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hello classmates and good morning ma’am I all of you

am happy to see you again
now i am here to present my report entitled,
Interpersonal Relationship so what i suggest is that the positive
and the emergence of wisdom relationships
i am going to begin with the need of is the ultimate remedy due to many
positive relationships at our workplace reasons
i am also going to talk about the the first reason is that we are
benefits of positive relationships basically teachers
i will also give you some important tips and teaching is basically a profession
on positive relationships and finally i about doing the best for and giving the best
will leave you all with a choice to our students
and we'll talk about the ultimate choice we all exist and serve
that you have as a teacher to help our students
or as a colleague so i i feel that
giving something good to students is a
collective responsibility and nobody
well to begin with can do it alone
why should we think about positive you may be great you may
relationships or maintaining interpersonal be positive but then
relationships at workplace the entire teamwork is really needed to
simply because nobody of us likes give them
negativity the best in education
nobody of us likes to envision an another reason
atmosphere where there are quarrels or which i strongly feel is
there are negativity or there is back salary that we earn through our hard
biting or there is some complaints and so on work is something which feeds the
so basically any workplace or job as we stomach
have already seen we know we can get comfort and luxuries
it is full of people who have different through our salary
identities or different personalities but then it is positive workplace
now due to this diversity of people and relationships which
personalities key use ultimate satisfaction that means
there might arise some conflicts or it feeds the heart
difference of so that's why positive relationships are
opinions which are found in every needed
workplace but what happens is
when this difference of opinion or
conflict leads to some annoying or another one more important reason is
irritating behavior on someone's part the synergy which is created
or there are some quarrels or conflicts stephen covey who is the famous author
it automatically of the famous book
generates some stress or negativity the seven habits of highly effective
which is not desirable at any cost people
because in the long run it affects he says very nice words
your mind he says that
personal health, students and the entire synergy
institute is better than my way or your way it is
you might say why should i bother our way
let it be so as you can see if there is
but then positivity amongst colleagues
i don't think why bother approach will some nice interpersonal relationships exist
be adequate always in the atmosphere of the
there will be some day which when you institute
and your colleagues need to take some it will lead to a great synergy
constructive actions and find solutions if people get united
for everlasting peace and happiness of it may lead to very stronger results

leads to the progress and success of any

to see into the institute
definite benefits that everybody gets it creates more positive energy and
let us refer to makes the atmosphere very welcoming
every benefit that is given to every it makes it easy for an institutional
individual and staff member members to solve various issues through
see as far as an individual that means cooperation and teamwork
you as a person well this was about benefits
are concerned
positive relationships at
a workplace
make you feel good deeply satisfying and now let us see how we can cultivate
more connected to the workplace positive relationships how we can
it also gives you the support of maintain interpersonal positive
co-workers whenever you are relationships
facing stressful times i have divided the steps into four parts
it generates the first part is
strong personal bonding build relationships the second is
with you among you and your colleagues strengthen the relationships
it leads to more happiness the third is protect your relationships
positivity and job satisfaction and the fourth is
as far as team result is concerned staff is finally maintain and prosper your
concerned relationships
I feel that positive relationships can
lead to familiarity
and a big amount of friendship which to begin with the first part you can
is built amongst teachers take you can keep it in your mind that
it also leads to trust, respect, we are beginning to build something
collaboration and accountability on the create something
part of various top members see, building anything strong and
it helps you to create harmonious positive takes some time
atmosphere in your staff so likewise as far as building
it also makes it easy to work together relationship is concerned
for all of us you should try to know the interests and
hobbies of your people
at your workplace and also find
to go next it also gives some something common
benefits to students and institute which all both of you or all of you may
particularly enjoy together
because we know we can understand it so please try to relate to socialize and
very well that a happy teacher can interact with
teach in a happy manner a happy teacher all people at your institute don't go
is one who can serve students in a for groupism or
better way pair go for the unity of the
so having positive relationships at your entire staff members
workplace don't wait for others to make the first
it includes relationships with your head move
or principal with colleagues and you're see charity begins at home
with your students as well likewise any good thing begins at home so
it leads to instead
improved quality of teaching of waiting for someone to call you
and learning because you are happy from or instead of waiting for someone to
within so it definitely leads to the start relationship with you
development of students please join please connect to all people
as far as an institute is concerned on your own
there is no doubt about it that the so connect with them, know them better
positive relationships at any workplace and spare time amidst hectic schedule

