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How academic writing can change the way you write without you noticing

What is the importance of writing? Writing has ben a way to express yourself to others
through letters and words written or typed without actually saying them. After that, it
comes the way and what you actually write. The way you write can be called a composing
style, and one of the categories of what you write can be called academic writing. So what
I’m trying to tell in this essay is that: “Academic writing can change the way you work and
you haven’t noticed”.

First of all there are three composing styles, Heavy Reviser, Heavy Planner, and Sequential
Composers. So here is my explanation of which of these three is my composing style.
Normally, when I write an essay for school that isn't that complicated, I just follow the
same draft I've been using during the years. But, when I'm writing an important paper, I
always have to create an outline to follow and to remember certain aspects I must use in
certain parts of it. But I do not follow a strict outline, more like a mold that sets up the
limits of what topics do I write about. So I like having control over my paper instead of just
flowing with ideas, but I do not like having to have a strict outline that tells me what
exactly I need to write. So first I always brainstorm ideas on a paper of what I could use for
this paper. After selecting the useful and convenient ones, I create the outline I must
follow. Then, I just write using the mold as the limits of what I can write to complete this

Then, after showing my composing style, I started to think what academic writing is. I
think what essentially is academic writing is a clear, concise, and backed up evidence
formal paper. It contains a formal language and some complex vocabulary. This paper can
be an essay or article that contains structure, evidence and planned in a formal way. This
way, articles and essays have an universal structure with such ways that even though it's
the same structure is becomes an entire different paper.

So after showing these paragraphs talking about academic writing and my composing
style, I want to talk about the importance of academic writing in my life. Academic writing
is an important part of my life. I can say this since education has been an important part of
my life, since I have spend like a third part of my life studying or at school I’ve been using
academic writing in my life without noticing. So academic writing has been developing my
composing style without noticing. By this creating a way I work when creating essays and
articles for academic purposes.
After this what I’ve shown you, is what si my composing style, what is academic writing,
and the importance of it in my life. With this I’ve also shown you how academic writing
can change you as how you work. It shows you how our brains take decisions of
something important without you even noticing. This means that the way we write is
being decided from your personality traits and I’ve written an academic paper maybe
without you noticing.

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