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Student : Angel Jahyr Suclupe Garcia

Teacher: Rossy Linares

Basic 10

My future plans
Hello, my name is Angel Jahyr Suclupe Garcia and I am going to talk about
my future plans, I am going to tell you three of them: giving my parents a good
life, buy a house and traveling to the United States.
First, giving my parents a good life; this is plan is the most important
because want my parents live with amenities and than have a good life, in
summary want give them back all everything they gave me.
Second, buying a house; this plan want fulfill it to be able to become
independent, want look after of my parents but don’t want be a burden to them,
and also to be able to live there when I have my family
Finally, traveling to the United States; I want to fulfill this plan because I like to
explore new places, I am an adventurer and I like travel, also because I
promised a friend that I would take her.
In conclusion, these are goals that I want to achieve in order to have happiness,
and I will not be redirected because I am very persevering and I want to be a
better person.

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