i know we all are very busy with our routine anywhere in the world
but then, if you want to build a good but then in order to feel that air we
relationship be it with staff members or be it need to switch on the fan
with your students you need to spare some so feelings are there everywhere between
time two people but then
when you express gratitude it makes it
receptive it makes one receive those
another thing which i would suggest is feelings in a better manner
show some care so please express gratitude
and concern for their feelings and please praise
well-being appreciate or admire your colleagues or
i am talking about both students likewise
colleagues and students learn to compliment on their
see we are ultimately human beings we may achievements
be intelligent say some encouraging words whenever you
but then we are human beings so please get chance whenever someone has done
show some care and concern for others as a good task please say encouraging words
well you can also leave
also try to celebrate because it's not a note or a token of appreciation which
necessary that you should go and come will indeed make
back another person very happy
by working only celebrate some memories
create some memories with people to go to level 3 protect
share their happiness whenever well we need to understand the term protect
colleagues or students are happy relationships
share their happiness first of all
please value and respect to them because i know that for a majority of people
everybody of us has something if they are good in the nature if they
which makes us worthy of respect so try are good by the nature and they are
to respect your colleagues and students happy and positive
on the ground on the basis of whatever almost life goes on and no conflicts
little they can offer to you take place between people who work with
but then i mean something very important
i will suggest you that if we want to by protecting relationships
begin with level 2 strengthen your there might be some minor issues i mean
relationships difference of opinions
please support your colleagues or the in our hearts there might be some past
students about any work or matter memories
because we are social beings and which make us a hesitant to connect
that is the world cannot exist without emotionally with other people
the support of so it is regarding this that i am
each other so sympathize when people are talking well you may have some
troubled at your workplace differences with your colleagues
help whenever they need it but even if the differences are
express gratitude irritating or offensive
you would say don't get involved unless it affects you
why should i express gratitude because directly
it mean sometimes we react very soon
since we take everything for so please
granted we are very busy with our things stop
so we sometimes reacting think about how you are
forget to express our gratitude reacting and consider
I would like to is it really any of your business you
give you an analogy of a fan as we know might feel that you need to react at
as the science says as we know that very moment
even a child knows that air exists but then think is it really of your

business another thing another question backbiting and gossip are something
that you need to ask is which does not which do not suit us
do you really need to get involved so please keep in mind that even if you
see feel like sharing some juicy or spicy
there are times when we information with someone
involve in fun we involve in please keep it in mind that we are
mockery of someone we involve in making teachers and doing such things
fun of someone but then helps no one in our organization so if
please try to restrict yourself as far possible
as your emotions are concerned avoid unnecessary gossip or backbiting
you can also convince your staff members
or colleagues to do the same
as far as protecting relationships is at any cost in any situation
concerned this is also very much don't start spread discuss
important gossip or rumors about parents students
see we are human beings and when we are and most importantly don't discuss or
working together there are there may be backbite your colleagues with students
times when we need to parents and other colleagues
indulge in some conflicts so whenever if you feel that people around you are
conflicts take place discussing something negative or they
if someone is angry or not in a good are involved in some go see for backbiting
mood when he or she approaches you you may point it out very gently
and out of anger out of his extreme that why don't we talk about something
anger else let's talk about something else
he crosses a certain level of disrespect you can change the topic in your wise
don't start quarreling manner and you can walk away as well
don't argue or don't be judgmental so finally, what you need to keep in
if you are a human being if you are an mind is nip a gossip in the body itself
intelligent human being see there is no point in going on
please show some understanding because talking about various kinds of gossips
there might be some reason for his or because it ultimately
her anger wastes your time and potential so nip a
so try to calm him or her down even if gossip in the bird itself
he or she
is unreasonable simply agree to him or
her at that very moment another thing which i would suggest
so that you can avoid a big potential is try to stay away from negativity
conflict see we are human beings i am
so if it is possible please stop also one of you so i know that there are
discussion at that very moment times when we
you may change the subject or wait till we have to be negative
that an we become negative automatically
another person comes down don't discuss sometimes
that but then as far as possible please stay
what issue that at that very moment away from negativity
please and the symbolic picture of gandhiji's
try to go walk away three monkeys
tells us a lot don't listen to anything
bad or negative
this is a very important thing it is don't see anything bad or negative or
said don't speak
that gossip is the cancer of any anything bad or negative so try to avoid
workplace or minimize your exposure to negative
and i agree to it so i would suggest you people
to avoid gossip or backbiting information or influences don't let
see we are teachers and i think as negative things said about you get under
far as professionalism is concerned your skin

