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UNIT 3 Extension

1 ABC News is interviewing Victor Adams about his job. Read the interview and answer the

An Interesting Job
Interviewer: Hi, Victor. We’ve heard that you’ve got a very interesting job. Can you tell us
about it?
Victor: Well, I work for a snack company. I’ve been there for three years and I love
5 Interviewer: Sounds like fun! What exactly do you do?
Victor: My job is to create original sweet snacks. I think of ideas for new snacks and
then I test them. It’s great. My work day is from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm and
during that time, I try about 14 different kinds of chocolates and sweets to
make sure they are just right. That’s the fun part of my job.
10 Interviewer: So what isn’t fun?
Victor: Well, when I’m not tasting food, I’m in the office on the phone. Also, the
company’s busiest time is during the holidays because during holiday time,
people have parties and buy snacks. So when people are out enjoying
themselves, I’m usually at work.
15 Interviewer: That’s a shame. But do you ever get tired of eating chocolate and sweets?
Victor: No, so far I haven’t. I’m just happy knowing I’m creating something people
Interviewer: Well, thank you for talking to us and for making things we enjoy eating.

1. Where does Victor work?

2. What does he do?
3. How many hours a day does he work?
4. Name two things he doesn’t like doing.
5. Does Victor like eating chocolate and sweets? How do you know?

2 Which part of speech is each of these words from the text in Exercise 1?
1. interesting (line 1) …………………
2. company (line 3) …………………
3. create (line 6) …………………
4. sweet (line 6) …………………
5. sweets (line 8) …………………

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UNIT 3 Extension

3 Imagine you’re working in your dream job. Write a paragraph about it. Make sure you answer
the following questions:
• Where do you work?
• How many hours do you work?
• What do you do there?
• What do you like about the job?

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