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Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology

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First report of Fusarium proliferatum causing

crown and stem rot, and pith necrosis, in cannabis
(Cannabis sativa L., marijuana) plants

Zamir K. Punja

To cite this article: Zamir K. Punja (2020): First report of Fusarium�proliferatum causing crown and
stem rot, and pith necrosis, in cannabis (Cannabis�sativa L., marijuana) plants, Canadian Journal of
Plant Pathology, DOI: 10.1080/07060661.2020.1793222

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Published online: 06 Aug 2020.

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Can. J. Plant Pathol., 2020

Subject category: Epidemiology/Épidémiologie

First report of Fusarium proliferatum causing crown and stem rot,

and pith necrosis, in cannabis (Cannabis sativa L., marijuana) plants


Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada

(Accepted 2 July 2020)

Abstract: Cannabis (Cannabis sativa L., marijuana) plants grown under greenhouse or controlled environments with symptoms of leaf
yellowing, leaf necrosis and defoliation were observed during 2018–2019. Additional symptoms included crown rot and internal browning or
blackening of the pith tissues. Stock (mother) plants as well as plants in the vegetative and flowering stages of 15 cannabis strains
(genotypes) were affected. In addition, damping-off symptoms were observed on rooted cuttings in propagation rooms. Isolations from
diseased tissues yielded predominantly Fusarium proliferatum, with some F. oxysporum also recovered. Phylogenetic analysis of sequences
from the translation elongation factor 1α (TEF-1 α) region of 29 isolates of F. proliferatum from eight licenced production facilities in three
provinces in Canada (British Columbia, Ontario and New Brunswick), and one cannabis production site in northern California, grouped
isolates from cannabis with a large clade of isolates from a wide range of other hosts in different geographic regions. Pathogenicity studies
confirmed the ability of F. proliferatum to cause symptoms of wilting, leaf and pith necrosis, and plant death on cuttings, rooted plants and
stock plants. Inoculated tomato and cucumber plants developed similar symptoms. Stem colonization was more extensive by F. proliferatum
compared to F. oxysporum on cannabis cuttings. Both grew optimally at 25°C on agar media although F. oxysporum grew faster than
F. proliferatum at all temperatures tested. The occurrence of F. proliferatum on cannabis plants has not been previously reported, adding to
recent reports of F. oxysporum and F. solani that cause similar symptoms on cannabis plants.

Keywords: crown rot, damping-off, Gibberella fujikuroi, marijuana, pith necrosis

Résumé: En 2018-2019, on a observé des plants de cannabis (Cannabis sativa L., marijuana) cultivés en serre ou dans des environnements
contrôlés affichant des symptômes de jaunissement et de nécrose des feuilles ainsi que de défoliation. D’autres symptômes incluaient la pourriture
du collet et le brunissement interne ou le noircissement de la moelle. Des plants mères, de même que des plants au stade végétatif et de la floraison
de 15 souches (génotypes) de cannabis étaient touchés. De plus, on a observé, dans les salles de propagation, des symptômes de fonte des semis
chez les boutures racinées. Des isolements de tissus infectés ont révélé la présence de Fusarium proliferatum, principalement, ainsi que, dans une
moindre mesure, de F. oxysporum. L’analyse phylogénétique des séquences de la région du facteur d’élongation de la traduction 1α (TEF-1 α) de 29
isolats de F. proliferatum provenant de 8 installations de production autorisées de 3 provinces canadiennes (Colombie-Britannique, Ontario et
Nouveau-Brunswick) et d’une installation du nord de la Californie a regroupé les isolats de cannabis dans un grand clade d’isolats provenant d’une
vaste gamme d’autres hôtes de différentes régions géographiques. Des études de pathogénicité ont confirmé la capacité de F. proliferatum de
provoquer les symptômes du flétrissement, de la nécrose des feuilles et de la moelle ainsi que de causer la mort chez les boutures, les plants racinés
et les plants mères. Des plants de tomate et de concombre inoculés ont développé des symptômes similaires. Chez les boutures de cannabis, la
colonization des tiges par F. proliferatum était plus extensive que celle résultant de F. oxysporum. Les deux ont crû de façon optimale à 25°C sur de
la gélose dextrosée à la pomme de terre, bien que F. oxysporum se soit développé plus rapidement que F. proliferatum, et ce, à toutes les
températures testées. L’occurrence de F. proliferatum sur les plants de cannabis n’avait pas été rapportée jusqu’à maintenant, ce qui s’ajoute aux
récents rapports traitant de F. oxysporum et de F. solani qui causent des symptômes analogues sur les plants de cannabis.

Mots clés: fonte des semis, Gibberella fujikuroi, marijuana, nécrose de la moelle, pourriture du collet

Correspondence to: Zamir K. Punja E-mail:

© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (
nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built
upon in any way.

Published online 06 Aug 2020

Z. K. Punja 2

Introduction rooms in Health Canada approved licenced facilities.

