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Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea

Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

Yotsuba Theory:
On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies
After reading the latest chapter (chapter 81 as of today), I realized that Yotsuba plays a monumental role in the series as
a mediator. In most instances, she had a supportive hand in resolving issues between her sisters and Fuutarou. This
unique role is usually reserved for level-minded individuals… Yet, Fuutarou recognized her as an irresponsible airhead
the moment he first saw her in the first chapter. Looking back at the previous chapters… I surely would have expected
that the other sisters fit the role more appropriately. Seeing Yotsuba have be the mediator of the group raised a flag
that stood out like the tall ribbon sitting atop her head.

This made me look back on the past 80 chapters to see if I can draw out any clues of foreshadowing – and I’ve
uncovered the bed of lies that the author has prepared since the very beginning of the series. This theory hopefully
brings light to the mystery of the Bride, the Disguised Rena, and the Bell Kisser.

DISCLAIMER: This is a theory that will explore the relationship between Yotsuba and Fuutarou only. I’ll try to predict
scenarios based on visual and text-based clues – and I’ll jump between chapters and pages to properly draw a
conclusion. I love drawing out speculations for series such as this one! However, I’m also fully aware of my own
inaccuracies in interpreting elements of foreshadowing and/or symbolism – so I hope you take this theory with a grain
of salt. I’ve completed this theory to the best of my knowledge of the manga but let me know if I missed out on anything
else regarding Fuutarou and Yotsuba’s relationship!

SPOILER WARNING: This theory explores content from the manga from which the anime has not yet dwelled upon. This
is a word of caution towards anime-only fans of the Quintessential Quintuplets series. You have been warned!

Live p icture o f me going on a conspirator ia l ran t LOL

Last updated: 2019-08-30 Page 1 of 41

Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1
The Bride ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
The Fourth Sister ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Overlooked Togetherness .................................................................................................................................................. 7
On the Topic of Marriage ................................................................................................................................................. 10
The Legend that Binds...................................................................................................................................................... 12
The Disguised Rena ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Relative Distance .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Craving for Attention ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
Photographs and Peace Symbols ..................................................................................................................................... 17
The Stalker in the Woods ................................................................................................................................................. 18
First Encounter ................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Second Encounter ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
Awful Liar ......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
The Bell Kisser .............................................................................................................................................................. 28
Five Points of a Pentagram .............................................................................................................................................. 28
The Orchestrator .............................................................................................................................................................. 30
Inconsistent Feelings ........................................................................................................................................................ 33
Genuine Love ................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Predictions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Fanart ............................................................................................................................................................................... 41

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Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

The Bride
The Fourth Sister
The foreshadowing starts at the very beginning; where we get a glimpse of the bride in Chapter 1. It’s impossible to
recognize the identity of the bride if we rely solely on visual analysis alone (they’re quintuplets after all) – so I draw my
attention towards the dialogues instead.

Chapter 1 , page 51. Source: h ttps://manga

“That was when you met us, right Fuutarou? Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, Itsuki. That was the time you realized we were
quintuplets.” – The Bride

My first instinct was to identify the sister who calls our protagonist as “Fuutarou”. Miku and Ichika becomes likely
candidates for the Bride, effectively eliminating Yotsuba since she calls him by “Uesugi-san”. To my disappointment, I
continued to look for clues to link this back to Yotsuba somehow – and who knew the next clue would swing by so early:

Chapter 2 , page 7. Source: h ttps://

“From here, we have Itsuki, Me, Miku, Nino, and finally Ichika.” – Yotsuba

Now where have I read something similar…? Ah! On chapter 1, page 51, where the bride says “Ichika, Nino, Miku,
Yotsuba, Itsuki.” Isn’t it interesting that the bride herself uses her own full name in the list? This can be easily dismissed

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Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

as a technique used by the author to intentionally misguide us. But this page in particular shows us the first instance
where one of the five sisters verbally listed out everyone’s names – excluding herself, of course.

Although the sequence of the listing is in reverse – going from “Ichika, Yotsuba, Miku, Nino, and Itsuki” to “Itsuki, Me,
Miku, Nino, and Ichika” – this can be credited to the way these two entered the hallway, starting with Itsuki’s room on
the far right. If they were to begin from the staircase, then the sequence would be the same – starting from Ichika’s
bedroom to Itsuki’s bedroom.

Note: It baffles me as to why they would start all the way at the far-end, because it would only be natural to begin at the
room closest from the staircase… unless if the author wanted to portray a clear view of all the rooms in one panel. But
still – that could have been achieved from another angle from the lower floor. Perhaps this was an obvious ploy of
misdirection to avoid foreshadowing? But I digress…

The sequence here is important; it would only be natural for the Bride to list everyone in chronological order (although
this ‘order’ is a mystery to me at the moment – I’ll assume the sequence is by age), starting from youngest to oldest. We
know the sequence of order based on the markings on the doors themselves; starting with Ichika with 1 vertical line,
Nino with 2 vertical lines, and so on… From this, we can identify Yotsuba as the fourth sister with 4 vertical lines. If this is
correct, then the Bride – knowingly or unknowingly – verbally listed herself as the fourth one within the family order,
that being Yotsuba herself.

Chapter 14.5 , page 4.

This character introduction page confirms that Yotsuba is indeed the fourth daughter. And speaking of sequences, the
order in which the quintuplets are placed on this cover is quite interesting:

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Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

Chapter 15 , page 2 (Cover). So urce: .

Seeing Yotsuba placed at the dead-center of the page is a little bit off-putting – and I ask myself, why? Because I’ve
become too familiar with seeing Itsuki being placed at the center, surrounded by all her sisters. She is the first girl to be
introduced after all, so it would be natural to highlight her in every cover. But Yotsuba placed at the center? And in
addition, the silhouette of the Bride directly placed right behind her? The suddenness of her placement – along with the
looming figure of the Bride in the background – are contributing factors towards this foreshadowing.

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Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

Chapter 13 , page 12. Chap ter 24, page 2.

