows us to assign desired dynamics to the closed
loop. This will be illustrated in Example 1.

Statement of the adaptive control problem

The problem is obviously not to control the plant model (3) but to control the actual plant
(1). This can be done by using ua(x,Xd,8)as an ‘indirect adaptive control law’ where
(a) x is the actual measured state of the plant
(b) 8 is a time-varying on-line estimate of the true parameter 8 * provided by a recursive
parameter estimator.
In such a case it is clear that the closed-loop plant is no longer described by the ‘ideal’ stable
linear system (8). The problem is to find a suitable parameter estimation algorithm which
ensures (at least in a neighbourhood of the desired trajectory) closed-loop stability. The
parameter estimator will be presented in Section 4 and the stability analysis in Section 6.

Example 1
The following second-order system describes the dynamics of an autocatalysed chemical
j C 1 = 61~1x2- 63x1 (9a)
- 63x2 + u
jC2 = - 6 2 ~ 1 x 2 (9b)
where X I is the autocatalyst concentration, x2 is the reactant concentration and 6i ( i = 1 , 2 , 3 )
are physical strictly positive parameters related to the stoichiometry, the specific reaction rate
and the dilution rate of the process.
We first notice that this model can be written in the linear regression form (4) as

The open sets Dx and Do are defined as

Dx = R,: Do =
The diffeomorphism z = W(x, 8) is defined as
z1 = x1, 22 = 81xIx2 - 83x1
The inverse of the diffeomorphism, x = W-'(x, O), is

Notice that the diffeomorphism exists for all 8 E Do.

Through the diffeomorphism (12), the model (10) is equivalent to the canonical form
il = 2 2 ( 14a)

This canonical form is clearly state-feedback-linearizable. We select the following matrix A:

0 1
A=(+ 4,)
Then the following control law linearizes the canonical form (14):

The linearizing control law ua(x, Xd, 8) defined by Assumption 3, which satisfies expression (6),
is obtained by applying the diffeomorphism (12) to (16) and is written as
ua(X, xd, 8) = (dlxl)rl [eI(ildXZd + Xld-kZd) - 63-kId + (XI - h263)(Xld - XI)
+ hZ~l(XldXZd-XIXZ)-Xl(elxZ-e3)2+eleZx~x2 +dld3XlxZ] (17)
It must be emphasized that the basic physical mode1 (9) is linearly parametrized by 8 but that
the canonical form (14) is not. However, it can be 'linearly over-reparametrized' by defining
8 ' = ( e l , & , &,82&,19:). This overparametrization can be a source of difficulty when designing
direct adaptive controllers, but it will not cause any trouble in our case since we shall deal
exclusively with the basic minimal parametrization 8 (see a related discussion in Reference 11).
We notice also that in this example the eigenvalues of the linear reference model can be chosen
freely by the user.

A strong linearizabifity condition

We now suppose that the parameter estimate 8 is time-varying and computed on-line with
an adaptation mechanism of the form
e = g(x, U, 8, t ) (18)
where g is a smooth time-varying function of x, u and 8.
Consider the diffeomorphism z = W(x, 8) defined in Assumption 3, but with 8 time-varying
and given by (18). More precisely, assume that
(a) for each fixed 8 E Do, W(x, 8) is the diffeomorphism of Assumption 3

(b) for each fixed x € D,, W ( x ,0) is a C1-function of 0,

W : De + IR": z = W(x,f3)

Assumption 4
The adaptation function g ( x , u , 8 , 1 ) is such that the following implicit equation in the
unknown u ,

-- (Xd,e)Xd-A[W(Xd,e)-w(X,e)] (20)
has a unique bounded solution u = &(x, X d , e) for all x € D , and all 8 € DO.A is the Hurwitz
matrix defined in Assumption 3.

3. With Assumption 3 we have considered that expression (3) represents a family of fixed
models indexed by 8. Then the assumption guarantees that each model in that family can be
linearized by state feedback. By contrast, with Assumption 4 we consider that ( 3 ) represents
a single time-varying model parametrized by a time-varying parameter e ( t )given by expression
(18). Then, the control law & ( X , X d , 0 ) linearizes the time-varying canonical model obtained
from the plant model through the transformation (18) and the diffeomorphism W ( x ,0).
4. Assumption 4 is implied by 'the extended matching condition' of Kanellakopoulos
et al. I ' It is stronger than Assumption 3 in the sense that Assumption 4 implies Assumption
3 when g=O, because the matrix A and the diffeomorphism W are identical in both

Statement of the adaptive control problem

Here also, the problem is obviously not to control the model (3) but to control the actual
plant (1). This can be achieved by using the control law U b ( X , X d , e ) as an indirect adaptive
linearizing control law. The problem is to find a suitable parameter adaptation law ensuring
closed-loop stability. A parameter estimation algorithm is proposed in Section 4 while the
closed-loop stability is analysed in Section 5 .