Five were located in British Columbia, one in Ontario,
Cultivation of cannabis (Cannabis sativa L., marijuana)
and one in New Brunswick. In addition, one production
occurs mainly in greenhouses and controlled environment
site in northern California was included. The propagation
facilities throughout Canada, although an increasing num­
medium used was either coco fibre (coco coir) or rock­
ber of field sites are also being approved for production, in
wool blocks and plants were grown with the appropriate
accordance with Health Canada requirements (Health
nutrient regimes and lighting conditions as required for
Canada 2019). With the increasing cultivation area of can­
commercial hydroponic production (Small 2017).
nabis plants, the incidence of previously unreported patho­
Microbial isolations were conducted during July 2018–
gens is growing. Identification of the pathogens that affect
November 2019 and were made from over 200 sympto­
cannabis plants and recognition of the associated symp­
matic plants belonging to 15 cannabis strains (geno­
toms is necessary in order for cannabis producers to be able
types). In addition, stock (mother) plants grown in
to identify and manage the increased prevalence of these
10 L containers (6–10 months of age) were included
diseases. Currently, a number of pathogens infecting can­
for sampling (Table 1). The main stem of six diseased
nabis plants have been described in Canada. These include
stock plants (8–10 months of age) was cut down and
pathogens infecting the inflorescences, causing bud rots,
partitioned into 30-cm long increments, beginning at the
such as Botrytis cinerea, Penicillium species, and several
crown and proceeding alongside branches to the top of
Fusarium species (F. oxysporum, F. solani,
the plant (>200 cm). From each increment, a 5-cm long
F. sporotrichioides) (Punja et al. 2019; Punja 2020b,
stem piece was dissected from the mid-point and sur­
2020d). Pathogens which infect the foliage include the
face-sterilized as described below.
powdery mildew pathogens (Punja 2018, 2020c). Finally,
the previously described root and crown-infecting patho­
gens include Fusarium oxysporum, F. solani, several
Pythium species (Punja and Rodriguez 2018; Punja et al. Isolation from tissues
2020; Punja 2020a), and Cylindrocarpon (Punja 2020e). Small pieces, ca. 0.5 cm in length of root segments or
In this study, the occurrence of F. proliferatum causing 0.2–0.4 cm2 for cuttings, stem pieces and bud tissues,
root and crown rot, and pith necrosis, of cannabis plants were surface-disinfested by dipping them in a 10% bleach
is described for the first time. The pathogen was found to solution (0.625% NaOCl) for 1 min, followed by 30 s in
be present in seven licenced production facilities in three 70% EtOH. The tissues were rinsed in sterile water and
provinces in Canada, and in one cannabis production site blotted on paper towels. For larger diameter stem and pith
in northern California. The pathogen was observed to be tissues, the sterilization protocol was increased to 2 min in
more aggressive in pathogenicity tests compared to the NaOCl and 30 s in EtOH. Tissue pieces were plated onto
recently described report of F. oxysporum (Punja 2020a), potato dextrose agar (PDA, Sigma Chemicals, St. Louis,
causing root and crown rot, and caused disease at all MO) amended with 130 mg L−1 of streptomycin sulphate
stages of cannabis production, from propagation to vege­ (PDA+S). At least 20 pieces were plated from each sample,
tative growth to flowering, as well as infecting the four in each Petri dish. Dishes were incubated under ambi­
inflorescences. The progression of the pathogen into the ent laboratory conditions (temperature range of 21–24°C
pith tissues following inoculation is demonstrated with 10–12 hr day−1 fluorescent lighting) for 5–10 days.
through light and scanning electron microscopy. Emerging colonies were transferred to fresh PDA+S dishes
for subsequent identification to genus level using morpho­
logical criteria, including colony colour and size and micro­
Materials and methods scopic examination of spores. Up to 150 isolates putatively
identified as Fusarium spp. by morphological features as
Sampling of plants
described by Leslie and Summerell (2006) were obtained
Cannabis plants showing symptoms of leaf yellowing, from the different tissue types, among which both
stunted growth, and necrosis of leaves and browning of F. oxysporum and F. proliferatum were then identified
roots, were included in the study. The plants were using the PCR method described below. From these, 29
sampled at various stages of development, ranging representative isolates of F. proliferatum were selected for
from early propagation (1–2 weeks old) to vegetative phylogenetic analysis to represent different tissue sources
growth (3–4 weeks of age) to onset of full flowering and origins (Table 1). Colonies were transferred to water
period (6–12 weeks of age) (Punja 2020a). They were agar and hyphal tip transfers were made onto PDA+S prior
grown in greenhouses or in controlled environment to molecular analysis.
Crown rot on cannabis plants caused by Fusarium proliferatum 3

Table 1. Isolates of Fusarium proliferatum originating from cannabis (Cannabis sativa L., marijuana) plants included in this
Isolate no. Source GenBank Submission no.

BC-1 Colony from air dispersal, around stock plants, on PDA MN784794
BC-2 Colony from air dispersal, around stock plants, on PDA -
BC-3 Colony from air dispersal, around vegetative plants, on PDA MN784793
BC-4 Colony from air dispersal, around vegetative plants, on PDA -
BC-5 Stock plant, internal pith blackening, strain ‘Hash Plant’ (Fig. 1e) MN784792
BC-6 Stock plant, internal pith browning, strain ‘Hash Plant’ (Fig. 1g) MN784791
BC-7 Stock plant, dead, crown isolation, strain ‘Pink Kush’ (Fig. 1c) MN784790
BC-8 Stock plant, dead, stem isolation, 10 cm height, strain ‘Hash Plant’ -
BC-9 Stock plant, dead, stem isolation, 20 cm height, strain ‘Hash Plant’ -
BC-10 Stock plant, dead stem, 100 cm height, strain ‘Hash Plant’ (Fig. 1g) -
BC-11 Stock plant, dead, stem isolation, 200 cm height, strain ‘Hash Plant’ MN784789
BC-12 Cuttings with damping-off symptoms, strain ‘Hash Plant’ MN784801
BC-13 Flowering plant, brown roots, strain ‘Purple God’ MN784787
BC-14 Flowering plant, brown roots, strain ‘Island Honey’ MN784799
BC-15 Flowering plant, brown pith, yellowing, strain ‘Hash Plant’ (Fig. 2c) MN784802
BC-16 Flowering plant, brown pith, yellowing, strain ‘Island Honey’ MN784803
BC-17 Flowering plant, brown pith, yellowing, strain ‘White Rhino’ (Fig. 2d) -
BC-18 Stock plant, crown isolation, strain ‘Blue Dream’ MN784788
BC-19 Stock plant, crown isolation, strain ‘Bubba’ MN784786
BC-20 Stock plant, crown isolation, strain ‘Lemon ZKittle’ MN784785
BC-21 Flower bud, harvested, strain ‘Purple God’ MN784804
BC-22 Flower bud, harvested, strain ‘Island Honey’ MN784805
BC-23 Flower bud stem base, strain ‘Purple God’ MN784806
BC-24 Stock plant, crown, strain ‘Emeral’ MN784807
BJ-1 Cuttings with damping-off symptoms, strain ‘Chem Dawg’ MT036760
NB-2 Cuttings with damping-off symptoms, strain ‘Sweet Durga’ MT036761
ON-1 Flowering plant, crown tissues, strain ‘White Shark’ MN784809
CA-1 Stock plant, brown roots, strain ‘Blueberry OG’ MN784814
CA-2 Stock plant, brown roots, strain ‘Sour Diesel’ MN784815
CA-3 Vegetative plant, roots, strain ‘Bubba Kush’ -

Isolates of Fusarium proliferatum were recovered during July 2018-November 2019 and originated from eight licenced production (LP) facilities.
Five were located in BC, one each in Ontario and New Brunswick, and one in northern California. Isolates BC-1 to BC-17, and BC-21 to BC-23, were
from one location (LP1), BC-18 to BC-19 were from a second location (LP2), BC-20 and BC-24 were from a third and fourth location (LP3 and LP4),
and BJ-1 was from a fifth LP (LP5). In addition, isolate ON-1 was from Ontario, isolate NB-2 was from New Brunswick, and isolates CA-1, CA-2,
CA-3 were from one site in northern California.
Sequences of isolates in bold have been submitted to GenBank. Corresponding numbers are provided.