“We’re still missing one. Eh? Ichika, Miku, Itsuki, Nino, and… Aah, Yotsuba! That’s me!” – Yotsuba,

“Too bad. It’s Miku” – Nino

Another visual foreshadowing I’ve come upon is within this particular scene in chapter 13 where Fuutarou is retrieving
everyone’s email addresses. The last sister whose email hasn’t been retrieved yet is Yotsuba herself. The chronology of
the listing doesn’t matter as much this time, but what matters is the way she holds up her fingers. Now I haven’t met
anyone in real life who counts with their fingers the way Yotsuba had in this panel; she intentionally missed her ring
finger! Perhaps this is her own funky way of remembering her place within the family order – and as Fuutarou
suggested, she is ‘dumb’ after all. But out of all the fingers to stand out, it had to be the ring finger? This is an obvious
visual hint towards her being the Bride. Later we explore the subject of Yotsuba’s ‘dumbness’ in the Bell Kisser section of
my theory – but for now, I digress.

Note: The chronology of the list is actually the order in which Fuutarou retrieved the email addresses; starting with Ichika
and ending with Nino (then eventually Yotsuba).

In addition to the character introduction page from chapter 14.5, the ‘Quintuplets Game’ confirms that Yotsuba is
indeed the fourth daughter. They start counting from the thumb, beginning with Ichika, then Nino for the index finger,
Miku for the middle finger, Yotsuba for the ring finger, and finally Itsuki for the pinky finger.

Note: I tried to make sense of what the dialogue of “Why did you flip it around?” mean in the context of order. After
looking through the second version of the translation, it literally meant “why is your hand facing that way?” or “why did
you flip your hand around?”. So, the sequence still remains correct.

Speaking of ring fingers, this is another particular scene that caught my attention. By observing carefully, this scene
depicts Yotsuba holding Fuutarou’s left ring finger (to be explored later in ‘The Legend that Binds’, starting on page 12).

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Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

Chapter 18 , page 11. Chap ter 20 , page 2.

“As long as you’re here, there is no need to worry about that, right?” and “Hmm… I remember now. The fourth option
has the highest chance of being right in a question of five choices.” – Yotsuba

And let’s not forget about these scenes, it’s quite self-explanatory. Taking into account everything I’ve analyzed, Yotsuba
is basically spelling out to us that she has the highest chance of being the Bride out of the five choices – with her being
the fourth sister. This is further solidified with the visual cues of the four-leaf clover used in earlier chapters – and
appears to be unique only to Yotsuba. But now I’m going to introduce the next topic with a joke: Where did the bunny
groom and bunny bride go after their wedding? On a ‘bunnymoon,’ of course!

Overlooked Togetherness

Chapter 2 , page 7. Chap ter 21 , page 10. Chap ter 29, page 3.

I return to chapter 2 and looked for additional visual ques that hint towards Yotsuba being the Bride. Following the
handrail on the panel, my eyes are naturally drawn towards their hands… which appear to overlap one another. We

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Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

know for a fact that the author places careful attention towards the whole ‘hand-holding’ ordeal; as evidenced in
chapter 21 when Itsuki completely rejects Yotsuba’s suggestion of holding his hand. I can only imagine that this is indeed
a sensitive territory to tread upon since it can potentially foreshadow who the Bride is. But later in chapter 29, we see
Fuutarou and Yotsuba holding BOTH hands in such a carefree fashion – and we hear Yotsuba again suggesting this
business of hand-holding. This small physical interaction is eventually something that the sisters secretly seek with
Fuutarou (especially Miku and Nino), and yet we see Yotsuba suggesting it outright. Although this appears
inconsequential, these slight small visual hints of holding hands foreshadows his deeper relationship with Yotsuba. And
this is the point where I realized that these two share the same iconic features – which is the recognizable bunny ears
that stick out from the top of their heads.

Chapter 2 , page 5. Chap ter 3, page 18. Chap ter 20, page 16. Chapter 4 , page 24. Chap ter 1 5, page 12. Chap ter 21, page s
1-2. Chapter 22 , page 2. Ch apter 33, page 9. Chap ter 81, pag es 17-18.

The speech bubbles don’t matter as much in the examples listed above (but it’s hilarious nonetheless). When you start
viewing them together like this, they kind of start to blur together – making it difficult to differentiate between the two
(specially if you just look at their silhouettes). The iconic bunny ears are physical features that is shared among these
two characters only – symbolizing their magnetic attraction towards one another, although they don’t realize it
themselves. Speaking of which they happen to hop into one another too frequently, but that’s another subject to be
explored within the Disguised Rena section.

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Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

Chapter 8 , page 6. Source:

“Ahaha… Whenever I look at Raiha-chan, I just get this strange urge to give her presents” – Yotsuba

Speaking of symbolism, the rabbit itself deals primarily with abundance, comfort, and vulnerability – while also
embracing gifts of fertility, sentiment, desire, and procreation. Perhaps this explains Yotsuba’s ‘strange’ urge to give
presents to Fuutarou’s little sister?

Chapter 37 , pages 13&16 .

And speaking of gifts, she actually received one from Fuutarou himself (albeit it was originally for his little sister).
Yotsuba gratefully accepts the gift. Both of them harbour the symbol of the rabbit after all, so it makes sense for Yotsuba
to say that she feels “warm and fuzzy inside” – and perhaps striking a new yet familiar beat in Fuutarou’s heart. In this
beautiful chapter, we capture a glimpse of Yotsuba’s true intentions; to ensure that all of her sisters are happy – and

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Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

alluding to having a family of her own as well. Yotsuba even goes out of her way to suggest making Fuutarou’s little
sister as her own:

On the Topic of Marriage

Chapter 8 , page 17.

“Wait a minute, if I get married to Uesugi-san, then, legally speaking, she would…” – Yotsuba

This panel is the first instance we see the suggestion of marriage with Fuutarou (he naturally looks displeased at the
idea, but that’s because he’s focused on academics at the time). Although this could be seen as a simple joke, exploring
the next few chapters suggest the opposite:

Chapter 16 , page 9 -10.

“Uesugi-san~ I got married! Wedding gift please!” – Yotsuba

This is the second instance where we see the suggestion of marriage in the series – which is spewing out of Yotsuba’s
mouth once again. Interestingly enough, the author decided to use ‘The Game of Life’ as the board-game they play
during their break-time. It becomes horrifyingly relatable to the characters when Ichika says “… I was scouted and
became an actress”, and Uesugi realizing that he’s “broke even in the game.” The boardgame itself acts like a sort of
mystic ball – one that is capable of predicting the future – which is also suitable for a game that relies solely on the
spinning the wheel of fortune. And with that in mind, it can’t be a mere coincidence that Yotsuba is directly asking
Fuutarou for a wedding gift.

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Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

Chapter 32 , page 11. Chap ter 56, page 16.

