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Taking Charge of Your Child’s Health...


K i d s
Herbal M e d i c i n e s f o r

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Contents Contents

Meet Aviva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Caring for Your Kids…Naturally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Recognizing When Your Child is Sick . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Diaper Rash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Colic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Fever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Colds and Flu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Cough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Earache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Pink-eye (Conjunctivitis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only,
and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician.

© 2015 by Aviva Romm

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Meet Aviva

Dear Friends,
When I was a little girl anytime I got a mosquito bite it swelled up to
the size of a goose egg and itched like crazy. My great-grandmother,
a Hungarian herbalist, would immediately apply witch hazel
compresses, which brought certain relief from the inflammation and
itching. This is just one of many old-world treatments she practiced.

She also had a lot of common wisdom. Now some of the things she
did when I was a kid are becoming vogue as we learn the value of
supporting our body’s natural healing abilities and of protecting
ourselves and our environment from unnecessary chemical exposures.

So who is this woman talking to you about natural health for kids? Perhaps my most important credential is
that I am a mom. My greatest joy in life has been raising my four wonderful, creative, lovely children — and
now I am a grand-mom, too. I understand from a mom’s point of view how worried and vulnerable a parent can
feel when a child is sick, what kind of information a parent needs when things feel like they’re hitting the fan,
and how confusing it can be to know how and when to use natural remedies or when to get medical care. I also
know how helpful it is to have a trusted resource to turn to when a child is sick.

I am also a midwife who has helped hundreds of babies into the world, an herbalist who has written a half-
dozen books on natural health for women and children, translated into many languages, AND I am a medical
doctor, trained at Yale, with a specialty in family medicine. My focus is women’s health and pediatrics.

I am so glad you have chosen to learn to take care of precious little ones using natural approaches and common
sense for common problems. Using herbs for kids’ health is a win-win choice: kids benefit, parents benefit, and
the planet benefits, too!

I hope that my 30 years of practicing natural medicine for babies and children can be of service to you as one of
your trusted voices in health care.

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Caring for Kids... Naturally
This booklet is an “e-intro” to The Healthiest Kids: A Further, natural parenting is best supported when:
Parent’s Guide to Natural Medicines, a comprehensive, •P  arenting happens in the context of a supportive
accessible course that will teach you how to take community (your tribe!).
charge of your kid’s health! •P  arents can build supportive partnerships with
integrative family docs and pediatricians for
The Healthiest Kids: A Parent’s Guide to Natural times when the going gets rough.
Medicines is based on the belief that parents can
capably manage most of their children’s health
concerns and be informed partners when they must
Caring For My Children
Twenty-nine years ago, when the first of my four kids
consult a health professional. It is built on several
was a tiny tot, I was eager to learn everything I could
key principles:
about natural treatments for common kid’s conditions.
•C  ommon kid’s health problems can be treated
There wasn’t much information available on how to
with common, natural home remedies.
use natural remedies, and most folks I knew took their
•P  harmaceutical drugs are over-prescribed for
kids to the doctor’s office for every fever and sniffle,
commons kid’s health problems.
accepting whatever medication was handed out as the
•N  obody knows a baby or child like his/her own
solution. I knew that there was a healthier way to treat
momma (and often dad, too).
my son rather than to treat every symptom with an
•P  arents can safely and confidently take charge
of their children’s health.
•P  arents need the necessary tools and education
I remember feeling anxious and vulnerable treating
to support kid’s health and recognize illness.
that first fever and upper respiratory infection,
•E  veryone has a right to affordable health care
choosing not to use conventional therapies. What if I
and adequate information for making informed
missed a dangerous illness? How would I know if my
Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
little one was really sick and needed a medicine? Could Fortunately, these latter practices are no longer done. We
I really trust the bond I felt between my baby and me now know that rubbing alcohol used as described can
to guide my intuition and common sense in decision- cause nervous system damage, and that aspirin given to
making around health care issues? Could I really trust kids with viral infections can cause Reyes’ syndrome,
herbs and foods to help? which can lead to permanent brain damage. In fact, it
is not uncommon in medicine for practices to fall out
Around that time I took a class with a wise older of favor when it is found that they were not as safe as
doctor who told me that in all of his 30 years of originally thought. So instead of these treatments, in our
practice, he’d only once had a case where he found home we used herbs like lemon balm and elder flowers
an illness in a child that the momma hadn’t picked up for fever, garlic earache oil, and my homemade cough
on first. I’ve since heard this sentiment repeated many syrup for chest congestion and cough.
times by experienced family doctors and pediatricians.
It gave me a lot of confidence to trust myself to take But antibiotics remain widely overprescribed today,
care of my kids, and over the years now as a midwife, with as many as 50% of all antibiotics prescribed to kids
herbalist, mom, and medical doctor, I too have being unnecessary. New concerns are being raised that
experienced a powerful phenomenon: The momma early childhood exposure to antibiotics may increase the
almost always knows her baby best. risk of developing asthma and irritable bowel diseases.
There is also new concern that acetaminophen (Tylenol)
use in kids, even short-term, can also increase the risk of
Antibiotic Overuse developing asthma, autism, and ADHD.
When my kids were little, antibiotics were given for
every fever, earache, and respiratory infection. Other
While medications are lifesaving when needed, when
harmful practices were also commonly recommended,
overprescribed and misused they can contribute to
for example, washing kids down with rubbing alcohol
health problems, environmental contamination, and the
and giving aspirin for fever.
deadly international problem of antibiotic resistance —
when antibiotics no longer work for serious infections.

