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Coronaviruses are an extensive family of

viruses that can cause disease in both animals
and humans. In humans, several
coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory
infections that can range from the common
cold to more serious illnesses such as Middle
East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19.


On December 31, 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) received reports of the presence of
pneumonia, of unknown origin, in the city of Wuhan, China. Quickly, in early January, authorities
in this country identified the cause as a new strain of coronavirus. The disease has been spreading to
other continents such as Asia, Europe and America.
As for its start, the possible animal origin of COVID-19 has not yet been confirmed.


The main symptoms of the coronavirus virus include:

• Respiratory symptoms (similar to those of a cold)

• Fever (high temperature)
• Dry cough
• Shortness of breath or tiredness
• Respiratory difficulties

In more severe cases, the virus can cause pneumonia or severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS),
which is a severe form of pneumonia, kidney failure, and even death. In other cases, some infected
people do not develop any symptoms, but they can still infect the rest of the population.


According to information from the WHO, the coronavirus is transmitted by person-to-person
contact with someone infected (even if there are no symptoms). Therefore, the best way to avoid
contracting this virus is by following good hygiene practices that include:

• Staying away from sick people

• Do not touch your face (mouth, nose, or eyes)
• Maintain a minimum distance of one meter with the rest of the people. (Social distancing)
• Wash your hands frequently and
thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with
an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or
wash them with soap and water. It is
important to do this even if there is no
visible dirt on the hands
• Practice respiratory hygiene. This
means covering your mouth and nose
with your bent elbow or handkerchief
when you cough or sneeze. Discard
used tissue immediately
• Always wash your hands after coughing or sneezing; if you are caring for someone; when
you are preparing food, cooking meats and / or eggs. Also after eating; after using the toilet;
if your hands are dirty, and / or have been near a farm or wild animals
• Stay home and practice social isolation or quarantine
• Stay home if you are not feeling well
• Follow the updated instructions from the health authorities of your country

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