My focus shifts towards a flash-forward scene of the wedding ceremony (on the 2000th day, I believe). I draw my
attention towards these two panels in particular (from chapter 32 and 56) since they both share a key visual technique
with the portrayal of the eyes.

There must be a reason as to why the author avoids showing Fuutarou’s eyes in panels relating to the wedding
ceremony. And I believe the twist is with the reveal of Fuutarou’s full face with his eyes reflecting the image of the Bride.
But the reflection isn’t of the current Bride, but the image of her past self during that “dream-like day” – a visual effect
that is similar to what’s being shown on chapter 56. In this case, Fuutarou’s face is reflected on the surface of Yotsuba’s
eyes, and what makes this really unique is because this is a visual technique that hasn’t been used anywhere else in the
series before. Eyes are windows to the soul; they reveal the truth, no matter what face we put on in any situation… and
perhaps that is why the author decided to refrain from showing Fuutarou’s eyes – to prepare for the big reveal of
Yotsuba’s true identity.

Speaking of visual ques, look at how intimately close their feet are from one another (from chapter 56), as if suggesting
that either one of them is leaning in for a kiss – or perhaps alluding to an intimate dance between destined couples?

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Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

The Legend that Binds

Chapter 22 , p age 5. Chap ter 3 2, page 15.

“It’s said that you’ll be bound by fate for life to the partner you dance with at the finale of the bonfire dance that takes
place on the last day.” – Yotsuba

“In the legend that binds, it is said that the two who hold hands at the bonfire’s finale will be bound together for life by
fate” – Unknown

Yotsuba herself introduced the whole ordeal of the urban legend, which later becomes a huge deal later when all five
sisters hold Fuutarou’s fingers. But pay attention to the dialogue at hand – where both parties describe the urban
legend. Originally, it is said that couples are bound together for life if they dance at the finale of the bonfire – an
emphasis on the act of ‘dancing’ with a significant other. Whereas, in contrast, apparently all you need is to simply ‘hold
hands’ with a significant other. Isn’t it odd that it moved from the business of dancing to the business of holding hands?
My attention is drawn towards the silhouettes of the two figures with their hands fully occupied with one another – now
where have I seen this before…? Right, in chapter 29 when Fuutarou and Yotsuba are ‘imagined’ to be holding both
hands together at the ski slopes. We can surmise that these silhouettes are of Yotsuba’s, imagining herself with this
mysterious individual shrouded in darkness. This makes sense, as at the time Yotsuba herself is unsure of her own
feelings and her emotions are shrouded in uncertainties (more on that in the Bell Kisser section).

Additionally, I find it really intriguing that the dialogue appears in chapter 32 at the exact moment the Bride enters the
scene. That’s why I credited the dialogue to an unknown speaker, because I believe whoever is speaking on this panel is
the Bride herself. And it would only be natural for her to recall such an important moment as she walks down the
cathedral aisle – which is a dialogue most appropriate with Yotsuba since she is the one who introduced the legend after

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Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

Note: I believe it isn’t Fuutarou speaking during chapter 32, since his dialogue and thoughts were mostly consisted within
the square and round speech bubbles. The sudden shift of speech-bubble style would be unnecessary, and it would have
been fine to continue using square-shaped speech bubbles… unless if the dialogue itself isn’t Fuutarou’s – but the Bride’s.

Chapter 32 , page s 16-18. Chap ter 72, page 15.

“The reason I can have these bittersweet memories and this happiness is probably because they were there. Maybe now
I’ll be able to say what I couldn’t say back then… Thank you for being by my side” – Fuutarou,

“Even you might find someone you love in the future, Uesugi-san, and when that happens, no matter who you love, no
matter how you come to love them, I’ll always be on your side.” – Yotsuba

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Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

The ‘Legend that Binds’ ends with Fuutarou thanking the Bride for “being by [his] side”. This is a phrase that hasn’t been
repeated until 40 chapters later where Yotsuba exclaims that she will “always be on your side”. And look at the visuals
on these three panels:

1. Starting with Fuutarou asleep with the quintuplets holding each of his fingers. Pay attention to the familiar
sequence in how they hold his fingers – beginning with Ichika at the thumb and ending with Itsuki at the pinky
finger. Isn’t that exactly the ‘Quintuplets Game’ they were playing earlier in chapter 24? That means Yotsuba is
holding his left ring finger – and I emphasize left because it is the finger that ran directly to the heart – wherein
the wedding ring would normally be placed (according to tradition at least).
2. Look at how Fuutarou is standing and completely basking in the sunlight in front of him. He is reminiscing upon
the same light that shined upon him while he was sick. We don’t see it on this panel, but he is actually looking
towards the Bride standing in front of him – also basking in the sunlight before her. And why is this play on light
significant? It is because a similar light shines upon Yotsuba in chapter 72 as she confesses that she will always
be by Fuutarou’s side.

Now I will allow you to draw your own conclusions as to what these connections entail – as I hastily move on to the
subject of the Disguised Rena.

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Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

The Disguised Rena

Relative Distance
We return to chapter 3 where we see the quintuplets distancing themselves from Fuutarou. The reason being is that
they simply can not trust him yet as their personal tutor. This is accompanied with their own personal reasons, such as
Nino being over-protective of her siblings. But in light of reviewing earlier chapters, I’ve come to realize that Yotsuba
tends to be the closest sister among the rest. This is evidenced by the panel in chapter 3:

Chapter 3 , page 8. Chap ter 19 , page 3. Chapter 16, p age 11. Chapter 17, p age 8. Chapter 2 0, page 16. Chap ter 21, page 2 .
There’s a horizontal line that defines the “emotional distance” between the sisters and Fuutarou; but notice how
Yotsuba is the one closest to him? This makes sense as she’s the first individual who willingly and aggressively sought
out Fuutarou’s help with her education – however, this trend of being close to one another continues on. This trend is
especially noticeable when one compares the physical nearness between Fuutarou and Yotsuba in the next following
chapters. She tends to stick to him like glue, with panels ensuring that both individuals are within always within view.

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Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

And yet, Yotsuba herself doesn’t appear to be disturbed by the fact that she’s constantly right beside him, with no hints
towards harbouring intimate feelings towards him. But perhaps that is what she wants you to believe:

Craving for Attention

Chapter 2 , page 14. Chap ter 1 5, page 10. Chap ter 23, page 5 . Chap ter 25, p age 7. Chapter 31, page 12.