Your M
m! Yo
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Your C w
hild B

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Parents are seeking natural alternatives and even physicians are starting to turn to
natural approaches for kid’s health, realizing that many commonly used medications are
ineffective at best, harmful at worst, and that many herbs, minerals, and vitamins can play
an important role in promoting health, and preventing and treating common illnesses.

Pe d iat r i c s Fo r
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Th e H ea lt h ie st Kids: A Pare
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find this book y of raising
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your kids natu
Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
(and When to Seek Medical Care)
It can be really hard to know when you can treat a condition at home and when you need to
take your child to the doctor’s office or even the emergency room. I get so many calls late at
night from patients who are worried about a child’s fever, cough, or sore throat. By far, parents
come into my office for many more visits than they need to because they feel worried and
don’t know the signs to look out for that their child is really ill or how to help their child with
cold symptoms.

It is, of course, always better to err on the side of caution and have a doctor’s visit you don’t need than to miss
something serious, but keep in mind, moms generally know when their kids are sick! By spending time with
your child and becoming a good observer, you will know your child’s health and illness patterns better than
anyone and you will quickly recognize when your child is “not feeling quite right.” Early signs of illness will
become obvious to you.

Knowing what is generally considered “normal” physical health and development in children can bolster your
confidence in assessing your child’s wellness. In my course you will learn how to do a basic physical exam
on your child, as well as more advanced skills for taking care of your child naturally.

remain w
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today, wit d
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kids bein o
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Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Common Early Signs of Illness
When your little one is getting sick, she or he may have a few or many of the
following common early signs of illness:
• Changes in eating habits (eating less, acting picky or not hungry)
• Behavioral changes (cranky, fussy, whiny, clingy, irritable, uncooperative)
• Sleepier than usual, sleep disturbances
• Sore throat, swollen glands, headache, runny nose, stomachache
•A  chiness
• Chills, fever, quick pulse (or unusually slow pulse), respiratory changes
• Bowel and urinary changes (frequency, color, odor, consistency)
• Skin changes (temperature, color, moistness, rashes, sensitivity such as itching)
• Ears hurt, hearing seems “off”
• Eyes watery, glassy; circles under eyes
•V  omiting
• Coated tongue
• Disinterest in play (this may be one of the most significant changes parents
• Voice changes (hoarseness, whining)

If any of the above symptoms occur, it is the perfect time for some herbal teas, chosen according to the child’s
symptoms. It is also a time for extra rest, attention, and perhaps changes in diet such as eliminating sugar and
eating a bit more healthily. These steps can offset the illness or at least minimize your child’s discomfort and the
length of the illness.

Reassuring signs that you can probably continue to treat an illness at home include:
• Your child, in spite of not feeling well, continues to play and act generally normal,
awake, and alert.
• Your child’s appetite may be decreased from normal, but he or she continues to
take fluids and perhaps a small amount of food.
• Your child is peeing a normal amount compared to usual.
• The symptoms slowly improve over the course of several days.

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Anytime you feel
uncomfortable or worried
about your little one it is
appropriate to get support
and advice from your family
doctor or pediatrician;
remember, trust your

Don’t be afraid to get

medical care when it is

Here are symptoms to worry about. If you see any of these, bring your child to his or her primary care doctor:

• Any fever in a baby under one-month old requires immediate medical attention!
• High (a high fever is over 103.5°) or persistent fever (> 3 days) in any aged child
• If your child is having to work extra hard to breathe or if her breathing is fast, labored, or accompanied by
unusual noises
• Persistent pain such as an earache, sore throat, severe headache, or stomachache
• Frequent vomiting or diarrhea: If your child is unable to keep down enough liquids to urinate at least once
every six to eight hours, this could be a sign of dehydration
• Thick eye discharge that doesn’t get better during the day
• A stiff neck, extreme lack of energy or the illness seems to be getting worse rather than staying the same for
more than five days
• Blood in the vomit or diarrhea
• If your child has been exposed to a contagious disease such as mono, pertussis, measles, the flu, or has
travelled out of the country recently
• If your treatment for a mild condition is not helping, and the condition persists or worsens, seek medical help.
Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Diaper Rash Types of Diaper Rash
What is diaper rash? Contact diaper rash is the garden-
Diaper rash is an incredibly common problem — it is variety rash that looks flat, red,
practically just a normal part of being a baby! It can irritated, sometimes with peeling skin if
more severe.
occur regardless of diapering choices. Babies have
soft, sensitive skin that often spends 24 hours a day Intertrigo occurs within the skin
in contact with a diaper, and has frequent contact with folds and creases around the diaper
irritating poop and pee. area where the skin rubs together. It
looks like a burn.
Most diaper rashes are just due to contact irritation, Yeast usually only occurs if there
less commonly they are caused by a yeast infection. has been a diaper rash for a long time
A diaper rash is usually not a sign of a food allergy. that then becomes “superinfected” by
(see Types of Diaper Rash) If your little one develops Candida. It is a red, raised, and patchy
rash with clear edges and smaller
a diaper rash, don’t fret. There are simple steps you
patches called “satellites” at a distance
can take to prevent and reduce the risk of diaper rash,
from the main area of the rash.
and some easy natural remedies to sooth that irritated
bottom! Even with the best treatment, it may reappear Allergy ring is a red ring just
now and again. around the baby’s anus can be a sign
of an allergy to something in his or her
diet or in breastfeeding babies, mom’s
Common sense approaches diet.
to preventing & treating
diaper rash

• Change baby’s diapers often — every 2-3 hours • Apply a thick cream as a barrier on your baby’s
— and as soon as possible after baby poops. skin. Old-fashioned A&D ointment works really
• Use a warm wash cloth each time you wash well; zinc oxide is also effective. Both are mild
baby’s bottom rather than diaper wipes if and safe. Herbal salve can be used as a healing
possible, and make sure to clean baby’s bottom agent, emollient, and light skin barrier.
well. • Your little one might benefit from a probiotic in
• If using cloth diapers add ½ cup of white the case of diaper rash from yeast infection as
vinegar to your wash to neutralize the acidity of well as when there is an allergy ring.
the diapers and help kill germs. • Another simple home remedy for yeast diaper
• If using cloth diapers, make sure the edges rash is to slather your little one’s bottom with
of the diaper covers are not irritating baby’s plain, active culture yogurt daily, then rinse off
sensitive thighs and groin by hugging too close thoroughly.
to the skin.
• If using disposable diapers change brands to see
if another is less irritating to your baby’s skin.
• Let baby’s bottom air out — go naked bums —
as often as possible!

