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Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture J Sci Food Agric 79:1861±1864 (1999)

HPLC determination of caffeine in tea, chocolate

products and carbonated beverages
Mônica C Rojo De Camargo* and Maria Cecı́lia F Toledo
Departamento de Ciência de Alimentos, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP),
CP 6121, CEP 13081-970 Campinas, SP, Brazil

Abstract: Different brands of mate and black tea, chocolate products and carbonated beverages
available on the Brazilian market were analysed for caffeine by high-performance liquid chroma-
tography with a UV-vis detector at 254 nm. The column was a reverse phase C18 and the mobile phase
consisted of methanol±water (30:70, v/v), acetonitrile±water (10:90, v/v) and methanol±water (25:75,
v/v) for tea, chocolate products and soft drinks respectively. Caffeine content ranged from 1.05 to
15.83 mg per cup in mate tea, from 32.21 to 36.23 mg per cup in black tea, from 0.14 to 0.95 mg gÿ1 in
chocolate products from 2.73 to 7.49 mg per can in guaranaÂ-type soft drinks and from 19.81 to 45.89 mg
per can in cola soft drinks. These data indicate that the levels of caffeine in Brazilian teas, chocolates
and soft drinks are within the ranges reported for similar products in other countries.
# 1999 Society of Chemical Industry

Keywords: caffeine; tea; carbonated beverages; cocoa; chocolate products; HPLC

INTRODUCTION food and beverages in Brazil is to develop a database to

Caffeine, an alkaloid structurally identi®ed as 1,3,7- estimate the caffeine intake from these products. It has
trimethylxanthine, is the most widely consumed been recognised that an excessive consumption of
psychoactive substance in the world from coffee, tea, caffeine by people from dietary sources may reach
chocolate products and carbonated beverages.1±3 The levels that induce pharmacological effects.10
reported caffeine content in these main dietary sources
varies signi®cantly: 93.0±163.5 mg per cup in ground
coffee, 46.7±67.6 mg per cup in instant coffee, 30.2± MATERIALS AND METHODS
67.4 mg per cup in bag tea and 0.32±0.54 mg gÿ1 in Sample preparation
dark sweet chocolate.4±7 The differences have been Different brands and batches of soft drinks, mate and
attributed to the variety of coffee bean or tea leaf, black tea and chocolate products were purchased from
method of preparation (eg the brewing of coffee and supermarkets in the city of Campinas, SP. All samples
tea), volume of a cup and analytical methods utilised were analysed in duplicate.
for caffeine determination.8 Although the level of
caffeine in chocolate is less variable, it still depends on Soft drinks
the origin of the beans. In the case of carbonated Caffeine was determined in soft drinks according to
beverages the variability occurs among brands, since Galasko et al.11 Samples were decarbonated in an
most of the caffeine content in these products is added ultrasonic bath for 10 min and injected into a liquid
from other natural sources, ie less than 5% of total chromatograph.
caffeine present is from cola nuts.8
In view of the lack of information on the caffeine Tea
content of Brazilian foods, the objective of the present The extraction procedure for mate and black tea (bags
study was to determine the level of caffeine in different and leaves) was based on the Chinese national
brands of tea, chocolate products and carbonated standard method described by Guo and Wan.12 Prior
beverages commonly consumed in Brazil. Coffee, the to analysis the tea was infused according to package
main source of caffeine in the Brazilian diet, has directions. Bag mate and black tea (1.80 g) were
already been surveyed for its caffeine content by the extracted with 150 ml of boiling water, and mate leaf
same authors.9 tea was extracted using 8.52 g (approximately a spoon)
The interest in investigating the caffeine content of to 1 l of water. When the extract reached room

* Correspondence to: Mônica C Rojo De Camargo, Departamento de Ciência de Alimentos, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), CP 6121, CEP 13081-970 Campinas, SP, Brazil
Contract/grant sponsor: FAPESP; contract/grant number: 94/5443-8
(Received 30 July 1997; revised version received 20 November 1998; accepted 3 June 1999)