“Mm… w-well, what do you think, Uesugi-san…”,

“Uesugi-san, pop quiz! What’s different about me today~?”,
“Uesugi-san! Even though you’re excited for tomorrow, do make sure you get enough sleep!”,
“Uesugi-san, I’m moving the props for the test of courage for you… I figured this would be too much for you to handle by
yourself, so I talked to my classmates about it”, and
“I’m going to ask Uesugi-san! It’ll be fine if I just sneak in!” - Yotsuba

The panels above are early examples of Yotsuba seeking out Fuutarou’s attention – hoping to develop a positive opinion
of her. Although appearing playful, this is certainly quite a mischievous approach when viewed at a different angle. Her
constant closeness, plus her aggressive yet suggestive behaviour towards Fuutarou are all methods for ‘testing the
water’ – basically seeing if he would react differently towards her. In this case, Fuutarou thinks of her as a pure, yet
kind-hearted idiot. Realizing that Fuutarou behaves indifferently towards her, Yotsuba takes this as an opportunity to
disguise herself as Rena – but how could she possibly be the Disguised Rena? There are visual connections at play
between the two panels (astonishingly 66 chapters apart from one another causing me to almost miss this clue):

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Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

Photographs and Peace Symbols

Chapter 14 , page 18. Chap ter 80, page 7.

“Five years ago, huh… the colour’s faded a bit.” – Fuutarou,

“We’ve changed quite a lot, haven’t we…?” – Itsuki,
“A photo of just us is a rare treat.” – Yotsuba

We return once again onto the subject of fingers – but this time, pay attention to which arms are raised in the ‘old
photograph’ from chapter 14. There are two sisters with their right hands raised, while the other three raises it with
their left. Moving on to chapter 80, we see a similar scenario – but this time with only four sisters, and Nino taking the
photograph. Yotsuba is seen raising her right hand, while the others hold up their left hand. In turn, we can deduce that
Nino is the other sister who raises her right hand – based on the assumption of the ‘old photograph’.

And if we make visual correlations between these two panels, we can see Yotsuba doing the exact pose as the one
shown on Fuutarou’s photograph; where similar arms are raised in the same fashion and mouth wide open (as per usual
Yotsuba behaviour). With this visual connection at hand, we’re dealing with a character who has been the Young
Nakano since the very beginning – and incentivizing further her reasoning for disguising herself as Rena and to confront
Fuutarou directly. Plans are set in motion now as the first encounter of this mysterious Rena is unveiled:

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Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

The Stalker in the Woods

Chapter 41 , pages 5 ,6,8.

“It felt like someone was there just now” – Fuutarou

“I happened to meet Yotsuba yesterday by chance, so I had her bring them for me” – Itsuki

This particular scene raises a lot of eyebrows. Who was the person behind the trees – and why was he/she stalking both
Fuutarou and Itsuki late at night? For reference, Fuutarou was in the middle of explaining to Itsuki his role as the ‘father’
of the quintuplets – an excellent exposition from Fuutarou himself that makes him such a great character… but I digress.
What matters at hand is that the person was definitely caught off-guard by what Fuutarou said earlier, prompting for a
quick escape. But who might this person be? It was never revealed, so I went and dug around a few panels of chapter 41
in search for clues. Eventually, I found that Yotsuba is indeed this mysterious ‘stalker in the woods’ because of the
following evidence I procured:

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Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

Chapter 38 , page 2. Chap ter 4 1, page 12 . Chap ter 42, page 1 7.

“I’m sorry! But I’m helping out the track-and-field club today!” – Yotsuba

1. At the beginning of chapter 38, Yotsuba apologizes and says that she’s “helping out with the track-and-field
club.” Later in chapter 42, Fuutarou ‘bumps’ into Yotsuba right after losing track of the Disguised Rena.
2. Take a look at the background on chapter 41 and 42 – the setting is exactly the same. This is evidenced by the
wooden fencing that runs along the shoreline.
3. Yotsuba in chapter 41 (after the midnight conversation with Fuutarou) reveals that she “happened to meet up
with Yotsuba yesterday by chance”.

With these two evidences at hand, we can make assumptions about Yotsuba as the ‘stalker in the woods.’ Chapter 42
reveals that she has been taking this route with the track-and-field team for quite some time now. So, her familiarity
with the area would be beneficial in her efforts to stalk the two at night. But, you may ask, how did she know that both
Fuutarou and Itsuki will be there at night?

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Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

The key dialogue here is Itsuki saying that she has “happened to meet up with Yotsuba yesterday by chance.” Hold on a
second, “yesterday by chance”? Wasn’t yesterday the same night Fuutarou and Itsuki had that conversation under the
moon? The conclusion I can draw from this strange exchange of words is that Fuutarou went ahead to return home,
while Itsuki remained under the comfort of the moon. I can imagine Yotsuba taking this as an opportunity to come out
of the shadows and have a brief exchange of words with Itsuki. And when Itsuki asks why she’s running out so late, her
perfect excuse is that she’s simply practicing for the track-and-field team – plus, her hard-working personality supports
the premonition that Yotsuba can be naturally seen working late at night to ‘support’ the team.

And speaking of ‘support’, she’s most likely candidate to be the Disguised Rena because of the guilt that runs down her
blood. The very reason the quintuplets are in this situation is because of her flunking out of a prestigious school
(revealed in chapter 56, pages 55-56), where the four other sisters followed after her. On one hand, Yotsuba appreciates
that her sisters are willing to give up everything just for the sake of remaining together as family – but on the other
hand, Yotsuba is being driven by the guilt that forces her to play as the ‘mediator’ of the group and to ensure everyone’s

Chapter 40 , page 8. Source: h ttps:// .

“It’s been a while since this place so empty” – Miku

Now they’re in the position where all five of them are separated. Miku said so herself, their home now feels like an
empty shell – and I’m sure Yotsuba has felt the same way as well. But in her case, she feels totally helpless with her
inner guilt driving her to the edge of insanity. I can imagine that she’s having quite a personal dilemma that’s being
shown off-screen; and she’s also in the same spot as Fuutarou who is struggling to find the cure to this separation.

Now the following paragraph is going to be all speculation from me. And this is going on the assumption that she is
indeed Young Nakano from Fuutarou’s childhood picture.

