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What Is The Value Of One Great Idea?

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What is the value of �one great idea� on personal development? Priceless in my
opinion. When I really look back at the things which have helped me with success
and happiness, it really comes down to a few key ideas and concepts that just
�clicked� at one point in my life. The funny thing is that a life changing concept
for me will often be practically ignored when shared with another. Everyone is
unique as to what concepts are most needed in their life, and their readiness to...

self help, personal development. self improvement

Article Body:
What is the value of �one great idea� on personal development? Priceless in my
opinion. When I really look back at the things which have helped me with success
and happiness, it really comes down to a few key ideas and concepts that just
�clicked� at one point in my life. The funny thing is that a life changing concept
for me will often be practically ignored when shared with another. Everyone is
unique as to what concepts are most needed in their life, and their readiness to
receive it. Each of us needs to find those ideas which are going to take us to the
next level in our own personal development. And I believe there always is a next

I don�t mean to diminish the importance of basic values, this is foundational to

personal growth and happiness, and I believe having some spiritual beliefs is
important here. But the key thing is that all these techniques such as
affirmations, hypnosis, inspirational stories, motivational speeches, etc. only go
so far. Real, substantial change only happens with a great idea which fundamentally
changes the way you act and think. I don�t just mean a �nice idea�, rather one that
just hits home with you, and helps you look at life differently or changes your

When I read a personal development book, I�m happy if I just get one great idea out
of the entire book, this sadly isn�t always the case. Sometimes a great idea will
hit me in the early part of a book, and I�ll set the book aside until I can fully
process the idea in my mind. Great books are this way, full of so many great ideas
that reading too much in one sitting is a bad idea! But great ideas don�t need to
only come from books, they can come from so many sources, perhaps even a friend or

How can we better leverage this concept in our lives? Keep a journal and write down
special ideas as you come across them. Just trust yourself if an idea seems like it
hits home for you. If it doesn�t feel right for you, just pass it by, even if it
came from a super successful person. What�s right for one person may not be right
for you, we are all unique human beings, although it�s wise to listen carefully to
a successful person who you�d like to be like. Take notes about how this idea might
help you in your own life. Otherwise you risk forgetting about it if you aren�t
applying it regularly. My grandfather kept a little black book of ideas and quotes
he wrote down, and when he passed away it meant a lot to me that I was able to have
this and read the wisdoms he had collected during his long life as a minister.

I think one of the reasons people like quotations is because they sum up a great
idea from a famous person in one or two sentences. Develop your own �life
quotations� which express your personal great ideas and beliefs you wish to live
your life by. Own these personal quotes by writing them down, and live them by
practicing them.

A belief is simply an idea which you have 100% certainty in, so the trick is
converting an idea to a belief through successful application of the idea. If
you�re not sure an idea will work for you, just dive right in and give it a try,
just thinking about it will usually get you nowhere!

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