Molecular identification uL 10 mM forward and reverse primers, as well as 20.25

uL DNAse- and RNAse-free water (Invitrogen). All PCR
Species-level identification of Fusarium isolates was amplifications were performed in a MyCycler thermo­
conducted using PCR with primers for the translation cycler (BIORAD) with the following program: 3 min at
elongation factor 1α (TEF-1 α) region: EF- 1 (5ʹATG 94°C; 30 s at 94°C, 30 s at 60°C, 3 min at 72°C (35
GGT AAG GAG GAC AAG AC 3ʹ) and EF-2 (5ʹ GGA cycles); and 7 min at 72°C. PCR products were separated
GGT ACC AGT GAT CAT GTT 3ʹ) (O’Donnell et al. on 1% agarose gels and bands of the expected size (ca.
1998). Cultures of representative isolates from different 700 bp) were purified with QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit
tissue sources (Table 1) were grown on potato dextrose and sent to Eurofins Genomics (Eurofins MWG Operon
agar at room temperature for 7 days and DNA was LLC 2016, Louisville, KY) for sequencing. The resulting
extracted from harvested mycelium scraped from the sequences were compared to the corresponding EF-1 α
colony surface using the QIAGEN DNeasy Plant Mini sequences from the National Centre for Biotechnology
Kit. Aliquots of 1 uL containing 5–20 ng DNA was used Information (NCBI) GenBank database. Multiple
for PCR in a 25 uL reaction volume consisting of 2.5 uL sequence alignment of the respective isolates was done
10X buffer (containing 15 mM MgCl2), 0.5 uL 10 mM using the CLUSTAL W program (
dNTP, 0.25 uL Taq DNA Polymerase (QIAGEN), 0.25 tools/clustalw). The sequences of F. proliferatum were
Z. K. Punja 4

subsequently included in a phylogenetic analysis using cubes (Grodan). The isolate was previously grown on
the neighbour-joining (NJ) method and a bootstrap con­ PDA plates for 7–10 days under ambient laboratory condi­
sensus tree was inferred from 1000 replicates as tions. The plates were flooded with 10 mL of sterile dis­
described previously (Punja and Rodriguez 2018). tilled water, the colony surface was rubbed with a glass rod,
and the resulting spore suspension was poured through two
layers of cheesecloth. Water was added as required to
Effect of temperature on radial growth achieve a concentration of 1 × 106 spores mL−1 as quanti­
To assess the effects of temperature on colony growth, 9-cm fied in a haemocytometer. All rockwool cubes containing
diameter Petri dishes containing 25 mL of PDA were inocu­ inoculated cuttings were placed inside a plastic tray, a 1-cm
lated with a 5 mm2 mycelial plug taken from one-week old layer of water was added, and covered with a plastic dome
cultures of F. proliferatum originating from pith tissues to maintain high humidity and placed in a Conviron incu­
(isolate BC-5) and F. oxysporum (isolate BC-4). Replicates bator set at 24°C with a 24-hr photoperiod for two weeks.
of five Petri dishes were placed in temperature controlled Controls consisted of noninoculated cuttings. For each
incubators maintained at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C. The experimental trial, there were five replicate cuttings used.
actual observed temperatures were within ± 1°C. The dia­ Re-isolations were made from diseased tissues following
meters of all colonies were measured after 6 days of incuba­ the surface-sterilization procedure described previously
tion from two perpendicular measurements of each colony and plating tissues onto PDA+S. The experiment was con­
and averaged. The experiment was conducted twice and the ducted three times.
data averaged.

Rooted plant inoculation. Cuttings of strain ‘Hash Plant’

Pathogenicity studies or ‘Critical Kali Mist’ were inserted into Jiffy-7® peat
pellets ( or rockwool cubes that
Test-tube inoculations. A cotton plug was placed in the
had been pre-soaked in Current Culture H2O® hydropo­
bottom of 18 × 2.5-cm glass test-tubes and moistened
nic nutrient solution ( to pro­
with sterile distilled water. A mycelial plug (8-mm dia­
mote rooting (Punja and Rodriguez 2018). After two
meter) from 7-day old PDA cultures of either
weeks, the rooted cuttings were transferred to a coco
F. proliferatum or F. oxysporum was placed on top of
coir:perlite (3:1) potting medium in 10 cm2 pots. An
the cotton plug, mycelial side facing up. The pathogeni­
isolate of F. proliferatum originating from pith tissues
city of an isolate of F. proliferatum obtained from dis­
(BC-5) was grown in potato dextrose broth shake cul­
eased pith tissues (isolate BC-5, Table 1) was compared
tures (100 mL) for 7–10 days at 150 rpm and the myce­
to isolate BC-4 of F. oxysporum from damped-off cut­
lial mat from two flasks was blended with 200 mL of
tings (Punja 2020a). A stem cutting (approx. 15 cm in
water for 20 s. To determine the inoculum level, dilu­
height) was then inserted into the test-tube to ensure
tions of the mycelial + spore suspension were made in
contact was made between the base of the cutting and
sterile distilled water (up to 10−3) and 50 uL was spread
the mycelial plug. Control tubes received a PDA plug.
onto the surface of PDA+S plates and incubated at
The test-tubes were sealed with caps and placed upright
21–24°C for 5 days, at which time colony-forming
in a test-tube rack for 7–10 days under ambient condi­
units (CFU mL−1) were quantified visually. Plants were
tions. After this time, the extent of mycelial development
inoculated with 20 mL of the mycelial + spore suspen­
on the stem cutting was measured with a ruler. Five
sion which was poured around the base of each plant.
cannabis strains were assessed: ‘OG Kush’, ‘Hash
A scalpel was then inserted into the soil at multiple
Plant’, ‘Copenhagen Kush’, ‘White Rhino’ and ‘Island
points around the roots to create wounds. The pots
Honey’. There were four replicates of each strain and
were placed in a plastic tray containing a 1-cm layer of
isolate and the experiment was conducted twice. The
water, and covered with a plastic dome to maintain high
data from both experiments were averaged and variation
humidity and placed in a Conviron incubator set at 24°C
was expressed as standard errors.
with a 24-hr photoperiod. Symptoms of yellowing or
stunting of the plants were recorded after one and two
Stem cutting inoculations. For inoculation of stem cut­ weeks. There were four replicate plants for each strain.
tings, the base of stem segments (15-cm height) from stock Re-isolations were made from diseased tissues following
plants of strains ‘Hash Plant’ and ‘White Rhino’ were the surface-sterilization procedure described previously
dipped into a spore suspension of F. proliferatum for and plating tissues onto PDA+S. The experiment was
5 min and inserted into pre-moistened 4 cm2 rockwool conducted twice.
Crown rot on cannabis plants caused by Fusarium proliferatum 5

