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Topic: Abortion

Claim: Abortion should be one's choice.

Counterargument: Some may say and believe that abortion shouldn't be a choice
because they consider it murder and taking away an innocent life.


1. People have the freedom and ability to do anything that will either benefit them or
someone else.

2. A victim of rape, they were held against their own will and forced to do something
they gave no consent to the other person to do, they then are traumatized by the
event, only to find out months later that they are pregnant and have no one to take
care of the baby whom they had nothing to do with.

3. Having the baby would dramatically impact one’s life especially the iife of a teen
who just begun their life, it would severely impact teens’ education, social life, or


1. “The Supreme Court’s landmark 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade that affirmed
abortion as a constitutional right for all was supposed to be the beginning of the
fight for women’s equality and autonomy, not the end.”

2. “Rape or incest victims are often encouraged to abort their baby. However,
abortion adds another layer of hurt and harm to a woman. Not only has she
endured terrible trauma but now she is being coached into taking the life of her
child. Abortion is traumatic – physically and emotionally. An adoption is a loving
option that puts her in control. She is empowered to turn a tragedy into a gift of life.
If she chooses to parent, again she wins. She embraces motherhood and gives her
child life.”

3. Findings from 32 studies in 27 countries were used to examine the reasons that
women give for having an abortion, regional patterns in these reasons, and the
relationship between such reasons and women's social and demographic

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