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Herbal Treatment

Healing Salve
Can be used to heal irritated, damaged skin and as a barrier. There are many
possible herbal ingredients for a salve. The following is an example of one I made
for my kids’ bottoms. If you suspect a yeast infection add 20 drops of tea tree oil
to your preparation.

Calendula Flowers
Comfrey Root

Chamomile Flowers
Plantain Leaf Comfrey
Olive Oil (more if needed to cover herbs)
Pure Beeswax
To prepare a salve: Place about an ounce of your mix of dried herbs and 1 cup
of olive oil in a small pot. Simmer for 1 hour on a very low flame with a flame
deflector on the burner, and with the pot semi-covered. Add a bit of oil as
necessary for the herbs to remain covered over their surface, and watch carefully
to avoid scorching. After cooking, strain the herbs well through a cotton cloth or
cheesecloth, squeezing as much of the oil as possible out of the plant material.
(You need to let the oil cool first to avoid burning your hands.) Clean and dry the
pot (discarding the used plant material), then pour the oil back in, adding 3–4
tablespoons of grated beeswax. Melt this over a low flame, stirring constantly.

To test for readiness, put a small amount onto a teaspoon and place it in the
refrigerator. After a minute it will harden to its finished consistency. Salve should
be firm and solid but not so hard that it won’t melt easily into your skin. If the
consistency is correct, pour your salve into small jars, cool to room temperature,
cover, and store. If the salve is too soft, add more beeswax; if it is too hard, add
more oil.

When to See Your Doctor

Babies rarely need to be seen by the doctor for a diaper rash. If the rash is
worsening, baby is very uncomfortable, or you suspect an infection, contact your
family physician or pediatrician.

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
At about three weeks old my perfectly sweet second
baby suddenly started crying out in apparently
What is colic?
As common a problem as it is, nobody actually
agonizing pain at sunset almost every evening, and
knows exactly what causes colic, though it appears
no matter how much bouncing, rocking, swinging
to be most commonly due to cow’s milk sensitivity
we did, she’d cry and ball up her little arms and legs
from either directly eating dairy or through the
in discomfort for sometimes well over an hour.
mother’s milk. What we do know is that when a baby
has colic he or she is experiencing belly pain and this
It was incredibly distressing and since our first child
distresses the baby.
didn’t have colic, we were new to the problem.
We were lucky — daytime was fine, but the next
Common signs of colic in a baby include:
evening we’d start all over again. It was worrisome
• Episodes of fussiness that start in the first few
and exhausting for all of us. Our usual lovely
weeks after birth and last until about 3-4 months
bedtime ritual of reading stories to our three-year old
was temporarily on hold, and after a couple of weeks
• Crying in distress, especially with the arms and
of the new evening ritual of our baby crying in pain,
legs pulled in close to the body (sometimes the
we were overwhelmed. Many of you are probably
baby stiffens up, too)
familiar with this story and some of you might have
• Crying for several hours at a time or several
babies that have colic all day long, too!
hours a day; commonly in the evening but it
can happen anytime (and seem like most of the
It took us another couple of weeks to figure out
what was making our daughter uncomfortable —
• The crying occurs at least several days of the
it seemed that when I ate peanut butter or dairy,
it affected her through my breastmilk — and to
• The baby tends to be inconsolable during the
establish some helpful routines that eased her
discomfort and brought some balance back to our

In addition to the dietary changes, we discovered

Not all crying in a baby is colic.
that taking her outside or having soothing sounds
If your baby is crying inconsolably,
also helped. Each evening we’d put her in the baby
make sure that the baby is not in pain
carrier and stroll the neighborhood until she fell
because of any other reasons. Check
asleep, or alternately, one of us would wash the for anything that might be poking into
dishes while the other rocked her, the sound of the or pinching the baby, for example,
running water eventually soothing her troubles. check for a “hair tourniquet” —
a fine piece of hair tightly wound
We also gave her a simple herbal tea with an eye- around a finger or toe that is cutting
dropper and I drank the teas hoping they’d make their into the skin and must be removed
way to her through my breastmilk. Her symptoms immediately; check for signs of illness
improved almost completely, though now and then — for example, an ear infection can
she’d have a fussy evening. By the time she was cause baby to scream in discomfort.
several months old, she was her happy self again, day
and night.
Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
What can you do? Common Colic Causing Foods in Breastmilk
• Stay calm and relaxed while your baby is fussing • Dairy products • Cabbage family
— your baby will pick up on your stress and • Soy products veggies
anxiety, so being upset won’t help anyone. • Peanuts (broccoli, cabbage,
• Try to get to the bottom of what is upsetting your • Wheat cauliflower)
• Eggs • Caffeine and Chocolate
baby by keeping a journal of when your baby is
• Corn (which can also keep
having colic episodes; if you are a breastfeeding baby awake longer!)
mom pay special attention to what you’ve eaten
in the previous 24 hours to help you sleuth out
any food sensitivities (see Foods that Commonly
Upset Baby).