Example I (continued)
According to Assumption 4, for the system (9a), (9b) the control law has to satisfy the
6IxIub(x,x d , 8) = [eI(-kldxZd+ X l d i Z d ) - e 3 - k l d + ( X I - X 2 0 3 ) ( X l d - X I )
+ h2el(xldx2d - x l x 2 )- x l ( e l x z- e3)2+ e 1 e 2 ~ :+~e21 e 3 ~ 1 ~ 2 i
+ ( X l d X Z d - xlXZ)gl(x,ub(x,xd, 01, 6) - ( X l d - XI )g3(x, ub(x, xd, ehe) (21)
We shall see that this equation has effectively a unique solution in Ub(X,Xd,fl) with the
parameter estimator proposed in the next section.

We consider the diffeomorphism z = W (x, e), but now we suppose that x is the actual state of
the plant (i.e. not the state of the model) while 0 is the time-varying parameter provided by
the parameter estimator we have to design. Taking the derivative of z we get

*;(x, e) = aw (x, e)

Then the basic idea behind the parameter estimator is to design a kind of adaptive observer
for the system (23) as
i = J ~ ~ (U,Xe), + *.T(x, u,e)e + [*T(x, e)*,(x, U, e)p - 01 [ w ( x , e) - 21 (25a)
with 2(0) = W(x(O), O(0))
where 0 is an arbitrary Hurwitz matrix and the positive definite symmetric gain matrix P is
the solution of the Lyapunov equation
0*P + P 0 = - Q (26)
with Q an arbitrary positive definite matrix.
Defining the ‘observation’ error e and the parametric error 8 as
e E W ( x , 8 ) - 2, e- = e * - e (27)
the error system corresponding to (25) is written

Irrespective of the control u, we have the following stability properties.

Theorem 1
For the error system (28),
(a) e and 6 are bounded as
I1 e ( t )II < 7r I1 &O) I19 I1 # ( t )I1 < II m II Vt 20
7r = JX,ik(P)

(b) e ( t ) is Lz.

Proof. Consider the positive definite function

V(e,8 ) = eTPe + eT8
The time derivative of V along the trajectories of (28) is
v= -eTQe
Hence, since e(0) = 0, we have
V [ e ( t ) 8, ~ <1v [ e ( o ) , < II 8(0)112
Part (a) follows. Expressions (31) and (32) imply also that

h n ( Q ) 1‘ (1
e(7) I( d7 < V (0 )- V ( t )< V(0) (33)
and part (b) follows.

Example I (continued)
For the system (9), the parameter adaptation equation (25b) specializes as
x1x2(e1x2- e3)
(0 (
- x1 - 2e1x1x2
XI - 21
+ e3xl) p ( e1x1x2- 03x1 - z2
-elx;x2 ) (34)

Since this expression is independent of the control u, equation (21) has a unique solution as
expected and Assumption 4 is satisfied.


We suppose that the control law &(x, xd, 0) defined by Assumption 4 is applied to the plant
(1) with x the actual state of the plant and 8 the parameter estimate computed with the
parameter estimator (25). We define the ‘canonical’ tracking error E as
E=w(xd,e) -w(x,e) (35)
Taking the derivative of (35) and using (1) we obtain
. =-
aw (Xd, @ i d - ~ ~ (U,xe), - sT(x, U, e)e* + [s$(xd, e) - +T(x, e)ie (36)
Then, using the definition (20) of the control law and the definition (25) of the parameter
estimator, it can be shown, after a few computations, that the tracking error E is the output
of a stable linear filter, driven by the ‘observation error’ e, with the state representation
$ = A t + (Q- A)e (374
e=[-e (37b)
This linear filter is a key tool for the analysis of the closed-loop stability. Since the matrix
A is Hurwitz, there exist two positive constants dl and d2 such that
I( exp(At) 11 < dl exp( - d2t) (38)

It follows from Theorem 1 that the input e of the filter (37) is bounded by T 11 6(0)/I. It is then
a standard result of systems stability theoryL6that the output E is bounded as
I1 &(t)II < dl /I E ( O ) 11 + Y I1 e(o) I1 ( 394

Define the two positive constants kl and k2:

where dD, and dDe denote the boundaries of Dx and Do. Define the open set DOE R" x Rp:
= e ) l d l I I w ( X d , e ) - w ( x , e ) ( l + Y ( ( e * - e (<I k l
D ~ m and ( ( e * - e / i <k2j (41)
Then we have the following convergence result.

