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Lesson: “Superfood from Peru”

Student: Santiago Alonso Gomez Torres Class: 3°”G”

Asking about superfood from Peru. Examples:

 What colour is maca?

It’s black, red or yellow.

 Why is “quinoa” important in

Because it is a powerful food for
muscles, bones and energy.

Now you can!

Ask four (4) questions to your family or friends about feelings or superfood
from Peru and write the answers (Remember, use question words).

1. Mom, what is your Peruvian fruit that you like the most?
 My favorite fruit is TUNA
2. sister, Why is "Mashua" important in nutrition?
 because it has iron, phosphorus, fibers and helps us in our health
3. Grandfather, do you know how many varieties of potato exist in Peru?
 Yes, there are 4000 types of potato variety.
4. What do you like the most about Peru?
 What I like most about Peru is its gastronomy, its people and the diversity we

Please use the Vocabulary of superfood and follow the examples.

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