Tummy Ease Tea

• Eliminate any culprit foods you identify.
• Try taking your baby for a walk — some babies
will relax more if you have them close to your
body in a baby carrier, others will relax more in a To prepare these herbs as a tea,
stroller. Try different approaches. mix ½ ounce of each of fennel,
• Play soothing music or the sound of running lemon balm, and German
water — some babies will respond to this; others chamomile together in a clean,
will just keep on crying. dry glass jar or plastic bag. Take 1
• If all else fails and baby keeps on crying, and teaspoon of the mixture and place
you are getting increasingly upset, put the baby it in a glass mug or French press.
somewhere safe (i.e. crib, bassinette) and take a Cover with 1 cup of boiling water
and steep for 10 minutes. Strain the
breather out of crying range. You will return to
herbs and put the tea into either a
the baby refreshed and with more compassion,
bottle if the baby takes one, or use
rather than frustration and resentment, which are
a medicine dropper to give the baby
natural feelings that arise. You might also find several teaspoons at a time.
that the baby self-soothes to sleep while you are
taking some deep breaths yourself! The tea can be sweetened with a
• Take turns sharing the colicky baby teaspoon of maple syrup; do NOT
responsibilities instead of both of you getting give honey to babies under 1 year
worn out each night, and if you are a single old — it can cause infant botulism.
parent, enlist the help of a trusted friend or family
member to give you a break once in awhile.
• Talk with other parents of colicky babies for
Alternatively, a product such as Children’s
• Be gentle to yourself — this is NOT your fault!
Herbal Compound by HerbPharm can be used.
• Remember, this too shall end — babies do grow
It is concentrated and easy to give the baby
out of colic!
5-10 drops every couple of hours, or even as
often as every 30 minutes in a crying spell,
Herbal Treatments
up to 5 doses a day. Of note, Children’s
Several studies have shown that traditional herbal
Compound comes in a glycerin base which
medicines used for colic do have some noticeable
tastes sweet but has no sugar; sweet tastes
benefit in reducing symptoms, especially crying time.
have been shown independently to calm
The herbs studied include fennel, lemon balm, and
baby and reduce colic symptoms.
German chamomile.
Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
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When to See Your Doctor

If you are concerned that there is something more serious going on, ask your
baby’s doctor. Your pediatrician or family doctor might be a great resource for you
if you are at your wits’ end. Most doctors don’t know a lot about alternatives for
colic, and may also not know that standard medications for colic are ineffective.

Tea is the most basic herbal preparation. Richly scented herbs such as catnip, lemon balm,
chamomile, and seeds such as fennel and anise are commonly made into teas. Any combi-
nation of these herbs may be used for a colicky baby.

To prepare: Steep 1 teaspoon of the dried herb of your choice in 1 cup of boiling hot
water for 10 minutes. A French press makes it easy to strain the tea.
To use: Give several teaspoons up to every hour for a fussy baby, ½-1 cup every few
hours for older kids.
Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
“Mommy, I don’t feel well.” Your little one wakes up
in the middle of the night, fretful and hot to the touch.
You check her temperature and it is 102°. She’s had a
cold for a few days but hasn’t had a fever until now.
You feel worried and don’t know what to do. Should
you give Tylenol, go to the emergency department?
Should you call your doctor’s office hoping to reach
someone in the middle of the night? Can you wait until
morning? You’ve heard about using herbs for fever and
thought it sounded good at the time, but now that your
child has one, you’re not so sure. What should you do?

The answer to the above question for starters is:

• If your child is under one-month old and has a
temperature of over 100.4°, Yes, call your doctor
or go to the emergency room!
• For everyone else, take a deep breath, relax, and
read on… What Can You Do?
Keep in mind that you do not have to treat the fever.
What is a Fever? When your child has a fever the most important thing
Most importantly: Fever is not an illness. It is is to keep her comfortable and give plenty of fluids.
the body’s healthy, natural response that actually Fevers may continue for a number of days or go
helps fight infection! Fevers are not dangerous. A away and come back — especially in the afternoon
temperature over 100.4° F is considered a fever. Most and evening — for several days. This is usually not
fevers are in the range of 101-103.5°. A high fever is a problem if the child is taking plenty of fluids and
over 103.5°! seems otherwise well.
• Let your child rest and sleep as much as she needs
I know that when my own kids’ temps got over 103° to. Create a quiet environment conducive to healing
my mommy alarm bells started going off! But in truth, and recovery.
the height of the temperature does not necessarily • Keep the child’s room fresh and comfortable.
reflect the severity of the illness. Most low-grade Diffuse light, as through a thin curtain on the
fevers are not serious and kids can even run high window, is soothing to feverish eyes.
fevers and not have serious illness — but it is scarier to • To freshen the air, put some water with a few drops
parents. of essential oil into a clean plant mister and spritz
around the room. Rosemary, lavender, thyme, rose,
Fevers in kids are generally caused by common viral lemon, eucalyptus, and mint make refreshing scents.
infections, and most of these are not dangerous. Kids • Give your child loads of fluids during the fever.
will often have symptoms such as a cough, runny nose, Babies can be nursed often and given water
earache, or rash — but often the fever comes before by teaspoon, cup, or eye-dropper every 15-30
the symptoms. Bacterial infections such as strep throat, minutes. If the child is sleeping, you can rouse him
urinary tract, and ear infections can also cause fever. periodically for a drink.