Stock plant inoculations. Inoculations were made on sublimed for 5 min at −80°C, after which a thin layer of
4 month old stock plants of strain ‘Space Queen’ platinum (10 nm thickness) was sputter-coated onto the
grown in the coco-perlite mix by pouring 150 mL of sample for 30 s at a current of 10 mA. The sample was
a mycelial + spore suspension prepared as described moved into the SEM chamber and the electron beam was
above around the base of the plant. A scalpel was then set to a current of 50 pA at 3 kV. Images were captured
inserted into the soil at multiple points around the roots at a working distance of 4 mm, at a scanning resolution
to create wounds. The plants were placed in a Conviron of 3072 × 2207 collected over 128 low-dose scanning
incubator set at 24°C with a 24-hr photoperiod. passes with drift correction.
Symptoms of yellowing, necrosis or stunting of the
plants were recorded after one and two weeks. Re-
Pith tissue samples. Stem cuttings were taken from stock
isolations were made from diseased crown tissues fol­
plants of strains ‘Hash Plant’ and ‘Island Honey’. The
lowing the surface-sterilization procedure described pre­
basal portion of the cutting was sliced into 5-mm long
viously and plating tissues onto PDA+S. The experiment
sections which were each placed under a dissecting
was conducted twice.
microscope and photographed to show the internal struc­
ture and extent of development of the pith tissues. The
Inoculation of tomato and cucumber plants. To deter­ same stems were used to obtain similar slices which
mine whether F. proliferatum from cannabis plants could were examined under the scanning electron microscope
infect tomato and cucumber plants, the following experi­ as described above to show the cellular composition of
ments were conducted. Seeds of tomato ‘Moneymaker’ the pith cells and surrounding tissues. Stem sections
(West Coast Seeds) were planted in the coco:perlite mix were also stained with a 1% solution of safranin red
and plants grown for two weeks under 16-hr day−1 for 30 min to show the lignin deposition within the
supplemental lighting at 23–26°C. The plants (replicated xylem tissues.
six times) were then uprooted, roots washed under run­
ning tap water, and the bottom 4 cm was trimmed off
Inoculated cuttings. Stem cuttings were inoculated with
with a pair of scissors. The plants were immersed for
F. proliferatum by dipping them in a spore suspension as
10 min in a mycelial + spore suspension prepared as
described above and incubated at 24°C. Pieces of stem
described above. Control plants (six replicates) had the
segments (5 mm in length) that were showing early and
roots trimmed and were dipped in PDB broth. All plants
advanced stages of external colonization by mycelium
were re-potted and grown for an additional two weeks, at
and with light brown external tissue discoloration (4–­
which time symptoms of disease were recorded.
8 days after inoculation) were excised and examined
Cucumber seeds ‘Tasty Green’ (West Coast Seeds)
under the dissecting and scanning electron microscopes
were grown for three weeks under the same conditions
as described above. Controls consisted of noninoculated
as the tomato plants and were uprooted and had the roots
stem cuttings incubated under similar conditions.
trimmed and dipped in inoculum for 10 min and re-
Observations were made of the integrity of the pith
potted. Symptoms of disease were recorded after one
tissues and of parenchyma cells comprising the pith.
week. The experiments were conducted twice.

Light and scanning electron microscopy
Pathogen distribution in stock plants
Fungal samples. Colonies of F. proliferatum growing on
PDA+S for two weeks were used to examine spore Stock (mother) plants sampled in this study had reached
morphology. Small pieces of agar (3 mm2) with myce­ a height of 2–3 m and attained a basal stem diameter of
lium were adhered to an SEM stub using a graphite- 4–5 cm after 6–10 months of growth (Fig. 1a).
water colloidal mixture (G303 Colloidal Graphite, Agar Symptoms of disease that affected some of the plants
Scientific, UK) and Tissue-Tek (O.C.T. Compound, (5–10% of the total) included necrosis of leaves and
Sakura Finetek, NL). The sample was submerged in defoliation (Fig. 1b). At advanced stages of disease
a nitrogen slush for 10–20 s to rapidly freeze it. After development, necrosis of leaves and stem death led to
freezing, the sample was placed in the preparation cham­ plant mortality (Fig. 1c). At the crown region of many
ber of a Quorum PP3010 T cryosystem attached to a FEI diseased plants, the internal tissues were discoloured
Helios NanoLab 650 scanning electron microscope (4D (Fig. 1d). A black rot was visible internally around the
Labs., Simon Fraser University). The frozen sample was pith tissues when the plants were cut down (Fig. 1e). The
Z. K. Punja 6