Theorem 2
Under Assumptions 1, 2 and 4, if the control law &(x, xd, 8) is applied to the system (1) with
the parameter estimator (25) and if (x(O), e(0))€ DO,then the tracking error converges to zero:
lim (1 Xd(t) - x(t) )I = 0
I 4 W

Proof. (x(O), e(0))E DO,Theorem 1 and property (39) imply that

e ( t )E Do and bounded v t
/I E ( t ) I/ < dl /I E m + Y I1 l ( 0 )11 < kl
I/ vt
This in turn implies, by the definition (40a) of k l , that x(t) ED, and is bounded for all t.
Hence the co'ntrol law Ub(X,Xd,d) is well defined for all t, and by the definition of the
diffeomorphism and the control law, * ~ ( x , u , f l ) is bounded. Then, from (28), de/dt is
bounded, and since e is L z , we have by Theorem 1
lim e(t) = 0, lim B(t) = o (44)
t+m 1-m

Then, since ~ ( tis) the output of the stable linear filter (37) with input e(t),
lim I( ~ ( t11 )= lim 1) w(xd, 0) - W(x, 0) (1 = 0 (45)
t-m t-w

Hence, since W(x,O) is a diffeomorphism with respect to x , the result follows.

Global stability
It is important to notice that the linear filter (37) and the property (39) are independent of
the plant description and rely only on the design parameters A and Q. Hence, if Assumptions
1, 2 and 4 are global and hold for all (x, 0) E R" x R p , then the stability of the adaptive control
is also global and holds whatever (x(O), e(0)) in R " x Rp.


We suppose that the control law u a ( x , x d , 8 ) defined by Assumption 3 is applied to the plant
(1) with x the actual state of the plant and 8 the parameter estimate computed with the
parameter estimator (25). In that case, using the definition (6) of the control law, it can be
shown, after a few computations, that the tracking error E (which is governed by the dynamics
(36)) is the output of the time-varying linear filter
$ = A( + [a- A + (*k(Xd, 8 ) - *k(x, e ) p ,(x, U, O)PIe (46a)
e=[-e (46b)
In order to analyse locally the closed-loop stability around the desired trajectory Xd, we
introduce the closed sets B, and Be.

Assumption 5
Bx C Dx, Xd(f) € Bx, xd ( t )4 aBx Vt (474
Be C De, 8* E Be, e*( aBe (47b)
This assumption means that B, and Be are closed subsets of Dx and De respectively, that
the desired trajectory is strictly contained in Bx and that 8 * is strictly contained in Be.
We define the constants

cI= inf
0 € Be
(XI €
aB, and Xz € Xd
(11 w(x1,e ) - w ( x 2 , e)ll) (494

c2= inf (11 e - e*il) (49b)


We notice that CI > 0 and C2 > 0 by Assumption 5 . Let 6 be an arbitrarily small strictly
positive constant, strictly smaller than CI:
0<6<C1 (50)
We have the following preliminary lemmas.

Lemma I
If // e ( t l )11 < CI - 6 and if 1) e(0) 1) < C2, hen there exists a time interval At > 0,
independent of tl, such that
1) E ( 7 ) 11 < c1 v7, t1 < T < ti At

II E ( t 1 + A t II < c1

Proof. We use a proof by contradiction. We first notice that by Theorem 1

1) 6(0)11 < C2 implies that O ( t ) E Be Vt (51)
We define the time interval A t as
P* = PO + PI II O * II + 21111271 I1 p I1 I1 &O) II
(or 6 2 = n ( p * A t ) 2 )
h P*
Now suppose that the statement of the lemma is false and that there exists f * , f 1 < t* < t~ + A t ,
such that
VT, t1 < T < t*, I( E ( T ) )I < CI and (1 ~ ( t *11 )= CI (54)
From (36) and (49) this implies that
X(T) E Bx and 1) E ( 7 ) 1) < p* VT, tl < < t*
T (55)
Hence for each component Ei of E we have
I ~ i ( t * -) E i ( t ) I < ~ * ( t-*t l )
Then from (54) and (56) we find

c12 < // E ( I * ) - ~ ( f l ) /I2= 5/

i= I
Ei(f*) - Ei(t1) 1' < n ( p * ( t * - ti))' < n(p*At)2 (57)

This contradicts (53) and the lemma follows.

I/ E(T) )I ,< C I - 6 V7, 11 < T < CI + A t
with A t defined by (53).