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Herbal Treatments
Herbs can be used to help ease the symptoms associated
with a fever — aches, headache, tummy discomforts, and
chills. While fevers don’t need to be treated, high fever can
be lowered a bit with these herbs. Some classic herbs for
feverish kids include: is not
the bo an illn
• Anise seed tea or a weak tea made from fresh ginger
dy’s h ess. I
t is
root can quiet indigestion. ealthy
respo , natura
• Ginger tea can help fight upper respiratory infection and nse th l
at act
helps sweat out a fever. fights u ally
• For achiness, headaches, or restlessness, strong teas of ion
catnip, chamomile, or lemon balm can be used alone
or in combination. Baths with these herbs are also
• Lavender oil can be added to a warm bath, 5 drops per
bath, to bring a sense of restfulness and relief of the
above symptoms.

Nursing moms with feverish nursing babies can drink adult

doses of these herbal remedies. Some of the benefits of the
herbs will pass through the milk to the baby.

Catnip, Chamomile and Lemon Balm Tea

Rosemary Mix equal parts of the dried herbs
and prepare according to tea
instructions. This is very pleasant
ntial oil tasting and very gentle even for little
e m a r y esse babies. Soothes tummy upset, aches,
Use r hen the air and eases fever symptoms.
to fre

j Spearmint Leaf and Elder Blossom Infusion

Flowers Steep 1/2 oz. of each herb in a
covered quart jar of boiling water
for 20 minutes. Strain and sweeten
lightly (no honey for kids under 1
Anise seed tea year old; maple syrup is a good
ease indigestion alternative). Give as warm as your
child will take it, and often, until a
sweat results.

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Infusions are medicinal-strength teas.
a More herb material is steeped longer
f or in slightly more water than is usual
o n tinu awa
for a tea.
c g o
y r ly
r s ma
a y s o p e cial To prepare: Place 1 ounce of
e s
Fev r of d k — e e nin
g chopped, dried herb or 2 ounces of
b e a c e v s
num ome b n and h is i chopped, fresh herb in either a quart
c no o . T
and fter ays he or pint jar. Fill the jar with boiling
e a a l d
m if t
in t
h er le ds water. Put a lid on the jar and let the
r sev p rob o f flui mixture steep from a half-hour to 8
fo a ty

l y not p len ell. hours, depending on desired strength
a l n g e w
usu ki
s ta otherw
and the part of the plant used.
d i
chil em
To use: Generally, dosage of an
s e
and infusion ranges from 1/4 to 1 cup,
two to four times daily. Sometimes an
infusion is sipped throughout the day.

When to See Your Doctor

• All babies under one-month old with fever should be seen by a doctor
immediately! This can be a medical emergency!
• Babies under three months old with a high fever (see above) should be seen
by a doctor.
•A  ny kids who are not taking fluids, not urinating a normal amount
compared to usual, or are just not “acting right” should be seen by the
• Any kids with fever along with stiff neck or neck, persistent vomiting, or
severe headache should be seen by the doctor.
• If your child has severe ear pain or severe belly pain.
• If your child is lethargic — that is, he just isn’t really waking up fully, seems
weak, or just seems sort of limp, is just lying there, and doesn’t really make
eye contact.
• Fevers that stay high for more than 3-5 days.
• If you feel worried that your child has a serious illness, take your child to the
doctor: Remember, trust your momma intuition (and better safe than sorry)!

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Colds and Flu
Most parents will recognize the early symptoms of healthy immune systems get over a cold within a
colds and flu — children rubbing itchy or irritated week with nothing more than tender loving care.
eyes, a sniffle or runny nose, a sore throat, skipping
a meal, and kids who just aren’t quite “themselves.” Influenza (flu) is a highly contagious, acute
Frequently a child will say, “Mom, my head hurts.” respiratory infection caused by influenza A or B
An adept hand to the forehead and sure enough, you viruses. Symptoms include fever ranging from 102
realize your son or daughter has a fever. to 104°F, severe achiness, sore throat, cough, lack of
appetite, and extreme lassitude.

What Are They? In the past, influenza was dreaded and even now it
A cold is just a simple, common viral infection that occasionally causes fatalities, but this is usually in
affects the upper respiratory passages — nose, throat, the very young, in the elderly, and in those already
upper breathing passages, and ears. Most kids with weakened by malnutrition or other causes, such as
underlying diseases.

Most kids with healthy

immune systems get
over a cold within a
week with nothing
more than tender
loving care.

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
In most kids flu is treatable at home but it can be • Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia) is safe, gentle,
really exhausting. Be prepared for kids to run high and capable of both preventing and fighting
fevers and sleep a lot for a few days. If kids who viral infections. Echinacea can be used in small
have the flu seem to get worse instead of better, seek preventative doses throughout cold and flu
a doctor’s help. It is essential to provide adequate season or in larger doses for fighting sickness.
time, even up to a week, for recuperation after the Use of echinacea has been shown to shorten the
symptoms of influenza have passed. duration of colds. The tincture is the single most
effective way to give children this medicine.
Natural remedies can help relieve cold and flu Many of the newest formulas use vegetable
symptoms faster, can prevent what are called glycerine as a solvent instead of alcohol. For
secondary infections, for example, pneumonia, that maximum effectiveness during an acute infection
can occur after viral infections, and can help prevent it’s important to give echinacea tincture in
colds from recurring. This is important because therapeutic doses.
believe it or not, the average American school-aged