Fig. 1 Symptoms of infection caused by Fusaium proliferatum on stock (mother plants). (a) Healthy plants approximately 6 months of age.
(b) Advanced infection causing yellowing and necrosis of leaves, and wilting symptoms. (c) Total collapse and defoliation of a severely
diseased plant. (d) Symptoms of crown decay in the plant shown in (b) with black streaks. (e) Cross-section through a stem of a stock plant
showing early internal black discoloration in the pith tissues. (f) More advanced internal stem discoloration and decay of the pith and xylem
tissues. (g) Pith decay resulting from infection by F. proliferatum at a distance of 100 cm from the crown. Stem on the far right is from
a healthy plant. (h) More advanced pith decay showing black streaks in the pith and shredding of the tissues. (i) Colonies of F. proliferatum
recovered from diseased pith tissues shown in (g).
Crown rot on cannabis plants caused by Fusarium proliferatum 7

internal discoloration was present in the stem at dis­ were F. oxysporum. A subset of 29 isolates of
tances of 100–150 cm from the crown (Fig. 1f). At F. proliferatum (Table 1) were included in the phyloge­
advanced stages of disease development, the pith and netic analysis. They included isolates recovered from 15
surrounding tissues were shredded (Fig. 1g, h). From cannabis strains (genotypes) from eight licenced produc­
surface-sterilized crown and stem tissues of diseased tion facilities in three provinces in Canada, and from one
plants, colonies of Fusarium proliferatum (identified as cannabis production site in northern California. The tis­
described below) were recovered at a frequency of sues from which the isolates were obtained included
90–100% from the crown region (Fig. 1i). The colonies diseased crowns and stem and pith tissues of stock plants
produced fluffy aerial mycelium on PDA and developed and flowering plants, damped-off cuttings, brown roots
an intense purple pigment when viewed from the under­ on flowering plants, and infected flower buds (Table 1).
side (Fig. 2a-d). A range of colony pigmentation and A few isolates were also recovered from air sampling
growth rates were observed among isolates originating conducted by exposing Petri dishes in the growing envir­
from different sample sources (Table 1) which were all onment for 60 min as described by Punja (2020a). The
identified as F. proliferatum. Under the scanning electron phylogenetic analysis (Fig. 5) grouped isolates of
microscope, microconidia were observed to be produced F. proliferatum from cannabis within a large clade of
in large numbers on PDA cultures, both in false heads at isolates originating from a wide range of other hosts in
the ends of phialides as well as in long chains (Fig. 2f-h). different geographical locations worldwide. There was
limited genetic variability among isolates representing
the species based on EF-1 sequences. Isolates of
Development of disease symptoms F. oxysporum and F. solani previously isolated from
Plants showing symptoms from which F. proliferatum cannabis (Punja and Rodriguez 2018) were clearly sepa­
was isolated included rooted vegetative cuttings growing rated from F. proliferatum (Fig. 5).
in coco blocks displaying extensive necrosis of leaves
and plant collapse (Fig. 3a). Symptoms on flowering
Effect of temperature on radial growth
plants included yellowing of leaves, browning of the
tips and margins of leaves, and wilting (Fig. 3b-d). A comparison of the extent of colony growth of an isolate
When the stems of these symptomatic plants were cut each of F. proliferatum and F. oxysporum on PDA at seven
open, extensive decay of the pith and surrounding tissues temperatures is shown in Fig. 6a. The optimal temperature
was observed, which extended to distances of 30–50 cm for radial growth of both species was 25°C, and growth was
from the crown region (Fig. 3e, f). Asymptomatic cut­ reduced at 5–10°C but still occurred at 35°C. At all tem­
tings taken from 100–150 cm distance away from the peratures tested, F. oxysporum grew faster than
crown of stock plants and inserted into PDA showed F. proliferatum and colony diameters after 6 days at 25°C
presence of F. proliferatum at a frequency of around were 72 mm and 50 mm, respectively (Fig. 6a). When
1% after 7 days (Fig. 3g). viewed from the underside, colonies grown at all tempera­
tures showed a pink-purple pigmentation, which was most
pronounced at 20, 25 and 30°C (Fig. 6b).
Molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis
Isolations made from around 200 symptomatic plants
Pathogenicity studies
representing 15 cannabis strains (genotypes) resulted in
over 300 isolates of Fusarium spp. (identified by mor­ In the test-tube inoculation method using cuttings, myce­
phological features as described by Leslie and lial growth of F. proliferatum was extensive after 7 days
Summerell 2006) being recovered, of which 150 were on ‘Hash Plant’ (Fig. 7a), and infected cuttings removed
subcultured and retained. These isolates were examined from the test-tube showed necrosis and wilting of the
for colony characteristics, pigmentation and spore pro­ leaves (Fig. 7b). Inoculation of cuttings of ‘White Rhino’
duction using the morphological features shown in Fig. 2 grown in rockwool cubes showed similar extensive
to attempt to distinguish F. proliferatum from growth of mycelium on the stems, resulting in wilting
F. oxysporum which was also recovered from these tis­ of the plant (Fig. 7c). In a coco:vermiculite growing
sues. Subsequently, PCR of the TEF-1 α region was medium, inoculation of cuttings of ‘Hash Plant’ with
conducted to yield a band size of approximately 700 bp an inoculum level of 1 × 106 CFU mL−1 showed myce­
(Fig. 4) in all isolates. Sequence analysis showed that lial growth developing on the stem and initial wilting
among the 150 isolates, 105 were F. proliferatum and 45 was observed after 5 days (Fig. 7d), with more extensive
Z. K. Punja 8

Fig. 2 Recovery of Fusarium proliferatum from diseased stem tissues and growth characteristics on potato dextrose agar. (a) Surface view
(left) and bottom view (right) of isolation plates showing 100% recovery of F. proliferatum from diseased pith tissues after 7 days. (b) A one-
month-old isolation plate showing fluffy white aerial mycelium. (c, d) Six week-old colonies with white aerial mycelial strands on the colony
surface (c) and intense purple pigmentation produced on the underside of the colonies (d). (e) Comparison of the growth of six isolates of
F. proliferatum on PDA after 10 days. (f-h) Scanning electron micrographs of mycelium and spore production by F. proliferatum in culture.
(f) Microconidia produced in false heads. (g, h) Microconidia produced in long chains.
Crown rot on cannabis plants caused by Fusarium proliferatum 9

Fig. 3 Development of symptoms caused by Fusarium proliferatum on cannabis plants in the vegetative and flowering stages. (a) Foliar
necrosis and collapse of rooted cuttings. (b) Marginal necrosis of leaves. (c, d) Extensive yellowing and necrosis of foliage of flowering
plants of strains ‘Hash Plant’ and ‘White Rhino’. (e, f) Internal stem necrosis of the pith and xylem tissues of flowering plants shown in (c)
and (d). (g) Recovery of F. proliferatum from cuttings taken 100 cm from the crown of diseased plants and inserted into PDA slants.
Mycelial growth was visible after 5 days.