“Eureka!”, shouted Yotsuba as her ribbons straighten themselves towards the sky. She knows for a fact that she can’t
solve the problem on her own, and she knows that Fuutarou’s the only one capable of curing their ailment. But, she is
also aware that Fuutarou is in a tight pickle and is at the verge of throwing the towel in – however, all he needs is a little
push. What could this push be, you may ask? “Chi, chi, chi,” she cackles to herself. She returns to the spot where she last
saw Fuutarou and Itsuki together under yesterday’s moon and waits until Fuutarou makes an appearance. Once again,
she takes this opportunity to come out of the shadows – but this time, appearing as the Disguised Rena.

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First Encounter

Chapter 41 , pages 12 , 16, 17. Chapter 42 , pages 3 ,4,6 ,7,9.

“I’m releived to see you’re also doing well, Fuutarou-kun. I was surprised by your new look though. Fresh start for high
school?” – Disguised Rena
“I heard all about it. Ever since that time, you’ve worked hard and studied to the point of becoming number one in your
grade. That’s incredible, you know” – Disguised Rena

Before we first catch a glimpse of the Disguised Rena, my attention is drawn towards where we last saw Yotsuba – who
appears to be running off in a hurry. Of course, her excuse is to attend the track-and-field daily practice. Yotsuba flees

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and outruns Fuutarou (thanks to her athletic capabilities). Fuutarou, now at a loss of what to do, returns to the place
from last night in order to collect his thoughts. This is where the Disguised Rena makes her first appearance – slowly
approaching Fuutarou in a bold yet friendly manner. He bolts up and decides to flee – but she catches up with him
quickly, showing absolutely no hint of exhaustion. And remember, Disguised Rena is also wearing heels at the time –
and I can only imagine how difficult it would have been to stop Fuutarou while wearing high heels. I can only name a
single person who is able to make this feat among the quintuplets, and that is Yotsuba.

Chapter 42 , page s 8-10.

“The fourth sister is a muscle-brained idiot. She’s dependable in the sense that she’s motivated, but she worries me the
most. And plus… No, I’m just overthinking things. In any case, she’s an idiot” – Fuutarou
“You’re really facing them earnestly, aren’t you! I’m sure that you’ve become someone who’s necessary to them!” –
Disguised Rena
“Itsuki… said the same thing to me too” – Fuutarou

The particular dialogue from Fuutarou troubles me the most. This is taken from the panel where he describes every
single sister in the family with such confidence – yet this confidence is broken when he tries to describe Yotsuba. His
intention was to add more to his description, “And plus….”, but then quickly retracts his statement by believing that he’s
simply “overthinking things.” This is a single piece of dialogue that I have trouble with analyzing – what could possibly be
on Fuutarou’s mind that he’s forced to conclude that he’s overthinking it? For now, I digress.

We move along to the next dialogue, where Disguised Rena says that Fuutarou has “become someone who’s necessary
to them,” with Fuutarou replying with “Itsuki… she said the same thing to me too.” This is an obvious big hint towards
Itsuki being the Disguised Rena – but we’re also forgetting the person who was eavesdropping on them during the
night… and we have established Yotsuba as the ‘stalker in the woods.’ This dialogue is a huge misguidance towards
foreshadowing Disguised Rena’s true identity. And don’t get me started on the ribbon she’s wearing on her hat – it’s
quite an uncanny resemblance to Yotsuba’s ribbon!

Note: Here’s my chance to talk about how Disguised Rena is addressing our protagonist as “Uesegi Fuutarou-kun”. It’s
difficult to decipher her identity from this dialogue alone – since the quintuplets address Fuutarou differently. And it was
a smart move on her part for addressing him in his full name, making it difficult for him as well to uncover the truth.

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Chapter 42 , page 15 -17.

If we bring to light her personality again, she’s the kind of person who can’t say no to people who need help. Isn’t it
strange that she doesn’t stop to take care of Fuutarou who’s drenched in water? Instead, she falls under peer-pressure
and treads on – which is quite unlike of her character. Surely, the track-and-field team can go ahead while Yotsuba takes
care of a good friend and tutor – like she has done several times in the past? This quick turn of events is so odd and out
of place, that it makes you reconsider… how does Yotsuba keep on bumping into Fuutarou?

Considering the evidence at hand, it’s possible that Yotsuba actually attended the track-and-field practice but has
decided to go on ahead. In fact, she decided to run WAY ahead – giving her enough time to disguise herself as Rena and
have an insightful conversation with Fuutarou (she is the ‘mediator’ of the group after all). Yotsuba’s plan of escape was
to simply run away – knowingly or unknowingly hoping that Fuutarou would fall into the river and/or that she can
outrun him – giving her enough time to put on her track-and-field uniform. By doing so, she has created the perfect alibi
for herself; by showing Fuutarou that she was ‘occupied’ with running practice. And I emphasized the hand earlier in this
paragraph, because notice how Fuutarou reaches out with his wet and soaking hands towards Yotsuba’s who’s running

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away from him? That’s an action that was supposed to be reserved for the Disguised Rena from two panels before, yet
we see this action take place after his encounter with Yotsuba. Nevertheless, in both instances we see Fuutarou
attempting to grasp on to something he can’t comprehend.

Second Encounter

Chapter 79 , pages 5& 13 .

“We see each other all the time without you having to do this, no?” – Fuutarou

The second encounter isn’t quite as whimsical as the first one – and that’s because the Disguised Rena this time is
actually Itsuki (as evidenced later in page 17). Fuutarou is completely unphased by her second appearance, asking her
“why have you shown up again?” He understood that his previous encounter was his last – yet Rena has decided to
appear once again. And perhaps at this point he’s realized the inconsistencies between the disguises; notice how this
one doesn’t have the fur around the neck anymore? Recall that time when I’ve associated both Fuutarou and Yotsuba as
individuals who harboured the rabbit symbol? This would make the fur a symbolic reference of the rabbit, so seeing it

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gone in this chapter is quite unnerving – and this is further evidence that there are indeed two different Disguised
Rena’s in this series (for now, we’ve established both Yotsuba and Itsuki as the prime suspects – so I’ll address them as
with their first names to avoid confusion).

And notice the seating arrangement between Fuutarou and Yotsuba, versus Fuutarou and Itsuki. In the first scene, we
see Fuutarou seated on the right-side of the bench – then on the left-side of the bench during the encounter with Itsuki.
I believe this change of seating arrangement is intentionally done in the author’s best interest to avoid making Yotsuba’s
plot-twist appear so obvious. Because if you review this in another way, a reader could easily say “oh wow! Rena
appeared again AND she’s sitting on the same spot as Yotsuba! Yotsuba is confirmed as Disguised Rena?!” No – that
would make the foreshadowing too easy. This blatant disarrangement is a ploy to misdirect you – to make readers
believe there is only one Disguised Rena.