Proof. We first recall that by Theorem 1, O ( f ) E Be for all t 2 0. It also follows from Lemma
1 that
)I E ( T ) 1) < C I V7, 0 < 7 < CI + A t (58)
and hence by (49)
~ ( 7E)Bx VT, 0 < < ti + A t

Then it is a standard result of systems theoryI6 that for the linear time-varying system (46) we
have (compare also with property (39))
/I E ( 7 ) II < dl II E ( O ) 11 + YI)I e(o)I( V7, 0 < < ti + A t
T (59)
The lemma follows.

Define the closed set Bo C R" X Rp:

- w(x,e)(1
B~ = [ ( x , e )1 d r (1 w(Xd,e) + yl (1 e * - 8 (1 G c1- 6 and e*- 8 (1 G c2) (60)
We have the following convergence result.

Theorem 3
Under Assumptions 1-3 and 5, if the control law ua(x,X d , 0) is applied to the system (1) with
the parameter estimator (25) and if (x(O), O(0)) E Bo, then the tracking error converges to zero:

Proof. (x(O), e(0))E BO and Theorem 1 imply that

8 ( t ) E B e v t and IIe(O)((< C1- 6
This allows the initialization of the induction mechanism of Lemma 2, which in turn implies
11 e ( t ) 11 G C1- 6 and x ( t )E B, vt 20 (63)
Hence E, x and 6 are bounded for all t and the theorem follows by using exactly the same
argumentation as in Theorem 2.

So far our search for adaptive controllers has been restricted to a specific class of non-linear
systems and to a specific set of assumptions, Assumptions 1-5. However, it is evident that
many variants and extensions are feasible for other classes of systems and/or when one of the
the assumptions is violated. We discuss two such extensions.

Input-Output adaptive linearization

We consider SISO non-linear systems, linearly parametrized and linear in the control input,
of the form
X =f(x, e*) + ug(x,e*) (644
Y = h(x) (64b)
where x E R " is the state vector, u € R is the control input vector, 8* E R p is the parameter vector
and y = h ( x ) E IR is the process output. The system is supposed to be linearly parametrized, i.e.
one can define q ( x , u ) such that
f ( x , e*) + ug(x,e*) A Q T ( ~ , (65)
Assume that there exists a state feedback control law u(x,Y d , O*) able to stabilize the system
and t o achieve a linear input-output behaviour (this is an alternative to Assumptions 3 and 5).
If system (64) has a relative degree u, it can be rewritten

9 = Lfh + uL,Lf- ' h


where Lf and Lg denote Lie derivatives. The linearizing control law is then written

with Yd the desired output and X j the design parameters defining the linear closed-loop
dynamics. In the case of parametric uncertainty, the design of a direct adaptive controller for
the system (64) is not a trivial task because the input-output model (66) is not linearly
parametrized, though it can be reparametrized with a very large over-reparametrization (the
issue is extensively discussed in Reference 13).
By contrast, the design of an indirect adaptive controller is immediate: it is sufficient to use
the linearizing controller (67) with 8 * replaced by a current estimate 8 provided by the
parameter adaptation law (25) proposed in Section 4.

Non-linear parametrization
So far we have restricted ourselves to systems with a linearly parametrized state-space
representation (Assumption 2). Actually, this assumption can be relaxed and the indirect
adaptive controller extended to the class of non-linearly parametrized state-space models (see
also Reference 15 for a related discussion):

x = A-l(x,e*)[f(x,e*)+G ( x , ~ * ) u ]
under the following alternative assumptions.
(a) f(x, 8) and C(x, 8) are linearly parametrized.
(b) A(x, 8) is an n x n non-singular matrix for all (x, 8) E B, x Be.
(c) A(x, 0 ) is linearly parametrized:
A(x, 0) = Ao(x) + C B;A;(x)

(d) There exist a sequence of primitives Q;(x) such that

This class of systems may seem restrictive but is of primary importance because it involves
the articulated rigid link mechanical systems (e.g. References 6 and 8).

Two indirect adaptive linearizing controllers have been proposed, in continuous time, for the
class of non-linear systems which are linearly parametrized and state-feedback-linearizable. In
each case the stability of the closed loop was analysed in detail. These control laws can be
extended to other related situations, i.e. input-output feedback linearization and non-linear
parametrizations. They can also be transposed to the case of discrete time control of
continuous time systems through sampling and ZOH control action, This issue is discussed in
Reference 17.


Professor Michel Gevers is gratefully acknowledged for helpful suggestions for improving the
readability of the paper.
The results presented in this paper have been obtained within the framework of the Belgian
Program on Concerted Research Actions and on Interuniversity Attraction Poles initiated by
the Belgian State, Prime Minister’s Office, Science Policy Programming.
The scientific responsibility rests with its authors.

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