mycelial development and yellowing and wilting of the observed within 7–10 days (Fig. 7g). On inoculated
plants occurring within 8 days (Fig. 7e). Noninoculated tomato and cucumber plants, disease symptoms were
control plants showed no symptoms (Fig. 7f). On rooted severe and included total plant collapse and necrosis of
inoculated cannabis plants of strain ‘Critical Kali Mist’, leaves within one week on cucumber plants and within
symptoms of leaf necrosis and wilting of plants were two weeks for tomato (Fig. 7h, i). On larger cannabis
Z. K. Punja 10

Fig. 4 PCR band of size ca. 700 bp obtained for 20 isolates of Fusarium proliferatum from cannabis plants (BC-5, BC-6, BC-8, BC-9, BC-
10, BC-11, BC-12, BC-13, BC-14, BC-15, BC-17, BC-18, BC-21, BC-22, BC-24, BJ-1, NB-2, ON-1, CA-1, CA-2) using the EF-1α primer
set. Lane C is the water control. Molecular weight standard is shown (L).

Fig. 5 Phylogenetic analysis of 23 isolates of Fusarium proliferatum originating from cannabis plants (see Table 1) using EF-1α sequences
compared to isolates from other hosts (GenBank numbers are shown). Isolates were obtained from a range of tissue sources and from
different licenced facilities in BC, ON, and NB, and one site in CA. A bootstrap consensus tree was inferred from 1000 replicates to
represent the distance using the neighbour-joining (NJ) method. Branches corresponding to partitions reproduced in less than 50% bootstrap
replicates were collapsed. The outgroup was Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.

stock plants of strain ‘Space Queen’, symptoms of foliar pith tissues further up the stem (Fig. 7l). Isolations made
necrosis developed on lower leaves within 5 days (Fig. from diseased plants yielded colonies of F. proliferatum.
7j), and entire branches showed necrosis and wilting Using the test-tube inoculation method to compare the
after two weeks (Fig. 7k). The crown of affected plants pathogenicity of F. proliferatum and F. oxysporum on
was discoloured and mycelial growth was evident in the five cannabis strains, the results showed that stem
Crown rot on cannabis plants caused by Fusarium proliferatum 11

Fig. 6 (a) Comparison of radial growth of an isolate of Fusarium proliferatum (BC-5) with F. oxysporum (BC-4) at seven temperatures after
6 days. Means from five replicate dishes ± standard error are shown. The experiment was conducted twice. (b) Comparison of growth of
F. proliferatum after 6 days at 10–35°C, at 5°C increments. The underside of the colonies are shown to reveal the extent of pigmentation produced.

colonization was more extensive by F. proliferatum in Light and scanning electron microscopy of pith tissues
‘Hash Plant’, ‘Copenhagen Kush’ and ‘Island Honey’
and similar to F. oxysporum in ‘OG Kush’ and ‘White Sections made through the stems of cuttings of cannabis
Rhino’ (Fig. 8). All cannabis strains were considered to plants, when examined under both dissecting and scanning
be susceptible to both Fusarium species, with electron microscopes, revealed the developmental progres­
F. proliferatum appearing to be more pathogenic on sion of the pith tissues (Fig. 9). The cuttings showed
some strains. a progression from larger diameter pith areas with densely
Z. K. Punja 12

Fig. 7 Pathogenicity testing of Fusarium proliferatum using three different methods. (a) Stem cuttings of ‘Hash Plant’ were inoculated in a test-tube
with a mycelial plug. Mycelial growth on the stem is shown after 7 days of incubation. (b) Cuttings removed from the test-tubes to show mycelial
colonization of the stem and wilting of the cuttings. (c) Inoculation of cuttings of ‘Hash Plant’ by dipping in a spore suspension for 5 min and inserting
into a rockwool block. Stem colonization and wilting can be seen after 7 days. (d, e) Inoculation of rooted cuttings of ‘Hash Plant’ grown in a coco
coir: perlite potting mixture with a mycelial+spore suspension. (d) Wilting symptoms after 7 days. (e) Stem colonization and plant death after
two weeks. (f) Non-inoculated control plant shows no symptoms after two weeks. (g) Symptoms on ‘Critical Kali Mist’ plants two weeks after
inoculation with a mycelial + spore suspension. Extensive wilting and foliar necrosis can be seen on inoculated plant (right). (h) Symptoms on
a tomato plant inoculated with F. proliferatum (right) compared to the non-inoculated control plant (left) after two weeks. (i) Symptoms on a cucumber
plant inoculated with F. proliferatum (right) compared to the non-inoculated control plant (left) after two weeks. (j) Symptoms of foliar necrosis
developing on the lower part of a stock plant inoculated with a mycelial + spore suspension of F. proliferatum after one week. (k) The same plant after
two weeks showing stem die-back and wilting. (l) Decay of the crown tissues and mycelial growth inside the stem of the diseased plant shown in (k).
Crown rot on cannabis plants caused by Fusarium proliferatum 13

Fig. 8 Pathogenicity testing and response of five cannabis strains to inoculation with Fusarium oxysporum and F. proliferatum in a test-tube
assay. The extent of stem colonization was measured after 7 and 10 days. Data shown are for 10 days and are means of four replicates ±
standard errors. The experiment was conducted twice. Strains tested in each test-tube were: ‘OG Kush’, ‘Hash Plant’, ‘Copenhagen Kush’,
‘White Rhino’ and ‘Island Honey’. While there were no differences among strains in response to the two Fusarium species, colonization by
F. proliferatum was significantly greater on ‘Hash Plant’, ‘Copenhagen Kush’, and ‘Island Honey’ when compared to F. oxysporum.

