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BARCOMA, Diana Mae C.

GE 15 (4775)
Week 1-3 Let’s Analyze

1. Environmental science is the study of an environment, which embraces all disciplines

concerned with physical, chemical and biological surroundings in which organisms live.
It focuses on studying living organisms of both in the present and in the past. There are
a lot of problems concerning the environment nowadays, such as the pollution, loss of
biodiversity, climate change and the continuous increase of waste that leads to
improper waste disposal. I believe that it is important to include dimensions in the study
of environmental science, since it is a multidisciplinary inquiry. This means that
environmental science incorporates other fields of science, and it is important to
investigate how these fields interact with the environment through various processes
and relationships.

2. Science is the study of physical and natural world through observations and experiments
with systematic processes. It seeks knowledge concerning general truths and
fundamental laws. Some of the most important principles of science are repeatability,
empiricism, and uncertainty. Repeatability pertains to the attestation of the accuracy of
an experiment’s results by repeating the same experiment with the exact conditions.
Empiricism means that to be able to get a good evidence, it is highly needed that
observations must be real truly experienced. Lastly, uncertainty means that “change is
constant”, and that includes knowledge and theories.


Ask Questions

Propose a Hypothesis

Make Predictions and Test the


Interpret the Results

BARCOMA, Diana Mae C.
GE 15 (4775)
Week 1-3 Let’s Analyze

3. The first and most crucial step in doing scientific research is to make an observation,
which involves collecting and recording data from a useful and objective source of
information. The second step is to ask questions. This sets the limitations of your study
given the variables of interest, and allows you to construct predictions. In this step, the
direction of your research will then be established. Third is to propose a hypothesis.
This hypothesis lies your assumptions of the outcome of the research, and it is crucial
that this hypothesis will be tested to know if your assumption is right or wrong. Next, is
to make predictions and test the hypothesis. This can be done through a series of
experiments, with different types of variables and conditions that will be involved,
depending on your research. Lastly, interpret the results. This step involves
summarizing the findings of the procedure, and this is where the hypothesis can be
proven right or wrong.

4. Ethics needs to be studied in the environmental science for us to know the moral
implications of the environment to us people. Thanks to the technology, we live in the
world where there are a lot of ways to extract resources from the environment.
However, too much of these would harm the environment in the long run, specifically
because most of our resources consists of non-renewable ones. Eventually, they will
deplete, and the process harms the environment and the living organisms within it.
Ethics in this study exists to prevent that from happening, or at least, mitigate its
negative effects. It exists so that people will then have limitations and will not abuse the
environment further.
BARCOMA, Diana Mae C.
GE 15 (4775)
Week 1-3 Let’s Analyze

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