Awful Liar
And speaking of misdirection – we finally arrived on the subject of lies.

Chapter 21 , pages 6-7.

“Just lie to them or something!” – Fuutarou

This is the first instance we see Yotsuba’s incapability to lie towards her sisters – yet they fall for her lies despite her
showing such silly and nervous faces. Fuutarou’s the only one who can tear apart the lies in her words. But remember,
this is Yotsuba lying towards her sisters – and we haven’t seen and/or observed her lie towards Fuutarou. We return to
chapter 1 to discover that, in fact, Yotsuba has been lying to Fuutarou since the very beginning.

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Chapter 1 , page 43. Source: h ttps:// .

“Eeeh? Uesugi-san is a stalker?” – Yotsuba

We begin with this particular panel from Chapter 1, where Yotsuba questions the legitimacy of Fuutarou being a stalker.
My, my, how the tables have turned – we’ve established that Yotsuba was the one who is actually the stalker, the
stalker in the woods! And isn’t it interesting that Yotsuba’s the first one to call Fuutarou by his name?

Chapter 1 , page s 25-26.

“How do you know my name?” and “When did I…. what’s her angle…?” – Fuutarou

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It’s very out-of-character for Fuutarou to have irresponsibly drop his test. Remember, this is Yotsuba’s first encounter
with Fuutarou, but she’s ‘acting’ as if she’s known him for quite some time – and I can imagine it would be very difficult
to identify the owner by name alone. How could she have possibly known that the test belonged to this loner? Perhaps
Itsuki has told her? But even then, Itsuki herself hasn’t asked for his name…?

Chapter 1 , pages 9 -10.

“What’s your score? Let’s see… Uesugi Fuutarou-kun received… 100 points” – Itsuki

Aha, there it was. Itsuki was the last one who held Fuutarou’s test – and she must have brought it home with her where
Yotsuba was able to grab a hold of it. In this chapter, only Itsuki and Yotsuba has called Fuutarou by his name – meaning
that they were the only ones at the time who has seen his full name on the test. Yet, it’s interesting to me that the other
sisters haven’t addressed him by his name yet – raising my suspicion that Yotsuba took the test away from Itsuki’s hands
without her acknowledgement. And I can only raise assumptions towards how Yotsuba was able to recognize Fuutarou
as the owner of the test without having met him before… or has she? I invite you to draw the conclusion for yourselves.

Chapter 23 , pages 2 -3. Chapte r 36, page 7.

And this begs the question, is Yotsuba really lying when she suggests that she’s on a date with Fuutarou? It happened at
least in two separate occasions, Fuutarou himself surely doesn’t dismiss it as such.

Her conniving behaviour can also be seen from the way she dodges Fuutarou’s question in chapter 1: “how do you know
my name” – prompting her to abruptly change the subject in a playful manner. This prompts Fuutarou to think, “what’s
her angle?” Yes, what is indeed Yotsuba’s angle? We explore that in the next section of the Bell Kisser.

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The Bell Kisser

Chapter 56 , page 12. Source: r/459219/12 .

“As expected of Uesugi-san. You’re always right… Everyone fallowed after me. Without so much as batting an eye.” –

Yotsuba has been characterized as the ‘dumbest’ sister in the family – because, unmistakeably, she has the lowest
grades among the quintuplets, and inevitably the one who caused the demise of her siblings (she said so herself). With
guilt at hand, Yotsuba seeks to redeem herself in order to pay back the debt she believes she has owed her sisters.

In turn, she’s grown to become a person who’s uncertain of her own feelings and one who continues to help others –
but she has also grown to become quite deceptive. And her ‘dumbness’ is a mere ‘disguise’ of her true self – and her
true identity as the Bell Kisser.

Five Points of a Pentagram

So far, we have identified Yotsuba as the most devious and conspiratorial sibling amongst the quintuplets. But why is
that the case? My attention is drawn towards the time they all lit the fireworks together:

Chapter 12 , page 10.

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This is the scene that immediately caught my eye as their formation in lighting the fireworks resembled that of the
pentagram. The pentagram has represented many diverse meanings over the centuries. Since at least the Renaissance,
one of its associations is with the five elements. Traditionally, there is a hierarchy among the elements ranging from the
most spiritual and rarefied to the least spiritual and most material. This hierarchy determines the placement of elements
around the pentagram. Starting with spirit, the highest element, we descend to fire, then follow the lines of the
pentagram over to air, across to water, and down to earth, the lowest and most material of the elements. The final line
between earth and spirit completes the geometric shape (see attached image above).

With that in mind, the positioning between the sisters is important; with Yotsuba at the head representing Spirit, Itsuki
representing Water, Miku representing Fire, Ichika representing Earth, and Nino representing Air. This pentagram
symbolism could explain why Yotsuba is somehow involved in all of the quintuplet’s shenanigans – because she’s the
head of the family, the one who provides balance for all elements to exist, the ‘mediator’ of the group. The Spirit
represents the prime element present in all things, providing space, connection and balance for all elements to exist.
Additionally, the Spirit represents the sense of joy and union, transcendence, transformation, change, everywhere and
nowhere, within and without, immanence.
Sources: and

I believe this is her ‘angle’ in the series; by becoming the Spirit of the family, she can ensure a perfect balance of
happiness between them – and this would explain her meddlesome yet caring attitude throughout the series. In fact, it
has come to the point where she’s able to orchestrate the plot of the series with her very presence.

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The Orchestrator

So, with her role as the Spirit is now established, we can proceed with the shenanigans she’s been involved in
throughout the series:

Chapter 4 , page 22. Chap ter 3 , page 11. Chap ter 8, p age 6. Chapter 11 , page 3. Chap ter 1 2, page 5.

“Oh, it’s just you, Yotsuba. You’re always popping out from nowhere.” – Fuutarou

Yotsuba’s role as the ‘mediator’ and the Soul of the group is represented in chapter 22, where we see her observing a
busy colony of ants with a concerned gaze. This imagery and strange angle can be interpreted in a symbolic way; where
the ants represent the people Yotsuba cares about, ensuring their safe travels along the path they all chose to follow.
The angle here is of the worm’s-eye view – a view as seen from below or from a humble position – and we see Yotsuba’s
entire body almost covering the whole panel, expressing the monumentality of Yotsuba’s presence in the series.