packed pith cells (Fig. 9a, b) to smaller diameter pith areas described reports of F. oxysporum and F. solani caus­
with loosely packed cells (Fig. 9c, d), to pith regions in ing root and crown rot (Punja and Rodriguez 2018;
which large hollow centres developed (Fig. 9e-h). The Punja 2020a), as well as F. brachygibbossum causing
development of xylem vessel elements and tracheids can crown infection on field-grown plants (Punja et al.
be seen in Fig. 9d, f. Scanning electron microscopy of 2018). The overlapping symptoms that develop fol­
a healthy stem cutting taken from a stock plant showed the lowing infection by these four pathogens requires
hollow pith surrounded by a ring of xylem tissues (Fig. 10a). that isolation and pathogenicity studies be conducted
Healthy stem sections that were stained with 1% safranin red to confirm which species are present. In this study,
showed the uptake of the red dye in the ring of xylem cells F. oxysporum was frequently recovered in conjunction
(Fig. 10b). Scanning electron microscopy of a section made with F. proliferatum. The pathogenicity of isolates of
through a young cannabis stem cutting showed the organiza­ F. oxysporum has been confirmed in a previous study
tion of the outermost epidermal cell layer, with a dense (Punja 2020a). While F. proliferatum produces more
covering of hair-like trichomes, the inner ring of xylem white aerial mycelium, forms spores in chains and in
cells, and the innermost central parenchyma pith cells. The false heads, develops a more intense purple pigment
cutting was inoculated with a spore suspension and the on the underside of colonies on PDA, and grows more
mycelium progressed into the pith within 5 days after inocu­ slowly than F. oxysporum, PCR of the EF-1 region
lation. In contrast to non-inoculated stem cuttings, in which was required to conclusively confirm the identity of
the parenchyma cells surrounding the pith region were nor­ the isolates. Additional molecular approaches used to
mal and the tissues were green (Fig. 11a, c), inoculated stem distinguish between these two Fusarium species have
tissues showed disruption of these tissues and intense included the use of calmodulin gene sequences (Mule
browning developed (Fig. 11a, c). When cells were exam­ et al. 2004; Chang et al. 2015), the internal transcribed
ined by scanning electron microscopy, they had collapsed spacer region of rDNA (Quazi 2013), and the inter­
and there was a build-up of a dense extracellular matrix that generic spacer region of rDNA (Palmero et al. 2012).
could be a combination of cellular contents and polysacchar­ The optimal temperature for growth of F. proliferatum
ides (Fig. 11d) compared to healthy cells (Fig. 11b). was 25°C, confirming results from an earlier study
(Marin et al. 1995). The growth of F. proliferatum
was slower than that of F. oxysporum but it was
more pathogenic on cannabis stem cuttings.
The isolation of F. proliferatum (Matsushima) The epidemiology of F. proliferatum is quite similar to that
Nirenberg (Gibberella intermedia Kuhlman) from of F. oxysporum (Punja 2020a), and the pathogen was recov­
a range of symptomatic tissues of cannabis plants, as ered from cuttings, vegetative and flowering plants, and
described in this study, adds to the previously stock plants, and was aerially dispersed and also recovered
Z. K. Punja 14

Fig. 9 The extent of development of the central pith tissues in cannabis stem cuttings. The cuttings were obtained from stock plants at the
same stage of growth and sequential stem pieces were taken (from top to bottom) and sectioned by hand and 3 mm thick slices were placed
on the observation stage of a dissecting microscope and photographed at the same magnification. (a, b) Early stage of pith development with
densely packed central parenchyma cells. (c, d) Loosely packed parenchyma cells in the pith region. (e, f) Development of hollow central
pith where parenchyma cells are absent. (g, h) Complete development of central pith in stem cutting of cannabis strain ‘Hash Plant’. Scale
bars shown in a and b apply to all figures.
Crown rot on cannabis plants caused by Fusarium proliferatum 15

Fig. 10 (a) Scanning electron micrograph of a healthy stem cutting taken from a stock plant showing the hollow pith surrounded by a ring of
xylem tissues. A portion of the remaining pith cells (arrow) that has not disintegrated can be seen. (b) Healthy stem sections that were stained
with 1% safranin red to show the uptake of the red dye in the ring of xylem cells (arrow). (c) Scanning electron micrograph of a section made
through a young cannabis stem cutting to show the organization of the outermost epidermal cell layer with a dense covering of hair-like
trichomes, the inner ring of xylem cells, and the innermost central parenchyma pith cells. The cutting was inoculated with a spore suspension
of Fusarium proliferatum and the mycelium has progressed into the pith (white arrow). The advancement of the mycelial front is shown by
the blue arrows. Photo was taken 5 days after inoculation.
Z. K. Punja 16

Fig. 11 Comparison of hand sections made through a non-inoculated stem cutting with those infected by F. proliferatum. (a) Healthy cutting
(top left) compared with three different stages of necrosis and tissue disruption caused by pathogen invasion of inoculated stem cuttings. (b)
Healthy parenchyma cells viewed under the scanning electron microscope. (c) Close-up of a healthy cutting (left) with a diseased cutting
(right). (d) Parenchyma cells in a diseased cutting that are disrupted and show accumulation of a dense matrix that could be a combination of
cellular contents and polysaccharides.

from infected inflorescences. The primary differences in sorghum, corn and rice, death of the cells in the stem pith
symptomology between the two pathogens were that parenchyma occurs in a manner similar to that of pro­
F. proliferatum caused a distinct browning/blackening within grammed cell death (PCD) (Beers 1997; Fujimoto et al.
the pith tissues of affected plants and foliar necrosis was 2018). Activation of autolytic cell wall degrading enzymes
more noticeable compared to yellowing of leaves caused resulted in the development of a central cavity (Beers 1997;
by F. oxysporum (Punja 2020a). The pith tissues of plants Fujimoto et al. 2018). In sorghum, this cell death resulted in
are prone to infection by a range of pathogens affecting increased susceptibility to the anthracnose pathogen,
a number of different hosts. Visible browning of the pith Colletotrichum graminicola (Katsanos and Pappelis 1966).
tissues similar to that observed on cannabis plants in this It is not clear whether pathogen spores and/or pathogen
study has been reported in several other diseases e.g. black metabolites can spread within the pith tissues of cannabis
shank of tobacco (Phytophthora nicotianae) (Gallup et al. plants but recovery of the pathogen at distances of
2006), brown stem rot of soybeans (Phialophora gregata) 100–150 cm from the crown suggest that long-range spread
(Hadi 2016), fusarium stalk rot of corn (Fusarium monili­ internally of F. proliferatum is occurring in diseased plants,
forme) (Faske and Kirkpatrick 2015), and pith necrosis of similar to that reported for F. oxysporum (Punja 2020a). The
tomato (Pseudomonas corrugata) (Scarlett et al. 2015) and rapidity of symptom development on inoculated cannabis
Xanthomonas perforans (Aiello et al. 2013). The pith tissues plants and the development of necrosis and wilting symp­
consist of loosely organized parenchyma cells that store and toms also suggest that pathogen metabolites are a part of the
transport nutrients (Fujimoto et al. 2018). The morphological disease syndrome. SEM images of the pith tissues from
features of parenchyma cells and pith development in canna­ inoculated cuttings showed collapse of parenchyma cells
bis stem tissues, as shown by light and scanning electron and cell death within 5 days, and was accompanied by an
microscopy in this study, have not been previously described. accumulation of a dense matrix in diseased pith tissues, likely
During the development of a central pith in plants such as due to an accumulation of polysaccharides and the result of
Crown rot on cannabis plants caused by Fusarium proliferatum 17

