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The Lion Who Saw Himself in the Water Idries Shah Tlusteated by Ingrid Rodriguez Text copyright © 1998 by The Estete oF ldties Shah Iystrations copyight © 1958 by Ingrie Rodriguez ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this publication may be reproduced or rensmitted in any form or by cay meens electronic or rmaehanical, including phatocepying aad recording, ar by any inlormaticn stacege or retrieval system, except as may be expressly sermitted by the 1U7e Cacyright At cr in wting “rom tne publisher. Kequests for permission swule be adaress2a in wring 70 Hoaaoe Books, FO Box 387063, Cambrelge MA (22334069 First Edition 1008 Reprirt Editions 2001, 2007 Panerbeek Editions 2001, 2007 anish Language Cillngua’ Herscover Zcltians 2603, 2007 Spenish Lenguage Bingual Paperback Editions 2003, 2007 The ollingusl editions of this Shab tale were made possible by ‘grant from the WI J. Re's roundacion, ist lor a complete listof Hoopos titles. CDs, DVDs, an inoduction on the use of Terching-sories earning thet Lasts, and oorenvte acher guides Published by Hoops Books, a dvBioe OF The lnatitate for the Stucty of Hunan Khem ‘The Librory of Congress nes cctalogeed a pro as follows English languege onky edition Shah, ldties, 1924. ‘The lion who saw himself in the Rodigues, stor by ldles Shan = illustrated by Ingold p. Summery: As shiny esa mircoe,a terr"led lion gre IBN 1-983536-12% Madk,) Tl. Folklore] |, Rodeigaez. Ingeld il. 1. Tie. P2e.isa7u 1907 398.24°S20787—de21 97-5179 tl cp and growls ct Hi ‘eodous faction in a pool of sty tor as AC This Edition KBN-I0: 982525-22-4 IBN}: 978-1-99952522.9 The Lion Who Saw Himself in the Water by Idries Shah El Leén que se Vio en el Agua escrito por Idries Shah HOOPOE BOOKS BOSTON Now, once upon a time there was a lion and his name was Share the Lion. And he was king of all the animals in the jungle. He had a lovely golden mane on his head, all furry — just like hair, only furry and golden. And he had a lovely golden coat. He used to go about and say “Grrrrrrrmrrrrr” because that's how lions talk. Bueno, habia una vez un ledn que se llamaba Share el Ledn. Y él era el rey de todos los animales de la selva. Tenia en su cabeza una preciosa melena dorada, muy peluda — como si fuera cabello, pero era peluda y dorada. Y tenia un precioso abrigo dorado. El ledn solfa pasearse diciendo “Grrrrrrrrrrrer” porque asi es como hablan los leones, But not all the animals knew that he talked like that. And some of them, when they heard him say “Greerrrerrrerr.” were a little frightened, and they ran away. Z rf \ : Cat. = . au ~ " a Y al animales vi 5 amigt sustaron y también empezaron a correr. Now, Share the Lion thought, “That's funny! Why is everybody running away from me?” So he shouted, “Grr-grrr?” which, in lion-talk. means “Why ere you running away?” Ahora bien. Share el Leén pens6. “jQué extrafio! ¢Por qué todos corren y se alejan de mi?” Entonces grité muy fuerte, “@Grr-grrr?” que, en el idioma de los leones significa “éPor qué se echan a correr?” Ce Well, as we know, the other animals didn’t understand lion-talk, and since he was by this time shouting very loudly. they all said. “Share the Lion. King of the Jungle, must be very. very angry with us now!” And so they ran even faster. eno, como Nosotros sabernos, los otras animales no entendian el idioma de los | y como para entol at pe ee . we f y i Pp A a; My i ec Tr i Of course, Share wasn’t angry at all. He just wanted to know why they were all running away, Then he thought, “Well, they are a silly lot of animals! | won't take any notice of them. I'm thirsty. | think U'Il go and have a drink of water from a pool.” Pero claro, Share no estaba enojado para nada. Sdlo queria saber por qué todos estaban huyendo de él, Entonces Share pensd. “]Bueno, pues es un grupo de animales bobos! No les voy a hacer caso. Tengo sed. Creo que iré a tomar un traguito de agua en algtin estanque.” And he ed all over the place until he found sor Deep in the jungle was a pool of water, and mooth and clear and shining just like a mirror. he Lion was now qu and, as he went near to it, he said to himself, “Grrrrrrr! | want a drink of waterrrr-gr That's how lions talk. te ey En el la selva habia tanque de agua, y el agua a tranquila y clara y brillaba MO un espejo. Share el Ledn ya tenii id, y cuando se acercé al dijo a si mismo “iGrerrrrr! Quiero un trago de agua-grermrerr.” Asi es mo hablan los leones. he looked in and saw his o the suri wey Well, he had never seen his reflection in the water before, so he thought there was anather lion in the pool of water, who was looking back at him. And he was too afraid of this other lion to drink anything at all! Wasn't he a funny lion? “Oh, dear me!” he said to himself. “That's another lion, and he wants to stop me drinking his water.” And then he said, “Grrrrrrr!” to the other lion, which, in lion-talk, means “I want some water too!” Bueno, como nunca antes habia visto su reflejo en la agua. entonces pensé que habfa otro len en el estanque, el cual lo estaba mirando. Y sintid tanto miedo del leén que veia en el agua que no se atrevia a tomar ni un traguito. ¢Verdad que era un ledn muy extrafio?” “TPobre de mi!” dijo Share. “E| otro leén que esta alli no me deja tomar un traguito de su agua.” Y después le rugié iGrrrrrrr!” al otro ledn, lo que. en el idioma de los leones, significa “iYo también quiero agua!” And then the other animals, who were now thirsty, came to drink water from the shining pool, and they saw Share the Lion and said, “What are you doing looking into the water and going *Grr-grr and not having a drink?” Share the Lion sighed and said. “I can’t have a drink of water because there is another lion in there, and he keeps saying *Grr-grr’ to me.” Some of the animals began to laugh a little when they heard him say this because they knew that it was his reflection in the water. But Share the Lion didn’t. Entonces los otros animales. que ya también tenian sed, llegaron al estanque reluciente, y vieron a Share el Leén y dijeron, “é¢Por qué estés mirando el agua y rugiendo en vez de tomar un traguito?” Share el Ledn suspiré y dijo. “No puedo tornar un traguito de agua porque ahi hay otro leén, y me esta rugiendo.” Algunos de los animales se empezaron a reir un poco cuando le oyeron decir eso porque sabjan que era su propio reflejo lo que Share veia en el agua. Pero Share el Ledn no sabia. And then a beautiful butterfly flew very close to the Lion’s ear and said in her tiny little voice. “Don’t be silly, Share the Lion. There’s nobody in the water!” But Share the Lion said, “Of course there's somebody in the water. | can see him!” Entonces una bella mariposa volé muy: cerca de la oreja del Ledn y le dijo con su pequefia vocecita, “iINo seas bobo, Share el Le6n. iNo hay nadie en el agua!” Pero Share el Ledn dijo, “iClaro que hay alguien en el agua. Yo lo puedo ver!” and waited to see what would happen. s © » . ©) Y todos se detuvieron

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