Moving on to chapter 3, Yotsuba has the tendency to appear out of nowhere as Fuutarou puts it bluntly himself. This
trend appears to be consistent as she does the same thing in chapter 8 – and eerily whispering “looks like you’re in a bit
of a pinch…” When the group is in trouble, one can trust that Yotsuba is there to alleviate the problem. Earlier in the
fireworks/festival arc (chapter 8), Yotsuba has bought small fireworks for Fuutarou’s little sister – in which he angrily
remarks “that’s the one thing we don’t need today!” But little did he know, that is exactly hat they needed that day. It

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completely astounds me how convenient that is, perhaps she knew all along that the entire plan was going to go
haywire and she went out of her way to buy the fireworks as a backup plan? This clearly demonstrates her ability to
think really far ahead – and to prepare for the future.

The next bit I like to discuss is from chapter 12. I was thinking if I should have this panel prepared for the Disguised Rena
section on the subject of lies, but I thought it was more appropriate in this context of orchestrating. Why? This scene
takes place after Fuutarou’s incident with Ichika in the warehouse – and he confronts Yotsuba directly, scolding her to
“do a proper check before [she locks] up next time.” “What are you talking about?”, Yotsuba replied as she hastily
changes the subject. This raises a flag for me, as perhaps this is her way of lying in front of Fuutarou – but this also made
me reconsider that perhaps she orchestrated the event?

Chapter 27 , page 20.

“They got us there…” – Fuutarou

We’ve already established that Yotsuba has orchestrated the events of the first encounter with Rena – but it has only
dawned on me now that she may have orchestrated something else earlier in the series. Notice at the way Yotsuba is
looking directly back at the warehouse? She definitely knows Fuutarou and Ichika are inside there. In fact, before they
were locked together, Yotsuba herself suggested that Fuutarou should help with carrying the logs into the warehouse –
only to disappear later. And knowing that Fuutarou is incapable of moving the logs on his own, she must have suspected
that somebody else helped him put them into the warehouse. And who would that person be? Yotsuba surely
understands that Fuutarou is a loner in school – so she determines that it has to be one of her siblings. Whether it by
luck or by fate, it had to be Ichika of all people.

Recall her role as the ‘mediator’ of the family. She knows something’s amiss between them, and perhaps this is her own
creative way of solving the problem – by forcing Fuutarou to interact with Ichika. And her constant ‘butting-in’ with her
sisters has become comedically consistent with Itsuki herself:

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Chapter 34 , page 19. Chap ter 77, page 14.

“Ah! Itsuki! So that’s where you were!” and “I’ll look for Itsuki!” – Yotsuba

These two separate occasions mark the times where Yotsuba interrupts Itsuki from revealing her identity as the Young
Nakano. But of all the sisters, it had to be Yotsuba who constantly makes these interruptions. Surely, other sisters can
also perform these annoying interruptions? The simpler reason is to add tension in the series and to brew more
conspiratorial essences into the mix. But the other reason is that Yotsuba is preventing her from revealing the truth to
Fuutarou. Because we have established earlier that there are indeed two Disguised Rena’s in the series – and Yotsuba is
literally orchestrating the plot development by consistently interrupting Itsuki.

I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s the one who butts-in again into Itsuki in future chapters. But on this business with
consistencies, Yotsuba herself hasn’t been consistent with her own feelings throughout the series at all:

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Inconsistent Feelings

Chapter 17 , page 4 &6.

“What type of girls do you like?” – Miku

“Wha- now I’m curious about it!” – Yotsuba
“I worked so hard and it was just Raiha-chan? That’s so sly!” – Yotsuba

The inconsistency in Yotsuba’s feelings begin in chapter 17, when Miku asks Fuutarou about his ‘ideal girl’ type. Of
course, Fuutarou simply describes her own little sister. In complete shock, Yotsuba approaches Fuutarou in a cute fit of
rage, yelling that she “worked so hard” to find out his preferences in women. Here we see a hint towards Yotsuba’s
interest in Fuutarou – appearing either playfully or seriously is up to the interpretation of the readers.

Chapter 21 , pages 17-18.

“Because I like you. Just kidding.” – Yotsuba

And here lies the root of all inconsistencies. This is the first scene where we see one of the quintuplets flat-out confess
to Fuutarou. But what brought this on? Well, Fuutarou has a warm way with his words that touches the hearts of each
sister in a unique way – and this scene came about from him reassuring her that “[she was] the one who changed first,”
which prompts her to reply “do you know why I’ve been helping you out?” In the end, we realize that the reason she’s

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been so cooperative is because she has a debt to repay back to her sisters. But her to confess out of the blue is definitely
a surprise to readers – much like her tendencies to just “pop out of nowhere”.

Chapter 24 , pages 11-12.

“Then, I take it you don’t mind sleeping next to him?” – Nino

“That’s… a bit… I don’t know anymore” – Yotsuba

The next inconsistency we observe is the scene in the hot baths from chapter 24. The quintuplets are faced with the
challenge of sleeping with a boy – and Nino warns them of male tendencies to pounce onto women. Yotsuba reassures
her that Fuutarou “isn’t that kind of person,” but Nino persisted and suggested the idea of her sleeping next to him. She
fumbles back into the comfort of the warm bath, completely at a loss as to what to say as her face blushes in
embarrassment. The thought of sleeping next to the person she potentially ‘likes’ drives her to a corner as she forces to
reconsider her own feelings. And this is the point where Yotsuba begins to realize that – what if – she truly harbours
feelings for Fuutarou?

In the interest of finding the answer on her own – without harming her siblings – is to start preparing schemes behind
their backs. And how does she accomplish this? By exploiting Fuutarou’s weakness – his incapability to differentiate
between the quintuplets.

Genuine Love
Our first hint begins in chapter 35, where Yotsuba suggests the following:

Chapter 35 , page 6. Chap ter 6 6, page 17.

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“I’ll teach you something handy, our mom told us how she was able to tell us apart before… Love. As long as you have it,
you can naturally tell everyone apart.” – Yotsuba

At this point of the series, Fuutarou was trying to determine if one of the quintuplets is the Young Nakano from his
childhood (instigated by the prying of Itsuki). Yotsuba gives him a helpful tip that’s apparently from Rena herself – and
later revealing in chapter 66 that their grandfather is the one who originally passed down the message first. But perhaps
in Yotsuba’s mind, the ‘love’ she’s talking about is something that’s more ‘genuine’. And now she’s on the road towards
challenging Fuutarou’s ‘genuine love’ – and to determine if Fuutarou is capable of telling them apart. And more
importantly – as established earlier – Yotsuba is ‘testing the waters’ to see if Fuutarou sees her in a different light,
taking it one small step at a time:

Chapter 1 , page 27. Chap ter 5 1, pages 18-19. Chapter 68 , pa ge 23.