# 1999 Society of Chemical Industry. J Sci Food Agric 0022±5142/99/$17.50 1861

MCR De CamargoÂ, MCF Toledo

temperature, an aliquot of 20 ml was mixed with 0.1 M Table 1. Recovery of caffeine from different

hydrochloric acid (10 ml) and saturated basic acetate products

solution (8 ml). The solution was centrifuged at Product Mean recovery (%) a
1057.5  g for 5 min. After adding NaHCO3 (ratio of
0.1 g NaHCO3 to 10 ml of solution) to the super- Tea 102.5  6.86
natant, the solution was centrifuged again at Chocolate 104.8  1.08
1057.5  g for 5 min. This solution was diluted to a
Average of ®ve different concentrations.
volume with water into a 50 ml volumetric ¯ask, mixed
and injected into a liquid chromatograph.
bars with caffeine. Samples were spiked, just before
Chocolate products the addition of the saturated basic acetate solution, by
The extraction of caffeine from chocolate products adding 1 ml of a caffeine standard water solution at ®ve
was based on the procedure described by Kreiser and different concentrations (0.05±0.25 mg mlÿ1). The
Martin.13 A clean-up step was added before injection spiked samples as well as the unspiked controls were
into the chromatograph. Samples of chocolate bars analysed in duplicate.
(0.60 g) and chocolate powders (1.0 g) were weighed Recoveries were calculated from the differences in
into test tubes equipped with Te¯on-lined screw caps. total amount of caffeine between the spiked and
The fat was extracted by shaking twice with 30 ml unspiked samples (Table 1).
portions of petroleum ether and centrifuging at
470.0  g for 10 min. The residual solvent was evapo-
rated by placing the test tubes in a warm water bath. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
To the residue, water (30 ml) and saturated basic The analytical method chosen for the quantitation of
acetate solution (5 ml) were added, and this was caffeine in chocolate products was based on the
followed by centrifugation at 1057.5  g for 5 min. method of Kreiser and Martin13 for the determination
NaHCO3 was added to the supernatant and the of theobromine and caffeine in cocoa and chocolate
centrifugation was repeated. To the supernatant, products. As the purpose of the present study did not
0.1 M HCl was added. The solution was then diluted include the determination of theobromine, less water
to volume with water into a 100 ml volumetric ¯ask, than the quantity suggested by Kreiser and Martin13
mixed and injected into a liquid chromatograph. was used. Besides, a clean-up procedure with satu-
rated basic acetate (a good clarifying agent for
High-performance liquid chromatography removing interfering substances) was introduced
Analysis was carried out using an HPLC apparatus before injecting the solution into the liquid chromato-
equipped with a Waters 6000A pump, a Waters Model graph. These procedures did not result in loss of
440 ®xed wavelength detector at 254 nm, a C18 caffeine, as shown by the recovery results (Table 1).
reverse phase column (Merck, 15 cm  4.6 mm id, The mobile phase suggested by Kreiser and Martin13
particle size 5 mm) and a sample injector system did not result in effective caffeine separation for all
(Rheodyne) with a 5 ml sample loop. The mobile phase chocolate products. A better resolution was obtained
used was methanol±water (25:75, v/v) for soft drinks, using acetonitrile±water (10:90, v/v) (Fig 1(A)).
methanol±water (30:70, v/v) for tea and acetonitrile± Average values of caffeine concentration in chocolate
water (10:90, v/v) for chocolate products at a ¯ow rate products are given in Table 2. Among chocolates, the
of 1.0 ml minÿ1. The peak of caffeine in the samples semisweet ones showed the highest amounts of
was identi®ed by comparing the retention time with caffeine (0.83±0.95 mg gÿ1) as compared with the dark
that of a standard (Sigma Chemical Co). sweets (0.33±0.47 mg gÿ1) and white ones (0.14±
0.28 mg gÿ1). The caffeine levels reported in the
Quantitation literature for dark sweets range from 0.32 to
The external standard plot method was used. Tripli- 0.54 mg gÿ1,5±7 while for the white ones the average
cate injections of 5 ml caffeine standard solution were is 0.05 mg gÿ1.7
used to construct linear regression lines (peak area Values for caffeine content in tea are shown in Table
ratios versus caffeine concentrations). The concentra- 3. The extraction of caffeine was done according to the
tion ranges of the standard curves were 0.001± Chinese national standard method,12 except that four
0.100 mg mlÿ1 for tea, 0.001±0.150 mg mlÿ1 for times more saturated basic acetate solution (8 ml) was
chocolate products and 0.004±0.080 mg mlÿ1 for soft used and HPLC was chosen instead of UV to analyse
drinks. The detection limit, de®ned as the concentra- caffeine. Among the mobile phases tested, methanol±
tion corresponding to a peak height of three times the water (30:70, v/v) was the one that gave the best
baseline noise level, was 0.10 mg mlÿ1. resolution for the three types of tea in a short retention
time (Fig 1(B)). According to the results, black tea,
Recovery study irrespective of the brand, showed the highest amounts
In order to verify the accuracy and precision of the of caffeine (32.21±36.23 mg per cup) (cup = 150 ml),
analytical procedure, recovery studies were carried out while the lowest concentrations of this alkaloid (1.05±
by spiking selected samples of mate tea and chocolate 6.75 mg per cup) were found in mate leaf tea. The