host cell wall destruction. Mycelial growth was observed borne infection by F. proliferatum resulted in internal
ramifying from the epidermal cells into the pith tissues. systemic spread of the pathogen within the stem tissues,
Fusarium proliferatum is a member of the Gibberella which led to seed kernel infection and mycotoxin accu­
fujikuroi species complex, which is comprised at least of 15 mulation (fuminosin and beauvericin). The potential for
reproductively isolated biological species (mating popula­ systemic movement of Fusarium species through the pith
tions), and infects a broad range of plant species and and xylem tissues of cannabis plants to result in infection
produces a range of mycotoxins (Leslie et al. 2004; of the inflorescence needs to be investigated. This could
Niehaus et al. 2016). Some of the more economically potentially occur given that pathogen recovery was con­
important host species affected by F. proliferatum are firmed in this study at distances as far as 100–150 cm from
asparagus (Elmer 1990, 1995; Borrego-Benjumea et al. the crown region. Previous studies also showed that
2014), alfalfa (Cong et al. 2016), banana (Jimenez et al. F. oxysporum demonstrated endophytic colonization of
1993), citrus fruits (Hyun et al. 2000), corn (Logrieco et al. stems (Punja et al. 2019) and was transmitted through
1995; Munkvold 2003), garlic (Dugan et al. 2003; Palmero cuttings taken from symptomless cannabis plants (Punja
et al. 2012; Galvez et al. 2017), mango (Zhan et al. 2010), 2020a). In corn, inoculation studies conducted with
onion (Stankovic et al. 2007; Carrieri et al. 2013), orchids a GFP-marked strain of Fusarium verticilliodes showed
(Benyon et al. 1996), peach palm (Jarek et al. 2018), that the pathogen, when applied at the seedling stage,
pistachio (Crespo et al. 2019), rice (Desjardins et al. resulted in infection through the radicle which progressed
2000; Kim et al. 2012; Quazi et al. 2013; Choi et al. upward through the stem tissues to the ear to infect kernels
2017, 2018), safflower (Kim et al. 2016), sesame (Torabi (Gai et al. 2018). The extent to which Fusarium spp. are
et al. 2014), soybean (Chang et al. 2015), sorghum (Leslie transmitted as seed-borne pathogens in cannabis plants is
2003), strawberry (Borrero et al. 2019), and wheat (Jurado not known but a similar infection cycle that involves
et al. 2006; Conner et al. 2009). Symptoms on these hosts spread though the pith could potentially give rise to patho­
included damping-off, wilting, yellowing of leaves, soft gen-contaminated seed.
rot, root and crown rot, vascular discoloration, as well as In British Columbia, F. proliferatum has been previously
blackening of the crown and roots of diseased plants as isolated from garlic bulbs and pine seedlings (Joshi and
seen on palm and strawberry plants (Jarek et al. 2018; Jeffries 2018). In other regions of Canada, it also causes
Borrero et al. 2019). All of these symptoms were observed crown and root rot of asparagus (Vujanovic et al. 2006;
on diseased cannabis plants affected by F. proliferatum in Borrego-Benjumea et al. 2014) and soybeans (Chang et al.
this study. 2015) and stalk rot of corn (Reid and Zhu 2004) and has
The mycotoxins reported to be produced by been detected in wheat seed (Clear and Patrick 1990).
F. proliferatum include the polyketide-derived fumoni­ Fusarium proliferatum has been reported to be more patho­
sins, with fumonisin B1 (FB1) being the most prevalent genic that F. oxysporum on soybeans (Chang et al. 2015),
(Rheeder et al. 2002; Jurado et al. 2010; Stepien et al. an observation confirmed in this study on inoculated can­
2011; Choi et al. 2017; Galvez et al. 2017). In addition, the nabis cuttings. The pathogen is also capable of extensive
following mycotoxins – beauvericin, enniatin, fusaric colonization of organic matter in soil (Gaige et al. 2019).
acid, fusarin, fusaproliferin, and moniliformin – are also Fusarium oxysporum and F. proliferatum are frequently
produced by F. proliferatum (Marasas et al. 1986; Ritieni isolated from the same diseased plants, e.g. in asparagus
et al. 1995; Moretti et al. 1996; Bacon et al. 1996; (Borrego-Benjumea et al. 2014), soybeans (Chang et al.
Desjardins et al. 2000; Logrieco et al. 2002; Leslie et al. 2015), and peach palm (Jarek et al. 2018), similar to what
2004; Desjardins 2006; Proctor et al. 2010; Niehaus et al. was observed in this study. Dual inoculations with both
2016; Galvez et al. 2017). It is not known if any of these species were not conducted given the severe symptoms
metabolites are produced in diseased cannabis tissues but produced by each individual species. The ability to produce
the infection of inflorescences by this pathogen, as an array of metabolically active compounds could be
reported in this study and in a recent study (Punja important in the infection potential of F. proliferatum on
2020b), may be of concern. In addition, the occurrence other hosts (Niehaus et al. 2016). Both cucumber and
of F. sporotrichioides on diseased inflorescences (Punja tomato plants inoculated in this study developed rapid
2020b) could also raise concern over the potential for necrosis of the foliage, followed by plant death, which
mycotoxin production. This species produces a range of may suggest a role for extracellular compounds in symp­
trichothecene mycotoxins, including T-2 toxin, neosola­ tom development. Fusaric acid, for example, has been
niol, nivalenol, and HT-2 toxin (Kokkonen et al. 2012). In shown to be associated with symptom development in
wheat plants, Guo et al. (2016) demonstrated that seed- plants affected by F. proliferatum (Palmero et al. 2012).
Z. K. Punja 18

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