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LECTIO (1st Prayerful Reading): What is the WORD that Struck or Inspired you?


MEDITATIO (2nd Prayerful Reading): What is the MEANING of the Word that STRUCK/

In literal meaning, the word Seed is the small hard part of a plant from which a
new plant grows including
everything from trees to grasses to bushes. Beyond it's literal meaning, it
represents the word of God or
His message.

ORATIO (3rd Prayerful Reading): What is God’s INVITATION for you through this WORD?

The word tells me to come closer to him, hear his message, and live with it
throughout my life.

CONTEMPLATIO (4th Prayerful Reading): What is GOD’s PROMISE to you through THE

It's a word that God tells that His words will start to deepen and grow within
myself, just as a planted
seed starts to grow

ACTIO (5th Prayerful Reading): What is YOUR RESOLUTION or PLAN of ACTION in

Response to the

In response to the word, I'll first strengthen my faith in God, apply his wordings
to my personal life,
and pray perpetually.

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