1862 J Sci Food Agric 79:1861±1864 (1999)

HPLC determination of caffeine

Table 3. Caffeine content in tea

Tea (brand) Caffeine (mg gÿ1) a Caffeine (mg per cup) b

Mate (bag)
A 0.70  0.06 1.73  0.23
B 6.75  1.34 13.22  2.46
C 7.63  0.94 15.83  1.10
X = 5.03  3.77 X = 10.26  7.50
Mate (leaf)
A 0.88  0.37 1.05  0.97
B 5.38  0.44 6.75  0.87
C 5.22  0.26 6.50  0.87
X = 3.83  2.55 X = 4.90  3.26
Black (bag)
A 15.34  1.34 35.34  2.20
B 15.44  0.51 32.21  2.79
C 7.58  0.04 34.59  3.16
D 17.35  3.33 36.23  8.39
X = 13.93  4.33 X = 34.59  1.72
Average of six determinations.
Cup = 150 ml.

differences in caffeine content (mg gÿ1) between mate

bag and mate leaf tea were not signi®cant based on
Student's t-test. The caffeine levels of black tea were
within the range reported by other authors for the
same product (17.0±46.5 mg per cup).2,4,14
Table 4 presents the caffeine levels determined in
soft drinks. The results show that the caffeine content
in diet cola A (45.89 mg per can) (can = 350 ml) is
approximately 30% higher than in regular cola A
(33.08 mg per can). Similar results were found by
Figure 1. HPLC chromatograms of (A) dark sweet chocolate, (B) black tea Galasko et al 11 for regular cola A (35.0 mg per can)
and (C) diet cola. and diet cola A (45.5 mg per can). For regular cola B
the caffeine content determined by both Galasko et
al 11 and Vergnes and Alary15 was around 24.5 mg per
Table 2. Caffeine content in chocolate products
can, which is also similar to the results of the present
study. Fig 1(C) shows a typical chromatogram of a
Chocolate (type) Caffeine (mg gÿ1) a cola drink. The guaranaÂ-type soft drinks (typical
Brazilian naturally containing caffeine soft drinks),
A 0.33  0.07
B 0.34  0.01
C 0.35  0.03 Table 4. Caffeine content in soft drinks
D 0.36  0.03
E 0.39  0.03 Soft drink
F 0.47  0.04 (brand) Caffeine (mg mlÿ1) a Caffeine (mg per can) b
G 0.43  0.01
Cola A 0.095  0.004 33.08  0.17
X = 0.38  0.05
Diet Cola A 0.131  0.003 45.89  1.04
Cola B 0.071  0.002 24.85  0.58
H 0.14  0.00
Diet Cola B 0.060  0.020 19.81  0.37
I 0.15  0.01
X = 0.089  0.031 X = 30.91  11.39
J 0.16  0.00
L 0.28  0.04 Guarana C 0.008  0.000 2.86  0.07
M 0.24  0.04 Diet Guarana C 0.009  0.001 3.10  0.15
X = 0.19  0.06 Guarana D 0.008  0.001 2.73  0.49
Semisweet Diet Guarana D 0.011  0.003 3.71  0.81
N 0.83  0.03 Guarana E 0.009  0.000 3.15  0.11
O 0.87  0.08 Diet Guarana E 0.021  0.002 7.49  0.63
P 0.95  0.07 X = 0.011  0.005 X = 3.84  1.82
X = 0.88  0.06 a
Average of six determinations.
a b
Average of six determinations. Can = 350 ml.

J Sci Food Agric 79:1861±1864 (1999) 1863

MCR De CamargoÂ, MCF Toledo

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