The first step is obviously in chapter 1, where she appears suddenly – and quite closely – right in front of Fuutarou. This
visual spectacle is a first indicator that she has an interest in the matter of kissing, or rather in the matter of seeing into
one’s soul through the eyes (as established earlier).

The second step is the kiss on the check in chapter 51. From her dialogue alone, she conveys that the act was simply a
method of thanking Fuutarou for being their tutor – but in fact, this is also indirectly thanking him for all the wonderful

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things he has done to keep the quintuplets together. And Yotsuba, as the Soul leader and Orchestrator of the group,
knows fully well about Fuutarou’s accomplishments. She quickly recognizes the mistake she’s made as she completely
forgotten about Miku’s affection towards Fuutarou. We don’t see it in the panels, but I believe Yotsuba begins to
question her inconsistent feelings towards Fuutarou – asking herself as to why she ended up kissing him on the cheeks
in the first place, when she hasn’t even considered doing that in the first place?

Taking everything we’ve learned about Yotsuba so far into account, her conniving tendencies as the fourth sister pushes
herself to her limits and now we see her leaning in for a kiss on the lips in chapter 68. Her role as the ‘mediator’ of the
group forces her to come-to-terms with her inconsistent feelings – finalizing it with a kiss on the lips.

And in the end, we get this strange reaction:

Chapter 68 , page 26. Chap ter 72, page 17.

“There’s no way that’d happen” – Yotsuba

Kissing Fuutarou at this point of the series is a VERY big deal at this point of the chapter, as we know that at least three
sisters have space in their hearts for Fuutarou to reside in. And yet, the reaction we get from the kiss is a blush of
disappointment? I can’t think that this could possibly be Nino, Miku, nor Ichika for I believe that they yearn for this
moment to come and that their reactions would totally be different after kissing Fuutarou on the lips.

My suspicions are drawn towards Itsuki or Yotsuba, but leaning more towards the latter as this reaction makes the most
sense for Yotsuba’s character development in the series. I turn to chapter 72, where we get a similar reaction from her
upon being asked if she’s dating Fuutarou – a look of disappointment.

And I ask myself, “what is this reason for disappointment?” I believe it is because this is Yotsuba finally throwing in the
towel, setting aside her own feelings in the interest of maintaining the balance between her sisters. An informal
goodbye to Fuutarou as the Disguised Rena, and a formal goodbye to Fuutarou as the Bell Kisser. But in the end, she
will make a return as his Bride… Fuutarou said it himself, that “it was from that moment on that I started thinking she
was special” (Chapter 68).

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Chapter 21 , pages 11 and 13.

You may be wondering why I used the phrase “On the subject of Ribbons and Lies” as the title of my theory, when
‘ribbons’ and ‘lies’ hasn’t been consistently talked about? Because I believe Yotsuba is the embodiment of lies that is
wrapped up in the ribbon she wears as a guise. Her very presence in the series is the driving force of the plot – where
her guilt as the ‘dumbest’ sister of the bunch is the vehicle towards her realizing her true feelings towards Fuutarou.

“Looks like we went about this wrong. Rather than trying to clumsily spin a web of lies, this suits Yotsuba more.”

– Fuutarou

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Chapter 35 , page 5. Chap ter 5 6, page 9.

“Yotsuba, confess!” – Fuutarou

“You’re acting as if I’m the obvious suspect!” – Yotsuba

If these visual foreshadowing and ques continue in the series, I expect the ‘ribbon’ to become a significant symbol in the
future. It is the bow that Fuutarou unties to unravel Yotsuba’s true feelings, and then ‘tie the knot’ again to secure their
bond together as the couples they are meant to be – as the bunny groom and the bunny bride.

“I could see those.” – Fuutarou

“Aah! My head was hidden but not my ribbons!” – Yotsuba

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Chapter 13 , page 17. Chap ter 25, page 7. Chap ter 72, page 1 6.

“There is someone who supports me even though I lack the talent.” – Yotsuba

“Uesugi-san the study-alien has finally made it to the field trip, so I’m going to do my best to support you!” – Yotsuba

Yotsuba is an amazing character in the series. She is the person who brings the brightest light in the midst of Fuutarou’s
darkest times – and she’s the person who ‘supports’ Fuutarou throughout all the struggles he faces in life.

“I’ll always be on your side, supporting you with everything I’ve got!” – Yotsuba

“…You’re getting ahead of yourself.” - Fuutarou

Last updated: 2019-08-30 Page 39 of 41

Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

And if this business of using the family order continues, then I’m betting that the volume 10’s cover would be Yotsuba as
the bride (since volume 7 is Ichika, followed by Nino, then Miku in the previous covers). The concluding volume 11
would be of Itsuki as the bride, where I’m hoping there’s a confrontation between her and Yotsuba – on the topic of the
Disguised Rena and/or the Bell Kisser. I think that would be an interesting turn of events!

Chapter 36 , page 9. Chap ter 3 7, page 16. Chap ter 68, page 2 3.

“Just what do I want?” – Yotsuba

“Like, seriously, what do you want?” – Fuutarou

Then in the end, Fuutarou himself confronts Yotsuba once again. He looks at her straight in the eyes with her ribbon
grasped in his right hand. He asks her the question that has haunted her since the very beginning, “what do you actually
want?” Yotsuba falls on her knees – we see a flashback of chapter 37 where Yotsuba says “I’ve already gotten what I
wanted.” Yotsuba unravels the bow as tears begin to drop from her cheeks. “Uesugi-san… No… Uesugi Fuutarou-kun.
What I actually want is…”

Last updated: 2019-08-30 Page 40 of 41

Quintessential Quintuplets Written by Nicosarea
Yotsuba Theory: On the Subject of Ribbons and Lies Completed on: 2019-04-19

I end this theory with my fanart of Yotsuba and Fuutarou. I hope you enjoyed reading my theory – although everything is
just speculation! Shout-out to Haruba Negi for creating this beautifully drawn and written manga – it was such a delight
to read and analyze previous chapters!

Last updated: 2019-08-30 Page 41 of 41

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