Echinacea Dosing
child has about 10 colds each year! Antibiotics do
not treat coughs caused by viral infections and are
almost always not indicated for coughs due to colds. I generally recommend 1 drop
of extract per 2 pounds of the
child’s body weight (i.e., a
What Can You Do? 50-pound child would get 25
The most important things to do for your child when
drops), every 2 to 4 hours,
he or she is sick with a cold or flu are: depending upon the severity
1. Encourage lots of rest. of the infection. It can be
2. Keep the diet light and healthy. given diluted in 1/4 cup
3. Give plenty of water, especially if there is fever; of water, tea, or diluted
milk and juice can actually make chest and natural fruit juice.
sinus congestion thicker, so avoid them during
an infection if possible, though sometimes if all
 arlic (Allium satiua) has been shown to exhibit
kids will drink is juice it is better than nothing.
broad range antimicrobial properties, including
4. Help your child feel as comfortable as possible.
both viruses and bacterium. It’s highly effective
for reducing the duration of colds and flu. To
Herbal Treatments give to children try my classic formula:
There are many herbs that can be used to help your
child feel more comfortable when he or she has a
cold or the flu, and to support the immune system Garlic Lemonade
and fight viruses. Here are several of my favorites.
Finely mince 2 cloves of fresh garlic and
Treatment will be quickest and easiest if you begin
place them in a 1-quart mason jar. Fill
at the first signs of illness, but you can begin using the jar with boiling water and cover for
the herbs at any time during the course of illness. 30 minutes. Strain out the garlic, and to
Combine these herbs with those presented under the liquid add the juice of 1 whole lemon.
fever, cough, and other related symptoms and use Sweeten to taste with honey. (Do NOT
some of my favorite recipes that do the work of give honey to babies under 1 year old —
combining for you! it can cause infant botulism.) Give warm,
and offer as much as the child can drink.

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
 inger (Zingiber officinalis) root is an aromatic,
pleasant tasting herb that is easy to find in

• Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a wonderful anti-

viral and antibacterial herb effective against
Ginger Tea
upper respiratory infections, particularly
Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1
coughs. It gently breaks up congestion and eases
teaspoon of freshly grated ginger
irritable hacking coughing. It also relieves gas
root. Steep for 20 minutes, strain,
and stomach discomfort. It can be taken as a tea,
sweeten, and drink hot. Repeat as
tincture, or syrup, and is pleasant tasting when often as desired. Add lemon for
lightly sweetened with honey. See Cold and Flu taste if the child likes it.
Syrup on the next page.
Any of these herbs or combinations can be continued
for up to three weeks after symptoms have cleared up
to prevent relapse and strengthen the immune system.

Steam Bat
e used
t e a m b a ths can b ory
v e u p p e r respirat
to reli e ple
e s t io n . H ere is a sim t
r d o in g a steam a
method fo
t h r o o m shower on
Run the b o t w ater only,
o n h
full blast
r o o m d o or closed.
with the b o f e u calyptus o
ro p s
Put 3-5 d w a shcloth an
o n a
thyme oil h o wer unde
o t h e s
toss int a ter. When
n n in g w arm
the ru fill ed with w
h a s
bathroom o u r child in
r in g y
steam, b m room” for
e “ s t e a
sit in th peated
e s . T h is can be re
twice dail

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Cold and Flu Syrup
Here’s a sweet-tasting syrup that is highly effective against viral and bacterial
infections. This syrup contains no honey so it can safely be given to children
under one.

1 oz echinacea tincture
1 oz elderberry syrup
½ oz thyme tincture
½ oz lemon balm tincture
½ oz licorice tincture
½ oz anise seed tincture

To prepare: Combine all ingredients in a 4-ounce dark amber bottle. Shake

To use: Give 1/2 to 1 teaspoon every 2 hours.

Tinctures are concentrated, alcohol extracts of herbs. They are
quick acting, convenient (they can easily be transported in a
small bottle), and they have a shelf life of many years. Because
they are so concentrated, only a few drops are needed, making
them particularly useful for children and for serious conditions
when a higher dosage of herbs is required. Tinctures are also
convenient for working parents who can’t easily prepare infu-
sions or decoctions every day.

Herbal Baths
Herbal baths are used to soothe all sorts of complaints: irritability,
congestion, and fever, to name a few. When using baths with chil-
dren, be careful to avoid burns from overly hot water. If you keep
the bathroom door closed, the aroma of the herbs which is from
the antimicrobial volatile oils will fill the air, adding to the relaxing
effect of the bath and helping to fight infection. A simple herbal
bath, and one of my favorites, is simply to put about 5 drops of
lavender essential oil into a warm bath after it has run.

When to See Your Doctor

Follow recommendation for when to see your doctor under
Cough, Fever, and Earache.

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
It’s a common story. Your child has had a cold for respiratory infection (also called a cold) or something
a few days and now he’s started having a cough. in the environment, commonly dust. Other problems
It’s midnight and you’ve been asleep for just about such as asthma and reflux can also cause coughs. For
an hour when you hear coughing coming from his now we’ll focus only on coughs due to colds.
bedroom. You know he’s having an uncomfortable
night, and the coughing isn’t letting you get much Coughs can last from days to even weeks. In fact,
sleep either. You get up and bring him some water, you might have noticed that sometimes after a cold, a
and it seems to help for awhile, but then the coughing child can have a lingering cough for even six weeks.
starts again. This is the second night in a row you’ve This can be completely normal and is due to irritation
both been kept awake by his cough. You’ve heard in the upper airway passages that may just take this
that over-the-counter cough syrups aren’t really safe long to resolve.
or effective for kids, but you both need some sleep.
What can you do?
What Can You Do?
There are many common treatments for cough. A few
What is a Cough? that I recommend regularly in my practice include:
A cough is a reaction to airway irritation or • Encourage plenty of fluids, especially water, hot
inflammation, usually caused by viral upper tea, bouillon broth, and miso broth (available at