don't take rumors random discussions if you can't give at least forgive
points personally this is the least we all of us can do well if
don't rationalize hurtful behavior if you were wronged or
someone insulted or are holding an old grudge
behaves in a very rude manner with you with your colleague or co-workers or
don't take it to your heart students
even if it is deliberate assume that it please move beyond it in the past
is not so for your own peace of mind if someone had created an undesirable
issue to you
well there is please forgive and go ahead because
some caution nothing matters more than the peace of
as far as making fun of mind
colleagues is concerned somebody had told you something before
use humor appropriately five years just for two minutes
tease or joke with someone only if he or and just after saying that that person
she can take it in the right spirit has already forgotten it
take into account his or her feelings then why are you remembering it for the
before poking fun last five years now it is occupying
a person may feel bad when you make fun unnecessary space in your mind and heart
of him so make sure that you so please try to
take into consideration his nature as forgive that person please forget that
well as his probable response thing whatever bad incident that occurred
with you please work closely with all people
this is a very important thing please though they have insulted you in the
leave futile expectations past please show your support
we are human beings and we might expect please show your support always to that
some appreciation from others when we person even if he or she insulted you or
have performed something good did bad with you in the past see when
but then don't complain about getting you forgive
into too much respect you don't change the past but you change
recognition or appreciation the future
your good work is always going to be so please keep this in mind if you want
noticed to be happy please try to forgive
at some point of time or other but for
the time being if your work is not
noticed level 4 the last level is
that's fine don't complain about it and maintain and prosper your relationships
be mature the picture says it all so please try to
be wise don't expect someone else's respect mentor people at your workplace in the
or recognition or appreciation areas of your strength
you might be strong in some
technological areas or in some personal
well you can definitely offer try to habits
uncover what is bothering someone so please try to mentor others as far as
people around you may be bothered about your strength is concerned
something they may be worried about you can share with your students and
something colleagues the up-to-date knowledge on
so whenever you find that people are not the latest trends
in the normal mood technology updates unique skills
of everyday life then please try to knowledge techniques lessons experiments
offer experiences ideas advices
a hand to help and an ear to listen and tips on what works and what does not
somebody might be troubled work
so try to help them by doing so you may suggest effective plan and
actions this will lead to
the benefits of all of you

of motion was that for every action

there is equal amount of
i would draw your attention towards this strong and natural reaction similarly
fact kindness what do i what dwight the eisenhower the
costs nothing it is said be kind former u.s president says will help us
for everyone you meet is fighting a hard to understand this point
battle so please he says let us do unto others as
remember this always and make people we would have them to do unto us
realize so
that they are important to you at any when you behave with someone in a
point of time and you value them really particular manner please remember that
you can show a gesture of kindness and you will be
humility whenever you find an treated in the same manner
you can take on additional roles and finally
responsibilities i would tell you please value all your
willingly you can swap a duty if relationships
possible because our relationships are like this
if it is possible you can definitely do glass mosaic
it you can offer to give a bit of a it needs much time to build this
break to a colleague who is very tired beautiful mosaic
what stephan covey says is really worth likewise similarly it takes much time to
noting he says build
we can truly understand one another and any strong relationship but out of anger
move the relationship forward or out of any misunderstanding
only when we try and put ourselves in when you do this it means you are
another's shoes breaking that mosaic you are
so please try to understand the scenario you are throwing a hammer on that glass
the situation through which so that will lead to nothing but
your colleague is passing but the ruins of that so that means your
be flexible might be spoiled because of some little
and receptive try to see brighter side misunderstanding
of any issue or event or because of your anger so please learn
try to be open-minded value
try to learn to learn to value all your relationships
allow others to do and be their best
don't restrict i would leave you with a tip to remember
don't force your thoughts on them that is
have it's not a singular action which
positive and supportive interactions develops a trusting relationship
with all because multiple actions over an
not a few selected people extended period
maintain the help to earn trust you need to do
dignity of multiple actions to build a trust in any
all people at all times it includes your relationship
students as well but you need to remember that you can
try to create finally an atmosphere of always do something to
trust improve any relationship so try to do it
at your institute and finally positive relationships is
something which does not happen
as you sow automatically
so shall you deep the newton's but it will take both time and effort on
newton's third law of motion i think your part
would help us understand this point
what newton suggested in this third law

well finally let me show you a choice

that you have
all men and women are born live
suffer and die what distinguishes
us one from another is our dreams
whether they be dreams about worldly or
unworldly things
and what we do to make them come about
we do not choose to be born we do not
choose our parents
we do not choose our historical epoch the
country of our birth
or the immediate circumstances of our
we do not most of us choose to die nor
do we choose the time and conditions of
our death
but within this realm of choicelessness
we do choose how we live so
it's up to you how to make relationships
whether to build relationships or to
make or more relationships it's all up
to you
you decide how you live
so if you want to stay happy at your
workplace and live a healthy life
please choice please go for positive
so these words of joseph epstein are
extremely valuable for all of us

let us depart with a wake-up call change

things around you by changing things
inside you
this is something which we need to
reflect upon if we want to build
a very positive and harmonious
relationships with our colleagues
and our students

so that's it thank you

very much
i am sure all of you must have got some
valuable tips from this session
Thank you

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