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Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Whole Foods and most natural food coops, this is a Herbal Treatments
delicious paste made of fermented soy beans that is
loaded with live, active enzymes).
Aunty Aviva’s Cough
Syrup Blend
• Vick’s® VapoRub® applied to the chest (not to the
face!) has actually been shown to help children with
coughs (and as a benefit, their parents!) sleep better. This remedy is effective and pleasant
• Place a humidifier in your child’s room to help for use with children.
moisten the air and loosen the cough. (To avoid ½ oz dried mullein leaves
burns do not place a hot water humidifier anywhere ½ oz marshmallow root
near your child.) ½ oz licorice root
• For kids older than one year, honey has been shown ½ oz thyme
to be more effective and safer than cough syrups ½ oz anise seeds
for relieving cough. Either let your child take ½-1 ½ oz wild cherry bark
tsp of honey directly from a spoon or mix into tea. ½ oz slippery elm bark
1 quart boiling water
NOTE: The honey has to be good quality honey
which should be from natural, organic sources.
To prepare: Combine all the herbs.
Honey in regular supermarkets is usually not of
Put 1 ounce of the mixture in a glass
adequate quality.
jar, add the boiling water, cover, and
• Over-the-counter cough medications should be steep for 2 hours. Strain the liquid
completely avoided in children under five and are into a pot (discard the plant material)
not recommended for children of any age. and simmer gently until it is reduced
• Antibiotics do not treat coughs caused by viral to 1 cup. Sweeten with 1/2 cup of
infections and are almost always not indicated for honey (for children under one, omit
coughs due to colds. the honey and replace with maple
syrup or sugar to taste). After the
syrup cools to room temperature,
store it in a jar in the fridge. It will
keep for up to 2 months.
To use: Dosage is 1 teaspoon as
needed for children one to three
years old, 1 tablespoon as needed for
older children, and 2 tablespoons as
needed for adults.

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
C o u g h F ormula
n ct u re is re laxing, expect
d ti
sting, ges.
This sweet-ta iratory passa
l fo r th e re sp pane tincture
and antimicro
bia ½ oz elecam lo ssom tinctu
b le g ly ce ri n c lo v e r b
1 oz vegeta ½ oz red cture
o z a n is e se e d ti n ct ure
½ o z b la c k cohosh tin
bark tincture e well
½ oz cramp re a m b e r bottle. Shak
ti n ct u 4-ounce d a rk
½ oz thyme gredients in a cessary.
a re : M ix a ll th e in
ly. Re fr ig e ra tion is not ne cute
To pre p
. It w il l st ore indefinite m in u te s fo r 2 hours for a
before each u te a spoon up to e
very 30
o r ch ronic coughs
1 /2 to 1 r m il d e r
To use: Give tw o to four times
daily fo
o u ts , o r
coughing b

Syrups are sweetened and concentrated. Children
will more readily take a small amount of a sweet-
flavored medicine than any amount of an unpalat-
able one. The dose is generally 1/2 to 1 tablespoon
one to six times daily, depending on age, herb
being used, and severity of the condition being
p Bark
Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
When to See Your Doctor
• If your child has wheezing and no history of asthma
• If your child has asthma and wheezing that is causing him significant
difficulty breathing, with no relief from prescribed medications
• Your child’s breathing is rapid and labored (fever by itself can cause
breathing to be faster than usual, but it should not make a child work
harder to breathe)
• Your child’s lips or mouth are turning blue due to labored breathing or
shortness of breath

d ies
m e flu
a l re a nd
u r ol d
Nat i e ve c ter, ca
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help s fa alle
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pre a r y m onia
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f e ctio l ds f
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vira ent
p rev g.
help c u rrin

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Earache/Ear Infections
Middle ear infections — also called acute otitis
media — can be very painful and can make your
child fussy and irritable. They are generally caused
by viruses (more rarely by bacteria) and can occur
in babies, young children, and teens. There may be
fever, swollen neck glands, and your child’s hearing
may be muffled from the fluid in the ears. Younger
children may pull on their ears or may scream or
cry suddenly and unexpectedly; older children
will generally tell you that they have ear pain.
Occasionally a child can have fluid congestion and
mild inflammation that causes hearing difficulties
without the other symptoms of ear infection; this is
called otitis media with effusion.

Ear infections are the most prevalent complaint that

land children in the doctor’s office, and overtreatment
with antibiotics is a big problem. Even the American
Academy of Pediatrics recommends giving parents
the option of waiting 48-72 hours to see if symptoms
resolve on their own before using an antibiotic. jaw and head in the area adjacent to the ear.
Approximately 80% of kids with acute otitis media Massage in a downward direction behind the ear
get better without antibiotics! Antibiotics treatment on the neck and apply gentle inward pressure
is considered appropriate for babies under 6 months in front of the ear toward the cheek (about
old with known or suspected ear infections, and where sideburns would be). This will facilitate
sometimes for children ages 6 months to 2 years with drainage of ear fluids and stimulate pressure
severe infection. points in the area. It may be uncomfortable to
your child so do it a few times a day for short
What Can You Do?
• Kids who drink a lot of juice and dairy products
Natural treatment of ear infections can provide
may get more earaches. They encourage the
symptomatic relief without contributing to
production of a lot of mucus in the upper
problems of antibiotic overuse. Here are a few
respiratory system. This can lead to congestion
practical tips:
in the chest and ears, a ripe situation for an ear
•A  hot water bottle wrapped in a towel (to avoid
infection. Cut back on juice and milk for at least
burning your child) can bring a lot of comfort
three days after the earache symptoms are gone.
to a painful ear. Let your child sleep on a
• For very bad ear pain, you can give children’s
slightly filled hot water bottle — if it is overly
doses of Tylenol® or ibuprofen.
full it will be too firm to rest on comfortably
(do NOT use a heating pad).
•G  ive firm but gentle massage all around the
Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Herbal Treatments
Herbal treatment can work quite well to relieve earache symptoms and reduce ear infection.
• Give echinacea tincture to boost the immune system.
• Chamomile makes an excellent tea to help your child relax during an ear infection.
• The classic herbal remedy for ear infections is garlic-mullein oil. Garlic is a natural antimicrobial,
addressing infections of both a bacterial and viral nature. Mullein is an analgesic, relieving the pain
associated with earaches. This can be prepared easily at home; I make a large bottle annually to have on-
hand for patients as needed; you can make your own and store in the fridge for up to a year. If you do not
have it ready when needed, good quality Garlic Mullein oil is sold at natural foods stores.

Garlic Mullein Oil

To prepare: Place 1 whole bulb of finely chopped fresh garlic and 1 oz.
of mullein flowers in a pint-sized jar. Add olive oil until the jar is full. Stir
with a chopstick or the handle of a wooden spoon to release air bubbles.
Cover the jar and place in the sunlight for 3 weeks (2 weeks in warm
weather). Strain into a clean jar (discard plant material) and store in the
refrigerator. This will keep for up to two years.
To use: Place 3-7 drops of the oil into the affected ear while the child
lays on his side with the affected ear upward. The oil should be at room
temperature or slightly warm. To warm it, put the drops in a spoon or
a glass eyedropper and briefly hold a lit match close to it. Test the oil
against the underside of your wrist to make sure it is not too hot. Have
the child rest with the affected ear up for 5-10 minutes, keeping a warm
hot water bottle on the ear. After this time let the child roll over and rest
on the hot water bottle for as long as this brings comfort. Repeat on the
other ear if necessary.
This treatment can be repeated 2-3 times a day but may only be
necessary once or twice as it is very effective.

Herbal Oils
Herbal oils are vegetable oils in which herbs have been
infused. They are different from essential oils. They
should be stored out of direct light and heat. Garli

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Ear infe
ctions a
prevale re the m
nt com ost
land ch p l a i nt that
ildren i
n the d
office, octor’s
and ov
with an ment
is a big

When to See Your Doctor

Call your child’s doctor if there is:
•P  ain that won’t resolve
•H  igh fever and persistent ear pain
•D  rainage from the ear
•N  eck pain or stiffness

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)
What is Pink Eye? What Can You Do?
Pink eye is a highly contagious infection that affects • Encourage the child not to rub his eyes. This will
the conjunctiva, the inner lining of the eyelids and cut down on the inflammation.
the outer lining of the eyeballs. It is generally a viral • Insist on frequent hand washing to prevent the
infection, though it can also commonly be bacterial. infection from spreading to other family members
(adults are not immune), as it is inevitable that the
Symptoms include itchy, irritated eyes that may child will occasionally touch his eyes.
have a watery or sticky, yellow-green discharge that •E  ach family member with pink eye should have
crusts over the eyelids, sometimes “gluing” them his or her own personal towel to avoid spreading
shut, especially in the morning. There can also be a the infection around to everyone. Similarly, don’t
feeling that there is sand irritating the eyes, causing share pillows until after the infection is gone. Wash
a frequent urge to rub them. Allergic conjunctivitis towels and pillowcases daily.
usually affects both eyes starting at the same time • Breast milk is rich in antibodies that reduce
and there is clear watery discharge. many infections. If you are still lactating, a
half-teaspoon of your milk can be placed in the
Pink eye is not dangerous, but it is very infected eyes of a child of any age. Repeat four
uncomfortable, can be persistent and often recurs, times each day.
and is highly contagious. Note: HIV infection and hepatitis can be transmitted
through breast milk, even through the eyes. It is
therefore best not to use breast milk other than your

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Herbal Treatments
A very simply and effective treatment for conjunctivitis is my Chamomile, Eyebright and Goldenseal Wash. It
can be prepared easily at home.

Conjunctivitis symptoms usually start to improve within about 24 hours of treatment, but because reinfection is
so high, continue to treat twice daily for one week after symptoms have resolved.

Chamomile, Eyebright and Goldenseal Wash

In a teacup steep 1 tsp each of chamomile and eyebright herbs,
adding ¼ teaspoon of goldenseal powder if the eye discharge is
thick and yellow or greenish. Let the herbs steep for 15 minutes
then strain very thoroughly.

Soak a cotton ball in the tea. To apply to the eyes, tilt the
child’s head back or have her lie on your lap and squeeze a few
drops into the inner corner of the affected eye. Let the liquid
run outward toward the ear rather than toward the other eye
to prevent the infection from contaminating the other eye. The
excess liquid can be patted dry with tissue paper, gauze, or a
cloth (use a clean piece each time). Do not place anything that
has touched the eyes back into your remedy and discard the Cham
cotton balls after each use. Repeat 4 times daily. When applying,
protect clothing and furniture from the goldenseal which leaves a
yellow stain.

When to See Your Doctor

Pink eye is rarely serious. Call your child’s doctor if:
• There is no improvement in symptoms after several days of
• Symptoms get worse, for example, the eye drainage gets worse
even with treatment
• Your child has swelling around the eyes or pain with eye movement
• Your child has a new onset of vision problems

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD
Parents are seeking natural
alternatives and even physicians are
starting to turn to natural approaches
for kid’s health, realizing that many
commonly used medications are
ineffective at best, harmful at worst,
and that many herbs, minerals, and
vitamins can play an important role in
promoting health, and preventing and
treating common illnesses.

Enjoy your parenting journey!

Herbal Medicines for Kids by Aviva Romm, MD

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